Posted by Facility RQF-D7 {A Shifter RP} Character Sheets

Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-04-19 09:52:45

Main Roleplay Thread


You remember the day it happened. Every TV station, every radio station, any screen at all blared the same message to all viewers:

“After this week’s Shifter attack at an amusement park, an awful disease has been identified exclusively in Shifters. How the disease spreads is unknown, but those afflicted with it become wildly unpredictable in animal form. As of now, all Shifter officials are being terminated of their positions for the greater safety of all. Afflicted of not, those will be placed under quarantine until a cure and vaccine can be deployed for all Shifters.”

Your life as a Shifter was never really the same then.

It happened in waves. First, Shifters in public offices and in service positions were terminated- doctors, police officers, and government officials. The second wave was more difficult to accomplish, but predatory Shifters or those with large animal forms were targeted. By then, many had gone underground and fled. And the third and final wave, which is still ongoing is ratting out the last few sneaky Shifters and those whose animals forms are small and mostly harmless. Though they didn’t pose as much of a safety risk, it was still necessary to quarantine them, as it is still unknown who may harbor the disease, even if they show no symptoms yet.

Which brings you to present day- you’re currently residing in Rosebrook Quarantine Facility D7, or RQF-D7, as the everything is codenamed. You were under the impression that everything was going to be alright, it’d just be a bit of temporary situation while scientists figured out this whole mess. You were mistaken.

This facility, it’s more like a prison.

Sure, you aren’t treated too badly. The workers and scientists are a little emotionally cold, but nothing too terrible has happened. You may get pulled back for the occasional exam, but it’s nothing too terribly bad, it’s like a doctor’s appointment. With the exception that you spend quite of bit of time in your “room”, which is like a cell, but the guards frown if you call it such. But luckily, you get time out of your cell. You’re a lucky one, as no one at Rosebrook has been identified carrying the disease. At least, you can still enjoy that bit of freedom to socialize, rather than to waste away in utter isolation.

The facility has been in operation for 4 years now. But, rumors are starting to spread amongst the Shifters that there’s no disease at all. The older residents have seen multiple transfers of Shifters in an out of their facility, yet none of them can ever recall seeing a Shifter afflicted by this mysterious disease.

Is this all a hoax? A ploy to erase Shifters from society? And if it is will you escape and show the world that there is no disease?

Shifter Info/Rules:
- A Shifter may have only one animal form.
- The most common animal forms are mammals and birds, but there are a number of Shifters with reptilian animals forms.
- It takes a lot of energy for a Shifter to switch between forms. The younger they are, the more energy it takes to be able to change between their forms. Even adult Shifters find that they need to rest a bit between changing forms. Some even wind up with a bit of a headache afterwards.
- Shifters keep their clothes when switching to and from a human. Likewise, anything their animal form has on their body will remain on that form until it is removed.
- A Shifter can be born to human parents in very rare instances. However, human-born Shifters tend to be more affected by switching forms. They tend to get sicker and need more rest between changing.
- A Shifter with two Shifter parents are typically a bit stronger and more resistant to the effects of changing forms. A Shifter with just a single Shifter parent will feel the effects a bit more, but through enough training, they can fight the sickness and weakness almost as well as a full Shifter.

”Disease” Info:
- It only affects Shifters, but it may affect Shifters of all kinds.
- The only symptom of the disease is a supposed reddening if the eyes in human form. The flashes of red come and go as the disease starts to take root.
- As the disease progresses, the individual becomes more aggressive and unpredictable in a human form. They find that they can’t change forms, but they’re usually too occupied by the pain in their head and the restlessly in their body.
- The final straw is when their animal form takes over and forces them to change into their animal selves without a shred of human qualities left in them. Their only instinct tells them to attack anything at all.
- It is currently unknown how the disease spreads. Some suspect it can be transmitted only through saliva of through a bite wound, as Shifters housed together don’t seem to contract the disease by breathing the same air as other Shifters.

Facility Rules/Guidelines
These may be broken! But expect consequences based off what you attempt to do!
- No fighting- any conflict or disputes may be brought to the attention of a guard who will settle it.
- You may not shift into your animal form during meals.
- You MUST shift into human form before you may exit your cell. You must stay a human until you have reached your destination.
- The only places where being in your animal form is permitted is in your room and in the courtyard. Researchers may also ask you to change forms if requested.
- Any plotting or attempt to escape will be met with severe consequences. It is not safe for shifters to leave, as the disease is still running rampant.
- You must be present for breakfast (8:00 AM), lunch (12;00 PM), and dinner (6:30 PM), unless excused for whatever reason.
- Any attempt to harm guards or other facility personnel will be met with severe consequences.
- All shifters are outfitted with a collar to monitor their location. The collar can also vibrate as a push to get you to move to where you should be. Any attempt to break or otherwise tamper with your collar will be met with consequences.
- Standard attire for all shifters are neutral colors, such as black, white, and gray. Sometimes, brown colors are also available. This is to make everything simpler and give clothes based off unisex sizes, without worrying about giving a particular shifter "gender appropriate" attire.
- When approached for a study or exam, you must comply with what is requested of you. Any defiant behavior will result in punishment or a loss of some privileges.

General Info About Rosebrook Quarantine Facility:
- The exact location of the facility is unknown. As all shifters arrived in darkened vehicles, they have no way of knowing where exactly they were transported.
- The facility is surrounded by vast and expansive fields. If you squint your eyes bit, a treeline in the far distance can be seen. The prairie landscape poses an additional challenge to escape, as anyone running away can be seen for miles.
- There aren't many locations available to the shifters. They can go to their "rooms", the courtyard, the dining room, the bathrooms/showers, and upon special request, they may visit the library and its adjoining conference rooms (Careful, as access to the library is rather restricted, everything in the library is heavily monitored.)
- Courtyard: The courtyard functions as an area for the Shifters to be "outside" and converse amongst one another. The ground is grassy, and it has stone pathways around the circumference of the plexiglass dome. The dome is broken up by the four pathways that lead to the center where a fountain is located. Shifters are permitted to touch and play with the water in the fountain, and even get in it if they wish, though the water isn't even a foot deep. The fountain isn't always on, and sometimes, it's instead drained out to conserve water.

The courtyard is also additionally used as a bit of a greenhouse. Fruit hangs on trees, vegetables grow from the edges of the dome, and if you dig a little into one of the two growing boxes for plants, you may uncover some strawberries or potatoes.

The Rooms: Each room is identical. In the corner of each room is a small bed, which is comfortably big enough for one person to sleep in. Because the bed and its frame are relatively light, they can be moved around the room, if the Shifter so decides to move it. Each room is also equipped with a small opening in the wall which serves as a "closet", where fresh clothes will be provided while the Shifters are eating their meals in the dining hall. They each also have a desk and chair. The desks have two drawers, but it's useless to hide things in them, as they are searched rather frequently.

The walls themselves are plain white in color. A few bold Shifters have asked for paint to paint them in different colors, but requests like those are always denied. Three of the four walls are white, while the fourth is made of very strong, unbreakable glass. In the middle is a small door that one would have to duck under to get out of as a safety precaution. The rooms are locked in two ways- the shifter can open it up with the touch of their hand and a scan of their eyes from the outside, but it will lock behind them and they will be unable to unlock it from the inside. Additionally, a guard can unlock the rooms with two keys- one key that's used for Block C, and another key that's individual to that room. However, it's futile to try and steal keys from the guards, because the only keys they carry are for the room block, and won't open up any other doors.

RP Rules:
- All Roleplay and LD rules apply!
- No godmodding/powerplay/etc. Keep things fair!
- Hate the character, not the player. If a dispute shall arise between players, we will all try and resolve it as best we can to please both parties.
- Please write at least a paragraph (5 sentences) per post! Ideally, I would like to see two paragraphs per post, but hey, we all get writer's block sometimes! This RP is intended to be semi/literate and I want everyone to be able to be able to write a decent post for what others have provided for them.
-If you don't think you can keep up with the post requirement, this may not be a suitable RP for you!
- For now, please limit yourself to two characters. If we need more characters, or if you would like to have an extra character, please private message me!
- If you have any questions, feel free to PM me, and I will answer your question(s) to the best of my ability!
- If you've read all the rules, please put your favorite ice cream flavor in the "other" section of your character form!

Accepted Characters:
- Pierre Gilles de Ruiter | 24 | Male | German Shepherd Dog | Played by: Pembroke (#717)
- Flynn "Magpie" Lockett | 27 | Male | Red-Billed Blue Magpie | Played by: Magpie (#77195)
- Josephine “Joey” Wright | 25 | | Female | Eastern Gray Squirrel | Played by: Aldwyn (#66395)
- Vervain Poinsettia | 19 | Female | Mountain Lion | Played by: Magpie (#77195)
- Rafael Ramirez | 25 | Male | Central American Jaguar | Played by: Vespertine (#33076)
- Siobhan Stone | 21 | Trans Woman | Black-Backed Jackal | Played by: Vespertine (#33076)
- Elias Dawn | 23 | Male | Plains Coyote | Played by: Husk (#37594)
- Morgan Everett | 26 | Demi-Girl | Brown Bear | Played by: GoldenLeo (#171146)
- Giselle "Gigi" Rothstein | 18 | Female | Striped Hyena | Played by: Pembroke (#717)
- Fionn Fawkes | 26 | Male | Human (Scientist) | Played by: Vespertine (#33076)
- Alistair Wolf | 32 | Male | Snow Leopard | Played by: Magpie (#77195)


Character Form:
Room Number (Everyone is located in Block C. There are 3 numbers in room numbers and "A" or "B". A rooms are located on the right side, B rooms are located on the left. Example: Block C: #010B):
Animal Form:
Physical Appearance (Human):
Physical Appearance (Animal):
Personal Items (Shifters may have a number of personal belongings. Items that may pose a security risk or a risk to themselves or other shifters are strictly prohibited. Anything confiscated upon their arrival is in holding until their release.):
Likes (optional):
Dislikes (optional):
History (optional):
Past Occupation (What were they doing before they were placed in quarantine? Job? Schooling? Etc.?):
Relationships (Friends, family, etc.):
Crush (optional):
Significant Other (optional):

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Edited on 30/04/19 @ 14:07:08 by Pembroke (#717)

Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-04-19 11:14:49

Pierre Gilles de Ruiter
(Or simply, "Pierre")

24 years

December 28th

Male (he/his)


Room Number:
Block C: #001A

Animal Form:
Domestic Dog (German Shepherd Dog)

Physical Appearance (Human):
At first glance, Pierre gives the impression of a quiet and brooding man. It's been years since he has been out in the normal, human world, and his current situation has taken a toll on him. Under a mass of thick, dark brown hair that threatens to reach his neck and a shadow of thick eyebrows, is a pair of amber eyes, which were once bright and full of life. Now, they seemed to have dulled, along with his spirit. under those eyes are dark circles from countless sleepless nights that he has spent deep in thought, or pacing around his room. As he doesn't always have access to a razor, Pierre sometimes has bit of stubble growing on the sides of his face, above his lip, and on his chin. He absolutely hates not being clean-shaven, as he was so used to keeping a clean appearance.

Body wise, he's rather typical. He stands at a height of 5'11 with an average weight to boot. He used to nothing but lean muscle, but those days are long gone, as he doesn't have any access to an appropriate gym, and the only way to "maintain" what physique he has left is to find ways to exercise his body on his own. Pierre's body is also pock marked with traces of his job on him. He has to gun shot wounds- one on the left side of his back, just under his shoulder blade, and the second on the right side of his back, just above his waist line. Of course, he's also covered in scars and scratches of all sorts, most of which are on his arms, others on his legs, and the most notable, on his right cheek.

Wardrobe-wise, Pierre wears exactly what the other shifters at the facility wear- neutral colored shirt and sweatpants or jeans. He aches for the day he can wear something else, even if that may only be a red T-shirt. He's sick of the white, gray, and black clothes he has at his selection. But more often than not, he's wearing a charcoal grey T-shirt with a pair of black or blue jeans, depending on how comfortable he'd like to be that day.

As with all Shifters at the facility, he was allowed to have small, personal belongings as long as they posed no threat to themselves, to guards, or to their fellow Shifters. The only thing Pierre brought, and the only thing he'd found meaningful enough to bring was his police officer badge. He's not allowed to wear it, as it may give the other Shifters a skewed image of him, but he is allowed to have it in his room, or his pocket, given that it doesn't leave his pocket, not that it ever would...

Physical Appearance (Animal):
As far as Shifters go, Pierre was both cursed and blessed to have a common animal for his animal form. As a German Shepherd, he is a rich-dark sable in color. His bones are considerably thick, as is his coat, but it is not long in length. Like his human form, his eyes are startling amber in color, which still have the smallest traces of life in them. He's also not a freakishly large animal, by any means. He stands at 25" inches tall at the shoulders and weighs a lean, but hefty 83 lbs. As a dog, he always bears the same gun shot wounds that his human form has.

The only accessory that Pierre's dog form has is a chain collar. He used to have a thick, black leather collar that had his police K9 badge on it, but he wasn't allowed to have that on him, so it was placed in holding to be given back to him when a cure was found and him and all the other Shifters were released.

Personal Items:
- Police officer badge
- Black leather police K9 collar and badge (IN HOLDING)

Pierre is a strange character, though he wasn't always like this. Four years ago, when he worked as a police officer, he was rather content and satisfied with life. He was easy to get along with and he had a secret penchant for bad puns. But that was in the past. Now, Pierre is somewhat sullen about life, after having spent the past 4 years "behind bars" though the only crime he had committed was being born the way he is. On the outside, his spirit seems a bit broken, but deep down inside, he's scheming, and trying to figure out an escape plan and a way to show the world that none of the shifters are diseased.

While he could try and attack the facility guards with brute force, he knows that would do him no good. He tries to be on his best behavior to earn a few extra privileges and some extra trust. Only then could he try and formulate his escape. Normally, being so compliant and doing thins he normally wouldn't sit well with him, but he recognizes the need for his behavior to be relatively good.

When he's not staying up all night and scheming up escape plans, he quite enjoys spending time outside in the covered courtyard, which functions sort of like a greenhouse. He finds it relaxing to be "outside" as much as he can. He especially likes it when those running the facility run the fans that let in the breeze of the outside. And sometimes, he just likes to sit down and stare at the outside world from inside the plexiglass dome. When it storms or rains, that makes the experience much better, though the guards usually want to shuffle the Shifters inside when it storms, even though they're protected but the dome.

Pierre always enjoys reading and formulating ideas from the books he reads. Though what books allowed at their disposal are often limited, Pierre finds that there's always a little nugget of information he can glean from the approved books. And lastly, Pierre just enjoys being a dog. He's spent most of his life in his animal form, so that's what feels most natural to him.

- Reading
- Bad puns and jokes
- Chocolate (even though it doesn't sit well with his stomach, possibly because he's a dog shifter)
- Watching storms
- Formulating plans that will never be put into action
- Being outside
- Being a hero
- Helping others (even if he doesn't seem all that enthusiastic about it anymore)

- Being locked up inside
- Getting called for an exam (he thinks he shouldn't be bothered by it, but there's just something strange about being touched by gloved hands that he does not like)
- Strawberries (he cannot stand the sweetness of them)
- Hot weather
- Turtlenecks (He has a weird hatred of them. If turtleneck sweaters are the only top offered in the winter, he stretches the collar of it out as much as possible to feel more comfortable.)
- Lack of action (He absolutely hates the predictability of his days. He longs for the thrill of being an officer again, which came with something new happening each day.)

Pierre never knew his parents. Not that anything tragic had happened to either of them. He was an accident, and unknown to his mother, his father had been a shifter. When she'd given birth to a 1lb "baby" his mother had been absolutely shocked by the weight of her child at birth. Everything had gone right? Right? She'd screamed when the doctors handed her a newborn puppy and told her that she had a healthy, little dog shifter "baby."

As expected, she gave him up shortly after that encounter. She had a fear of shifters and would never except a Shifter, even if it was her own son. From there, Pierre bounced between confused foster homes, before he set out on his own journeys and "disappeared." He embraced the life of a dog fully, living at some places for some time, and then moving onto others. In fact, bouncing between homes even moved Pierre from his home country of Belgium to many other countries, before he settled into new homes... across the world in the United States.

There, was Pierre's first taste of being a cop... of course, he started out as only a dog when an officer had taken him in. He showed great promise for a police dog, and Pierre picked up on everything at lightning speed before he got the go-ahead to be a fully-fledged member of the police force.

It wasn't until almost two years into his career when he'd come clean. He did so on the afternoon of his 18th birthday. He nosed into the office of his supervised who was delighted to see "K9 Nox" visiting him during his downtime. Pierre shifted right before his eyes, coming clean about everything. While he expected to be booted right off the force, the supervisor laughed and welcomed him further. He'd already put in so much and shown that he had the dedication and desire to keep the streets safe. Of course, he had to be offered a full position- K9 or human, whichever he chose. He chose to be a dog.

Everything went well for Pierre over the next two years, having full acceptance as a real police officer, until the fateful day when the leopard Shifter attacked at an amusement park. Pierre and a number of other officers were sent to investigate after the incident. When he'd searched around the area, Pierre didn't find any scent of disease or anything significant at all... he even considered the possibility that the ride operator just had a bit of a screw loose... but alas, he accepted it as disease.

A little over a month later, Pierre was called to speak with the chief. He had been terminated from his position as an officer. Pierre pleaded with him, but the decision was final. With the reputation of Shifters being tarnished as it was, would humans trust a Shifter police officer? Even if he was the most popular member of the force by a long shot? The risk was considered too great, and Pierre was told that someone from Rosebrook would bring him to the quarantine facility the next morning. Pierre fought the decision, but it was final. He would also never forget the moment when he was told that he was lucky for them to send him to Rosebrook, since there weren't any traces of the disease in the facility at all, and the few residents who currently lived there had turned themselves in for fear that they may be harboring the disease.

Since then, Pierre has spent 4 years at Rosebrook, and he definitely does not want to spend another one there.

Past Occupation:
Police Officer

Giselle Rothstein (Acquaintance)
Pierre knows that Giselle has been eyeballing him a bit over the past two years. He doesn't mind it. But his opinion of Giselle is vastly different than her opinion of him. He thinks of "Gigi" as an awfully sad, anxious person who appears so worked up over a disease that no one seems to think is real. He watches her be taken from her room every week to be tested for signs of the disease, but time and time again, she's never been afflicted with it.

Pierre knows Giselle's stance on the disease. She's terrified to leave, and she thinks everyone else who denies it is a fool. Still, he can't help but to try and be kind to her as best he can. As a result, he won't mention anything about the disease to her to avoid setting her off.


Significant Other:

Cookie dough!

- Pierre speaks with a Belgian accent, though it's faded in its heaviness over the years. Still, the accent is very obvious in his speech.
- Because of his personality, which was been deemed to be rather safe and unproblematic, Pierre gets called back for exams and tests a bit more often than other shifters, as they know that he won't cause any trouble.

. . . . . . . .

Giselle "Gigi" Rothstein

18 years

March 3rd



Room Number:
Block C: Room #002B

Animal Form:
Striped Hyena

Physical Appearance (Human):
Upon first glance, Giselle doesn't appear to be too much of a memorable person. She stands at a fairly average height of 5"5, and a weight of 140 lbs. Gigi has a dark complexion, a nod to her half African-American heritage from her mother's side. In the summers, her skin darkens yet, and the freckles that dot her cheeks are even more visible. While Giselle would think of them as giving her a child-like appearance, she's embraced them instead, for it's one reminder of a childhood cut short. Amongst the sea of freckles is her almost cherubic cheeks with a wide nose that has a subtle upward curve to it.

Her hair is of a mixed texture- it's neither frizzy or curly, nor is it straight. instead, Giselle's hair grows thickly in waves. She even thinks of her hair as her only memorable trait. it's black in color, and it frames her the soft features of her face well. The wavy ringlets of hair fall a little past her shoulders, and she'd prefer it much longer, if it weren't so difficult to maintain with the minimal hiar care products she has at her disposal. If there's anything to be proud of, it's her hair, though Gigi makes no show of admitting it's quite beautiful. Of course, she would vehemently deny any compliments of her beauty in the first place, figuring that people are only saying it to boost her up... after all... she just feels so... plain. Which ties into her next trait- her eyes. They're coffee brown in color, which Gigi secretly hates, for she had a slight envy of her friends who were graced with eyes of all colors of the rainbow- blue, green, hazel, she wished she could have cool colored eyes.

As for the rest of her body, Gigi has no marks or scars on her body. Sure, she's had scratches and bruises from time to time, but nothing that's left any permanent marks on her body. Wardrobe-wise, Giselle isn't picky. Whatever's clean and in her drawers, she'll wear it. The only item that Gigi wears on a daily basis is her father's golden chain necklace that he gave to her before their little family was separated. She has no preference at all. But like all the other shifters, Giselle has a yearning to wear something else. For her, that's a pretty sun dress in yellow or pink. She's expressed such desires in letters to her father for a change of clothes. Gigi knows that whatever her father sent her was confiscated, as the promised emerald green dress that he had sent her for her birthday had never made it to her room.

Physical Appearance (Animal):
Gigi's animal form, a striped hyena, isn't seen often at all. She's very much in denial of the shifter part of her that wasn't discovered long ago. She is a very typical specimen in regards to her species. Gigi stands at a height of 26 inches at the shoulder and tips the scale at a dainty 63 lbs. her hyena eyes are golden-yellow in color- two shocks of color in the middle of her black-masked face. Her fur is straw brown in color with a number of vertical black stripes going downwards on her body. Most remarkably about her animal form is the fact that she has a shock of black hair trailing from the crest of her neck to the tip of her tail. These black hairs stand un end when she's feeling unsure or agitated, not that that has ever happened though, as she's never spent enough time in her animal form to know and embrace it.

Like all shifters at the facility, her animal form sports a tracking collar, which is high up on her long neck. It bothers her enough as a human, but as an animal, it feels even worse... constricting... somehow.

Personal Items:
- Several letters sent to her from her father.
- A single letter from her mother.
- Her father's gold chain necklace
- A family photo
- A keychain souvenir from a family vacation to Florida
- Letters from her father that contain "sensitive" information (Confiscated, possibly shredded and discarded.)
- An emerald green dress (IN HOLDING)

Gigi is a suspicious, anxious person, but she wasn't always that way. Before she knew that she was a shifter, she was rather typical, as far as pre-teen girls go. Once she learned that she was a shifter, that changed her completely, even more so to know that she was a carnivorous animal, and one that was large enough to hurt someone. Of course, her capacity to hurt and kill wasn't one of her first thoughts. Instead, she learned repulsion for that part of her. She wanted to hide it, smother it, and pray that it would go away. But there was no way to make it go away, it would forever be a part of her.

When the accident happened was when Gigi changed forever. She became afraid of herself, of what that beastly side of her would do if it were given the chance. Even now, in a disease-free facility, she's afraid of what might happen if she were infected. She was never a violent person, and in fact hated violence, so it was natural that she wouldn't want any harm to come to anyone else.

Giselle knows that the facility is her only sense of safety. She wouldn't leave it if given the chance, not even to see her own family again. The only thing that would coax her out would be a cure and a vaccine for the disease, so she'd know that everything was safe for everyone around her.

When she's not worrying herself sick over the disease, she's quite a kind and sensitive person- traits that lead her straight to her paranoia. Depp down, she's friendly and easy-going when she's comfortable and knows that no harm will come to anyone. In that sense, she feels like it's her duty to look after others, whether they would like her to or not, even if she is still so young.

She enjoys spending time in the "heightened" safety of her room. She's often drawing or humming to herself peaceably, which is somewhat refreshing to see from her, instead of her usual frantic behavior. Giselle's caring to a fault, she's even got a green thumb to take out her enjoyment for caring on. When she's out in the courtyard, she enjoys tending to the plants and harvesting them, if need be. Likewise, it also upsets her if someone ruins her handiwork, or doesn't follow through with the weeding, as she sometimes asks others to tend to if she doesn't want to go out for a long time.

All in all, Giselle is a kind in caring person who's plagued with fear over the disease and losing control of herself. if she knew that she'd hurt someone, she'd know that she'd never be able to forgive herself and would live forever with guilt.

- Ice cream
- Tending to plants
- Drawing
- Singing
- Caring for others
- Basking in the sun
- The night sky (she could look at the stars for hours)
- Living in safety

- Hurting others
- Mentions of the disease and of escape
- Violence
- Argumentative and rude people (especially towards the guards, which Giselle doesn't think they deserve the verbal abuse they often receive)
- Being outside her room too long (It's like her personal refuge. It feels better to feel "sealed off" sometimes
- Being cold
- Spicy foods

Giselle hails from a long line of "half" shifters. It seems as though in every couple in her heritage, one was a shifter and the other a human. In her case, her father, Paul, was a human, and her mother, Katherine, was a half shifter (a Brown Hyena, to be specific.) Throughout her childhood, her parents had thought Giselle was simply a human child, which was okay by both of her parents. Shifter or not, they would love her all the same. However, her mother always suspected something... different about Giselle, but she didn't know what. Years passed and Giselle was further and further from the age of a first shift. It was then that her mother ignored that suspicion she had about her daughter.

When Gigi was 12, something seemed awfully wrong about her. Her behavior would change rapidly, which was chalked up to the beginnings of becoming an angsty teen. However, her eyes would briefly flash yellow, an indication it wasn't simply something in her mind. One trip to the doctor's later, and the wolf shifter doctor was proud to announce the "birth" of their daughter once more as a Striped Hyena.

Giselle was not happy about this. all her life, she thought that she was just a human. Now this? Her DNA said that she was a shifter, but she'd never even been in this form. The doctor had prescribed a few pills for her to take that would make unlocking that part of her easier, as well as a thin book about learning how to control a shift. Gigi resented all of this. She just wanted to carry on as she had for her entire life now. She would bury that shifter part of her.

Only she couldn't. her mother gently prompted to her to try and discover that part of her. Each evening, Katherine would help Giselle with shifting. It didn't work for a very long time, and sometimes ended up in a few screaming matches with her mother, but Giselle figured it out one night on her own.

That was the beginning of the acceptance, although it hurt so badly to do it. So badly, that she'd have to skip a day of school just to recover from the tax on her energy. So she would "accept" it for now, but, she wouldn't necessarily prefer that side of her.

When "The Accident" happened, Gigi went hysterical. She' thought her life was over. She'd known all along that this "shifter business' would end up getting her in trouble one day. And lo and behold. She was convinced it would spread to her next, she'd go savage, and hurt her mother, father, and all her friends. She'd known she should have had a greater fear and suspicion of that savage shifter side within her. The last thing Gigi wanted was to hurt someone, and she knew that the beast within her would surely take over, as she wasn't strong enough to control it.

She was 14 when the accident happened and was fully prepared to send herself to a quarantine facility as soon as she heard such places existed. Her mother had wanted her to wait, to see how things panned out before she went off the deep end and sent herself into quarantine when she didn't need to be there. Giselle refused to listen to her mother. She knew that the disease was real and that she had to find somewhere safe. because if she didn't, she would lose her mind, and she would hurt people that she cared about, just like that leopard shifter had done at the amusement park.

The quarantine facilities refused to take anyone under the age of 16 without the written permission of a parent, or if a shifter parent went with them. Her mother had no other choice, but to go with Giselle. If it would soothe her nerves about everything, then Katherine would be happy. After all, the longest they could spend in a facility was a few months... right?

Giselle and her mother were admitted to Cloverfield Quarantine Facility - C6. ti wasn't a glamourous facility, and it wasn't a facility free from the disease. In fact, there was a high-security block reserved for the infected. From time to time, cruel guards would lead shifters through the block, having them peer into the tiny windows to see how other shifters had been reduced to near-rabid beasts. That was enough "proof" to keep rebellion down in the facility.

When Giselle had walked down that block, she knew it was something she never wanted to see again. It instilled complete terror into her. Terror that affected her so deeply that she would refuse to leave her room or even interact with other shifters besides her mother. She grew distrustful, not because of her character, but because she didn't know who could secretly be harboring the disease that would reduce her to nothing but the beast within she'd tried to suppress.

Gigi was then transferred to Rosebrook, a confirmed disease-free facility. She lost contact with her mother as a result, but it at least did her mind some good to be somewhere where there was supposedly no disease present. It was there that she "met" Pierre, the man across the hall from her. In her mind, she'd grown to trust him a bit, or at least more than the others, who sometimes talked casually about how there was no disease. She knew they all were wrong, especially after what she'd seen. Perhaps... Pierre had seen the same?

Past Occupation:
High School Student (9th grade)


Paul Rothstein (Father)
Giselle has a great relationship with her father. He regularly tries to send letters to both her and her mother, as both of the members of his household are in quarantine. He tries his best to make communication with Giselle, but that's not always possible. He wants her to be home so badly, but he knows his daughter is petrified of this disease. Even he knows that if he were to break in to rescue his daughter, wherever she may be, she wouldn't want to leave safety.

Katherine Rothstein (Mother)
Like her relationship with her father, Gigi also thinks she has a good relationship with her mother. However, her mother is in another quarantine facility, and Giselle hasn't had contact with her mother for two years now. Her mother was the one who tried to make Giselle embrace her shifter side. Though Giselle hasn't accepted it, she appreciates her mother's efforts to try and make her feel better about everything. The only piece of her mother that she has left was a letter that she wrote for her at the previous facility.

Pierre de Ruiter (Tentative Liking)
Giselle hasn't talked to Pierre much in the two years that she's "known" him. Her room is directly across from his, and has been in the same place since she arrived. She would never admit to watching him work on his physique in the evenings. For a while, she had a bit of a crush on him, until she heard him state his age to a guard and any feelings of having a crush on him vanished, for he's 6 years older than her, and that thought doesn't make her stomach sit right.

Still, she feels like she sees a little bit of an ally in the ex-police officer. She can't recall a time that she saw him acting belligerent or misbehaving. Gigi thinks that if there's a shifter with a sense of danger of the disease, it's him. Spoiler Alert: It's not


Significant Other:

- Giselle is of mixed race. Her father is Caucasian, while her mother is African American. Looks wise, she strongly takes after her mother.
- She gets her name from her grandmother (paternal side). She prefers having a more "casual" name, so she'd been going by her nickname of "Gigi" since she was 11.

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Edited on 25/04/19 @ 16:46:54 by Pembroke (#717)

Magpie (#77195)

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Posted on
2019-04-19 16:52:35
Flynn Lockett
Generally goes by Magpie because that's what his shift is


April Nineteenth

Male - He/His


Room Number:
Block C: #032A

Animal Form:
Red-billed Blue Magpie

Physical Appearance (Human):
Lithe and flexible, that's what Flynn looks like. He stands around 6'7 with long limbs and fingers and is shockingly good at gymnastics. He's a little on the weak side, but for where he lacks in strength, he makes up for in smarts and his quick reflexes. He used to be remarked for his nimbleness and ability to walk silently with how soft-footed he was, yet Flynn was popular in gymnastics and it clearly helped him with maintaining his 'teenage' skinniness and flexibility. He has skinny shoulders and his shoulder-blades often stick out of his back.

Accompanying his harmless, docile appearance, Flynn has very pale, vitiligo skin. His white 'splotches' he thinks of as his physical character. He has pitch black hair that has never been styled, and has grown naturally back, somewhat reflecting his feathers while he's a bird. His eyes are a light, pale blue and he's blind in his right eye. Once, his eyes, his grandmother used to say, were filled with hope and dreams and you could see his every thought, idea, and emotion through them, but now they're almost cold, lifeless, and filled with anger. His eyes are always watching, calculative, yet when he's asleep, his face is relaxed and soft, showing his youth despite his age, showing what he once was.

Like all the others, Flynn has only neutral colored shirts. He's generally wearing gray sweatpants that seem to be a little big for his skinny frame and accompanies the gray with more gray, but his shirt is usually a lighter gray than his sweatpants. He doesn't like to wear jeans and if he wears a different color shirt, it tends to be white.

Physical Appearance (Animal):
With the same nimbleness in his animal form, Flynn proudly sports a Red-billed Blue Magpie as his second skin. Slightly longer than average, he's 32 inches long and weighs approximately 9 ounces. Like the rest of this certain specie of magpie, he has a long tail that aids him in flight and long wings that account with his swift flight navigation.

The shoulder of the wings to the primary covert and secondary feathers are a beautiful dark blue, but the primary feathers are a more vibrant blue with white tips. The tail feathers at the base where it connected to his body are a dark blue, but after that, they were brighter and the tail tip is white. Common to this bird specie, the head, neck and breast are black with a bluish spotting on the crown while his stomach to just below the tail are a light grayish cream color. His beak, legs, and a small ring around his eyes are red, like the name dictates. In this form though, his eyes are the same pale blue as his human form and he is still blind in his right eye.

Personal Items:
- 'Patiently Aggressive' a book written by Flynn. (not a real book)
- Leather bracelet with 'Magpie' engraved in it
- Thin, black bird harness

Before he was taken, Flynn was a calm, kind, and gentle character. He was very soft-spoken and innocent, docile. With a warm smile and kind eyes, Flynn loved to relax and just be in someone's company. He was content with his life and often to be associated with gentle, harmless things. Flynn not once was an aggressive or 'ugly' person. He was optimistic and often comparable to butterflies or flowers. With a bright smile and a warm, childish innocence appearance, he wasn't to be considered anywhere near dangerous.

Flynn used to write constantly. His thoughts, his ideas, his dreams. He was great with words, charming, and sweet. He could make one word mean something totally the opposite. He could make death seem sweet. He was accepting of everyone even if they didn't accept him. He was pleasant and peaceful and satisfied. He was a person almost anyone could be friends with. Flynn was adaptive and often quiet. He wasn't shy or an introvert, just someone that was a listener and watchful. His relaxed, kind tendencies kept him off of anyone's radar and invisible to those that he didn't want to be noticed by.

After he was locked into the Rosebrook Quarantine Facility, he wasn't the same. He still liked writing and reading and most of the things he had before, but after being kept away from the real world for a while, he changed. Being one of the first to go into the facility, it has changed him.

Now, he's hard to read, cold and not as docile. Anger boils just under the surface. He's always figuratively tired and there's no shred of the person he was inside of him. He refuses to speak in most cases and always has a neutral face. Where once he didn't care if people knew his feelings or thoughts, now he keeps everything inside of him under lock and key. The only time he feels like himself is when he's a bird, harmlessly resting in his room or the courtyard, which he much prefers to be in. He eats little and rarely does he trust anyone. Where before he was kind and peaceful, Flynn is just cold and hard-hearted. He can't trust anyone in this facility and relies mostly on his instincts instead of his 'human' brain.

- The color purple
- Sunny days and the beach
- Reading
- Canines, especially collies
- Horses
- Being alone

- Chocolate
- Being touched
- Felines
- Being unable to write
- Anything too sour or sweet

Flynn was born accidentally, but loved nonetheless. Both his mother and father had had a bird shift. Of course his parents shifts were both eagles, but that didn't mean they loved their little bird less. Yet, when he was born, his mother became sick. She was no longer able to shift and it was found out that she had lung cancer. She wasn't expected to live past three years. She died at seven months. Flynn doesn't remember her. He lived with his father for a few years after his mother passed, but the loss of his wife made his father depressed and he ended up killing himself after putting Flynn to bed one night. He didn't learn of this until he was much older.

At five years old, Flynn was give to his grandmother, his mother's mom and the only relative that knew of his birth. With no other relatives in the picture, Lillian took great care of Flynn and gave him everything she possibly could. She encouraged everything he did and while he rarely got in trouble, he was the kind of kid with manners and he respected those he trusted. His grandma encouraged his writing and often found fun things to do while he was in the magpie form. Because of his joy of being a bird and flying, he grew accustomed to the nickname Magpie. The nickname that many of his friends and teachers at school called him. He loved to show off and while still young, he was taught gymnastics and even though that part of him didn't go beyond elementary school, he kept up the practice of gymnastics and always wore a smile on his face when performing for his grandmother in the backyard, adding his own touch with shifting.

At age 15, Flynn had his first boyfriend, but that kid was a tiger shifter and not so kind to the small, skinny, nerdy Flynn. Too scared to break it off with the immensely aggressive feline shifter, Flynn confessed his problem to the new girl at school. Turns out the new girl was a Mockingbird shifter and his cousin. She helped him break it off with his boyfriend and became like a sister to him. She never let any guy close to him that she deemed dangerous and ever since that first boy, he's had a certain dislike/fear of feline shifters.

When he was 17, he published his first book, Passively Aggressive and it is the one he's valued the most. But during that same year, his grandmother, who was growing old, passed away. He found her 'asleep' one Sunday morning, but when she didn't wake up, he called the police and they came, but by the time they got there, he realized she was gone.

From then on, he lived with his cousin Ace. He completed high school and took a job as a librarian. He was happy. He'd published three books after his first one and while those weren't as special to him, he still took great care and pleasure in writing them and he thought his life couldn't change. He didn't want it to change, but it did. Four years ago, all things for shifters went downhill and instead of being caught after the waves, he hid with Ace. Now, he doesn't know where his cousin is or if she's even alive. He was forcibly admitted in the facility and he's never caused any trouble, but he does know that if there's any hope for the world, for him, he needs to leave and he needs to be free again.

Past Occupation:
Author, Librarian

- Ace Lockett - Cousin - Bonded
- Lillian Lockett - Grandmother - Loved - Deceased


Significant Other:


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Edited on 28/04/19 @ 14:18:21 by Magpie (#77195)

Magpie (#77195)

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Posted on
2019-04-19 17:27:27
Vervain Poinsettia
- Named after the flower


July Second

Female - She/Her


Room Number:
Block C: #109B

Animal Form:
Mountain Lion

Physical Appearance (Human):
Vervain is of German and Irish heritage, but that doesn't effect her general appearance. She has toned light tan skin with the only faults being the thin, white-lined scars that cover her body, the leathery skin on her back and her scarred, cut up ears. She's completely free of pock marks and pimples, but with her scars, she's not completely free to say she's 'model-perfect'. Her skin stretches over long, muscular limbs and broad shoulders as well of a more manly frame and stands around 5'11 with her weight always around 183 and 190, mostly consisting of muscle mass.

She has long, dark russet hair that reaches mid-back and is generally well kept. Her roots are black and strong and she takes pride in knowing her haid is soft. Contrast to the red-hair belief, Vervain has dark chocolate brown eyes that can be mistaken for black. Eyes that show a fiery passion whenever she talks about something she believes in. Eyes that provide a deep, focused 'portal' to her soul and her heart. Eyes that are hard to decifer.

Like every other poor soul locked up in the facility, Vervain's wardrobe is nothing but bland, neutral colors. Whites, gray, browns, and blacks. Normally, Vervain will wear a black shirt and sweatpants, but sometimes she may find herself sporting jeans and white shirt. She rarely likes to mix up how she dresses even if it is so little to chose from and while she hates the fact that there are no greens or purples or oranges, she doesn't mind the consistency that comes with only a few options.

Physical Appearance (Animal):
At first, her predator skin was a blessng. Standing above average at 4.2ft and stretches 6.7ft long with an additional 3.1ft of thick, sturdy tail. This skin weighs 110 pounds of lean, slender muscle. Like most of this species, Vervain's second skin is lean with a round head and erect ears. On both front paws are five retractable claws, including the dewclaw and on her back paws are only four. Her front paws are adapted to clutch at prey and strongly built for leaping and short-distance sprints.

Her coat color is a reddish-brown with a lighter whitish color on her undersides and muzzle. Her muzzle is ringed with a faint black line and her tail tip is black. Her eyes are the same brown as when she is in her human skin, but tend to have more of a golden tint inside them. She has long whiskers and there is a slight hint of a black tip on both of her ears.

Personal Items:
- A stuffed blue sloth toy that her fiance had gotten for her before he dissappeared.
- A hand-crafted dream-catcher made by her brother.
- A grizzly tooth necklace (in holding)

Vervain is a brash, spirited, short-tempered person. She doesn't necessarily like people or talking, but she doesn't mind telling a good story and being in the company of those she loves. If one a rollercoaster, she'd be the one to scream just for the heck of it. She's not quiet and never has been. Vervain's often loud and when speaking, she likes to make herself her. If she feels she's being ignored, it doesn't sit well with her and she only just raise her voice or go out of her way to make whoever she intends pay attention to her, yet that doesn't make her an attention hog, she just doesn't like being ignored or put off. Because of this, she's considered to be a very harsh and abrasive person.

People often mistake Vervain as cold and severly distant. Yes, she is a loner at times and rarely does she make an effort to make others feel better, but Vervain seems to not care. If she doesn't know someone or something or if you aren't her close friend, she won't try to help you. She's very hot-headed and stubborn and her trust runs wire thin. You may trust her with your life, she she has only once trusted someone with her life and it didn't go over well. Vervain isn't someone to readily welcome a new person or forgive. Her temper is short and things can get very heated, very fast around her. She likes to cause a problem and scene if she can get away with it and not very many people can get along with the douche personality that she has. Not even her friends can get away from her temper, she doesn't make exceptions.

Yet somehow, despite all of this, Vervain is very protective. No matter what may be going on between someone and her, if you're close to her, she will protect you. Her intincts to protect and save are what had made her a great fire fighter. Brash, short-tempered and willing to run into anything to save someone, she's loves the thrill of danger and because of that danger, when it come to protecting or saving someone in a dangerous situation, she won't hesitate. She doesn't think when it comes to those instincts, not even if it means her life. She has no regard for the life she lives and while she may enjoy it, she doesn't care how she lives it as long as it is what she wants and she hates it when people get in her way or stop her from doing what she wants.

- Birds
- Climbing
- Swimming in her mountain lion form
- Action

- Dishonest people
- Having nothing to do
- Being touched or grabbed
- Repetitive sounds

Vervain wasn't exactly the best when she was little and didn't exacly lead the best childhood. She was born to poor, drug-addicted human parents. Too hyped up on drugs to go to a hospital when her mother was in labor, Vervain was born out onto the dirty pavement of a waste-filled alley surrounded with drug-addicts and homeless people. Being born a shifter to human parents didn't sit that well with anyone. She was never physically harmed as a child and she was taken care of, but she was mentally abused. She was born early and her body had been small, but as she'd grown, so did the demands of the alley people.

When she was 5, they stopped taking care of her. With how much it hurt her to go between skins, Vervain only shifted once or twice a day. At such a young age, it was hard for her to take the mental strain of shifting. She was reduced, by the people that should have been her parents and their friends, to stealing. She was forced to steal for the people she lived with. She wore clothes only she could scavenge for herself and ate only what she could find after feeding the everyday changing numbers of the addicts and homeless in the alley. Thus, she was a skinny, underfed child with no real home and no way to be a child.

With the pain that came shifting between skins and the headaches, Vervain settled into a routine. Two days as a cougar, one as a human. She never altered her routine and taught herself to hunt in the nearby woods, climb trees to ambush large predators and instincually learned to fight. As a human she grew taller and stronger as the years passed and it became easier to swipe things. She could feed herself and her parents whatever she wanted just by being silent and stealthy and even learned to cook rabbits and squirrels over fire to the point that they were the best thing she'd ever tasted. She spent all the time she could away from her parents and the humans in the alley she was born in. She loved the power of being a mountain lion and it was what caused her somewhat stable life to come to a halt.

After one hunting trip where she'd caught three rabbits, something stung the back of her neck. She thought nothing of it. She was 15, what could have gone wrong. Covered in scars from alley fights and being ambush for her prey by coyotes, she was tough, yet unprepared for the human intelligence. Vervain spent most of her time as a mountain lion. So much time that she'd started to be the feline and less of the human. She would have been content to never be a human again and just stay in her mountain lion form, but that sting in her neck shouldn't have been overlooked. She got back to the alley and as she was waiting for the rabbit carcasses to be thrown her way, police swarmed the alley and arrested everyone. Including her.

Forced early from her routine, Vervain shifted. She was only a kid and they, finding no traces of drugs in her body, they told her to stay until they could come back. They could track her now with the tracker. When they left, Vervain didn't waste her time sitting down. Despite their warnings, she wasn't going to sit around like they'd told her to. She thought she'd gotten away with it, with evading them, but she was caught by a pretty young, handsome male that worked for the fire station. He introduced himself as Lynx and took her to the station. The station that took her in and trained her to be one of them. Lynx taught her to read and to write and and made sure she was always where she should be and was the only person who kept her under control.

Until he couldn't and she was burned. She suffered severe burns all along her back. Burns that couldn't be classified as anything. Burns that should have meant she was dead. While rescuing a small child from a building, it exploded. Without thinking, she covered the child with her human body and remained silent as flames devored her back, burning through her protective suit. She was found unconcious with an alive, healthy little child. Her burns were only slightly visible in her cougar form, she she remained in that form more often after the incident.

At 18, she started helping rescue people from fires and was treated as a true fire fighter without the pay. After her first incident where he back was burned, she couldn't stay away from helping people any longer. Lynx supported her and proposed to her a month later. Life was good for her, finally. And then he disappeared and soon she was being sent to the RQF-D7 facility with the promise that as long as she didn't have the disease she'd be let out soon. Yet a year passed and she celebrated her 19th birthday there, the place she now resides within with no way out and a worsening temper.

Past Occupation:
Fire Fighter

- Zero Poinsettia - Brother - Friendly - Unknown whereabouts


Significant Other:
- Lynx - Fiance - Lynx shifter - Deceased
- None


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Edited on 28/04/19 @ 14:18:05 by Magpie (#77195)

dead weight (#66395)

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Posted on
2019-04-19 19:44:42

Josephine "Joey" Wright


She likes to claim it's April 20th, but in actuality it's October 3rd.

Female [she/her]

Bisexual, polyamorous

Room Number:
Block C: #068B

Animal Form:
Eastern Gray Squirrel

Physical Appearance (Human):
Joey is a full-blooded, brown-haired, green-eyed American. Her parents were American, and theirs before them, and theirs before them - her lineage can be traced all the way back to when the first pilgrims landed on American soil, and Joey even likes to say that she has Native American blood somewhere within her veins. Now, whether this is the truth or not is certainly up for debate - she certainly doesn't look anything other than European-descended American.

Her white, faintly tanned skin is stretched over a body that looks like it was probably once quite athletic, but has suffered from the two or so years she's been stuck in the facility. Very few scars can be found across her form, except for some large teeth marks in her lower right leg, courtesy of having once been chased and nearly caught by a local dog while in squirrel form.

At 5'5, Joey is just under the average height for women her age. Her large personality more than makes up for her height, however, and her entry into a room will rarely go unnoticed. Her hair, a pretty brown with lighter highlights, rarely maintains the same style for over two weeks, but Joey is particularly fond of the 'neck-length, wild hair that goes in absolutely every direction' look.

As for clothes, Joey is constantly trying to find ways to, as she puts it, "beautify" the miserable gear that the quarantine facility lets them wear. She's already managed to cut several of her white shirts into crop tops using her squirrel-teeth and meager human-strength, but she finds that if she leaves those particular ones in her closet, they'll often be missing after meals with a small note in their place instructing her not to do it again. Still, she hasn't given up yet - fixing up her chosen white shirts and black sweats is one of the few things that Joey can actually do in the facility, considering she has few other skills she can use to pass the time.

Physical Appearance (Animal):
Joey looks exactly like a standard Eastern Gray Squirrel would - 26 cm long with a 21 cm tail, 16 ounces, gray fur with a white underbelly. Apart from the bite marks on her lower right leg, nothing distinguishes her from the standard city squirrel; even her eyes change from their regular gray to a squirrely black, making her job that much easier.

Before she was quarantined, Joey's squirrel form would always have a gray pouch attached to its chest in a way that made it hidden from sight unless she stood up on her back legs and was close to the observer. In specific circumstances, she'd also have other pouches attached to various places on her body, occasionally to the point where it would slow her little squirrel form down to a crawl. When this was the case, however, she'd rarely actually be in her animal form - instead, she'd be in her human one, using the peculiarities of shifting to transport things across borders or to places where it would otherwise be impossible to get them without being apprehended. She'd stored these custom-made pouches with a close friend and employer before she'd been forced to Facility RQF-D7.

Personal Items:

Joey is a loud, outspoken, extroverted individual. She likes talking to people (sometimes just at people), and hates being left alone for extended periods of time. This doesn't mean that she's particularly nice or friendly, however - she likes talking, but most of it consists of sarcasm, jests, and teasing. She likes to poke fun at people, especially if she knows she'll provoke a response from the person, whatever that said response may be. This is mostly because Joey lusts after danger and finds that facility exceedingly boring, however; when put in a situation where her well-being and freedoms are threatened, Joey knows very well when to shut up and stop asking questions. This trait served her quite well in her past line of work.

While not exactly a problematic inmate, Joey can be an irritating one, needling the guards and frustrating her cell-mates with her off-tune singing. While she doesn't resist or fight back, she actively tries to be as unhelpful and unpleasant as possible, cracking rude jokes as the scientists' expense and making it as hard for them to do their job as she possibly can. Her actions never cross the line that would get her in actual trouble or get her sent to a higher-security facility, however. She just wants to make the guards' and scientists' life difficult, because they're sure as hell making life difficult for Shifters. And eye for an eye, right?

Among friends or close acquaintances, Joey has a tendency to stay far away from serious or intimate conversations, preferring to joke and flirt her way through life. Even though, after the quarantine, Joey became an ardent and passionate supporter of Shifters' rights, she doesn't particularly like discussing them with others unless things get particularly heated. If it were ever to come up, however, Joey would probably be one of the first to support an escape attempt - the quarantine situation truly frustrates her, and even if the escape attempt didn't work out, she figures it'd probably send quite a message to all the racist, vanilla-ass humans out there that they wouldn't stand for things like this anymore.

Flying [in planes]
Muscular men and women


Joey was born the youngest to two young, lower-middle class Shifters who had already raised or were in the process of raising 3 other children. While her situation was by no means 'bad,' as her parents were truly trying their best to balance work, love, and childcare (raising a Shifter was inherently FAR more difficult than raising a human, simply because of the complexities a second form added), Joey rarely felt like she got enough attention and would often act out because of it. At 16, while the rest of her family was celebrating her eldest brother's return from community college, Joey finally left, leaving no note or information on where to find her. She went to stay with her girlfriend at the time, who was 2 years older than Joey. The girlfriend first tried to convince Joey to return to her family, but once she realized that Joey truly had made up her mind, she helped coach her on how to live by oneself, something that Joey had been wholly unprepared for. During this time, the young Shifter learned how to pick up odd jobs, make food last as long as possible, and use public facilities to keep water and power bills low.

A year later, at 17, Joey broke up with her girlfriend because she was very much in favor of a closed, monogamous relationship while Joey was very much not. They two ended things on good terms and remained friends, however, and it was actually this ex-girlfriend who introduced Joey to Eddy Mitchell, the girlfriend's 22-year-old dealer. Seeing a bit of his own restlessness in Joey, Eddy offered the young Shifter two years later, after the two became close friends. If she accepted, Joey would be in charge of using her animal form to move illegal substances across places that it would otherwise be impossible to get them across, as well as transporting hand-written messages that absolutely could be read by no one else between specific people of interest. She was immediately on board, of course. A job that was dangerous, required constant travel, made use of Joey's particular abilities and traits, and offered a more-than-livable salary? What could be better?

Joey worked under Eddy for two years, the two growing closer as friends all the while, though Joey would have preferred their relationship to go in a different direction - the Shifter repeated propositioned her boss, and he repeatedly turned her down, so much so that it became somewhat of a routine between the two. Despite this, and the many close calls her job entailed, Joey was, for once, satisfied with life.

Of course, everything came crashing down when the quarantine went into effect.

Her status as a Shifter suddenly became a hindrance instead of a benefit. While she still worked with Eddy, things started slowing down, and money became tighter. The fact that her job wasn't exactly an official occupation allowed her to, with the help of her friends, evade notice for two years, but at 23 years old, Joey was discovered and taken to Facility RQF-D7. An old, nameless acquaintance had apparently reported her as a Shifter, and two policemen had arrived at her house early one Saturday morning.

It was almost laughable, that what Joey was finally taken in for was not her long-time position as an illegal dealer (or, at least, accomplice to one), but instead simply her status as a Shifter. Of course, she never reported her profession, instead claiming that she was unemployed and that she got her crappy apartment from the generosity of a (non-existent) wealthy older boyfriend; despite how much she came to hate the facility, prison was probably worse.

During her first year in the facility, Joey impatiently waited for the time when they'd be released back out into the world, but with each passing day, she began to doubt more and more that that would ever the be the case. Now, at 25 years old, Joey has almost given up hope of an official realase, and has instead started considering other options, because she sure as hell isn't spending the rest of her life in a compact, white-walled room with her only companions being sullen, boring Shifters and cold, lifeless guards.

Past Occupation:
Drug mule [or, more accurately, drug squirrel] and message-runner.

Edward "Eddy" Mitchell | Human | Past employer and close friend

Currently; None
Past; Edward "Eddy" Mitchell

Significant Other:


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Edited on 19/04/19 @ 19:46:50 by Aldwyn (#55660)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-04-20 02:13:50

Trigger Warning; both of my bios include non-grapic mentions of senstive topics including murder, ptsd, depression, implied transphobia and cutting. Proceed with cauthion!


Rafael Ramírez.

25 years old.

May 1st.

Cis Male.


ʀᴏᴏᴍ ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ
Block C: #050A.

ᴀɴɪᴍᴀʟ ғᴏʀᴍ
Central American Jaguar.

ᴘʜʏsɪᴄᴀʟ ᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀᴀɴᴄᴇ (ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ)
Hidden beneath the layers of clothes covering his frame is quite a bit of brawn, though considering there isn’t much to do around the facility he isn’t the fittest anymore. Regardless, between his size and powerful physique, Rafael can be an imposing sight when he wants to be, but this is rarely the case. Normal attire once consisted of hoodies in various darker shades of blue or green, now replaced with typical facility clothes in dull shades of black and gray. When the weather proved too hot he'd settle for a sleeveless shirt, though the former was definitely preferred. Raggedy blue jeans or cargo pants and old combat boots completed his wardrobe.

His skin is light brown, but tans easily and will grow darker if exposed to sunlight for long enough. Considering his only exposure to the outdoors is limited at Rosebrook he’s grown significantly paler and dislikes this quite a bit. His hair is charcoal black, once quite glossy, but now lacking some of its former shine. The style is somewhat reminiscent of an undercut but less maintained. The sides and back of the head are clipped short, with longer locks carrying a slight wave flowing across the top of his head. More often than not it’s a mussed up mess he only bothers to run a comb through maybe once a day when he wakes up in the morning. Appearing attractive and formal has never been a priority, even less so now that he’s spent the past four years locked up with hope for a future in the outside world ebbing away day by day.

Rafael has a sharp jawline with an angular chin and bright hazel eyes that turn down slightly at the edges, set below thick, dark eyebrows. His lower face is covered in a thin amount of stubble always as he doesn’t have the patience to make certain he remains clean shaven, but he rarely lets it grow out too much. He has a somewhat pointed nose that rounds out at the tip. A gold chain with a cross at the end dangles from his neck, usually hidden beneath his shirt. He often appears tired, with shadows beneath his eyes. A faded scar can be found along the left side of his ribcage, caused by a knife, and several healed over gunshot wounds can be found scattered over his back and sides.

He has a grand total of three tattoos. The first is located on his upper left arm, a black cross with small white doves flying around it and a caption beneath reading “Cristo ha resucitado” which translates to “Christ is risen.” This tattoo holds obvious religious significance as he grew up in a Roman Catholic family. The second is on the right side and extends from below the shoulder down to the hip. A skeleton in a multitude of colors surrounded by native Mexican flora and fauna. The third stretches across the back of the shoulders and upper back, a tribal bird of prey in dark colors. It's designed in a style similar to the Aztec eagle, which symbolized strength and courage. He reaches a total height of 6'2" and weighs in at 195 pounds.

ᴘʜʏsɪᴄᴀʟ ᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀᴀɴᴄᴇ (ᴀɴɪᴍᴀʟ)
Rafael is a fairly typical specimen beyond proving significantly larger than this subspecies tends to grow, reaching nearly 350 pounds and 6.5 feet in length from nose to tail-tip. As with all jaguars, he is heavy-limbed and stocky, shorter than a lion or tiger, but packing more muscle. His body is covered in sleek black fur that can hold more of a brownish tint under certain lighting, faint rosettes dappling his pelt. They are larger and contain a single dot at the center along his sides, back and flank, but dissolve into solid spotting around the face and thin banding down the tail.

His tail is only 28 inches long and perhaps looks too short for his body, a characteristic all jaguars share considering they have the shortest tail length of any big cat. Due to his size, it is an overly exaggerated feature on Rafael. His short, compact build makes him adept at climbing and swimming in this form, the lack of such opportunities at the facility rather depressing. His head is broad with a powerful jaw containing impressive canines. His eyes turn to a bright golden hue in this form and his claws are a clearish gray-black with almost smokey coloration while his paw pads and nose are just as dark as the rest of him.

ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟ ɪᴛᴇᴍs
- A golden cross chain necklace he wears beneath his shirt.
- Rosary beads.
- A Catholic edition Bible.

For the most part, Rafael is a very quiet person. Not necessarily shy, but not in any hurry to join in most conversations or surround himself with hoards of people either. Majority of the time he is content to just blend in, fading into the crowd so he can observe his surroundings and others undisturbed. That said, when and if he does speak up, you can expect him to be both resolute and outspoken. He’s a strong-willed individual who likes things done a certain way and when other people don’t conform he can become easily frustrated. This particular trait of his isn’t something people often notice unless they are especially empathetic, emotions kept carefully under lock and key. He could appear to be the most patient person in the world and still be silently fuming on the inside. His temper is something he is very aware of and is somewhat concerned about letting loose, so he chooses to bottle it up and toss it into the metaphorical ocean rather than express anything negative.

He suffers from PTSD thanks to a traumatic event from his teenage years. He’s often plagued by both unbearable nightmares and feelings of intense fear even in the waking world in the form of flashbacks, which have a tendency to send him into a panic attack. He’ll remove himself from a situation as quickly as possible in the hopes he won’t be missed until he has his emotions under control again if such an occurrence happens. He is hyper-vigilant, aware to the point of his fellow shifters and even staff jokingly accusing him of being overly paranoid, unaware his behavior has a legitimate reason behind it. He is an insomniac and rarely sleeps to avoid nightmares, only resting enough to keep himself going the next day.

His predisposition to silence, avoidance of hanging around in large groups and lack of an outgoing, extroverted nature tend to leave some people feeling he is detached, standoffish or unfriendly. None of which is actually true. In the presence of people he trusts, Rafael is very warm and affectionate. He has a tendency for lovingly teasing friends, even insults meaning no ill will, though he may need to be reminded sometimes even words meant in jest can be hurtful for some people. Even among friends he is still somewhat guarded, never fully letting people in, but not completely blocking them out either. He is loyal and protective of those he cares for, proving quite dauntless in the face of danger if it means keeping them safe. His compassionate heart can make him reckless if someone is in trouble and though he is not fearless he works through it to do what needs to be done.

He's undeniably passive-aggressive in the presence of people he's not fond of, potentially letting a sardonic comment slip out every now and then. He's not a fan of overly domineering personalities and will clash horribly with anyone who might try bossing him around with no care for his own opinions or thoughts. As such, he doesn’t get on very well with the guards or scientists, seemingly incapable of holding his tongue if they press his boundaries. He's persistently stubborn and prone to deliberately disobeying commands just to spite them, all while feigning ignorance. Even if he gets chewed out or punished, seeing someone he dislikes get all worked up is all the reward he needs. He has a complicated relationship with religion, wanting to believe God is everything he grew up knowing Them to be, but having trouble reconciling his faith with everything he's endured and seen others put through.

- Climbing.
- Swimming.
- Generally being active. He had a daily exercise routine he strictly adhered to before being quarantined.
- The great outdoors.
- His grandmom’s cooking. This place is really lacking in the meals department and he feels terribly homesick.
- Music.
- Pokemon. His favorite is Lucario.
- Painting. Using art to express emotions. He attended art therapy classes before everything went to hell and really, really misses them.

- Being confined.
- Exams. Not a fan of being touched by strangers.
- Egotistical, controlling people.
- Bananas. liSTen they are the grossest fruit ok?
- Not being allowed to do the shit he needs to do to keep his anxiety at bay.

Rafael was born into a fairly stable household. Raised by a young single parent, as his mother disappeared shortly after his birth, he lived with his then 20-year old father and paternal grandparents who all took part in raising him. As both of his parents were jaguar shifters as were his grandparents, he grew up understanding what it meant to be a shifter, learning from an early age how to control and master his transformations, spending as much time as a jaguar as he did a human. Often the small family would run through the local national park, straying from the trails to immerse themselves fully in nature.

They lived a fairly simple life in his hometown of San Felipe, neither rich nor poor, though they did at times struggle. Growing up near a beach, he came to love plunging into the ocean's salty waves just as much as the depths of the forest. His childhood is filled with warm, fond memories, perhaps the only pitfall being his family's strong religious views he feared would create issues between him and them later in life. As a kid, he rather enjoyed the lessons he learned at church and was quite earnest participating in any and every activity held there. This interest started to wane by the time he was 15 and realized he was bisexual.

He kept this to himself, uneager to reveal it to his family, unsure how they'd react. At 16 his family moved to Mariposa, California. His father worked with the national park service and wanted a change from their surroundings much to Rafael's dismay, taking a job at Yosemite National Park. He made his displeasure clear and it took him nearly six months before he finally admitted that, while it wasn't home to him, this place wasn't half bad either. It did feel truly strange living without his grandparents around and he felt out of place in his new neighborhood and school. Not long after their move his father met a woman named Maria and they married a year later. Maria was always kind to him and they got on quite well. She was a shifter like them, her animal form a lioness.

When he was 17 his grandparents visited them during the summer and he decided to take a hike out at Yosemite with them while his parents were working. The day started out quite nice, up until his grandfather was shot and killed by a hunter while they were running along a trail in jaguar form. Turns out it wasn't a mere accident. Human hunters had been following them and were aiming to take them all out. Rafael and his grandmother initially attacked the hunters, but realizing they would be killed if they remained, were forced to abandon his grandfather's motionless body to preserve their own lives after one of the hunter's plunged a knife into Rafael's ribcage defending themselves, the deadly blade remaining in place as they fled. They spent the night frantically trying to escape their pursuers, their superior speed and knowledge of the terrain seeing them succeed despite the gunshot and stab wounds they suffered.

He would learn later that, while illegal, shifter hunting was becoming a popular underground sport, especially concerning large predators. He was never quite the same after that. Memories of that night haunt him, as does his failure to rescue his grandfather. Only recently had he begun seeking therapy, all of the progress interrupted and set back after being quarantined for the last four years. Rafael and his father both surrendered themselves willingly, believing they were doing the right thing while his grandmother and step-mother refused and went into hiding. He has not seen any of them since arriving at Rosebrook.

ᴘᴀsᴛ ᴏᴄᴄᴜᴘᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
Hiking Guide.


ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇ sᴏɴɢ
Chlorine- Twenty One Pilots.
You Got It In You - Banners.
Dreamin - The Score ft. Blackbear.

- As English isn’t his first language he has a very slight accent. Rafael is fluent in Spanish, English, and Portuguese.

No flavor can compare to mint chocolate chip or salted caramel.



Siobhan Stone.

21 years old.

July 15th.

Trans Woman.


ʀᴏᴏᴍ ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ
Block C: #200B.

ᴀɴɪᴍᴀʟ ғᴏʀᴍ
Black-backed Jackal.

ᴘʜʏsɪᴄᴀʟ ᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀᴀɴᴄᴇ (ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ)
At first sight, Siobhan isn't a particularly daunting sight. She is only slightly above average height for a woman at 5'7" and weighs a little less than she should. Her build is lithe and athletic, made up of lean muscle she manages to keep despite her circumstances. White or light gray shirts always have the sleeves rolled up to her shoulders if they're long and she manages to tie the shirts a bit at the front to expose her stomach. As she technically isn't altering the clothes by cutting them, the guards can't quite stop her, and even if they tried she likely wouldn't listen. If forced to wear pants they will similarly be rolled up and pinned below her knees to resemble capris.

Her complexion is a rich, cool brown and mostly unblemished by scarring as far as anyone can tell save a few exceptions, namely what appears to be a long scar stretching around the right thigh (not typically visible) and some shallow, healed over cuts on her arms that were the result of cutting in the past. She doesn't bother hiding them and it's a part of her life she won't shy away from discussing if she thinks it'll help someone else. A dark beauty mark can be found on the left side of her chin and her almond-shaped eyes are as black as a chunk of polished obsidian. She seems to have an odd scar that follows the bridge of her nose and isn't all that noticeable as it's rather faded.

Her tightly curled hair, formerly dyed a light blonde, has faded to its original caramel coloring. She keeps it natural for the most part, allowing it to fall around her shoulders and uninterested in straightening her curls. From time to time she'll tie it up in a ponytail, but seems to prefer allowing it to flow loosely. Siobhan has a slightly squared facial shape and a wide nose, her lips full. In the past, they would have been painted in soft natural shades as would her fingernails.

She wears a tiger's eye beaded bracelet with a peculiar charm between each bead around her left wrist. She has a semicolon tattoo on the inside of her right wrist and uncolored wings, the outlines done in white ink, stretch from each shoulder blade. She likely would have gotten more tattoos given the chance, but Siobhan was taken into custody not long after her 18th birthday. Formerly she also had some nose piercings but was forced to remove them upon arriving and the holes have since healed over.

ᴘʜʏsɪᴄᴀʟ ᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀᴀɴᴄᴇ (ᴀɴɪᴍᴀʟ)
A rather small canine with an almost fox-like appearance between her large ears and narrow, tapering muzzle. Siobhan weighs only 15 pounds in this form and stands 18 inches at the shoulder. People likely wouldn't recognize her in her animal form any longer as the contrast of colors is quite different. Her base coat is a deep russet color, most pronounced on her legs and flank, while the fur along her back turns into a mix of black and gray ticking that creates an expansive stripe-like marking that creeps over her shoulders and up the back of her neck.

Her tail is bushy and tipped with black, her body slender and long-legged. The hair along her chin, belly, and the insides of her legs turn to more a tannish-cream. Her eyes change to a lighter brown and she wears a similar bracelet to the one found in her human form, this one converted to stay around her now much thinner limb. Her scars are less noticeable due to her fur, though her right ear appears to have a few tears in it and her muzzle looks to have a short scar caused by a tooth. Her paw pads are reddish-brown, her claws clear enough to see pink veins within and her coal black nose being the darkest point of her body.

ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟ ɪᴛᴇᴍs
- A tiger's eye bead bracelet with little silver charms between each bead.
- A large dagger kept in a black and white sheath with an intricate design (in holding).
- A few personal books, mostly non-fiction.

Siobhan isn't the warmest or most welcoming person upon first meeting and it's unlikely she'll ever make a great first impression. Snarky, assertive and blunt, she tends to rub most people the wrong way. Some may fall under the impression she is careless and lacks compassion, but this is far from the truth. Especially since being forcibly admitted to the facility, the girl has her guard up. "Trust no one and never let them see you vulnerable. The only person you can count on now is yourself," he mother had told her as they were both arrested and sent to separate quarantine zones, their lives forever changed.

Siobhan puts on an act to keep others from getting close to her, and to keep herself from getting attached to anyone else. Beneath her frosty surface, however, is someone who still very much has an empathetic heart and from time to time, if someone is having a truly terrible time, she can't help but let it show. She tends to be protective of others, especially those younger than her, and the guards have likely grown accustomed to her giving them a hard time, either objecting to something they wish to do to her or defending someone else from their pestering if they appear stressed. She's been punished more than once but refuses to speak about what was done to her.

Strong-willed, opinionated and outspoken, Siobhan won't be an easy spirit to break. No matter what challenges confront her she faces them head-on, undeterred by the difficulties that may befall her. The girl's got a lot of bite still left in her. Her tenacity has earned her the respect of her rivals in the past, but here that is yet to be seen. The guards likely see her as a nuisance, and as she has attempted to escape once, she is already on thin ice.

- History.
- Reading.
- Hunting in shifter form.
- Rain. Though once it starts thundering she's out.
- Autumn.
- Night. Black-backed jackals are predominately nocturnal.
- Strawberries. She's always picking through the growing boxes in search of them.
- Fashion. Though her own style isn't nessacarily what's currently popular, especially considering how out of touch she is without the outside world.

- Authority figures. God help anyone who tries to boss her around.
- Thunderstorms.
- Hot temperatures. Really dries out her hair/scalp.
- Dishonesty, ignorance, and compliance.

Siobhan was born to a young couple in their teens, her mother a jackal shifter like her and her father a human. They decided to get married shortly after learning her mother was pregnant. Siobhan's father's parents disowned him, but her mother's family was more accepting despite being unhappy with the arrangement. They continued to live with and be supported by them until Siobhan was three years old and they managed to rent an apartment together. Siobhan knew she was meant to be a girl by the time she was 7 and while her parents were initially alarmed and uncertain how to handle it, they ultimately proved supportive.

Siobhan developed severe depression when she was around 13. Not everyone was as understanding as her parents and she was often subject to ridicule and scorn at school. She started cutting, finding the pain distracted her from her demoralizing thoughts. She hid it well, but her mother realized what was happening a year later and got her the help she needed. She's been fairly stable since and while she still occasionally struggles with her depression, it was pretty well managed before the government began locking up shifters. She was working as a barista at a local coffee shop when the news all civilian shifters must be quarantined flashed across the news.

She and her mother didn't trust what they were being told and went into hiding. They made it through the second wave but were unfortunately discovered during the third along with many other shifters. They'd been living among an underground community of shifters and it seemed someone on the inside must have snitched as they'd proven nearly undetectable for a year. They were put in separate vans and shipped off to a quarantine facility, Siobhan going to Rosebrook while her mother's fate remains unknown.

ᴘᴀsᴛ ᴏᴄᴄᴜᴘᴀᴛɪᴏɴ


ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇ sᴏɴɢ
Are You With Me - Nilu.
Revolution - Unsecret ft Ruelle.
Fight For You - Hidden Citizens.

- She's a second generation American on her mother's side, her maternal grandparents hailing from Namibia, and a first generation American on her father's side, as he came from Australia.

Quite fond of creamsicles and sorbet as well.

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Edited on 21/04/19 @ 23:36:56 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

Husk (#37594)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-04-23 19:40:06

Woke up this morning the and the world turned upside down.
"What you want from a devil like me?"
Elias Dawn.


January 1st.


Pansexual. Male leaning.

Room Number:
{Deciding this still}

Animal Form:
Maned Wolf.

Physical Appearance (Human):
{Commissioned by me, drawn by}
Elias is a willowy fellow, with a notably thin frame exaggerated by his height, standing at 6'3". Skin a bronze hue, with dark rings around his eyes, the man looks wearied with prominent dark circles lingering beneath his eyes, and to be frank, his tired looking state speaks of his insomniac nature.
Beauty marks speckle his face in various locations.

With eyes line by thick lashes, they are blue in coloration, with fleckings of greener hues. Beneath Eli's clothes, he is somewhat emaciated looking, thin to the point to where you can see indents with prominence between each rib, and along the length of his collarbone.
His hair is shorter with shaven sides and is ebony in its coloration. In likelihood, he perhaps looks the type the older generation would nag to get a more appropriate haircut. On his back is a tattoo of a moth with dissipating wings and along his chest is a long scar with tattered looking edges- its origins unknown to anyone but Eli himself. Elias oft dressed simplistic in darker wear, often baggy to hide his meager form, now, he adheres to the rules of the facility, although, he still prefers dressing in black or whites.

Scars mar his arms; however, when asked about them, he has a million stories behind their appearance on his body. His back is blemished from nervous picking, alongside his arms, although, his tattoo obscures some of the occurrences of the aforementioned blemishing. His features are considerably chiseled, with higher set cheekbones and a rugged jaw, with a nose that curves upwards slightly.
Elias keeps himself clean shaven, free from pesky stubble.

Perpetually, he looks irked about something, and the probability is high that he is, indeed vexed at something or another.
Elias has an industrial bar piercing on both ears, and, at one point, he had a tongue piercing, of which he phased out of rather quickly.
It would be apt to say he is an individual who embodies the phrasing of "up to no good" in terms of his visage and mannerisms, down to his posture.

Physical Appearance (Animal):
Willowy to the point of some semblance of emaciation, Elias is rather awkward, if not ghastly, in this form, what with long, slender limbs- his forepaws tattered and marred by miscellaneous scaring. Coat rich in hues of a deeper copper, along his neck his wispy fur darkens to an almost ebony color.
Striking still are his bright blue eyes, stark against the light colorations of his coat and an oddity for the species, perhaps giving away his status as a shifter.
There is a rather profound lack of musculature to his form, and he does not evoke any suggestions of having grand power from his visage.
With rounded ears that droop, they accentuate his sharp facial features, complimenting his higher set, gaunt cheekbones, and a muzzle that tapers to sleek slenderness.

Personal Items:
A personal journal.
A dog tag that has since worn down, rusted, with the writing in the center illegible.

I was born under a bad sign, with a blue moon in my eyes.

Elias often sees the glass as half empty rather than half full, generally assuming the worst of situations or the worst from individuals as a whole. His outlook can be described as grim, although, there is those sliver of times when he attempts to rectify his perspective, to bet he'll be optimistic is a losing one, in most circumstances.
Being full of intrigue, Elias oft has piqued interest over something, be it a person and their secrets to a specific field of knowledge, to something as simple as the forecasting of tomorrow's weather. They say curiosity killed the cat, and Elias will counter with satisfaction brought it back. The world is a place with roots of learning, and Elias is eager to pluck the sprouting buds.

At that, Elias is a creative soul, able to play varying amounts of instruments, paint, and photograph with a keen skill. Although, much to his chagrin, his muse is lacking, and dust has gathered upon the tools in which he used to produce art.
Something that can be considered a flaw, and a trait that does indeed make Elias hard to read, is his stoicism. Elias is not open emotionally; instead, in fact, his doors are shut behind a facade of calmness. Such feigned composure hides his real emotions and, often, his intent, and this can make Elias seem to be a secretive individual and for some, hard to trust.

Perhaps due to his upbringing, Elias is an embittered individual, and at times, a venomous person with a fanged bite. Caustically sardonic while vexed, Elias can be a force to reckon with when it comes to a battle of words. Slights oft go unforgiven and grudges are held deep like blood in his veins. In the meanwhile, Elias is intensely loyal to those he holds close. Be it defending them, or maintaining a secret, there is no wavering in Elias’s loyalty unless you’ve done something immense to hurt him. This loyalty, however, can be exploited, leaving Elias prone to getting involved in relationships not so idea on many fronts, being much akin to a kicked puppy, with no real sense on what the balance of a healthy relationship to an unhealthy relationship is whenever he falls loyal to an individual.

A compulsive liar, while this trait tends to weed itself out once he becomes close to an individual to a certain extent, to those he does not know well, he habitually lies and feigns stories on compulsion, often without meaning to (hence, the compulsion element). Of course, this tendency leads to dramatical tales or facts born from pure imagination. However, once one breaks past his stony exterior and to his core, this trait, oddly enough, tends to dissipate.

With a quick wit and a sharper tongue, Eli is something of a smooth talker, and a tad bit of a comedian. While his humor is cynical, it’s humor all the same. Eli can seem to know what to say and when to say it, allowing him to weasel out of the many tricky situations he finds himself in, despite odds. It’s not foolproof, but his mannerisms of speech have pulled him out of many a metaphorical gutter.

While not religious in particular, Elias is intrigued by the ideas of an afterlife, if not what stems from different cultures envisionings of what occurs after death. A bit of a morbid fascination, in some instances.

Having artistic muse.
Dealing or participating in petty theft.
Pondering upon ideologies of the afterlife.
Obtaining close bonds.
Alternative rock.
The sensation of being out in the rain.
Potted cacti. Eli finds them to be adorable. Although, he probably would hesitate to admit his fancying of them.

Liars {Despite being one}.
Being questioned on the spot.
Large crowds.
The boredom he finds in sobriety.
The complexity behind close bonds.
The loud clasp of thunder.
Discussing politics at any length.
Like many others, being confined.
Being caught in any manner of repetition.
Caught in the inability to create.

{TW; Drug usage, drug mentioning}
Elias grew up in poverty, his father and mother both users of drugs classed as "hardcore", as such, the care was lacking, and, at the tender age of six, Eli was taken into Child Protective Service’s Custody alongside his two younger siblings Bekka and Collen, in which, in eventuality, he found himself split from. What he knew shattered beneath his feet.
From here on, Elias bounced from foster home to foster home, location to location, never settling into a routine or, to his befuddlement, becoming adopted.
In the meanwhile, his twin siblings, on the other hand, had found a family that adopted them although, the knowledge of where and to who is beyond him.
This separation is a source of mild trauma today for Elias.
Regardless, Elias moved from school to school throughout his childhood years, finding difficulty in grasping onto friendship.
When Elias reached the age of seventeen, he ran from his current foster home, who, in actuality, treated him well, and dropped out of school, becoming connected to a small-time gang through a former school friend, Mallory Devin.
Together, Mallory and Elias flourished within the gang.
Despite being a drop-out, Elias was smart, learning how to maintain a sway within the gang.
Elias, at a point, handled the drug dealing, although due to his past, he oft refused to deal with the drugs that spawned his parent's addiction. This work allowed him the currency to afford a small apartment of which he shared with Mallory, whom he upkeeps a mixed relationship with that toes the lines of romantic, although, they are not exclusive nor a couple by any means.
In actuality, Eli, partially, pines for a different life, but alas, has settled into a habit.
In a way, he sees crime his only grand capability.

Past Occupation:
Is being a criminal an occupation? No? Oh, alright then.

Mother- Emily Estelle Dawn - Status Unknown
Father- Nathaniel Jessen Dawn - Status Unknown
Biological tiwn Sister- Bekka Nathaniel Dawn - Status Unknown
Biological twin Brother- Collen Ell Dawn - Status Unkown

Foster Mom- Justinia Vellen (NPC)
My mother she told me, don’t get into trouble.

It would not be wrong to say Elias is (was) coddled but his foster mother, who did nothing but believe in him despite his problematic nature. Because of this, both Elias and Justinia hold a great relationship, although, due to Justinia’s coddling, any sense of stabilization is off and Elias is allowed to get by with things he would otherwise not in regards to his foster father.

Foster Dad- Marcus Vellen (NPC)
My father he told me, he knew I would.

Stern and strict, Elias and Marcus do not see eye to eye. That is the gist of their relationship as a whole. Marcus is unapproving of both Justinia’s coddling and Elias’ attitude and behavior. Often, this rift led to strife at times between Justinia and Marcus that Elias attempts to ignore the guilt of, with little success.

Foster Sister- Ambrosia Vellen (NPC)
My sister she told me, to do something good.

Ambrosia and Elias have a balanced relationship, although Ambrosia seems intent on “fixing” Elias. Often, she is attempting to dig him out of complicated situations, regardless of their nature, which leads to herself falling into trouble.
Elias, at all costs, strives to keep his doings from reaching his sister’s ears, lest she gets involved.

Foster Brothers- Ember Vellen, Scotch Vellen (NPC)
My brothers they told me, don’t give a damn.

Enablers, to say the least. Elias holds a complicated relationship with both Ember and Scotch.
Convoluted and twisted, for their amusement, Ember, and Scotch oft encourage Elias’ negative doings. Their enabling is a striking contrast to Justinia’s, where there is no love involved.

None as of current.

Significant Other:

: - o Cookie dough.
I'll add tidbits about Eli here later.

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Edited on 29/04/19 @ 02:20:54 by Husk (#37594)

GoldenLeo (#171146)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-04-24 00:39:54

*~Partially a WIP, but most of it is here~*

Name: Morgan Everett

Age: 26

Birthday: Oct 10.

Gender: Demi-girl (she/her pronouns but Morgan has never felt like human genders really fit. She's a bear, man, that's what matters. Would literally identify as "strong" if possible.)

Sexuality: Lesbian (girls are soft and pretty ok)

Room Number: Block C: #480A (i guess? might change)

Animal Form: Brown Bear (ursus arctos)

Physical Appearance (Human): Like both of her parents, it's not hard to tell that Morgan is a bear shifter. Just over 6' tall and with broad shoulders, Morgan worked hard for her muscles, even joining the football team as their first female defender. When she entered RQF-D7, Morgan's dark brown hair was short in a military crew cut, but in the 3 years she's been at RQF it's grown out ragged and almost chin-length. Overgrown bangs hide warm brown eyes, though it's been a while since a smile truly reached them, and sleepless nights have underlined them with deep bruises. One bicep is tattooed with pawprints from mother, father, and herself, while the other has the logo of the first platoon she served with. Though few ever see her without a top on, there are massive scars across her abdomen from an incident in her time with the army.

Physical Appearance (Animal): Morgan stands at just over 8' when she shifts and gains over 400 pounds of muscle. The fur around her muzzle and paws are a lighter, tawny brown. With paws larger than car tires and black claws almost a half a foot long, Morgan has always reveled in her strength when shifted. Her least favorite part about RQF is how much the staff seem to hate the shift, and she spends as much time shifted as possible. There are patches in her fur left from scars from her time in the military.

Personal Items:

-Everett family photo

-Small collection of well read sci-fi romance novels.

-Memorabilia from her time in the army - mostly patches.

-Boxing gloves inherited from her father. She still practices with them, usually while looking a guard directly in the eye through the glass.

-Box of playing cards and a set of dice from her old DnD campaigns.

-Collection of anything small, hard, and sharp she can use to etch into the walls of her cell.

-Dartboard [Confiscated]



Personality: As a child, Morgan always got what she wanted. Not because her parents would give it to her, but because she went out and got it herself. She wanted to hunt salmon when mom said it wasn't time yet? Morgan spent three days sleeping beside the river until she found the first one. Her mother tried to explain it was a pike, but her daughter was so happy she grilled it up that night with a strong sauce. Nothing was impossible for a stubborn girl in a small town, and that stubbornness floated her through high school and basic training. The fact that she could flip humvees with ease made her popular even before they discovered her deadpan jokes. Bad bear puns are her particular favorite. She often feels like there is nothing beneath her bubbly exterior besides anger anymore, and she hasn't had a chance to talk to anyone about what she's gone through since entering the facility. This has led to sometimes violent and unstable mood swings, usually followed by frantic and desperate apologies to anyone that sees her lose her temper. She holds on desperately to friends now that she has lost almost everyone she was connected to, and that fear fuels nightmares of losing what few friends she might have gained since entering the facility. Because they can't officially decorate their cells, Morgan scratches doodles, patterns, words, anything she can think of into the walls. Rebellion via defacement.


-Fish and heavy meat dishes

-Homemade food

-Ice cream

-Reading (mostly fictional and queer books, but her favorite school subject is anything to do with space and astronomy)

-Fishing (preferably in shifted form :P)

-Boxing, kickboxing, the variety of hand to hand combat techniques she learned in the army. She also enjoys weightlifting and swimming.

-Climbing trees

-Speaking French

-Being in bear form (spends as much time shifted as possible)


-Plain cereal and most of the food served at the facility

-Civilian technology (anything beyond emails and military comm tech makes her mad, but she sends her mother an email once a week from the library)

-Running (HATES RUNNING SO MUCH it almost killed her in boot camp but her natural strength and "bear lungs" helped.)



-Not shifting for long periods

History: Morgan was born in a small town on the Washington/Canada border mostly populated by her family members, or so it seemed when she was a child. She spent the majority of her time climbing the trees and mountains behind the small cabin she grew up in. Her parents taught her to shift as they hiked and explored with their daughter, helping build her confidence and self assurance. When she wasn't exploring, Morgan spent hours devouring any story that took her fancy. Academics were never quite her thing since they never talked about space except in science class, and the books in English were always boring or out of date. Or ended tragically, which only frustrated Morgan more. Disdaining the idea of college, which was mostly a money drain none of her classmates could consider either, Morgan did what she thought was natural and joined the Army, just like her mother. She could put her strength to good use fighting for her country and protecting people, and in the end that was all Morgan wanted out of life. She wasn't always the best with authority, but leadership came naturally. When not on deployment, Morgan was back home carving with her mother or hiking with her dad. Morgan was happy, and her future seemed secure. One day she might settle down with an old high school girlfriend, or maybe another enlisted.

But one day never arrived.

Past Occupation : Army Sergeant. While leading a routine patrol through a section of foothills in Iran, an unexploded IED buried nearby was set off by an animal. Two of the soldiers under Morgan's command died, and she was left with shrapnel in her chest and abdomen. She spent more than a year in recovery, not just for her body but for PTSD and other mental health issues. Just as she received approval to rejoin the ranks, the Disease was discovered. At first no one took threats to their positions seriously. Sure maybe they would be separated, but that just meant shifter only platoons, right? A week later, Morgan received a letter from her former CO. If she wished to rejoin them, she had to undergo testing at the Rosebrook facility. Her parents drove her to the pick up site, and Morgan hugged them goodbye before she left. That was the last contact she would have on the outside since, and only her parents had ever responded to her letters or emails from inside.

Relationships (Friends, family, etc.): [WIP]

Mirajane Everett: Mother/52/NPC: Always expected to have a big family. She had four sisters herself, plus a brother that had all had multiple children themselves. Mirajane - or MJ as she was known to most - followed in her own father's footsteps and joined the military, always expecting some day to arrive just like she always expected. Yet even after she left, it took years before Mirajane and Bernard managed to conceive.

Bernard Everett came from farther north, one of the last brown bears to come from the glacial fields. He taught his daughter French before English, much to her mother's annoyance.

Morgan's Last Squad Members: Will add more about them later, but for now Morgan feels betrayed by anyone she used to know in the military since she feels they "locked her up and threw away the key."

Crush (optional): Morgan often thinks of the many women she dated over the years, especially the last she met on deployment. Also even if the uniforms are "totally horrible like wow my army fatigues were better than this shit", it doesn't stop her from noticing her fellow shifters.

Significant Other (optional): [N/A or TBD?(pls)]

Other: Cookies and creme, or french vanilla bc it's deliciousssss :3
However it seems Morgan prefers rocky road and moose tracks ;P

In summary: Basically a Tol Strong Butch who served her country and is now p pissed there's been no progress and their lives were interrupted. Will kick ur ass but also loves her friends and also food.

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Edited on 25/04/19 @ 22:52:04 by GoldenLeo (#171146)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-04-27 00:08:28
Have another wip.

Fionn Fawkes.

26 years old.

December 21st.

Doesn't seem all that concerned, but uses he/him pronouns and tends to be perceived as male.

"If you can explain to me how exactly this is your business, maybe I'll tell you. Otherwise, shove off."

ᴀɴɪᴍᴀʟ ғᴏʀᴍ
None. He’s a human.

ᴘʜʏsɪᴄᴀʟ ᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀᴀɴᴄᴇ
A man most people wouldn’t consider tall nor short, but rather somewhere in between at an even 5’8”. Fionn is fairly light, perhaps a bit underweight for someone his height, and his co-workers often exaggerate this by joking he has a 2-inch waist. He doesn’t appear to appreciate it. He’s certainly not a person who would appear threatening at first glance, his build rather thin and lacking in any noticeable muscle. His hair is short, neatly trimmed and strawberry blond and some faint facial hair often covers his upper lip and chin.

His eyes are rather unusual, a light grayish hue with nearly black streaks stretching from around the pupil and a circle of darker gray ringing the edge of the iris. His nose is pointed and somewhat crooked from a break that hadn’t healed correctly, a fact some people might find amusing considering his occupation. One might notice Fionn has more than one scar that would have disappeared without a trace or at least faded with time if properly cared for.

His facial features are sharp and fine, marred only by his crooked nose. His fingers, hands and arms also appear to have a few healed over cuts, but they aren’t usually visible, hidden from view by long sleeves and gloves. They’re pretty typical as far as scars go, the result of being reckless or clumsy in his younger years. Pale freckling can be found scattered across his face and a pair of lime green-rimmed glasses are always worn as his eyesight is fairly blurry without them.

Green seems to be his color, as even the ends of his lab coat sleeves, the shirt he wears beneath and boots are often similarly shaded. He always seems to be dressed for work and there aren’t many who can claim they’ve ever seen him wear anything else.

ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟ ɪᴛᴇᴍs
None. He doesn’t bring anything from home to work.

Fionn has gained quite a reputation for being dour and humorless. Seems he’s not in any hurry to change that either. His face seems permanently stuck in a scowl and he’s a very ‘let’s get down to business’ sort with little time or patience for goofing off or even taking a break. He seems intent on keeping things professional with both his co-workers and the shifters, never sharing anything about himself or attempting to strike up a conversation. His demeanor is a bit off-putting, coming across as cold and detached, but at the very least he doesn’t seem prone to making things more difficult for the shifters than they need to be.

He seems quiet until someone has the misfortune of doing or saying something that ruffles his metaphorical feathers because the man will go off and probably surprise the person on the receiving end of his verbal lashing with what a foul mouth he has. Once ignited, Fionn’s temper isn’t quick to fizzle out and he can hold onto his bad mood for literal days, one for holding grudges and remembering every slight against him. He has a whole host of people on his shit list, and they either tend to avoid him or get a rise out of aggravating him.

The only person within the facility who can see beneath the surface is likely his brother Casey. Fionn is a little less intense once he gets to know someone and can even prove quite sweet, but getting to that point tends to be more work than most are willing to commit. He appears unbothered by the fact he doesn't seem to have any friends, or so he claims at least. He has more than enough work to occupy his time.

+ The color green.
+ Turtlenecks. Often wears one beneath his lab coat.
+ Dark chocolate. Milk and white are detested though.
+ Researching.
+ Birds and deer.
+ Writing/Reading.
+ Quiet places.
+ Early morning.
+ Plants. Has quite a few different kinds placed around his office. They’re all well cared for.
+ Any kind of fruit or vegetable.
+ Fish.

- Puns. You will get a dirty look if you say one in his presence.
- Difficult inmates.
- Anything overly sweet.
- Being touched by anyone beyond family and very close friends.
- Loud/crowded places.
- People who refuse to take responsibility.
- Meat. He’s a Pescatarian and has trouble digesting most meats.
- Some of the guards and other scientists.

Coming soon to a theater near you. In typical me fashion it will be dramatic,

He’s a scientist at Rosebrook Quarantine Facility, specifically charged with monitoring the health and overall well-being of the shifters.

• Casey Fawkes - Younger Brother •
Casey is the reason he came to work at Rosebrook in the first place. After hearing his brother was forcefully detained the only thing he could think to do to support him was apply for a job there so he could personally see to it he wasn't being mistreated. They've remained as close as two brothers can in this kind of sitution and Fionn is determined to discover a cure for the disease so Casey can finally have his life back.

ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇ sᴏɴɢ
Crossfire - Stephen.
Let You Down - NF
Silence - Marshmello ft Khalid.


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Magpie (#77195)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-04-28 18:46:01
"I think I'm afraid to be happy because whenever I do get too happy something bad always happens."

Alistair Wolf


December 25th



Room Number:
Block C: #004B

Animal Form:
Snow Leopard

Physical Appearance (Human):
People are puppets held together with string
A once tall and proud man, Alistair stands at 6'7 with broad shoulders. Weighing a total of 176 pounds, Alistair is known for the muscles that define his otherwise healthy looking body. Pale tan skin stretches over his tall, muscular frame. War wounds scar his whole body, marring the perfection of his skin. His body is nothing but muscle and with his height, he can be very intimidating to be around. His jaw line is sharp and he has high cheekbones. His ears are somewhat flat to his head, but also large compared to normal people. Alistair's hair is black and thick, styled to the side. His eyes resemble the rest of him. A broken mess. Their deep emerald green hues tell a story far beyond what can be put into words.

His skin, besides the scars, also carries tattoo markings on his shoulders and the span of his back as well as his upper arms and calves. The markings are all similar to the rosettes on his snow leopard body as well as a long stripe from the base of his hair to just above his waist. The wide stripe runs parallel to a smaller, thin line on each side. His sides, under his arms, are decorated with the same rosettes, but appear to weave in and out of lines that are supposed to represent his ribs. His tattoos are not void of his scars and the line of his back is broken by pink-healed claw marks.

Physical Appearance (Animal):
Shockingly pure white fur with pitch black rosettes. Alistair's snow leopard form is a one of kind among the species. Although the same height as recorded for snow leopards, he is slightly smaller than other big cats of the Panthera genus. With short legs and stocky, muscular build, he stands 2'4 at the shoulder and over 4 feet in length. His tail adds an additional 3'1 feet to his overall length. His eyes in this form are the same emerald green as his human form.

Personal Items:
- A bunch of books. (All sensitive topic books were confiscated)
- A necklace from his mother.
- Two jackets lined in rabbit fur. (Confiscated due to the various hidden pouches that had contained daggers)
- A harness specifically made for snow leopards.
- A collar for his calico cat form. (Confiscated due to messing with the tracking collar)
- A harness for his rabbit form.

There's a beautiful sadness that runs through him
In highschool, Ali was a smooth-talker and sweet. He could make anyone smile and loved to be the one to brighten someone's day. He was a charmer and it didn't matter if they were the ugliest person alive, he'd still give them a compliment. He loved to see someone smile and he couldn't resist making sad people laugh. He was known for his sweet-talking and his honey-dripping voice. Even if he wasn't having the best of days, he always tried to make someone else's day better. He loved to laugh and smile and hang out with people that needed a friend.

At 17, Ali joined up with the army. He had reached his max height of 6'7 and with all of his tattoos, he was known to them as a gentle giant. No matter how the training or real fighting was going, Ali always showed up with a smile. He was calm no matter the circumstances and with his persuasive skills, the first to be called on to defuse a situation. A sweet-talking charmer, Ali was the calm, strong rock anybody could lean on. He lived to help people, loved to make someone's day better, strived to be the perfect guy. And he was. Somehow, someway, Ali was perfect. He never raised his voice, he never laid a hand on anyone, he never took a life. Despite his intimidating size and appearance, Ali could be compared with a baby bird, soft, sweet and gentle.

As he asked me to pray to a God he doesn't believe in

But Ali wasn't what everyone thought he was. Ali was hurting underneath his smiling facade. He was depressed and his mind unstable. He loved to see other people smile because he couldn't smile for himself. He loved to make other people laugh because he couldn't find a single thing to truly laugh about. He might have been a fun-loving, gentle giant, but he was genetically hurt. A chemical embalance is what they called it and no matter how sunny, how warm, how bright he could be or the day could be, it wasn't him. It was all just a mask he wore everywhere but with himself. Yet, at 26, he married the love of his life. She took away his pain. He could finally allow himself to smile for him, he could allow himself to laugh for the sun, for him, for her.

But here was a man mourning tomorrow

So, when he was taken to the facility, it is no mystery as to why he's become a shell of himself. His heart has metaphorically shattered into a million tiny pieces held together by tentatice tape that falls a bit every day. For his 6 months of being in the facility, he's never smiled, he's never laughed, he's never cared. His mind and heart have broken and he's a pitiful, beautiful giant with tear-filled eyes and grief heavy words.

- To make others smile
- The sun
- Rainy days
- Hanging out at the park

- Aggressive and rude people
- Storms
- Death
- Inconsistency

Turn back the time that drew him
Alistair was born to an unknown father and mother Nessika Wolf. She named him after her great grandfather, but she was not right in the mind. Nessika's side of the family is the one heavy with a record of depression. She lived most of her life in her leopard form and slowly became the leopard. For the three years that she was human again to give her son a chance at life, but when she started to feel human again, she left and did her best to ignore his cries.

His cries caught the attention of a stranger walking on the street, as he was left in an alley. The straner took him to the police station where he stayed for a few days and was watched over by the officers until child protective services could pick him up. Found in his blanket wrap there was his name, birthdate and age. Being so young, it wasn't hard to find him foster parents and they adopted him and another, younger male when he was five. Yet, they'd been hesitant because for some reason, they'd never seen him smile, never heard him laugh. They wanted to give him a chance at a normal life and put him in therapy. He was diagnosed with depression after finding an unhealthy chemical embalance within him.

But he couldn't be saved

He shifted around age seven, yet his human adopted parents didn't freak out and just helped him, finding another shifter to teach him anything he might have needed to know and when he struggled to cope with school and his depression, his parents decided it might be best to teach him how to be happy. If he couldn't smile or laugh for himself, they didn't want him to be a downer to others. What they didn't know was that he already knew how to be a fun-loving person. A part of himself was not showing his real self to other people.

When he got to high school, he'd even gotten his parents to believe he was fine. He was too skilled at pretending, so when at 17 he went into the army, his adopted parents and brother thought it was an attempt to get rid of himself. He'd gotten his tattoos shortly after joining the army. His squad was chill with his actions. Who could deny a fun-loving, gentle giant his wishes? In the army is where he gained all of his scars from both humans and shifters, but it is where he found the love of his life, his future wife, fox-shifter Lora.

At 26, he married Lora and she took away all of his pain. She was his sunlight, his soul, his only reason to live. He could no smile for himself. His adoptive parents accepted her and was glad he was finally happy. His hapiness only increased when they realized they were pregnant. At 31, he'd found out he was having his first child and he couldn't have been happier. He coulnd't have hoped for anything more. He turned 32 two months before his child was supposed to be born. After the need for all shifters to go into quarantine, they'd stayed hidden, but one day, there was a knock on their door. A cop had found them and had back up. They had to go to a quarantine facility, there was no other option.

A sadness runs through him

Not wanting to risk either his wife's or his unborn daughter's life, he was ready to agree. They had to leave. They'd be realesed when a cure was found, but Lora was a war vet, agressive and her motherly instincts were heightened because she was so close to her fox side. Unfortunantely, she didn't agree and was thought to have gone savage and contracted the disease, so she was shot. In the forehead, right in front of Alistair. Everything he thought he'd fixed came rushing back and he was forced to go with the authorities, but he had not the will to stay. His wife and unborn child lay bleeding in the doorway, her face twisted in anger, one hand on her stomach and he broke.

Past Occupation:
War Veteran

Mother: Nessika Wolf - Having lived most of her life as a leopard, she wasn't ready to give it up. Being human reminded her of the depression. After three years of raising her child, she left before her human thoughts returned.

Father: Unknown

Adopted Mother Leslie and Father Johnn A semi-close relation, but Ali was never around. They cared about him, but he felt they didn't accept him.

Peter H: Squad commander. Human, but a nice guy that also gave him the first chance in both of his forms. He was very respected by a lot of people, but had a deep respect for Ali and often went to him whenever both of them needed time to just relax and talk.

The guys: Nine different humans that all have their own nicknames from Alistair. Each guy used to be on his squad in the army. Each are, well were, as important to Ali as his wife, until she died and then nothing could compare. They care for him, but now they don't contact him at all.


Significant Other:
Lora Wolf: Red Fox Shifter - Deceased - She was his sunshine, literally. When she and their unborn child were killed, all the life inside of him died with her.

- All but the top italics is lyrics to A Sadness Runs Through Him and I know they are not in perfect order, but I only included the parts that related to him.

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Edited on 29/04/19 @ 20:51:03 by Magpie (#77195)

Tinyboops (Clean) (#113796)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-05-13 09:20:07
Name: Alex Brewman, prefers to go by Brewman

Age: 22

Birthday: August 2nd

Gender: trans male

Sexuality: we just don't know

Room Number: Block C: #002A

Form: Kangaroo Rat

Physical Appearance (Human): 4'8". Thin frame. Large dark brown eyes. Light brown skin. Ear-length curly black hair. Wears the grey clothing. Average looking.

Physical Appearance (Animal): Body is 3" long. Tail is 5" long. 8" total length. Dark grey, almost black, fur. Cheek pouches. Tail is slightly fluffy at the end. Large head-- about 1/3 of his body. Smallish ears. Elongated back feet (like kangaroo feet). Whiskers. Short front legs-- act as hands, not used when leaping/running but used when walking.

Personal Items: A small bright pink bouncy ball, a bag of rat pellets, a bin of shredded paper, and various small chewing toys.

Personality: Very mouse-like. Skittish and shy but incredibly curious. Once he trusts someone he has no issue with personal space. High energy, not good at being cooped up in a small place. Prefers to spend time as a rat while in the cell so he "has more room" to bounce around. Would rather flee than fight, but most of the time he just ends up freezing.

Likes: Sunflower seeds, digging, zoomies.

Dislikes: Loud noises, surprises, tall people.

History: Comes from a small town in the middle of Kentucky. Town mostly consisted of shifters. Tight knit community-- everyone knew everything about everyone. He attended school in a neighboring town but dropped out at 16, thus never completing high school or college. He loved his neighbors and got along well with most of them. His mail routes took him all over the town so he ended up seeing almost everyone every day. There were no children his age while growing up so he often spent time with the older kids, who were happy to let him ride around on their shoulders and bounce along beside them. As the "disease" started to become a problem, he watched his town slowly dissolve. By the time they came for him, most of the town was gone. The few that remained were fully human or small rodents like himself. How he got captured is a bit fuzzy in his mind. He remembers running to find his parents and warn them, then a small prick in his shoulder, then waking up in the back of a truck with the windows blacked out.

Past Occupation: Mailman.

Relationships: Status of all family members is unknown. Elicia Brewman (mother), Donald Brewman (father),

Crush: N/A

Significant Other: N/A

Other: Speed of up to 10ft/s, leap of up to 6ft, max vertical jump 2ft. Able to fit through holes 3/4" in diameter, tight squeeze if they are that size, easier as they get larger. Must be constantly eating in rat form due to super high metabolism. Cookie dough :3

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