Posted by Contagion [Wolf RP, CLOSED]

cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-01 01:39:11

OOC Chat!
Shipping page!4-46498_displaying-17-gallery-image-for-victorian-line-divider-horizontal-line-divider-png.pngContagion

the communication of disease from one person to another by close contact.

This image is a free to use clipart.

It's kill or be killed.
No one knows where it came from. No one knows how to defeat the virus.
No one is sure how to contract it.
All they knew is that a nameless disease has risen, wiping out half of the population of wolves, or maybe even other creatures. The forest is heavy with defeat and the ground is splattered with blood, although you are not sure if it is your own or another's.
After the mysterious disappearance of the virus and all it's traces, the pack of Contagion, one that once were notoriously known as the cold-hearted killers of the diseased, has been in a state of serenity.
That is, until the sovereign discovers a remaining diseased wolf on their territory. Much like what happened several seasons before, the forest is in peril- For the virus that took many lives is back, and each canine watches as their freedom and their will to live on crumbles away from them.
You. They protected you.
You joined the ranks of the pack when the disease had calmed, and now it is back. As each second ticks by, the disease worsens until you could no longer scent the normal forest odor, but rather, the scent of the virus.
Question is, would you be able to protect the ones you love, all the while stepping closer and closer to the cure? Or will you succumb to the plague that haunts the very place you call home?

[AKA The rules]
➵No arguing or fighting, please, unless it is part of the roleplay. But if not, either cut that off, take it to PMs or you will be forced to be suspended from the rp for a day or two.

➵Absolutely NO sexual or suggestive content, however innuendo is fine. Make it fade to black, take to PMs or offsite. Even then, make sure you are of age to roleplay in such a manner.

➵All LD roleplaying rules apply.

➵If your character will kill another roleplayer's character, make sure to ask permission first, and please do not be a power player. If fights in roleplay happen, I will use a wheel to determine who wins to make it fair.

➵This is not a rule but please dont let romance develop overnight, unless it is an established relationship from the start. Romance takes time. If you would like to have pups with another roleplayer's character, make sure to ask permission!

➵You must be semi-literate or literate to join. Minor grammar mistakes are fine and understandable, but do practice it.

➵No unrealistic colors for your character's pelt, or having a mary sue/gary sue as a character. Keep it realistic.

More rules to be added so check daily.
The Virus
The disease is simply referred to 'The Disease', for it has no name. The plague had started years ago, affecting the whole forest in which the roleplay will be located. Packs have been torn apart and various wolves were either killed by the infected, or infected themselves. Thanks to the previous Infiltrators, the pack of Contagion has reported on the most common symptoms of the infected.

1. Their scents change. Although, if you get a good whiff of the stench, a diseased's scent has the faintest trace of their original fragrance, but mainly overpowered by a sickening smell of decomposing corpses of mice.

2. Foam. The white, bubbling liquid oozes out from their victim's mouth instead of normal saliva.

3. Bloodshot eyes, or in the further stages of the disease if an infected manages to survive that long, blood from the eyes. The crimson liquid comes from their eye sockets, and this symptom generally appears a day or two before the victim succumbs to death.

4. The most recently discovered symptom, obviously death. The victim will suddenly go into a delirious, insensible state, and will kill anything in it's vision. The victim will attempt to kill, but this stage will make them freeze and convulse for a few seconds, before dying.

List of rankings you can apply for in the character sheets thread.

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Edited on 10/11/20 @ 09:45:09 by Eri (#166237)

cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-01 01:59:18

This image is a free to use clipart.
& Dates
Quick note: Moon = month. This will change irregularly, so make sure to check before you start!

March 2, Morning, Chilly
It has been a day since Yifan's words.
Will the three make the right choices and successfully study the virus?
Will anyone be able to find a cure, or perhaps... Create it?
Would anyone encounter an infected?

Infected Wolf [1]
An infected lingers around the edge of the territory border, his nauseatic stench overpowering the other natural odors. It seems as though he has only been recently infected. His coat is an unkempt, jet black color, blended in with darker shades of brown that extends to down to his paws.

Infected Wolf [2]
This rabid female has fur the color of a dim yet fiery red with traces of white. She is located hidden among the dense greenery just outside the main campsite. It seems she has only been recently infected as her original fragrance is still strong...

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Edited on 10/06/19 @ 20:45:05 by Loey {Anubis} (#166237)

cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-02 01:52:28



Yifan|M|Sovereign|Mentions: -

A blast of cold wind rattled the tree above the half-hidden den where ivy and all kinds of greenery grew upon it. A large, towering black shadow moves against the bulky rock that is the wall inside of the cave, and a pair of golden eyes pierce the otherwise dark interior. The gaze was fierce- At least, that is what it looked like, until the figure yawned luxuriously. The young sovereign stretched each limb out as he clambered drowsily out the den, making sure that no one was watching his drowsy state. His ears twitched as a breeze blew into his dark fur, and he listened for any sign of his other packmembers, and watched for a sign that indicated danger. The early morning air was refreshing to say the least, and Yifan's gaze shifted to the droplets of dew that clung to the plants that surrounded the main territory of his pack.


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Edited on 02/06/19 @ 01:55:56 by Loey (#166237)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-06-02 02:35:31

Fell | Male | Combatant | Mentions: Runa [Indirectly]

Sleeping near the entrance of the den meant that Fell was often one of the first to awaken, rising with the first morning light. This morning, however, as Fell opened his eyes to greet the rays of sunlight peeking over the horizon, when his gaze instinctively travelled to Runa’s nest he found that it was empty. The unusualness of this finding made him quickly blink the sleep out of his eyes. But when he began to ponder where his sister could have wandered off to, the morning breeze carried the scent of prey to his nose. The scent brought with it a wave of relief; the land was beginning to heal itself after the destruction of the Disease. Runa had probably smelled the same thing and gone off to hunt. With that optimistic thought at the forefront of his mind, Fell pushed himself to his paws and glanced around the den to see if any of his packmates were waking up as well.

Runa | Female | Combatant | Mentions: Yifan [Directly], Fell [Indirectly]

Runa stalked towards her target, confident that her white pelt was hidden amongst the tall grass. She hadn’t seen a rabbit this plump in moons, and she was suddenly grateful that she’d decided to take advantage of the early morning hours, when all the drowsy prey animals were still coming to their senses. She took another tentative step forward, and the rabbit seemed to sense that something was wrong, because it turned to run. Unfortunately for the rabbit, the huntress had anticipated this move, and within a split-second she was upon it, her paw slamming down on the smaller creature’s back to pin it firmly down before she snapped its neck in one clean movement.

When she arrived back at camp, the rabbit hanging limp in her maw, she managed to catch Yifan right as he emerged from his den, and she approached the Sovereign with a wagging tail. “Good morning Yifan,” she placed the rabbit down in front of him and gave a respectful dip of her head. “The prey is plentiful this morning. Would you like some?” If he declined her offer, she planned to find her brother and share her catch with him.

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Edited on 02/06/19 @ 02:40:31 by 。BlazeRed。 (Team Anubis) (#27478)

cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-02 02:49:33



Yifan|M|Sovereign|Mentions: Runa

Yifan's head snapped from where he was staring off to, landing on the rabbit by his paws. His gaze slowly wandered over to the female who had offered it, and he blinked at her in acknowledgement. However, it seemed as there was barely no friendliness in his actions. "Good morning, I suppose," He murmured in reply before shaking his head slowly. "No thank you, I'm... Not quite hungry today. I think I'll be skipping meals." His eyes narrowed and his attention focused on something behind Runa, obviously uncomfortable for whatever reasons he had. He dipped his head in return coldly before veering off to the exit of the camp.

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pekoyama (#175041)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-06-02 02:57:30

kiyoshi | male | reaper

location ; outside of the reapers den(?)| mentions ; open.

soft murmurs escaped the heavily scarred wolf. his large and rough white paws twitched as the sound of wind filled his ears in his light slumber, his eyes slowly opening, their dull green hues stared at the den walls. a heavy sigh escaped as he slowly rose onto his paws, letting his muscles stretch as he tried to wake his drowsy head. the repear winced as the stinging feeling of his scars stretched, but with a calming breath he exited the den. the warmth of the sunbeams soaked in the black saddle of his stocky body. aside from his horrendous scars, kiyoshi wasn't unattractive, he surely wasn't as handsome or noble-looking as yifan. he was slightly shorter than the male, but he held a strong and muscular build. his pelt held beautiful light brown surrounding the black edges of his body, with white around his muzzle, belly, and paws. his scars made him look terrifying, but it made him fit the role as a reaper. his black nose twitched as his long thick furred tail flicked. the repear let a tired growl escape from his throat, taking long and slow steps across the camp and behind the shaman's den to lap at the puddle. kiyoshi was quickly met with the paws of okami and kickly walked away from her, hearing her triumphit bark as he walked away. rasping his pink tongue over his short black whiskers to rid of the water that may have dripped from the fur some his chin. he finally hunkered down outside of his own den, his olive green eyes averting from his dirty white paws and upward to the sky, the scent of humidity and dew hit the roof of his mouth. kiyoshi felt the muscled that rippled underneath his pelt finally relax. the memories of the disease will burn im his mind, the faces of those wolves somehow made his skin crawl. he let a deep breath escape, clearing his mind for a moment. kiyoshi made himself focus on the early morning skies, watching the clouds go by with such a slow pace, but that pace made the pitter patter of his heart slow and relax. his mind clear of clouds as his eyes traced over possible pictures of prey, and other animals in the clouds.

okami | female | shaman |

location ; outside of the shaman den | mentions ; kiyoshi.

the wind brushing against the den made the ginger wolf raise her head up, her eyes closed as sleep still lingered kn her voice, "ah, wait a minute, wait a minute." she spoke out, her voice holding a drowsy tone as she lowered her thick furred head down onto her paws. the clear whiskers of her long muzzle twitched as her tow colored eyes flurred open. her large ears flicked at strange sound, it almost sounded like water. her eyes opened wider as she hurried onto her white paws. she whipped around to go behind the shaman den, spotting the large male drinking in her puddle! she made that puddle for her beetles, how rude of him! letting out a playful growl as she patted her paws against the top of his head, watching him cowered out from her paws. her paws landed down in the water causing her thick fur to get splashed with the water, but that was the least of her worries as she watched the reaper walk away. "haha! the mighty okami wins!" she barked triumphantly, her ginger and black sploched tail wagging happily. she stood out by the enterance of the shaman den, shaking out her ginger pelt before heading back inside. okami walked across the den and pass by all the herbs. she made a tiny side den that contained colorful young beetles, pushing away the cover to greet them with a warm smile. "look how big you've grown! I drove out the big and scary wolf called kiyoshi. he was drinking from your water!" she let out a huff as she felt a beetle crawl onto her large paws, "he'll think twice to even dare drink fro. your water again." unfortunately, she lost many of her other beetles from the disease, only keeping onto a red and white beetle called Dreamcatcher. she gingerly grabbed the beetle by her teeth and walked out of the shaman with a few leaves, she placed the leaves down from her claws. lowering her beetle down to let it eat his tasty meal. "hopefully I'll get you some friends, it must be sad being all alone." she murmured, frowning as her ginger ears fell back. watching the beetle with complete interest. truthfully, this was one of the most rare moments to see okami so calm and focused. even during her work, she was nearly as spastic as she was outside of her work. the white and ginger wolf held full interest and a little bit of joy on her face, her tow colored eyes gazed lovingly down at the beetle, gingerly nudging it towards a couple of twigs to play with. okami was a strange female, but a rare one was well.

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cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-02 03:09:24



Hyuna|F|Combatant|Mentions: Fell

"Coooooold..." The female whined softly, snuggling further into her bed of moss. Her snout twitched as more wind penetrated through her already short fur, and she whined again. This time, a tad louder. Hyuna rolled over and onto her paws with a loud bark of frustration. Her eyes scanned the den in a desperate search for something, or rather someone to cuddle with. They surely wouldn't mind... Would they? The female really didn't care, all she felt were the shivers that racked her short figure. Her dark, wide eyes settled upon Fell, who was just starting to wake up. Hyuna shot a devillish grin at the combatant and barreled into him playfully, yipping childishly all the while.


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Edited on 02/06/19 @ 03:11:23 by Loey (#166237)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-06-02 04:43:29

Fell | Male | Combatant | Mentions: Hyuna

Fell had only been looking around for a few moments before he heard a whimper come from the side of the den, and some shuffling around to his right, but, before he could turn his head far enough to get a look at what was happening with his good eye, something barrelled straight into him. It sent him toppling to the ground with a snarl, but after realising it was only Hyuna, he calmed down slightly, instead letting out an annoyed huff. "Morning to you too, Hyuna," he said to her, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "is there a reason you decided to tackle me this early in the day?" He tried his best to make himself sound as grumpy as possible, but, considering the absurdity of the situation, he wasn't able to keep a slight hint of amusement out of his tone. He didn't know many wolves who would dare to pull a stunt like this on him.

Of course, the female was a lot smaller than him, and he could probably push her off with relative ease, but he didn't think that would stop the hyper she-wolf from attempting to pin him down again. It looked like he wasn't getting up yet after all.

Runa | Female | Combatant | Mentions: Hyuna, Fell [Indirectly], Yifan, Kiyoshi [Directly]

"Oh... okay," Was all Runa was able to say in response to Yifan as she watched him turn away towards the exit of camp. She was slightly upset with him for responding so rudely to her kind offer, but she was mostly concerned. What kind of wolf was willing to skip meals when the next one wasn't always guaranteed? She considered going after him to ask him if anything was wrong, but eventually decided it wasn't her place. He'd probably just get more upset with her. She picked up her rabbit and set off to find someone else to share it with.

Her first thought, was, of course, her brother, but upon arriving at the den she noticed he was... preoccupied, for lack of a better word. Hyuna had somehow managed to knock over her rather grumpy-looking brother, who seemed slightly perplexed by the situation he was in. 'I'll let him deal with her on his own,' she thought with a giggle. She turned her head, her gaze soon falling upon Kiyoshi. Though Runa was friendly with everyone in the pack, she couldn't deny that there were times when she avoided the Reaper. As someone who'd experienced far too much death in her life already, the concept of his job terrified her. Not to mention those scars...

She was about to turn away but stopped herself. She wasn't thinking fairly. Her brother was scarred just as badly - if not worse - than Kiyoshi, and that didn't make him a monster. She stood in place for another minute, thinking, before she finally stepped forward, making her way over to the male. "Hello!" she called to him, though her voice was slightly muffled by the rabbit in her mouth. She placed it down beside him. "I hope I'm not disturbing you. Are you hungry?" She tilted her head as she waited for a response.

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Edited on 02/06/19 @ 04:43:41 by 。BlazeRed。 (Team Anubis) (#27478)

cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-02 04:58:12



Hyuna|F|Combatant|Mentions: Fell, Runa, Kiyoshi

"Don't be such a grumpy fathead," Hyuna snorted, lashing her tail as she laid down on the larger male, unknowingly squashing him against his own bed of moss. Her tail whacked against the floor, but she paid no mind to the slight twinges of pain now and then. "Dont you understand that its sooooo cold? You wouldn't want me dying thanks to freezing to death... Would you?" Suddenly, she widened her eyes at him, looking horrified. The female quickly scrambled to her paws, accidentally poking a sheathed claw onto his side. Giving him no time to offer a reaction, she yelped. "Do you actually want me to die because I still have a good life to live and that would be so mean of you plus Yifan would totally kill you even though he acts like he doesn't like me but everyone likes me so-" The female broke off, panting. "Oh hey, it's your pretty sister who has everyone falling for her." She blinked at the identical, white-furred wolf who approached a larger, battle-scarred reaper just by them. "Sheesh, I heard that Kiyoshi's really terrifying. Guess your sister has some guts and not just looks, gotta admit that."


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Edited on 02/06/19 @ 04:59:27 by Loey (#166237)

cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-02 05:27:49



Yifan|M|Sovereign|Mentions: NPC

Yifan pressed his body close to the ground, his ears pricked forward. His senses were hypersensitive, picking up the soft skittering of a few mice, and the merry singing of a few nightingales perched on nearby trees. Leaves rustling startled him and a familiar scent flooded his senses.
He couldn't hide this secret no longer. For moons, his pack thrived in a serene environment. Days and days of even stepping out had troubled them when infected wolves stumbled into their territory from nowhere. They couldn't live without fear of being bitten, or unknowingly capturing the virus. Everyday for them was a struggle of life and death and they had fought their way through it, killing lives in the process.
It was fine.
The disease had calmed, and for a good three seasons, they were fine. Not a sight of the infected.
But now, as much as Yifan didn't want to admit it, the virus had come back. How did he know?
The young leader closed his eyes briefly, pain contorting his expression as the familiar stench of sickness came. An infected wolf was nearby. He stalked carefully closer to a cave where the stench came from, and he noted that even other animals scented it, for the birds suddenly were silenced and all he could hear was the heaving of breaths.
The wolf was a female, that much he could distinguish. She had beautiful brown and black fur, and it was clear she had only been recently infected and was wandering the territory for days now. Yifan summoned the strength in his muscles as he prepared to leap at her back. He regretted it. Regretted killing. But it was necessary if he and his pack were to survive. The female heaved another sharp inhale and whipped around to face him. A choked whimper left the usually courageous sovereign, his eyes flying wide at the sight of the foam dripping from her jaws, the bloodshot look in her own eyes. Yifan hesitated, and leaped.
The leap faltered and hit her too early. They came crashing to the moist cave floor. Yifan hurriedly reached forward to give the killing blow to the artery in her neck, but was shocked to see the female drag herself away from him, only to topple lifelessly to the ground. Another scent entered his nose.
Blood. The metallic tang was unmistakable.
Yifan stared at the bleeding corpse, watching as blood trailed down the side of her mouth.


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Edited on 02/06/19 @ 05:29:52 by Loey (#166237)

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-06-02 06:58:55
Magnus | Male | Infiltrator | Location: Just outside camp | Mentions: Yifan

The merry earthen wolf had been off adventuring, not far, just, walking. He liked to deem it adventuring, though. It made him feel important. He went through a mental list of what he'd seen today as the merciless wind buffeted his thick coat, making his eyes squint and water. He'd seen a beautiful buck with huge antlers, who had run as soon as Magnus was spotted. But that was alright, the brute hadn't been hunting. Then he'd seen a doe erupt from the foliage just after the buck, following her friend to some deer hideaway. Next, a bird had flown down from its tree and soared just over Magnus' head. He'd felt the breeze from its wings ruffle his fur. He'd seen several rabbits, a squirrel, and even a little mouse.

These small woodland animals helped him practice his stealth. These creatures relied on what they heard and saw for survival, and though Magnus had no malicious intent, they still ran when they heard him. He'd been able to sneak close enough to the mouse to be able to grab it in his jaws, but he simply huffed on it, and watched it run. Now, the jaunty creature was on his way home, thick tail swinging back and forth in the simple joy of living. His round ears lay relaxed and pointed to the sides as his tongue hung loosely from his mouth. He seemed impervious to the tearing wind. That was more or less when he smelled it. The disease.

But he could also smell someone else, his leader. Though the dark wolf's scent was significantly muted by the overpowering stench of decay the disease bore, it was still detectable. Filled with concern for the sovereign Magnus padded silently into the cave, hackles raised, sharp eyes dashing back and forth, wall to wall, pupils expanding to make sense of the darkness before him. Wait, was that movement? There, in the shadows? Side stepping away, but continuing bravely forward, Magnus could now hear the ragged, desperate breathing of a dying animal. One who had been robbed of a peaceful death. One who was suffering greatly. He ducked his head and sped up slightly, large paws still picking their way in silence. A quiet whimper reached his straining ears, and he once again pushed himself faster. Then, just ahead of him, there was Yifan.

Magnus called out a quiet greeting, a simple 'hello', so the wolf wouldn't turn and attack him, mistaking his packmate for another of the diseased. Magnus knew how the blood went up during a fight, even one as one-sided and upsetting as this one. He came to a stop just behind Yifan's shoulder, not standing abreast with the other male out of deference to his rank. He looked at the dead wolf at his cream colored feet. Strangely, she was unmarked, save for a bloody spittle leaking from her mouth like some sort of rancid sap from a tree. He looked questioningly at his leader, one amber eye training on the carcass, just in case it wasn't fully dead.

"I thought the disease was gone."

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cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-02 08:52:43



Yifan|M|Sovereign|Mentions: Magnus

Yifan swallowed harshly once he sensed the presence of another packmember in the cave where the infected female had been killed. He struggled to formulate words, but remained stiff and unmoving. The sovereign clenched his jaw and gave the corpse a last, lingering look as he turned to his companion. "Magnus," He tossed his head up coolly as he greeted the infiltrator. Yifan remained composed, almost as if he was numb to what he had just done, murdering a being that didn't deserve to have her life taken in a brutal way. Forcing a cold expression onto his face, the taller continued calmly. "It seems the disease has returned and on the way... Evolved. It now kills its victims after a period of time, although I'm unsure on how long." Yifan inhaled shakily and approached the rigid body laid across the cave floor, his serene pace noticeably forced as he gently leaned over to close the victim's eyes. The dark canine had thick, crimson liquid splattered on his forepaws once he had finished, but he merely stayed silent.
"Magnus, tell the others not to go near this part of the territory." Yifan ordered softly, stepping back. "Let's go home."
With that, the leader turned and trotted briskly out of the place of death.


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Edited on 02/06/19 @ 20:28:21 by Loey (#166237)

FrootCake (#176680)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-06-02 09:03:25

| | Echo|Male|Infiltrator ||
| | Location: camp|Mentions: (indirectly) Yifan, Magnus, Runa | |


After dragging himself out of his nest and cave, Echo walked around camp for awhile. He wasn't too sure what Sovereign Yifan would have him do today, and he wanted to be ready. Pausing to stretch, he opens his senses and scents the camp. Yifan and Magnus, the other Infiltrator, seemed to be out of camp, and Runa just came back with..... a rabbit? The scent was almost strange to Echo, probably because of how many moons it's been since he's last smelled one. He looks to a bush near him and sees a caterpillar. After giving it a low, fearful growl, he's circles back to the Infiltrator's cave and sits outside the opening, staring at his paws, thinking.

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Edited on 06/06/19 @ 09:19:33 by Koder (#176680)

pekoyama (#175041)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-06-02 21:02:18

kiyoshi | male | reaper

location ; outside of the reapers den| mentions ; runa, hyuna.

the echos of this thoughts disappeared as the sound of a thud caught his attention. kiyoshi knew that some wolves avoided him, but he didn't necessarily have a problem with that. he understood their feelings. he would've avoided such a brooding amd gloomy scarred wolf. the claw markings across his left eye, with the same markings on his long muzzle down towards his ebony lips. the variety of scars on his stocky frame didn't help either. it caught him off guard for a moment to see the female wolf speak to him. his black ears falling back as he looked at his surroundings, "are you speaking to me?" he answered, his voice a deep and almost raspy tone. his voice wasn't as cheerful or fruitful as okami's, but it was calming to say the least. he was lucky enough to gain only half os his sight back from his left eye, but at least it didn't effect his role. kiyoshi let his large ears, nicked ears flick forward to show his interest. "no. no, you're not disturbing me." he answered her first question, his eyes gazing upward to find the friendliness in her amber eyes. "yes, I am hungry." he answered before adding, "you did a good job of catching that rabbit. they can be slippery bastard until you out dig them." praising her with a slow, solemn nod. he figured he'll eat before having to hunt for larva for the shaman. kiyoshi felt his skin crawl at the thought of larva being held within his teeth, but okami was a good natured gal, he'll do anything to keep her as his friend. though her paws against his cranium hurt, but she knew it was only her playfulness. kiyoshi did take the several heartbeats to think more on the reason for runa's sudden kindness. his ears flicked at the voice of hyuna, which made his thick tail curl around his paws. his olive eyes stared at the hyuna, his ebony lips curved into a frown in disappointment. he knew not everyone got along, but there wasn't a reason to be disrespectful about it. with an annoyed huff he turned towards runa. "I have hope that hyuna isn't bothering you aside from talking to me. I can report her to yifan if she is." he attempted to reassure, but his ears fell back in thought on of the report. he hoped that his comment wasn't meant to be menacing towards the wolf. kiyoshi accepted the respect and disrespect he was given, but it almost seemed entirely different when another wolf was disrespected. he wasn't trying to be a hero for the ladies. he simply wanted to avoid the possibility of teamwork breaking apart and choasimg more damage to each other, or at least to prevent any harm to a fellow packmate.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-06-02 22:44:42

Fell | Male | Combatant | Mentions: Hyuna [Directly], Runa, Kiyoshi [Indirectly]

Fell grunted again when the female pricked a claw into his side, but still made no move to push her off. Like a father-wolf determined not to reinforce bad behaviour by giving it attention, Fell decided that engaging with Hyuna would only increase her hyper-activity, so he decided to wait it out. He'd endured worse, he convinced himself. Eventually she got off him, yapping on about something to do with him wanting her dead. He only managed to follow her thought process for a few seconds before he couldn't make sense of it anymore, so he zoned out, pushing himself back onto his feet while he waited for Hyuna's rambling to die out. The mention of his sister suddenly caught his attention, and his gaze flicked over to where she was standing beside Kiyoshi.

"I don't want you dead, but if you go on talking about my sister like that I might," Fell responded gruffly. He knew she didn't have any bad intentions, and that it was likely more Hyuna's lack of a filter that was making her speak in such a manner, but he didn't tolerate disrespect towards any of his loved ones, let alone Runa - who he'd grown especially protective of over the last couple moons. "Does anyone know where Yifan is?" he asked, moving on. He phrased the question as if it was to Hyuna, but it was more of a general inquiry towards anyone who might be able to answer him . He found it strange that the Sovereign wasn't around to assign duties for the day.

Runa | Female | Combatant | Mentions: Kiyoshi, Hyuna
“Of course I’m speaking to you! Unless there’s a law I’m unaware of which states that Reapers can only feast upon the blood of the innocent, I’m quite sure that you need to eat as well,” Runa teased with a soft laugh. Only when the comment had left her maw did she pause to consider that perhaps Kiyoshi might not find it funny. Hopefully she’d made it clear enough that it was only a jab at the reputation of his role, and that she didn’t have any ill-intent.

Hearing his praise, guilt gnawed at the back of her mind when she remembered how she’d almost turned away from him, and she decided that from then on she’d put more of an effort into speaking with him. Not that the male seemed to mind it, but speaking to him now Runa suddenly found it unfair that she always saw him alone. “Thank you. Luckily, I managed to nab this one while it was above ground. Getting dirt out of my fur is a nightmare.” She settled down beside him, tearing a leg off the rabbit and pushing the rest over to him so that he could take a portion. “All yours!” she said cheerfully, tail thumping against the ground.

She turned her head at Hyuna’s comment, giving an amused huff. From any other wolf she might have been offended, but she knew that with Hyuna it was simply a case of her blurting out whatever was on her mind. “Aside from looks and guts, you might be surprised to find out that I also have ears,” she called over to her before looking back to Kiyoshi. “It’s alright, I can handle her myself. Besides, it’s getting a little difficult to get a hold of Yifan nowadays.”

(Sorry these are kind of rushed! I just wanted to put something out so that I'm not holding back the RP)

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cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-06-02 22:59:56



Hyuna|F|Combatant|Mentions: Fell, Runa

Hyuna blinked stupidly, turning a bit red in embarassment. She muttered an apology to the siblings, but as much as she felt bad, the female was already back to her chattering self. "I heard Yifan has some tragic backstory," She yawned, pouncing to her own nest once again. After adjusting the moss and bracken, she curled up to what looked like her normal sleeping position, but one eye was cracked open and a grin adorned her facial features. "No wonder he's a cranky old man. Wait- Is he old anyways? And where is he?" The combatant didn't wait for an answer but settled with a shrug of her shoulders. She rolled over to face the wall and soon dozed off, her tail twitching.


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