“Death is the only thing for you here.”
The Irredeemables. Outcasts, survivors, forgotten, alone. As mankind, or what was left of it, clustered together into a glass dome, sheltered from the cutting wind and dust, they left the criminals to fend for themselves. Now, those so lovingly dubbed “irredeemables” by the society that once raised them, must survive, with no one to rely on save each other. The weather is brutal, with scorching days and freezing nights. Lions prowl across the shifting sands, their calls echoing across the desolate landscape for miles. A small tent serves as a home base, formed from dry wood and a mismatched quilt, made from the clothes of those that had died. There is no waste here. The Dome, society’s new home, is a few miles off, within walking distance, though there isn’t much to see. The glass is frosted and dusty, but if one looks close enough they can see the shadowy figures moving about inside. There are rumors that no one lives in the glass, that society has died and the Irredeemables are the only ones left, but most refuse to believe that. To imagine the abandonment of all they knew is a bit easier than the death of it.
Every so often, a survivor disappears. Very few have returned, but if they did, their voice box was mutilated, leaving them unable to tell their story. They often die days, sometimes months later, and many bear peculiar, surgical- like scars on their abdomen. Over the entire fifty year history of The Irredeemables, one woman has ever survived her abduction and eventual return, minus a few fingers and her voice. Those who go missing are assumed to have been taken by lions, or murdered by one of the many small bands of rogues- those who chose not to join the Irredeemables. Recently, a young woman was taken. Two days later she was returned, unconscious, and heavily pregnant. She had not been with child before she left. She woke up a week later, mute, unable to tell her story, though her mouth often opened in a silent scream. Many fear the birth of the child, without a way of knowing who, or what, the father is, there is no telling what the child may be. None, however, have the heart to kill a baby, especially when the mother is unable to add her voice to the mix.
This abduction has led to a bundle of conspiracy theories. Aliens? Government experiments? Rogues? A new, malicious force? None can say, and none are keen to find out. They simply go about their days, trying their best to ignore the mute woman on the only cot in their tent, thrashing, mouth agape in a silent wail. They duck their heads, fear the birth, and do their jobs. Survival is always first. Some have speculated that if it is government agents, then there must either be another society elsewhere, or a way out of- and therefore into- The Dome. A way towards eventual salvation- or death.
The Desert, the only home of The Irredeemables, is desolate and empty. Winds screech across the open space, throwing red sand around in fits and tantrums. Dust storms are common, brutal, and devastatingly fast. Many have died to the swirling, agitated sands. Very little vegetation grows here, small cacti force their way through the rocks and red grains, raising their arms to the blistering sun. They are the group's only source of water. Sagebrush rattle with the wind, adding their ghostly voices to the desert's haunting, eternal symphony. The sun is merciless, rapidly dehydrating those who dare venture in it's spiteful glare. It is responsible for many deaths. The Irredeemables wear thick clothes, that, though ungodly hot, protect them from the sun and sand. They cannot venture outside without a thin veil across their face, or they risk blindness by the flying sand. When night falls all heat flees instantly, and all who value their lives return to home base. There are things out there, when the sun sinks. Things no one has ever met, and no one cares to meet. They shriek and wail and leave massive indentations in the sand when morning comes, but remain out of sight. Unfortunately, out of sight does not mean out of mind in this case. Many live with a constant fear of the unknown creature, often called The Prowler.
The lions are the desert's largest known predators, standing seven feet at the shoulder and hunting anything that moves. They more resemble the primitive lion species of the past than those of today, but they are deadly nonetheless. They travel in prides of upwards of ten lions, all equipped with long canines and sharp claws. They are hard to kill, and even harder to see, the red of their coats merging effortlessly with the sand. The President wears a lionskin, though no one quite knows where it came from. They are the only one prestigious enough to bear the symbol of The Irredeemables' largest threat. Lions, though seemingly unbeatable, are afraid of fire. Every member of the group is required to carry flint and steel with them, in an effort to fend off the scourge of survival. Lions are mostly active in the evening, and often come close enough to the tent that those inside can hear their breathing. But the constant fire kept burning within does its job to deter the predators.
The Dome is a huge glass bubble. It has been there as long as any can remember, and will remain there for the foreseeable future. The glass is thick, dusty, and frosted, preventing spying of any sort. Look long enough, and shade the glass enough to cover your own reflection, and you might see figures moving inside. But none have ever come to the glass, and none have ever come out. The Dome is a few miles away, close enough to walk to, but many have stopped visiting, finding the glass dome too depressing. A poignant reminder of what could have been. Others harbor a bitter resentment toward The Dome, a burning hatred for what's inside, and what the glass symbolizes.
The Irredeemables began as criminals. Thrust from society and left to die in the desert while the rest took shelter in The Dome, they found a way to survive. They drew solace from each other, forming a group, starting families, raising children, even stumbling upon a few dogs and taming them. Though they were far from thriving, they survived. They carved a place for themselves among the roaring winds and whipping sand, and called it home. Now, fifty years later, they still survive. But the years have changed them. Though they are still many different races, almost all have dark, deeply tanned skin from years of abuse by sand and sun. The small tent that the first Irredeemables called home has grown, the quilt made larger by sewing in the clothes of the deceased. The children have grown, the originals have died, and more children have been born. Though the children are few, they are the future.
The Irredeemables are led by a single person, called The President. The President can be voted in and out with little ceremony, and they wear the pelt of the lion. The pelt still has a head and mane, which tucks over the head of the wearer like a cloak. The President makes small decisions, like where to hunt, where to sleep, and holds meetings with votes for the larger issues. Their assistant is formally called The Vice President, but the name is shorted to simply 'The Vice'. The Vice helps with more trivial matters, and wears the pelt of some other, smaller cat, with white streaks running through the fur. They are often The President's closest friend. The rest of the group has an order among themselves, but all ultimately answer to The Vice, and then The President. The Dog Master is in charge of the group's five dogs. The dogs are named by The Dog Master, and they are the only one the dogs pay any heed to. They are probably sight hounds, due to the deep chest, tucked waist, long legs and large eyes, but their coats are all a mottled reddish brown. They are used for hunting, and are silent killers. The Hawk Master is in charge of a single hawk, named and trained by them. The hawk catches smaller prey, often used for feeding the dogs, and is well suited to its desert environment. The Healer, the sole long-term survivor of an abduction, is ironically called Fingers. She only has seven fingers, the other three are missing. She is mute as well. Nevertheless, Fingers has a knack with medicine, and uses the scarce, tough plants of the desert to treat everything from sunburn to broken bones.
The main food source for The Irredeemables is a sort of deer, red coated, lean, and long legged. The dogs are adept at hunting them, though scent tracking is difficult over the shifting sands. The weapons used to kill the quick deer are crudely made bows and arrows, and once the animal is down, a knife, typically made of stone or bone. Guns do not exist here. The animal is then brought back, its internal organs are fed to the dogs and hawk, and the rest of the meat is either eaten immediately, or dried and stored. The Irredeemables wear thick clothes, often made of hide or decaying fabric. They wrap scarves around their neck, noses, and mouths to protect against the dust when outside, but need nothing of the sort when they're in their tent.
The President (1/1) The highest rank. They are voted in and out, wear a lion's cloak, and are the leading voice on any matter.
The Vice (1/1) The President's closest friend. They handle trivial matters, are often weigh in on presidential issues.
The Healer {NPC} A master of plants, herbs, natural remedies, and human anatomy. The healer assists with births, deaths, and everything in between.
The Dog Master (1/1) The one in charge of the five dogs. They name, train, exercise, care for, and hunt with the hounds. They may breed as well, but must do so with caution. The dogs are thin enough as it is.
The Hawk Master (1/1) The one who names, trains, exercises, cares for, and hunts with the hawk.
The Hunt Master (1/1) The one who runs the hunt. They are well educated on the ways of both the deer and lions, and are responsible for everyone in their party. They often work closely with The Dog and Hawk Masters.
The Civilians (3/∞) The members of the group who hunt, scavenge, gather, look after the children, keep the tent in order, tend the fires, and cook. Any gender can do any task. There is no room for discrimination in survival.
The Children {NPCs} The youngest of the group. They are the future. There are only four, of ages ranging from three to fifteen. They stay inside or near the tent, and learn their jobs as apprentices. Once a child turns sixteen they are considered a civilian.
The Rouges {NPCs} The criminals who chose not to join The Irredeemables. They are mostly formed of the scum of the earth: the murderers, the cruel, the heartless, the selfish. They are a constant threat, and live as nomads, making hunting them down and killing them difficult.
The Special Characters (3/3) {must pm for role} The characters who play a crucial part in the plot. They will only go to literate role players capable of handling them. Role play samples are required unless we're familiar.
1. Be kind. Always. Characters can fight, hate each other, wish for each others demise, but that should never be taken to the player.
2. No powerplaying or godmodding. Mary sues will not be accepted.
3. This role play is literate, at least two paragraphs a post, please. Occasional writer's block is understandable but should not become commonplace.
4. Never kill, marry, or severely injure another character without the player's explicit permission.
5. This role play is plotted. I may message you to propose a side plot with your character. If you don't like the idea, feel free to either decline or collaborate to edit it to your liking.
6. Relationships between your own characters are limited to a friendly/ familial relationship for the sake of building bonds with other role players.
7. If you come up with any plots or ideas, or experience any discrepancies within the role play, don't hesitate to reach out to me.
8. I'm currently on the hunt for a moderator experienced with role plays who would be willing to collaborate and help me struggle through my first plotted role play. Don't hesitate to reach out if you feel you fit the bill.
9. Children, in accordance with Lioden rules, are NPCs and will stay that way. I expect all Lioden rules to be followed, with properly sourced pictures (Pexels is a wonderful website) and adherent themes.
10. The original Irredeemables were criminals, but the current ones don't have to be. Many are the children of the originals or rogues who joined. The only original left is Fingers.
11. No character knows what lies beyond The Dome, what stalks them at night, or what abducts their members. It may not stay that way, but for now, that is the scope of forbidden knowledge.
OOC Thread