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Pawz (#79069)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-06-30 16:29:12

(warnings will be put up above the posts with gore if requested. Always prepared to make small accommodations like that~)


About the World

Within the land of Alohepia, the denizens live peaceful, paradise-filled lives. Death does occur, yes, but only peacefully and of old age. People are happy and friendly. They never know strife, pain, or sadness. Legend tells them that the reason for this is because their god, their creator, blessed them from the kindness of its heart. The truth is far, far darker.

The Legend
Written by Prof. Cornellium Davids

Long ago, in the age far gone, there was nothingness. A blank slate. Then, there was something. A little glimmer of light, of hope. It slowly took shape. The shape of the god, Bahtmothet. A creature with the head of a beast, the maw of a dragon, the body, and arms of man, the claws of a feline and the legs of a beast.

For a time, he thought. He wondered what to do with the blank slate he had. Then, he decided. He wanted something to watch, something to nurture, to love and be loved by. He had decided.
With his decision in mind, he raked his claws upon the land, creating ravines and mountains. as he tore, he was cut. From the cuts came a golden ichor, which, upon hitting the ground, created life. It created the basis of the Beasts: Mankind, Felines, Lizards, Serpis, Canis, Ursinus, Equis, and so on. From those Beasts, aside from Mankind, came others. And, as the ground cut into Bahtmothet's flesh, he wept from pain. From the tears he wept came nature and water, filling up many ravines or holes his claws left, creating rivers and oceans. Grass also began growing from the nourishment his blood and tears gave it.

When all was done, he stepped back and watched his creations. Bahtmothet was pleased. He watched for eons. He watched the Beasts fight one another, killing, mauling and harming one another. No.. This will not do.. He had thought. My creations mustn't fight amongst each other and themselves. I shall stop this!

With that thought, he ended fighting. He ended death, he ended the wars his creations had. He ended any reason they would fight; from land, to food, to money... He got rid of it. He made endless expansions of land, made trees and plants bear fruit at all times. He made them have no need for wealth. Yes, they could keep their kingdoms, tribes and such... But no more fighting.

The Truth

Written by [REDACTED]

When the eons had passed, Bahtmothet did not do what he did out of kindness. He was offered sacrifices. Six sacrifices. Six Beasts. The first Six were of Mankind, Felidae, Canis, Serpis, Ursinus, and Equis. Every ten years, six more are sent. They keep the god Bahtmothet appeased. This has gone on for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. We fear what he may do if we were to stop. Perhaps we shall. Who knows?


A'ight. After thaaaat all (which took me two hours to type lmao), here's the plot.

This (currently) takes place in a year that is the year of the Six Sacrifices. I will (obviously) play one of the Six and Bahtmothet. No one has to play as one of the Six and may play as a companion to the group! Of course, there must be a variation in characters! You can be any Mammalian/Reptilian/Amphibian/Bird species. Alsoooo, animals can talk ;) (for convenience). I'll also be the person "setting up" the areas and such as the characters enter them. sooo,, kinda like DM. Be aware, this will be my first time doing this in a while, so excuse me if I'm a little rusty! ^.^
Oh, and, also! The first bit will be the Six meeting, being "summoned" to a location to be taken to the Altar. No one knows the true meaning to be one of the Six, either. They believe that the Six are not being sacrificed, but they are being brought somewhere to appease the god Bahtmothet through prayer and offerings, not through death.
Aaaand who will summon them, I might hear you ask? Why, but the ever-so ferocious Bahtmothet! He'll personally come and give them the location ;)


This refers to what is happening in-universe; such as travels or where any individual character is if they've split from the group.

The Arrival



Roleplayed by Pawz (#79069)

Will have use in assisting the Six when needed. ex: If someone strays from the group and can't be found. Or travel help. He's a rich boye ;)))

Six Sacrifices


Dulcis the Equis

Roleplayed by Polopony (#96942)

Sengit the Serpis

Roleplayed by Pawz (#79069)

Kara the Ursinus

Roleplayed by 🌟 Bright 🌟 (#174627)

Jagger the Feline

Roleplayed by 🌟 Bright 🌟 (#174627)

Meghan of Mankind

Roleplayed by Anubis (#179190)

Cecily the Canis

Roleplayed by paradiso (#78103)

OOC Thread

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Edited on 08/07/19 @ 20:37:34 by Pawz (#79069)

msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-06-30 18:41:16
Is it possible for me to be one of the Six?

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Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-06-30 19:53:39
Could I be the the mankind sacrifice?

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Pawz (#79069)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-07-01 12:15:25
For both Bright and Anubis: Indeed you may! Put your characters up in the CS page, and I will edit the post here to name the characters!

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-01 19:17:14
Kara shuffled nervously, her huge mass taking up much of the space on the rock where she laid. She? One of the Six? Imagine that! Mother, the polar bear parent, told her it was a great honor, while Father, the grizzly parent told her it was a terrible thing to be chosen as one of the Six

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Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-07-01 21:56:16
Meghan was still confused, and with her parents being dead, she didn't know who to ask. She decided she'd have to find one of the other 6. She started shoving stuff into a suitcase. She left her apartment, deciding she'd just figure it out when she got to the airport. She got on her phone and checked the news, to see if they had any idea where the other five were.

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Pawz (#79069)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-07-01 21:58:41

(Ah well, guess we'll start the RP then lol)

Nestled down in a small crevice of some piled rocks laid Sengit, fast asleep in the cold darkness of his makeshift gave. He really didn't want to get up, to go off to who knows were because he was "one of the Six". To him, it sucked. He didn't want to be shoved into some stuffy old church or whatever and pray to some stupid old god. All he mainly wanted was to sleep and terrorize tiny rodents with his teeth, or even just bug something else.
Yawning, he slowly emerged, flexing his hood and stretching. He sighed lowly, slowly beginning to move through the grass, watching with a sharp, ever-so-focused gaze, his tongue occasionally flicking out to taste the air. Sengit snorted lightly, lifting the top half of his body above the grass. "Hmph... Nothing to do, is there..? I knew I shouldn't have gotten up." He grumbled, flopping onto his back.Oh Bahtmothet, take me away... Take me faaar away before I die of boredom.. He groaned, wriggling a little.

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Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-07-01 22:08:01
Meghan found nothing. Absolutely nothing. She had no idea what to do or where to go. She sat down on a park bench. She sighed. "Hey Bahtmothet, was wondering if you could tell me what the heck I'm supposed to be doing? See, my parents are dead, and I kind of have trust issues. So if you could that would be great! Ok bye. " She threw her phone down on the bench.

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-02 04:25:21
She raised her head and began to run down the ice, heading down the northern ice to the other Six

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-07-02 06:51:13

Dulcis | Stallion | Horse | Mentions: Open

Dulcis stood with a friend at his side, his demeanor relaxed. He had few to seek advice from aside from his own, rather inexperienced friends, but if it his mission was from the god, it had to be good. The only question was how to find the other six. A snake could be anywhere, as could a human. Wherever the bear lived depended on what kind of bear it was. Was there some sort of attraction to draw them together? He couldn't feel it. His large head turned to survey his small, make shift family. As a stallion he'd been kicked out of the herd at sexual maturity and sent off on his own. Dulcis didn't mind, it happened to every young stallion.

He'd found this bachelor herd, consisting of four horses and himself, just a day after he'd gotten evicted. The five hit it off and quickly bonded. Now, until one found a harem or made one, they were stuck with each other. Would it be right to just leave them? He had to. He had to go to Bahtmothet, he had to appease the god. It ached with every fiber of his being to leave these four stallions, his family, but he knew it had to be. It was his destiny. With a heavy sigh, Dulcis straightened out, once more standing square, before pressing his muzzle into the neck of the stallion beside him. The horse reciprocated, and so Dulcis went about bidding goodbye to all he knew and loved. He might have said goodbye to his mother, but there was no telling where her herd was, and he didn't have the time to find her.

He set off, quite lonely, but with the confidence he would find new friends, ones to journey with, bond with, and come to understand and love. His tired eyes held something new- was that an adventurous glint? And his large hooves took each stride with a little bit of spring. He was excited, oh yes, excited for the adventure and for new friends.

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Pawz (#79069)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-07-02 11:19:02

Sengit sat up, coiling his lower body into, well, a small pile, his hood folded. He yawned and tasted the air for anything. Just, anything. He got a faint taste of horse, but that was something common. Horse herds were basically everywhere, so that was no surprise. He liked sliding past their long legs and occasionally nipping at them to spook them, but not with his fangs, finding it hilarious when they reared back and began to panic, screaming, yelling and shrieking.
He snickered at the thought, before sighing. Eh... What good is it? Not that much fun. He looked around again before he started to move, carefully moving along through the grass, dirt and occasional rocks. Wandering was fun, wasn't it? Yes. Yes, it was. As long as he didn't wander too far. He had a terrible sense of direction.

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-02 14:20:45
She halted near a waterhole and hooked out a eel, gulping down the dead thing fiercely, before taking a drink of icy water and beginning to run again. She halted at the scent of horse and stood on her hind legs, jaws wide to show huge incisors. " Come out, Equis, and show your face." She roared into the heavy plains around her, spotting a tiny bay dot, not at all like the heavy coated horses the settlement humans sometimes brought. For one thing, it was less furry. Her long white-and-brown fur blew into her mouth and she spat it out

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-07-02 19:41:52

Dulcis | Stallion | Horse | Mentions: Kara

The large bay had journeyed for days, maybe even a week (horses were terrible at telling time) before reaching the colder temperatures of the north. Living around mountains had gifted Dulcis a thick skin for cold, but this chill was more intense than any he'd felt before. However, his optimism kept him warm, and the thought of his purpose gave lift to his strides. Those tired eyes always peered just over the horizon, comically large ears shoved forward, untamed mane spilling across his star and down his neck. His movements seem almost coltish, unrestrained, unburdened and young. He hadn't moved like that in a long time. But the air surrounding him was still serene and calm, despite his playfully raised tail and arched neck.

At some points, he might even break into a trot, strides loose and reaching, mane lifting in the self- generated breeze. It had been a long time since Dulcis had such a purpose. He came to a gradual stop at a cool river, peering in wonder at the fish living just below the surface. He made no effort to touch them, to disturb them, or draw their attention. He simply watched them swim. It appeared they, too, had a destination. Their scales caught and reflected the light in a thousand different ways, and the stallion was captivated. He almost didn't want to drink anymore, finding their movements and interactions fascinating. They moved seamlessly, never once bumping into each other or moving too close. The young bay wondered how they interacted. They lacked ears, long tails, and voices. How did they establish order?

Eventually, the horse dipped his muzzle into the clear water as thirst nagged at his throat. He watched sadly as his new friends scattered, vanishing among the water plants and into the distance with startling speed. A sudden roar caught Dulcis' attention next and he lifted his head, water dripping from his muzzle. Was that a... bear? No, the coat was too wrong, mottled and skewbald like melting snow, receding to show the dirt beneath. What sort of spring coated animal was this? It sounded like a bear, as the echoes of its needlessly fierce call vanished into the distance. Dulcis offered a chipper whinny in response, his shrill call matching the bear's in volume, replacing ferocity with friendliness.

"I am Dulcis, I come from the west. I am on a journey to find the other five of the chosen six. Who are you?" This last part of his question was brought into the world with no hint of suspicion, instead bearing the tone of innocent, amiable curiosity. Despite his friendly call, Dulcis did not move. He remained rooted beside his little river, water still trailing lazily down his muzzle and dropping to the earth below.

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-02 19:43:39
"I am Kara, Ursine member of the six. I come from the north, in search of you and the other four." She roared into the wind as she began lumbering down the slope to the stallion

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Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-07-02 19:49:14
Meghan gave up. She grabbed her stuff and walked back to her apartment. She slammed the door and locked it, throwing her stuff on the couch. She then stormed into her room and slammed the door. She started yelling at the top of her lungs. "HEY BAHTMOTHET, I REALLY COULD USE SOME GUIDANCE, IT WOULD BE GREAT IF YOU WOULD JUST HELP ME! " The neighbors started yelling at her to quiet down. She sighed. "Fine. Don't then. " She groaned and pulled the covers over her head. She vowed that she was going to stay there for the rest of the day.

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-02 20:05:29
(can i be anotehr member of the six or naw?

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