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Pawz (#79069)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-06-30 16:29:12

(warnings will be put up above the posts with gore if requested. Always prepared to make small accommodations like that~)


About the World

Within the land of Alohepia, the denizens live peaceful, paradise-filled lives. Death does occur, yes, but only peacefully and of old age. People are happy and friendly. They never know strife, pain, or sadness. Legend tells them that the reason for this is because their god, their creator, blessed them from the kindness of its heart. The truth is far, far darker.

The Legend
Written by Prof. Cornellium Davids

Long ago, in the age far gone, there was nothingness. A blank slate. Then, there was something. A little glimmer of light, of hope. It slowly took shape. The shape of the god, Bahtmothet. A creature with the head of a beast, the maw of a dragon, the body, and arms of man, the claws of a feline and the legs of a beast.

For a time, he thought. He wondered what to do with the blank slate he had. Then, he decided. He wanted something to watch, something to nurture, to love and be loved by. He had decided.
With his decision in mind, he raked his claws upon the land, creating ravines and mountains. as he tore, he was cut. From the cuts came a golden ichor, which, upon hitting the ground, created life. It created the basis of the Beasts: Mankind, Felines, Lizards, Serpis, Canis, Ursinus, Equis, and so on. From those Beasts, aside from Mankind, came others. And, as the ground cut into Bahtmothet's flesh, he wept from pain. From the tears he wept came nature and water, filling up many ravines or holes his claws left, creating rivers and oceans. Grass also began growing from the nourishment his blood and tears gave it.

When all was done, he stepped back and watched his creations. Bahtmothet was pleased. He watched for eons. He watched the Beasts fight one another, killing, mauling and harming one another. No.. This will not do.. He had thought. My creations mustn't fight amongst each other and themselves. I shall stop this!

With that thought, he ended fighting. He ended death, he ended the wars his creations had. He ended any reason they would fight; from land, to food, to money... He got rid of it. He made endless expansions of land, made trees and plants bear fruit at all times. He made them have no need for wealth. Yes, they could keep their kingdoms, tribes and such... But no more fighting.

The Truth

Written by [REDACTED]

When the eons had passed, Bahtmothet did not do what he did out of kindness. He was offered sacrifices. Six sacrifices. Six Beasts. The first Six were of Mankind, Felidae, Canis, Serpis, Ursinus, and Equis. Every ten years, six more are sent. They keep the god Bahtmothet appeased. This has gone on for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. We fear what he may do if we were to stop. Perhaps we shall. Who knows?


A'ight. After thaaaat all (which took me two hours to type lmao), here's the plot.

This (currently) takes place in a year that is the year of the Six Sacrifices. I will (obviously) play one of the Six and Bahtmothet. No one has to play as one of the Six and may play as a companion to the group! Of course, there must be a variation in characters! You can be any Mammalian/Reptilian/Amphibian/Bird species. Alsoooo, animals can talk ;) (for convenience). I'll also be the person "setting up" the areas and such as the characters enter them. sooo,, kinda like DM. Be aware, this will be my first time doing this in a while, so excuse me if I'm a little rusty! ^.^
Oh, and, also! The first bit will be the Six meeting, being "summoned" to a location to be taken to the Altar. No one knows the true meaning to be one of the Six, either. They believe that the Six are not being sacrificed, but they are being brought somewhere to appease the god Bahtmothet through prayer and offerings, not through death.
Aaaand who will summon them, I might hear you ask? Why, but the ever-so ferocious Bahtmothet! He'll personally come and give them the location ;)


This refers to what is happening in-universe; such as travels or where any individual character is if they've split from the group.

The Arrival



Roleplayed by Pawz (#79069)

Will have use in assisting the Six when needed. ex: If someone strays from the group and can't be found. Or travel help. He's a rich boye ;)))

Six Sacrifices


Dulcis the Equis

Roleplayed by Polopony (#96942)

Sengit the Serpis

Roleplayed by Pawz (#79069)

Kara the Ursinus

Roleplayed by 🌟 Bright 🌟 (#174627)

Jagger the Feline

Roleplayed by 🌟 Bright 🌟 (#174627)

Meghan of Mankind

Roleplayed by Anubis (#179190)

Cecily the Canis

Roleplayed by paradiso (#78103)

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Edited on 08/07/19 @ 20:37:34 by Pawz (#79069)

Pawz (#79069)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-07-03 11:27:03

He relaxed, watching her with a small hiss. "I see.. Well then. It is... nice to meet you. I won't bite if you don't touch me." He huffed lowly, narrowing his eyes. "I am Sengit. You are?"

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Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-07-03 11:31:53
Meghan was still tense. "Meghan." She scooted back again. "Nice to meet you. " She looked around.

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Pawz (#79069)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-07-03 11:48:54

"Wouldn't say that, but alright." He hummed. "So, how'd you find me? This place is.. pretty remote." He tilted his head slightly

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-03 11:51:52
"Possibly down the the east." Now she was closer, Dulcis could see she was tired and worn, with scraped paws.

Jagger shot his head up, sniffing rapidly. Kara? Was his friend here!? He scampered out. He wondered if she was one of the Six as well. He ran out and followed her scent, only stopping occasionally for a water break.

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Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-07-03 11:55:30
Meghan dropped the charm on the ground. "Whatever this is. " She pushed it towards him, not wanting to get any closer.

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Pawz (#79069)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-07-03 12:30:43

He sniffed the charm, flicking his tongue out lightly against it. "Mmm.. Just a regular old charm. Has a kinda... cherry taste to it, but nothing odd." He cocked an eyebrow, tilting his head.

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Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-07-03 12:45:46
Meghan shrugged and dragged it back towards her with one finger, before picking it back up and stuffing it in her pocket. "Bahtmothet gave it to me. I don't really know much more than that. " She stuffed her hands in her pockets, fidgeting with the charm.

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Pawz (#79069)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-07-03 13:42:00

"Uh-huh... I doubt it. That old coot probably hasn't left whatever penthouse in heaven he lives in." He hissed, flashing his fangs

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Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-07-03 14:10:59
Meghan scooted a little further upon the hiss. She looked at her surroundings. "So what now? " She took her hands out of her pockets.

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-07-03 16:33:11

Dulcis | Stallion | Horse | Mentions: Kara

Dulcis listened with his usual gentle demeanor, taking her words into consideration, moving his jaw side to side as if rolling her words across his tongue, tasting for truth. His broad head swung to the east, where the sun rose every night. Farther from his homeland than ever. But he'd go regardless. Perhaps, this journey to Bathmothet would lift him to some sort of divine state. Maybe the six that went every hundred years acted as advisors and assistants to Bathmothet. The world was pretty big. Maybe too big for someone, no matter how ethereal, to watch over alone. This idea made a curious feeling appear in Dulcis' stomach. He'd be glad to serve his god.

After eyeing the eastern horizon for a few moments, Dulcis' head moved back to Kara, dipping into the river for another drink. The fish, unfortunately, still had not returned. He couldn't blame them. He'd be afraid too if he encountered someone with the same size ratio as he had to these fish. They were beautiful, though. But beauty if fleeting, and often doesn't quite make it to the inside. He lifted his white nose, water rolling off it and beading on his whiskers. He spotted her tiredness, her worn paws, and wondered just how far this spring coated creature had traveled. Dulcis had come far, but his eyes were always tired, his hooves worn just as they always were. They kept growing, he kept walking.

He sent his tail skittering across his flank as more of a reflex than anything, a way to draw his attention to something else aside from the rather formidable task ahead of them. Just as he'd thought before, it was a big, big world. It would be a difficult, trying journey to find the other four. They could be separated by oceans, or mountains, or entire continents. "We might have a long way to go. We should get some rest." His voice was soft, but decisive. The harder they pushed themselves, the harder the adventure would become. There was no use dying before their time, especially if Bathmothet needed them.

The only question left in Dulcis' mind was how bears slept. Did they just flop over in the open? Did they burrow underground? Did they sleep standing up, like he did, only laying down occasionally to reach a deep sleep? Did they live in the mountains? The young stallion had never seen a bear in winter, maybe they slept through the snows, and stayed awake the rest of the year. If so, then it would be a tad awkward. But maybe this skewbald beast could stand guard while Dulcis slept. He already trusted her, as he did with nearly everything he met. She was one of the six as well, what did she have to gain by harming him?

The answer was nothing. And she might be punished if she did decide to kill him. So Dulcis decided upon the happy medium. He would lock his knees, cock a hind foot, and sleep standing up. He could always run, and that way, if the two were threatened, he wouldn't hinder them by having to clamber to his hooves. But he stayed awake to hear Kara's decision, if she agreed or not. It would be rude to fall asleep on someone unannounced, anyway.

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-03 16:44:34
"We should rest. I've come from the perfect lands up north all the way to this meltingly hot place. And why's it so sunny here? Back home, it's still in the Six Month of Darkness. How do you sleep? Do you- ACK!" She yelped as a tiny,- well, tiny compared to her- brown shape plummeted into her, hugging her fiercely.

Jagger screeched in delight hanging onto her flank with little claws. The jaguarundi squealed hapily as he hugegd his friend, a huge brown bear not far behind him, the bears eyes warm in delight. "Sweetie! Kara!" The bear rumbled happily. "YOU'RE HEREEEEE!!!!!!!!!" Jagger squee'd happily, hugging Kara tighter.

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Pawz (#79069)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-07-04 17:06:51
(apologies for such a late reply)

"Guess we go search for the others."

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-07-06 17:34:25

Dulcis | Stallion | Horse | Mentions: Kara, Jagger

The perfect place? Dulcis' mind reeled. What place was perfect? Not even his homeland was perfect. It stormed and snowed and when the snows came, so did famines. It was far from perfect, but the healthy horses survived for the most part, keeping their gene pool strong. And he loved his home. He loved the mountains, the pine forests, the deer and coyotes and foxes. He loved the birds that sang from spring to fall, building nests and raising their young. He adored the bear cubs that came out in spring, fuzzy and small, but so very bold. No, it wasn't perfect, but it was home. Where did this bear come from, then? Dulcis tried to imagine his perfect home. Lots of grass, ponds to swim in, horsey friends all around, birds to watch and mountains in the distance. This bear must live somewhere gorgeous!

As for the sun, Dulcis had only one answer: "The sun shines to show us the beauty of this place we live. The sun shines, it sets, the moon shines, it sets, and the sun shines again. That's how it's always been." This six months of darkness? What was this? Dulcis couldn't imagine not seeing the sun for six months. Wait. How long was a month? Ah, well. There were more important matters. Kara proposed the question of how he slept; exactly what he was wondering. But before he could reply, Kara let out a screech that sent Dulcis back a stride, concerned, one dark hoof finding itself fetlock deep in the water. Was she bring attacked by the creature that had grappled itself to her mottled side? Was it killing her? He didn't see blood, and her screams had taken on a happier note.

The prey inside Dulcis made him look cautiously around, only slightly worried about what those screams might attract. He instead watched, still a little concerned, as the two seemingly reunited. Curious. Very curious. The bay stallion decided to wait a bit, allowing the joyous moment to run its course. He peered over Kara, a relatively easy feat considering the size difference, at the brown bear following behind. Now that was a bear he recognized. It looked just like the bears that frequented his mountains, just larger and lighter. That touch of familiarity plucked a string in his massive heart, and he pined for home. He missed those five horses he'd grown close to after the lead stallion of his mother's band ran him out. He'd long since stopped missing his dam, but she still held a piece of his heart. And of course, Dulcis missed the fish.

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Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-07-08 00:21:07
Meghan looked at the sun, shielding her eyes. "I think they're up north. "

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-08 04:14:57
Kara roared in delight, moving Jagger from her flank to her head and tromping up to her father, nuzzling him. the J==-jaugarundi squealed and the bear grinned happily.
"Back where I live, half the year is sunny and the rest is dark. Anyways, we can see just fine. in the dark. Can't you? The ice makes everything so beautiful, cold, chilly, white and sparkling, like the stars have fallen to earth.

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