Posted by Contagion [Wolf RP, OPEN]

cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-01 01:39:11

Main Roleplay Thread


This image is a free to use clipart.

Gender Identification:
Romantic Orientation:
Age [Human years]:
Physique [Appearance]:
Disposition [Personality]:

[AKA Rankings you can apply for]

Sovereign [x1]

The sovereign is the head of all, the leader. He/She holds the most responsibilities and demands absolute respect from the lower rankings. He/She is the who has control over decisions. This rank must be earned for and is currently taken.


Proxy [x2]

These wolves are the second in commands. Proxies have a major say in decisions, and aids the sovereign in his tasks and duties. They step in for the sovereign, and one of them will be the future head. This rank must be earned for and is currently taken.



Mercenary [x3]

The mercenaries are the elite combatants of the pack. The three are chosen for a reason, for they are the commanders in war and battle. To be a mercenary is something a lot cannot handle, as the blood and the pain can be traumatizing, and thus these wolves are chosen carefully. This rank must be earned for and is currently NOT taken.


Reaper [x1]

The reaper is one of the most feared packmembers. He/She is the known punisher for those wolves who have commited sins or rebelled against the sovereign's word, and obeys every command thrown their way however twisted it may be. The reaper, in short, is the one who does the dirty work. This rank can be applied for and is currently taken.


Infiltrator [x2]

Infiltrators are wolves specializing in stealth. They raid and kill silently without too much bloodshed, and they hold many secrets. Infiltrators are generally assigned with tasks involving assassination. This rank can be applied for and is currently taken.



Herbalist [x3]

Herbalists are the wolves who specialize in healing. They are highly respected for it is told that they can see what the normal wolf cannot, and foretell prophecies farther than the average mind can comprehend.This rank can be applied for and is currently taken.


Combatant [Infinite]

Combatants are the heart of the pack. They are the warriors and hunters who train under the mercenaries' watchful eyes. Combatants are respected for their neverending loyalty and dilligence to keep the pack safe. This rank can be applied for.



Forebearer [Infinite]

Forebearers are the mothers and caretakers of the youth. They are respected for their love and fierce protectiveness, and should be protected at all times. Forebearers can be a temporary rank, for if a wolf that is not a forebearer bears pups or is nursing them, they will be stripped of their duties until their pups are independent. Males can also be forebearers as caretakers, but this is highly unlikely to happen. This rank can be applied for.


Rookie [Infinite]

Rookies are the adoloscents of the pack. They are trained to apply for a certain rank once they reach the age of adulthood. Rookies must earn their keep and title in the pack before then. This rank can be applied for.



Youth [Infinite]

The youth are the pups of Contagion. They are the hope of the pack, for they will grow up into valuable members. It is said that you must protect them at the cost of your life. This rank can be applied for.



Alchemist [x1]

The alchemist is, perhaps, the most least respected rank of the pack, for their duties are deemed the least important, and are considered useless most of the time. The alchemist studies the unknown substances, items and all types of poison in the herbal spectrum. Despite their vast knowledge, intelligence and low ranking, the alchemist is also feared for their studies. This rank must be earned for and is currently NOT taken.
DISCLAIMER: There can only be ONE wolf-dog hybrid in the pack. That is currently taken c:

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Edited on 12/06/19 @ 20:25:49 by Loey {Anubis} (#166237)

liv! (#169693)

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Posted on
2019-06-04 06:43:33

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”


Gender Identification


Romantic Orientation

4 weeks

Avalanche is a rather small pup, it is expected to be that she will be rather smaller than the other wolves when she is grown to adulthood. Her ears are the tiniest bit rounded and has strands of black following the rim of her ears.Her body, though mostly gray. Is a gray- white with strands of black interlaced. Her muzzle has a ribbon of black following the middle of the space between her eyes down to her nose. Her eyes are a pale shade of an amber orange.

Energetic and a bit ditzy, Avalanche is a type of wolf who is almost always happy and tries to always find new friends. Easily Distracted and bold, Avalanche can get distracted on hunts if she isn’t at her 100%. She strives to better that quality of herself so she can become a respected member of the pack,However, her bluntness is a fairly hard feat for her to better.


Too Young
( PM me if you’d like to be mates with her when she is full grown! )

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Edited on 04/06/19 @ 07:36:00 by SunnySideUp (#169693)

Folklore (#139547)

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Posted on
2019-06-04 15:06:13


“You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, it does not exist."


20 Years
[Human Equivalent]


Pansexual & Panromantic



Physical Description
Tempest doesn’t like to stick out. Her posture is always casual, never submissive or dominant in the way she appears. Her tail always stays stationary, never lifting in anger or show, never tucking in fear. She stands firm and with as much stubbornness as a physical mountain. She has streamlined limbs and a focused, stoic expression.

Tempest is easy on the eyes, her pelage a mixture of soft coloring. Her pelt is a creamy off-white, long and flowy along her sinuous, muscular bodice. Along her back, a lovely shade of subdued charcoal, tinged with darker cream tips, giving off a gradient-like appearance to most of her body. Her ears are lined with a more pristine shade of white, which is emphasised by the threading of pepper and khaki brown that lead towards the backs of her velveteen ears. Her eyes appear deep-set due to the dark hues from her pelage that are tucked into the the space between her muzzle and the swoop of her eye. They are an alluring hue of sage and olive, the smokey appearance to them adding some sort of mysterious aura.

Tempest is mostly leg, despite her moderate muscle capacity. She’s not the tallest in the pack, mostly due to her sex, and her fur is abundant and plumes around her face, neck, and shoulders with curling ends. The overall amount of fur makes her seem larger than she actually is. Tempest has one notable scar. It spreads between her neck and shoulder, often times obscured by her unruly (although immaculate) pelage. It doesn’t look too old, as it is still rather pink, and sometimes it aches. Where it originates, no one knows but herself.

Tempest is known for her hard working personality. She rarely, if ever, fails at an assigned task and will often get it done within record time as long as distractions are minimized. Once dedicated to a task, she will do her absolute best to complete it and refuses to give up. Despite her good work ethic of refusing to give up, she’s always been somewhat of a realist when it comes to goals. Never leaning over to pessimism, or towards optimism. She likes to keep things down to earth, tangible, and within her reach. If she feels as if she has overreached, she will generally fall back and reassess herself.

Tempest has a clear vision of who she likes and dislikes, and how she can keep her liked companions out of trouble. While she’s not one to smother and linger longer than she has to, she does like to make her opinion of dangerous activities known to her precious pals. And is not against joining them. You know, for protective purposes… But she’s intuitive. Instinct is something she holds onto with all her might. Born into the life of a loner, she often had nothing but herself (and sometimes her mother) to rely on. This lead to her listening to every reaction her gut had. While this tends to be seen as paranoia or cowardice, it had kept her alive when she needed it, and so she trusts herself completely.

Tempest is proud of her diligence, which can lead her to feeling a bit critical of herself and others in everyday life. If you did something wrong or imperfect, she will be the first to call you out on it. She is very self-critical and will often kick herself over every little thing that went askew. A loner’s blood is strong within this one. Despite being in a pack she tends to only think for herself rather than the general population. While it’s a survival mechanism, it is rather useless and counterproductive within a group.

Despite her obvious intelligence, she has a tough time figuring out what is right and wrong. She seems to move within that morally gray area, rather than simply being on the white or black sides of things. She moves with that she feels (or what she believes) is correct, and sticks to it. If others get hurt because of her actions, she usually couldn’t care less. Tempest never, ever takes things lying down. She’s fiery and quick to anger, quick to push towards violence. Despite her ranking, it’s obvious she was made to be something more, something better. She’s fierce and not one to walk over.

Theme Songs
Glory and Gore - Lorde
Arsonists Lullaby - Hozier
Touch - Sleeping At Last

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Edited on 04/06/19 @ 16:24:06 by ♛LADYSEER♛ (#139547)

Bear (#152041)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-06-04 20:28:33

To be old and wise, you must first be young and stupid


Gender Identification
Male (Trans)


Age [Human years]

Physique [Appearance]
Long-legged and lanky, his pale coat is an off-white with cream, tan, grey, and black tones peppering his body. Despite his slender features, he lacks any sort of femininity. His expression heavily leans towards indifferent but his eyes are often alight with his real emotions. His eyes are a rich bourbon color, the kind of liquor that's been sitting in a barrel in a distillery for over a century, warm and oak-y.
Paws have long healed scars on top and bottom, some fainter than others, as a result of anxious chewing in his youth. His right leg and face have deep bite scars from a brutal fight that resulted after his first heat. The scarring often lends to a tougher appearance when other first meet him, especially when paired with his somewhat stolid default demeanor. His posture is generally even, a bounce in his step only found when he’s amongst his friends.

Adventurous | Steadfast | Easily distracted | Mischievous
Socially clumsy | Resilient | Anxious | Lover boy
He is a chaotic neutral, charming and even charismatic in the right circumstances. In social interactions with anyone other than close friends, he is socially awkward and not the best when it comes to recognizing others’ motivations. Due to his anxiety, he tends to assume the worst in interactions outside of his group. With friends it’s easy to see that he has a good sense of humor, a deep sense of loyalty, and a rough and tumble attitude. A penchant for trouble, the mischievous boy often finds himself partaking in playful scuffles, pranks, and flirting (poorly) with girls that are probably way out of his league in his opinion. He thrives when he has a small, close knit circle of friends (1-3).


None yet

Send Me On My Way - Rusted Root
Renegades - X Ambassadors

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Edited on 04/06/19 @ 20:29:33 by Bear (#152041)

strwberrie (#93848)

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Posted on
2019-06-05 20:50:00

Enyo (“warlike”)

Gender & Sexuality Identification:
Born and identifies as female and is bisexual but homoromantic

Age (human years):

Combatant (hoping to earn her way to become a mercenary)

Enyo has piercing yellow eyes that are a stark contrast to her darker features. She predominantly has black fur, yet her undercoat is a grey that peeks out around her neck, shoulder blades, and underbelly. The two opposing colors blend a bit harshly giving her a rugged appearance. She knows she looks brooding and imposing and rolls with it.

Compared to most she-wolves, she is an oddity, composed of more muscle mass and standing quite tall and firm. She holds her slightly scruffy tail with pride and has a strong, sure gait. Her striking eyes are always intensely focused upon whatever task she is completing and don’t often betray any frustrations she might be feeling. Her muzzle is probably the main feminine aspect to her, long and tapering off a bit bluntly. Enyo’s fur is quite long and thick, especially around her neck leading to a mane-like appearance.

She bears no scarring (yet..) and keeps herself mostly groomed, she often has some leaf or debris scattered about her fur. Her favorite feature is her fangs, stark white against her black fur they definitely stand out. A fact she enjoys showing off time to time.

Enyo is a determined wolf, she knows what she wants and is set on achieving her goals. She comes off as cold and distant, not because she is cruel to her pack but because of her ambition. Born and raised to never be seen as weak she conceals her emotions and throws herself wholeheartedly into whatever goal she is trying to accomplish. This leads to her not having the closest of relationships with those around her.

Enyo does however have a very oddly charming personality, she is quite cocky and flirts often, sometimes (often) unknowingly. Her voice is a bit coarse, possibly from how intense her snarls are in combat scratching at her throat. Speaking of combat, Enyo adores it and lives for the fight of it all. Regardless, she is not violent outside of combat and is very respectful to those who have earned her respect. Otherwise, she just seems indifferent or aloof. It is no secret that Enyo’s biggest desire is to become one of the youngest mercenaries. She is very devoted to doing what she believes is right and just. Although, she does have a bit of a cruel streak, something she grapples with internally often.

Despite her rough exterior, Enyo has a very soft spot for pups, something she only really shows to the pups themselves. She has a witty sense of humor that creeps out time to time, especially with those she does feel comfortable with.

Overall Enyo is fierce and ambitious, a bit cold and very cunning. Although she does everything in her power to remain strong and powerful, she knows she has to rely on her smarts in battle and in life.

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pekoyama (#175041)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-06-06 03:14:30

base by JeanNoer on deviant art

"Sure. Sure you will. You know goodbyes aren't forever."



gender identification

arthur is born male and identifies as one.

sexual and romantic orientation

he is heterosexual and heteromatic.

age [in human years]

he is thirty four (34) in human years.


arthur is a tall, lanky, but holds a broad head with broad shoulders. he bares a very large dark brown sable marking with a light brown underbelly and socks. the tip of his nose across the half of his face to the sable is a dark brown blaze marking leading to the sable marking. the half side of his ears being dark brown as the inside of his ears is a light brown. around his eyes is dark brown, and his cheeks and jaws leading down to his underbelly are a light brown. between his sable marking and his underbelly is a warm milky brown. he holds a bite scar on his left ear, and a small three scars in the left side of his face. finally, he bares golden yellow eyes, charming to some.


at first, arthur is clever, mischievous, charming, and quite a risk-taker. He is also known to be callous, harsh, rude, eccentric, bad-tempered, bellicose, irreverent, and negative. such a wolf with the things he faces often forces himself to be someone he doesn't want. he's shown to be tougher and rough than any wolf, but he has the heart of a marshmallow. somehow he is a courageous, adventurous, intelligent, bighearted, friendly, confident, rebellious,, easy-going, sympathetic, compliant, mature, and a trusting wolf. such so being able to keep his promises, or at least what he can do for a promise. arthur knows he can't always keep a promise, but he knows that he could always try to.


here's the reaper replacement!


he has grown close with a girl named luciel, but holds no romantic feelings for her.

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Edited on 07/06/19 @ 16:43:19 by p e k o ;✨ (#175041)

FamilyFire05 (#175899)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-06-06 09:32:21
Name: Becking
Gender Identification: Male
Sexuality: Grey Ace
Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic
Age [Human years]: 27
Physique [Appearance]:

Grey wolf with patches of white and brown, often can be seen scowling. Yellow eyes that constantly seem angry. An ugly scar on his right hind leg, a reminder of when he let his guard down. His paws are always either covered in red, brown, or both. His tail is, though he would never admit it, his pride and joy–– soft, long, and white, though he might be covered in blood, the tail is always clean and in pristine condition.

Disposition [Personality]:

Firm and authoritative, a good many walls put up to keep himself from getting hurt. Always on alert and a bit of a jerk, if truth be told. Though he is smart, he's certainly not the most genius in the pack. Besides, he would much rather spend his time ridding the world of the vile virus than sitting around and combining plants to make weir concoctions... or whatever those herbalists do.

Ranking: Combatant
Mate: No one... yet.

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Edited on 06/06/19 @ 09:48:21 by FamilyFire05 (#175899)

cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-06 19:19:55

╔══════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══════╗

Art by #95572
Art thread


❝Creation and destruction are one, to the eyes who can see beauty.❞

Gender Identification:
Baekhyun is born male and identifies as one.


Romantic Orientation:

Age [Human years]:
12 years

Physique [Appearance]:
Baekhyun has a petite, almost fragile figure, sporting thin yet slender legs and a small build suited much for the stereotypical female. There is almost no hint of defined muscle on his body, as he is composed mostly of a cropped golden pelt and incredibly short and downy fur suited for a heated climate. Baekhyun has a queer sort of grace to him. His movements are slow and precise, as though he was not walking, but rather floating like a feather billowed by a gentle breeze. Baekhyun has soft, feminine facial features, with a wide snout and opalascent white doe eyes that reflected the sunlight each time he made even the slightest of movements, and a small glossy black nose. These traits often made others look twice at him, or for some to mistake him as a female. His muzzle is dotted with black spotting, akin to the freckles of that of a human, although it is unknown where he had gotten the marking. His fur is a vibrant shade of gold, relieved by darker tints of mahogany brown near his back and a clear wintery white that came mostly from his underbelly and to his sides. The colors ended to a dark brown hue that coated his face and muzzle like melted milk chocolate. Baekhyun's most striking trait, perhaps, are his eyes.

Disposition [Personality]:
Although he isn't unfriendly, Baekhyun is almost always blank and soft-spoken yet blunt and brutally honest. He always had a love for interacting and forming bonds with packmembers, but most have been known to be bored of him and his nonsense. Baekhyun had peculiar interests and had a tendency to babble on and on by topics he has an interest in, but his attention span is short for those he is not interested in. The golden wolf is like a silent puppy- Observant, obedient, silent and submissive. These traits of his sometimes put him in danger, as Baekhyun is gullible and naive to a fault and will follow every order given to him.
In conclusion, Baekhyun is too soft-hearted to stand up for himself, making him a pushover.

Youth, nearly a Rookie


╚══════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══════╝

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Edited on 10/06/19 @ 03:51:40 by Loey {Anubis} (#166237)

ZABA (#53989)

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Posted on
2019-06-08 19:51:06



Gender Identity

Cis Male

Sexuality / Romantic Orientation

Asexual & Panromantic

30 Years Old


Clove does not stand out in a crowd. He doesn't have any kind of physical prowess, his frame more wiry and gangly rather than hardened with bulk. There's not much that distinguishes him from any other wolf at a glance - his eyes, warm pools of hazel, are no more piercing or striking than the muddy pond water they resemble.

He is covered in a ragged, sorry pelt that never seems to cover his skinny body quite right. His ribs can be spotted from a mile away and his hip bones point out at odd angles. His pelt is a warm medley of assorted greys, tans, and pale oranges.

There is a sultry, feminine lilt to Clove's voice that colors every word he speaks as if it is taken out of some song. He does not speak; he croons. And, when he begins to spin a gossamer web of fervent, lurid words, one might think that there is a songbird in their midst rather than Clove's unkempt hide.


Who knew that such a silvery tongue could lie within a mouth so corrosive?

At his worst, Clove is an insufferable bastard, and at best he is a conman out of his league. He uses his gift of words to weasel whatever resources a pack has out of their grasp and into his. If Clove isn't actively trying to steal from a pack, he's telling sleepy tales of somber places in exchange for morsels of food.

Whatever kinship is formed between Clove and another wolf will only last as long as Clove sees fit. He's a creature of opportunity and has no difficulty cutting ties with someone once they are no longer interesting or useful.

Loner (will become a combatant through the RP!)

Family: Iari, sister Deceased
Friends: N/A, looking
Romantic Interest: N/A
Other: N/A
PM me if you're interested in plotting out a relationship with Clove!


image links back to source!

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-06-09 09:39:34

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Edited on 09/06/19 @ 16:45:42 by Happy hyena (#128112)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-06-09 21:22:30


“Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.”


Gender Identification


Romantic Orientation

19 years old.

Carrying a perpetual scent of smoke, some may wonder what it is Scorch does or where she goes that she always comes home smelling like burnt wood and singed fur. She isn't a large wolf by any means, only 26 inches at the shoulder with a lean, sinuous build covered in sparse tawny fur tipped by black guard hairs. Her large ears and tail turn to a bright shade of russet, creating a somewhat odd, mismatched appearance while pale cream fur lines along the underside of her chin up to her cheeks, the fur of her belly a similar shade. Her eyes are a dark yellow hue, rarely showing emotion and possibly leaving those leveled with her gaze feeling a little unnerved. Her tapered muzzle ends in a scarred, jet black nose and healed over burn scars stretch up her left side. Fur never regrew over the damaged tissue revealing black skin.

In the long run, Scorch has a difficult time connecting with people on a personal level and often cares very little for the feelings or emotions of her peers. She is naturally self-centered as a result, most focused on her own wants and what she believes her friends and family need. This may not always align with what they actually want or need. She isn't the strongest wolf physically and prefers not to spill blood, as she finds violence in and of itself abhorrent; proving a very hands-off type unless personally involved somehow. A walking contradiction considering her rank.

This makes her more or less harmless if left to her own devices, save for perhaps potentially emotionally scarring someone who isn't prepared to handle her personality. Scorch is so caught up in her own ideals and sense of morality she rarely considers each wolf she interacts with as an individual unless they've managed to somehow be included in her 'inner circle'. She doesn't appear to be aware of her own cruelty, left puzzled when even her fellow combatants avoid her company.

Despite her less than approachable attitude she enjoys being around her packmates, craving attention and affection. She's rather lonely in truth. The closest she comes to feeling regret or missing those who have passed are odd bouts of nostalgia and melancholy that come at the most inexplicable of times, she often disappears for days at a time during a particularly rough cycle. She doesn’t understand or consider personal boundaries and this usually shows itself in the form of touching or taking things that don’t belong to her. Scorch never ceases to be surprised when this upsets someone.


No one yet. TBD.

Twisted - Missio.

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cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-12 18:21:53

⌜ • ° + ° • ⌝

Art by #103485
Art thread


❝It's my birthday party, and oops, you're not invited.❞

Gender Identification:
Luhan is born female and identifies as one.


Romantic Orientation:

Age [Human years]:
27 years

Physique [Appearance]:
Luhan has a rather elegant figure with the average size of a female adult, covered with curly yet somehow smooth, pale fur that could be compared to the natural colors of a barren landscape. Her body is fairly muscular, most notable around her long hind legs, allowing her to gracefully leap in fluid, short movements. Luhan's shoulders are prominent and with each movement she makes, this unique ability of hers seems to give her the appearance of wings. Her pelt had a medium length, reaching just below her stomach in thin, brown strands, but stuck close to her enough to look like a second skin. The fur around the back of her neck is curled ever so slightly despite the protests that leave her mouth, and her often grooming of that section of her body.
One of the things that makes Luhan a beauty would have to be the colors that were bestowed upon her fur. A creamy, milky white tinged most of her pelt like the back of her head and her entire lower proportions, veering off to crooked stripes on her undersides. However, a defiant, highly contrasting shade of glossy obsidian starts just above the ending of the off-white color, forming alluring, swirl-like markings mostly on her back but an expanse of it remains on her forehead and the sides of her lower neck, where a woody brown collides with it. A reddish, almost pastel clementine color appears on her tail, a darker shade blending aesthetically with the other colors on her hind legs. Ginger coats the top of her snout, the back of her ears and even tipping the velvet, triangular organs, and, once again, the back of her neck, surrounded by lighter shades of cream and pearly white. The tip of her thin, almost whip-like tail ends in jet black, like a void among the paler shine of the other colors.
The second would have to be her two deep pools of mossy green, reminding others of the neverending grass on a vast field.

Disposition [Personality]:
Luhan thrives in attention, specifically attention to her physique. She's a social butterfly- Having no trouble in forming friendships and acquaintances. She is outgoing and positive, often looking at the bright side of a sad situation.
However, Luhan can be an overdramatic female with a sharp tongue never afraid to fire offensive remarks. She's also quite narcissistic and spends most of her time grooming herself to look the best among the wolves in her pack and views herself superior. Luhan is self-conscious and critical of her image, and especially judgemental of others' appearances, a trait of hers that makes others stray away. She has a liking for drama and anything that thrills and excites her, and so she makes a fuss of almost anything, from rumors to the latest gossip.
Luhan has a short temper and is not afraid to let it out on anyone who happens to be the one who caused it.
Despite her bratty, spoilt behavior, Luhan has a low self-esteem, resulting in her love for compliments and praises. She hates getting dirty or for her fur to be wet, believing that it makes her look 'ugly' and is quite a try-hard when it comes to everyone liking her.

Although she was supposed to be a Combatant, Luhan was chosen to be a Forebearer due to her exceptional abilities with the youth. Her disposition changes entirely for the pups, and she is incredibly protective of them. Her fiery personality mellows and she is gentle around pups.
It is said Luhan is like this around the youth due to the loss of her best friend, who was younger than her, to the disease. She treated this friend like a younger sibling, and thanks to failing to protect him, she instead pours her protectiveness on the youth who reminded her of him.


⌞ ° • + • ° ⌟

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Edited on 15/06/19 @ 02:22:46 by 《Baek's》Aeris (#166237)

♛𝒮𝒶𝓀𝓊 (#215167)

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Posted on
2020-11-07 09:56:48

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Edited on 25/11/20 @ 12:39:41 by Sakura (#215167)

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