Posted by Welcome to Hogwarts!

Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-06 01:04:40

Welcome To HogwartsAs you walk home from school you look around to see other kids playing and having fun. As you aproch your house you see an old looking owl sitting on the pparch with an old envollop. The owl let it go adn flew away to god knows where. You grab it adn opened it up slowly reading it through it read.:

Dear Mr/Ms. [Surname],
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.


~My word is law
~Don't beg
~Don't kill of an oc tat doesnt belong to you
~Don't yell at someone who makes a mstake not everyone knows harry potter front to back.

Teachers and head master
~Meghan Caesar (Charms)

First years

Second years


Third years

Fourth years

Fith years
~Alexander "Alex" Hurtz
~Iris wells (werewolf and animagu)
Sixth years
Sventh years

First years

Second years


Third years

Fourth years

Fith years
Sixth years
~Ozias Fotakis. (animagus)

Sventh years

First years
~Gardenia (Dia for short) Nyree Leighton

Second years


Third years

Fourth years

Fith years
~ Constantine Babbitt
~Echo Sanchez
Sixth years
~Clover Duke
Sventh years

First years
~Nanaco Longclaw

Second years


Third years

Fourth years

Fith years
~Celandine (Cei) Raisani
~Sam welch (Making animagu potion!)
~Jasper Montgomery.
Sixth years
Sventh years
~Noah Daniels

Character Sheets

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Edited on 09/05/19 @ 10:00:10 by greenapple (#127393)

Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-19 00:51:12
Alright, guys, I want to inform you that you may start but it is a day before they board the train! Also, pm me if you want to be an animagus! only accepting a few (like 3-4) I have 2 characters and 1 will start off as one and the other will use the potion to become one!

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-20 00:05:10
Imma start first!)))

Iris wells searched around her large room, her room was located in the right wing of the large house she lived in with her mom, dad, and her older brother who was now a perfect in school, everyone in her family was sorted into Slytherin other than her so she had claimed the farthest room from them. Her family focused on the purity of their blood more then there own daughter, who they were extremely disappointed at for being sorted into Gryffindor. She grabbed her small book and the feather pen off her old oak shelf and started walking over to her large canopy bed which she had used magic, though knowing it wasn't allowed, to make her canopy look like the night stars and to tell her how many days the full moon was away "Four days" she murmured as she turned her head over to her white door that had suddenly opened "Mum wants you downstairs for lunch in five minutes" her brother Samual panted.

Sam Welch groaned as the afternoon sun hit his face, he wiped a large hand over his eyes before slowly sitting up and resting on his elbows. "Sir you really should listen to your father when he says wake up before sunrise," his house elf finky said in her usual high voice. He smiled wide and sat up the rest of the day "Hello Finky and I know what he said I was working hard in the library last night and need the extra sleeping hours" he said before swinging his legs over the side of the bed and letting his feet hit the ice cold wooden floor. He stood up but stumbled a bit "A sir with all do respect what have you been working on" she said but there was a hint of worry "You haven't been sleeping at normal times since you got back, you've also sent out many secret owls." Sam smiled again at Finky "Im all good just schoolwork" he answered as he walked into his closet.

Noah looked back over to his mother who was rambling on about him not ending up a perfect but all he could see was his fists hitting his punching bag like rain was hitting the large roof that covered their heads. "May I be escused?" he asked in a polite tone. His mother rudely ignored his request and he was starting to get frustrated "May I be Excused" he yelled at his mom. She had abruptly stopped and stared at her son youngest of one. "Fine" she hissed as she pushed her wine glass away and Noah took his leave. As he ran through the hallways he thought that the whole world could hear the way his heart was beating for how loud it rang in his ears.

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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2019-04-20 00:38:02
Alas, it was her last day of freedom and what was Clover doing? Lying on her bed and facing the ceiling. Her speaker was placed on her dresser, music from 'A Bludger to the Head' playing quietly. Clover should be out there- doing stuff with friends. It seemed that most people weren't exactly ready for the next school year to begin; especially since most people didn't have parents who liked to organise said things the day after the last year ends. Clover's parents had even started a petition to get the book list sent out earlier, however to no avail.

With a quiet sigh, Clover rolled off her bed. She had to shoo Atticus away from her trunk before she could go over everything she had packed. This year wasn't going to be like last, where she forgot to pack any comfortable shoes. There were about 5 or 6 pairs in the magically enlarged trunk. All of her uniform and books were stored away neatly, stationery too. Clover was going into this new school year with an improved mindset, and a mission to make more friends. Her first quest? To sit in a random cabin on the train with people she didn't know. Or- she would try multiple cabins until somebody finally let her stay. Clover wasn't quite as charming as she often believed, but that didn't deter her confidence.

Clover began to trudge towards the kitchen, Atticus under her arm. Her wand was left on her bed, it was only five months now until she could use magic outside of school- and Clover couldn't wait.

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-20 00:53:33
Iris looked over at her desk and watched the necklace her grandfather had given her, Remus Lupin her grandfather had died when she was only five years old. "I'll be right down" she whispered. She took small strides to her large walk-in closet and swung the doors open. Her mother didnt like when she wore 'Muggle clothing' she stripped off her clothes and put on her proper attire. She turned around happy to see her brother had left. She walked over to the door of her room and opened the door before walking out and slowly walking around the halls.

Sam pulled on some joggers and a tank top "Is father at the house" he called out as he fixed his hair "No sir he left for a business trip and won't be back in time to watch you leave" Finky said in a small voice. Sam growled deeply "Alright" he walked into the room and looked down at his elf "I need to get to to the train station before the last train for London leave," he says as he rushes over to the room door and grabbed his large suitcase "Ah Sir before you leave can you do Finky a favor" she asked as she walked up to him "Yeah sure" he said a little impatient "Be good sir please" She begs. "Ah Finky I will" he says running out of the room "Bye!" he called back to her

Noah slammed his door shut and looked around his small room "Where the" he growls as he notices most of his stuffs taken down "Your leaving after your last year of school" says a voice from behind. He turns to see his father standing by his closet door with his thumbs in his front pockets "Yeah well where the fuck are my things" Noah growls.

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Delinquent (#95362)

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Posted on
2019-04-20 03:44:08

Constantine had mixed feeling about returning to Hogwarts, he concluded, as he sat down in the field behind his house. He most certainly loved the creatures there, and a few select lessons to boot, and he was eager to get back to it. But, he was usually overwhelmed with a brief sadness as well, something very uncharacteristic of him. Of course, he loved his parents, but he didn't chalk his low mood down to leaving them - that fear had all but vanished in his first year. "What do you think, Enoch?" He asked, question posed to the reddish-brown bat entwined in his fingers. It said nothing, just as any animal should, but Constantine nodded anyway as if reflecting on it. After tucking his companion into the pocket of his shirt, Constantine went on the hunt for his crups.

It took no effort to find them, as they were tumbling messily over one another in a large patch of daffodils. "Mind the flowers!" Constantine warned, not really bothered at all, considering he'd trampled a few himself running over to them. Quickly dropping to his knees, he prepared for the onslaught of crup kisses, trying to hold them all at an arms length but failing. When their energy had died down, Constantine said goodbye to them all individually, for he would not have the time to do so tomorrow. Perhaps his unhappiness stemmed from leaving his crups behind, as he really did prefer animals over people.

"Constantine! Come and pack your bags, dear!" His mother called from the porch, "Unless you want to leave with just the clothes on your back!" She chided. The boy tried to get up, though Abel, his unannounced favourite, was still tugging at his shirt sleeve. Although clearly a horrible idea, one game of tug-of-war would leave him time to pack, right?

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Edited on 20/04/19 @ 03:44:19 by Snufkin (#95362)

✾Gala✾ (#66561)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-04-20 06:38:00


【 It was perhaps a good thing that Celandine was the only early bird in her family; the dewy Scottish air, the birdsong from up on the roof and the weak sunlight daubing the windowsills with the pots full of mint and thyme was like her comfort food, and this familiar solitude was made more special by the fact that it would likely be months before she saw it again.

Dishes clattered as Celandine slid over another plateful of omelette-on-toast onto the granite countertop, bending over to check the gas dial on the burnished stove. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail to keep it out of her face as she adjusted one of the knobs, letting the little dented saucepan of tea-and-milk hiss threateningly before settling. The light embedded in the low plastered ceiling was switched off, and the fan bolted to the wall was humming with full force, the breeze it generated causing the blue tongues of the gas flames flicker like snakes.

Snakes... Slytherin. Celandine stopped midway in the act of reaching for a set of cups from one of the pasty overhead cabinets. Ever since the Sorting Hat had announced her fate to a hall filled with judgemental children, she had been questioning the decision; what warranted her the infamous House of Death Eaters? Granted, over the course of the years she had learned that no Slytherin was inherently evil - only uncannily ambitious- and that most of the bad rep came from the pure-blood fanaticism thriving amongst misguided younger children and shady older ones- but nothing about why she belonged there. She assumed she was't self- aware enough to know yet.

The girl narrowed her eyes at the memory of the mini-cult that simply refused to die off. For all of her general apathy to whatever other people said or did, the one thing she was coldly forever opposed to was someone mishandling what was hers, and she'd been a part of the House long enough to develop enough loyalty to form skewed opinions of anyone who dragged it further down, whether intentional or not.

The saucepan began to hiss again, grounding her back to reality, and Cei swept her wand to the side to make way for four porcelain mugs. She collected the tea in them before carefully covering up each dish- there were three omelettes and five wheat pancakes in total, enough for her parents and four siblings- and swiped up the keys to her bedroom and closet. She clicked her tongue with impatience as she caught sight of the glassy clock on the wall- 7:58- and pulled on her velvety robes with haste, mindful not to crease it, already stumbling towards the doorway. It wouldn't do if she managed to be late with no excuse to show for it.

Celandine hauled her plastic suitcase out of the back door; when she turned to pull it shut behind her, she hesitated again. Should she go back and wake her parents up to say goodbye? Her siblings? After a moment's contemplation, she decided against it; Cei had already spent most of the night helping her father pack for his flight back to home country (he didn't believe in broomsticks), had patiently bore her mother lecturing her on every facet of her personality, and had promised more Chocolate Frogs than was physically possible for the four little gremlins.

The door clicked shut with finality. The walled courtyard was lavish with bouganvillea and edged with pine trees, so much so that she had to duck under a thorny branch before squeezing out the cold metal gate to the road; there stood an idling Honda Civic and a woman- her mother's friend Nicole, driver for the day- leaning against the bonnet, cigarette in hand and yellow cardigan keeping off the mist.

"Murphy?" Celandine questioned shortly, stuffing her trunk into the open hatch. She had a day's drive ahead of her before she could reach King's Cross in time, and it had been arranged that she could stay at an aunt's house as long as it was only for the night.

"Why'd ye ask?" the woman questioned, yanking the driver's door open. "He's already in the back, snoozing in the carrier and all."

Celandine swung herself inside with a huff, and discovered the aforementioned white cat-carrier belted down in the seat next to her; when she peered inside, the only thing visible was the faint gleam of white fur and seal-point tail curled against the netting. The girl locked the car door as the engine revved, crossing her legs and rolling the window down with an ease borne of practice to get settled in for the long ride. 】


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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-20 13:01:09
Iris wells caught her self when her small Maine coon had stepped into the middle of her path "Ah hey there" she said picking her cat up and holding it close to her chest, feeling its purr made her feel safer then she had felt in days. She started again but with her cat in hand, when she reached the small swinging door to the kitchen she frowned as she put her cat down and pet its head before she pushed into the door. "Hello mother" she mumbled as she took her seat by the island in the middle of the kitchen. "We have to leave bright and early tomorrow, your father is putting up a port ket in the sitting room, it will take us straight to platform nine and three quarters" he mother had said in a hurry as she pushed a fruit salad and a small sandwich to Iris. "Alright, mum" she muttered "Hey so am I coming back for Christmas break," she asked and looked over at her brother who was shoving his face with a BLT "No," he mother said harshly "Your brother is but you must stay at the school." Iris nodded showing she knew why but they both would rather not say.

Sam walked over to his old Ford pickup and threw his duffle bag into the box of the truck, he carried his owl into the truck with him opening the cage and letting him out to rest on the soft seats. As he climbed in he noticed a small note stuck to his steering wheel. He knew whos handwriting it was because it was incredibly sloppy and only he had learned to read it. 'Dear Sam, I apologize I wasn't able to be there to watch you leave but just take care. Love dad' He smiled before folding it up and putting it into his coat pocket "Alright you read" he called back to his owl who gave a small hoot. As he pulled out of the long driveway he looked up and through one of the windows he saw Finky waving at him furiously he waved back before driving away down the long narrow road.

Noah shook his head "Forget it, im leaving tonight" he said before turning on his heel and stomping out of the now empty room "Mom" he called as he slid down the banister, he walked into the sitting room to find his mom sitting at a small table folding clothing "Im leaving right now" he answered as he took his wand from his shoe and held it up "Accio bag" he growled. His mother looked up and frowned "alright I will miss you" she answered slowly. Noah looked at her with a face of shook "race" he yelled "Accio cage" he whispered this time and it came flying. Grace came and perched on his shoulder, as he bent down and, put her cage in his bag. He grabbed out his broom a walked out the door with his bag and Grace in tow.

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-27 23:06:45
Alright! This kinda died so imma put on hold till we get more people.

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✾Gala✾ (#66561)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-04-27 23:07:53
I think the problem is that it started wayy too early. it's better if we timeskip to the day they board the train so that our characters can interact with each other.

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-27 23:08:42
Hm, sure! Should we wait to see if more want to join, I just put an ad in the rp chat.

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✾Gala✾ (#66561)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-04-27 23:09:30
Sure, most of the RPers aren't on anyways

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-27 23:11:13

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-04-28 00:19:24
I'll admit I never joined in because I felt whatever I came up with would have been pretty boring/redundant so I was just waiting for everyone to start boarding the train lol. I'm still around whenever you decide to start things up again.

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Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-04-28 00:20:37
Well After i clean up my dens I need to head to bed so how about tomorrow morning?

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-04-28 00:25:03
I probably won't be around much tomorrow, but whenever is fine. I'll jump in whenever the opportunity strikes.

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