Posted by | Contagion [Wolf RP, CLOSED] |
![]() cass (POOP ME!) (#166237) Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-01 01:39:11 |
Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 10/11/20 @ 09:45:09 by Eri (#166237) |
cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)
Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-01 01:59:18 |
![]() Edited on 10/06/19 @ 20:45:05 by Loey {Anubis} (#166237) |
cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)
Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-02 01:52:28 |
![]() Edited on 02/06/19 @ 01:55:56 by Loey (#166237) |
。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)
![]() Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-02 02:35:31 |
![]() Edited on 02/06/19 @ 02:40:31 by 。BlazeRed。 (Team Anubis) (#27478) |
cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)
Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-02 02:49:33 |
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pekoyama (#175041)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-02 02:57:30 |
kiyoshi | male | reaper location ; outside of the reapers den(?)| mentions ; open. soft murmurs escaped the heavily scarred wolf. his large and rough white paws twitched as the sound of wind filled his ears in his light slumber, his eyes slowly opening, their dull green hues stared at the den walls. a heavy sigh escaped as he slowly rose onto his paws, letting his muscles stretch as he tried to wake his drowsy head. the repear winced as the stinging feeling of his scars stretched, but with a calming breath he exited the den. the warmth of the sunbeams soaked in the black saddle of his stocky body. aside from his horrendous scars, kiyoshi wasn't unattractive, he surely wasn't as handsome or noble-looking as yifan. he was slightly shorter than the male, but he held a strong and muscular build. his pelt held beautiful light brown surrounding the black edges of his body, with white around his muzzle, belly, and paws. his scars made him look terrifying, but it made him fit the role as a reaper. his black nose twitched as his long thick furred tail flicked. the repear let a tired growl escape from his throat, taking long and slow steps across the camp and behind the shaman's den to lap at the puddle. kiyoshi was quickly met with the paws of okami and kickly walked away from her, hearing her triumphit bark as he walked away. rasping his pink tongue over his short black whiskers to rid of the water that may have dripped from the fur some his chin. he finally hunkered down outside of his own den, his olive green eyes averting from his dirty white paws and upward to the sky, the scent of humidity and dew hit the roof of his mouth. kiyoshi felt the muscled that rippled underneath his pelt finally relax. the memories of the disease will burn im his mind, the faces of those wolves somehow made his skin crawl. he let a deep breath escape, clearing his mind for a moment. kiyoshi made himself focus on the early morning skies, watching the clouds go by with such a slow pace, but that pace made the pitter patter of his heart slow and relax. his mind clear of clouds as his eyes traced over possible pictures of prey, and other animals in the clouds. okami | female | shaman | location ; outside of the shaman den | mentions ; kiyoshi. the wind brushing against the den made the ginger wolf raise her head up, her eyes closed as sleep still lingered kn her voice, "ah, wait a minute, wait a minute." she spoke out, her voice holding a drowsy tone as she lowered her thick furred head down onto her paws. the clear whiskers of her long muzzle twitched as her tow colored eyes flurred open. her large ears flicked at strange sound, it almost sounded like water. her eyes opened wider as she hurried onto her white paws. she whipped around to go behind the shaman den, spotting the large male drinking in her puddle! she made that puddle for her beetles, how rude of him! letting out a playful growl as she patted her paws against the top of his head, watching him cowered out from her paws. her paws landed down in the water causing her thick fur to get splashed with the water, but that was the least of her worries as she watched the reaper walk away. "haha! the mighty okami wins!" she barked triumphantly, her ginger and black sploched tail wagging happily. she stood out by the enterance of the shaman den, shaking out her ginger pelt before heading back inside. okami walked across the den and pass by all the herbs. she made a tiny side den that contained colorful young beetles, pushing away the cover to greet them with a warm smile. "look how big you've grown! I drove out the big and scary wolf called kiyoshi. he was drinking from your water!" she let out a huff as she felt a beetle crawl onto her large paws, "he'll think twice to even dare drink fro. your water again." unfortunately, she lost many of her other beetles from the disease, only keeping onto a red and white beetle called Dreamcatcher. she gingerly grabbed the beetle by her teeth and walked out of the shaman with a few leaves, she placed the leaves down from her claws. lowering her beetle down to let it eat his tasty meal. "hopefully I'll get you some friends, it must be sad being all alone." she murmured, frowning as her ginger ears fell back. watching the beetle with complete interest. truthfully, this was one of the most rare moments to see okami so calm and focused. even during her work, she was nearly as spastic as she was outside of her work. the white and ginger wolf held full interest and a little bit of joy on her face, her tow colored eyes gazed lovingly down at the beetle, gingerly nudging it towards a couple of twigs to play with. okami was a strange female, but a rare one was well. ![]() |
cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)
Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-02 03:09:24 |
![]() Edited on 02/06/19 @ 03:11:23 by Loey (#166237) |
。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)
![]() Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-02 04:43:29 |
![]() Edited on 02/06/19 @ 04:43:41 by 。BlazeRed。 (Team Anubis) (#27478) |
cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)
Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-02 04:58:12 |
![]() Edited on 02/06/19 @ 04:59:27 by Loey (#166237) |
cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)
Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-02 05:27:49 |
![]() Edited on 02/06/19 @ 05:29:52 by Loey (#166237) |
Polo (#96942)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-02 06:58:55 |
Magnus | Male | Infiltrator | Location: Just outside camp | Mentions: Yifan The merry earthen wolf had been off adventuring, not far, just, walking. He liked to deem it adventuring, though. It made him feel important. He went through a mental list of what he'd seen today as the merciless wind buffeted his thick coat, making his eyes squint and water. He'd seen a beautiful buck with huge antlers, who had run as soon as Magnus was spotted. But that was alright, the brute hadn't been hunting. Then he'd seen a doe erupt from the foliage just after the buck, following her friend to some deer hideaway. Next, a bird had flown down from its tree and soared just over Magnus' head. He'd felt the breeze from its wings ruffle his fur. He'd seen several rabbits, a squirrel, and even a little mouse. These small woodland animals helped him practice his stealth. These creatures relied on what they heard and saw for survival, and though Magnus had no malicious intent, they still ran when they heard him. He'd been able to sneak close enough to the mouse to be able to grab it in his jaws, but he simply huffed on it, and watched it run. Now, the jaunty creature was on his way home, thick tail swinging back and forth in the simple joy of living. His round ears lay relaxed and pointed to the sides as his tongue hung loosely from his mouth. He seemed impervious to the tearing wind. That was more or less when he smelled it. The disease. But he could also smell someone else, his leader. Though the dark wolf's scent was significantly muted by the overpowering stench of decay the disease bore, it was still detectable. Filled with concern for the sovereign Magnus padded silently into the cave, hackles raised, sharp eyes dashing back and forth, wall to wall, pupils expanding to make sense of the darkness before him. Wait, was that movement? There, in the shadows? Side stepping away, but continuing bravely forward, Magnus could now hear the ragged, desperate breathing of a dying animal. One who had been robbed of a peaceful death. One who was suffering greatly. He ducked his head and sped up slightly, large paws still picking their way in silence. A quiet whimper reached his straining ears, and he once again pushed himself faster. Then, just ahead of him, there was Yifan. Magnus called out a quiet greeting, a simple 'hello', so the wolf wouldn't turn and attack him, mistaking his packmate for another of the diseased. Magnus knew how the blood went up during a fight, even one as one-sided and upsetting as this one. He came to a stop just behind Yifan's shoulder, not standing abreast with the other male out of deference to his rank. He looked at the dead wolf at his cream colored feet. Strangely, she was unmarked, save for a bloody spittle leaking from her mouth like some sort of rancid sap from a tree. He looked questioningly at his leader, one amber eye training on the carcass, just in case it wasn't fully dead. "I thought the disease was gone." ![]() |
cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)
Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-02 08:52:43 |
![]() Edited on 02/06/19 @ 20:28:21 by Loey (#166237) |
FrootCake (#176680)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-02 09:03:25 |
| | Echo|Male|Infiltrator || ◦◦◦ After dragging himself out of his nest and cave, Echo walked around camp for awhile. He wasn't too sure what Sovereign Yifan would have him do today, and he wanted to be ready. Pausing to stretch, he opens his senses and scents the camp. Yifan and Magnus, the other Infiltrator, seemed to be out of camp, and Runa just came back with..... a rabbit? The scent was almost strange to Echo, probably because of how many moons it's been since he's last smelled one. He looks to a bush near him and sees a caterpillar. After giving it a low, fearful growl, he's circles back to the Infiltrator's cave and sits outside the opening, staring at his paws, thinking. ![]() Edited on 06/06/19 @ 09:19:33 by Koder (#176680) |
pekoyama (#175041)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-02 21:02:18 |
kiyoshi | male | reaper location ; outside of the reapers den| mentions ; runa, hyuna. the echos of this thoughts disappeared as the sound of a thud caught his attention. kiyoshi knew that some wolves avoided him, but he didn't necessarily have a problem with that. he understood their feelings. he would've avoided such a brooding amd gloomy scarred wolf. the claw markings across his left eye, with the same markings on his long muzzle down towards his ebony lips. the variety of scars on his stocky frame didn't help either. it caught him off guard for a moment to see the female wolf speak to him. his black ears falling back as he looked at his surroundings, "are you speaking to me?" he answered, his voice a deep and almost raspy tone. his voice wasn't as cheerful or fruitful as okami's, but it was calming to say the least. he was lucky enough to gain only half os his sight back from his left eye, but at least it didn't effect his role. kiyoshi let his large ears, nicked ears flick forward to show his interest. "no. no, you're not disturbing me." he answered her first question, his eyes gazing upward to find the friendliness in her amber eyes. "yes, I am hungry." he answered before adding, "you did a good job of catching that rabbit. they can be slippery bastard until you out dig them." praising her with a slow, solemn nod. he figured he'll eat before having to hunt for larva for the shaman. kiyoshi felt his skin crawl at the thought of larva being held within his teeth, but okami was a good natured gal, he'll do anything to keep her as his friend. though her paws against his cranium hurt, but she knew it was only her playfulness. kiyoshi did take the several heartbeats to think more on the reason for runa's sudden kindness. his ears flicked at the voice of hyuna, which made his thick tail curl around his paws. his olive eyes stared at the hyuna, his ebony lips curved into a frown in disappointment. he knew not everyone got along, but there wasn't a reason to be disrespectful about it. with an annoyed huff he turned towards runa. "I have hope that hyuna isn't bothering you aside from talking to me. I can report her to yifan if she is." he attempted to reassure, but his ears fell back in thought on of the report. he hoped that his comment wasn't meant to be menacing towards the wolf. kiyoshi accepted the respect and disrespect he was given, but it almost seemed entirely different when another wolf was disrespected. he wasn't trying to be a hero for the ladies. he simply wanted to avoid the possibility of teamwork breaking apart and choasimg more damage to each other, or at least to prevent any harm to a fellow packmate. ![]() |
。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)
![]() Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-02 22:44:42 |
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cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)
Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-06-02 22:59:56 |
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