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Posted by | To Be a Guardian- Castle Character Sheets |
![]() Lynx 1.0 (#91211) ![]() Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-06 19:14:22 |
Main Roleplay ThreadPLEASE DO NOT TALK ABOUT ANYTHING HERE, THIS IS FOR CHARACTER SHEETS ONLY, EVERY REPLY WILL NOTIFY A MODERATOR. IF YOU WILL REPLY WITH A NON CHARACTER SHEET, THIS WILL BE TREATED AS SPAM.Application Quote a phrase that describes your characters attitude. Name What your character is known as and full name Gender also add sexuality Age Physical age as well as mental age(most only live till 200,) DO NOT MAKE YOUT CHARACTER OLDER THAN 383 TOTAL YEARS. Personality Basic traits, there will be room for character development. Appearance Text and a picture If you can, also every guardian has a death mark, purely from where they had been officially killed. If they were shot, they have bullet scars. BUT sometimes a magic will take over to hide the scar. 'scary' scars would be hidden. Say your character was burned alive, none of those scars would show up. You don't want to scare the people you are saving. Death How did your character die? details please. consider this an rp example. Power If unsure, pm me! Ruling God/Goddess Choose only from the 4 listed. If unsure. Pm Me! This will also need to be aproved. Wings Wing color and type! If your character has an element, they may not have feathered wings. Theme Song cause why not? Other what else do you want us to know about your character? ![]() Edited on 06/05/19 @ 19:31:27 by Queen Lynx (#91211) |
Lynx 1.0 (#91211)
![]() Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-06 19:16:10 |
Quote "The center of the universe has been discovered, and it doesn't revolve around you." Name Mark Kaiper - Arch Guardian Gender Strait Male Age The oldest living Guardian at 1000 Years, he only looks 19. Has been arch angel for 250 years. Personality Blunt and Sarcastic, very stubborn and ornery at times. Not the best leader as he can be a major ass hole. But he knows his shit about being a guardian. Which is why he's in charge. While he is an ass hole, hes not selfish. As no guardians have dies on his watch. He is clearly doing something right. Everything the new guardians know are told to them by Mark, and the other older guardians dont say anything about the past. Mark does what he thinks is right, he could have lied about the history of the guardians, and some newer guardians are beginning to suspect he did. Not that theres anything they can do about it. His word is final. Appearance Mark is about 6'3 with platinum blonde hair and sky blue eyes, his is stuck right between pail and tan, but it's a good look for him. I'm describing Marks body, one would first day thin or slender, maybe even skinny. But upon further inspection, Mark is rather ripped. Even for such an old guardian, he takes very good care of his body. Mark uses magic to hide his death scars, they cover his whole body as burns and deformations from his flesh falling off his body. Death Mark was born when factories were popular, so he, like many other young people his age; works in a factory. Marks factory was a generator, more specifically, it dealt with new, cleaner nuclear energy. Unfortunately, the work was very dangerous, people constantly passing away from radiation poisoning. Mark went to work one day, and they locked down the facility as always, Preventing the radiation from leaking out. A few hours into work, Mark went to lunch to a facility outside the factory, where the radiation was in nonlethal doses. He heard the sirens, the radiator was melting down, and Mark was the only engineer on duty who knew how to fix it. The radiation level flew sky high even where Mark was. He got up and sprinted toward the locked down factory. He swiped his card to enter, but it was on a security lock down. The melt down was worse than Mark had thought. He knew that the world had been destroyed once by nuclear radiation, it seemed like that may happen again... No, it couldn't! marks family was out there some where and there was no way he would let his city go down because of this. Mark turned, the door was open! factory workers were rushing out, some already showing signs of radiation poisoning. Mark hesitated, just a moment, he knew what would happen if he entered... He ran in anyways. Pushing through the workers as they desperately tried to get out. He lunged into the control panel just over the reactor. His skin was on fire, bubbling and turning red, sparks flew everywhere in the hot electric air. He could barely think as he worked to put the factory on cool down. There was a sick slump, Mark didn't have to look to know his skin was peeling away and falling off. He could feel it. He saw the panel turn green, and knew things would be better soon, once the radiation died down, the other engineers would return to finish Marks work. He collapsed against the controls and slid down, feeling his blistery skin stick to the smooth metal and pull from his body as he sat down. At least he had stopped the melt down. Power Electricity It is a fairly common ability, he can call lightening front he sky to strike opponents. Or he an generate it himself. Being 1000 years old, he could power several major city's all at once. But he tends to he on the lazy side of fighting. Typically picking off enemy's with minor electric attacks. Only when faced with a worthy opponent, can one see his true power. Ruling God/Goddess Chase Ross Wings Gold and Caramel wings, medium build. Theme Song Nice To Meet Me- Zach Hemsey Other Marks is not as honest as you may think an Arch Angel would be. ![]() Edited on 06/05/19 @ 23:03:17 by Queen Lynx (#91211) |
Lynx 1.0 (#91211)
![]() Dreamboat of Ladies View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-06 19:16:46 |
Quote "If you ever need to talk to anyone, I will always be here for you." Name Travis Windhaven Gender Strictly Gay Man Age 600 Years old, looks 22 Personality He is the mom/dad of the group. Very caring understanding. He is the base and stability of the group. He is honest and kind and loyal. Very devoted and good nature. He's gay.. but does not come off like it, he seems strait, he rarely flirts with anyone.. mostly cause he prefers to have one night stands. That is the worst part about him. He is awful in relationships. Appearance Travis is a whopping 6'8, wind guardians such ad Travis need large bodies for the wind to work around, making it easier for the wind to maneuver his long limbs in more area for percision. Aside from that. Travis is big built and muscular, he shaved his head on the sides and let's it grow long on the top and back. He is a natural red head, but dies it aqua blue for fun. He is rather pale as well with big brown eyes and freckles all over his body, but they are only noticeable if you are really looking. The only unappealing part of his body, would be the scar that wraps all around his body. Slightly diagonal, from where he had once been cut clean in half. Death Travis held on tight to the tree trunk, the hurricane was sent by the gods to end the way happening to the lands... at this rate, it would destroy both sides. Travis watched his friend clutched despretly to the grass, about 5 feet from the tree Travis clung too.. it was clear his friend would not last much longer. So Travis did the only thing he could think to do... He crouched down and extended his hand, grabbing his friends wrist after stretching himself out. He dragged his friend to the tree.. then it began to happen, the tree was bending under their weight. It would snap at any moment. Travis looked to his friend... the tree would break soon, and his friend had a daughter to return to. It took several long moments before Travis finally removed his clammy hands from around the tree, and was hurled high into the air. He flee around helplessly for a while, watching the winds tear up everything in their wake... He never saw the metal sheet coming.. well not until it was too late. The metal sheet empaled his chest, and slid through. A clean cut. Severing Travis's body clean in half. Travis flew through the air alittle longer, watching his lower body fly away from him.. then causioness slipped away. Power Wind He can create horrific tornados and winds effortlessly, he is the base of the team. He helps the others to fly and to prevent them from crashing. He can create up to 9 massive tornados at once, but in creating more than 4 tornados, he must just float ont he air and focus on what's around him. While the winds to protect him. He cannot move. The wind element is the physically strongest of all powers. But wind is also by far the rarest element to gain. Ruling God/Goddess Chase Ross Wings Baby blue wings with white and grey patches, he has heavy set wings but because of his wind abilities he is the best flier. Theme Song Dangerious- Left Boy Other I am, The Mad Hatter ![]() Edited on 06/05/19 @ 23:02:22 by Queen Lynx (#91211) |
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