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Pawz (#79069)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2019-06-30 16:29:12

Main Roleplay Thread



My Characters

Name: Bahtmothet
Gender: Presumably Male
Species: Unknown
Description: A giant beast with the black-scaled, sharp-fanged muzzle of a dragon, a dark-furred beastial head with gold-colored eyes. He has a human, dark-skinned torso and arms. His fingers are tipped with sharp feline claws, and his legs are bear legs.
Personality: Bahtmothet (Or just Baht) in truth is a bloodthirsty beast with no want for the love of his worshippers any longer. His people believe him to be kind and loving, unaware of the truth. He also tends to be bitter, and sarcastic towards his creations, but rarely voicing his insults, and also gets easily annoyed.
Bahmothet also enjoys living a lavish, luxurious lifestyle, rarely staying too long in a place that isn't that way. Along with that, his usual personality around his followers if he ever appears to him, is a somewhat "sassy" persona, being immensely playful and oft calling people "babe" when he feels like it.

Name: Sengit (Name Meaning: Fierce, bitter, violent, acrimonious, virulent, or venomous)
Gender: Male
Species: Serpis (Ophiophagus hannah)(King Cobra)
Description: Sengit is 18 ft long in length, and is rather heavy, making him difficult to fling. His scales are a mottled red and gold, and his eyes are akin to black, glittering beads. The underside of his hood is primarily gold in color with a vibrant eye patterning in bright, bright red, making him easily stand out in most environments.
Personality: True to his name, Sengit tends to be violent in many situations, a stark contrast to the rest of his family, and others. He also tends to often lash out at others for even the smallest of reasons, whether they be for a simple mistake or even something less significant, he'll lash out in the most violent of ways. But, below his violent exterior is a softer, more childlike side, afraid of being hurt.
(will be edited in the future)

OOC Thread

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Edited on 08/07/19 @ 20:52:56 by Pawz (#79069)

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-06-30 20:06:35

"If you wish to be loved: love."

Dulcis {Latin: Sweet}


Equus Caballus
Common horse

Dulcis is a solidly built stallion, with tough hooves and soft eyes. He walks as if he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, but his bearing is proud. His teeth may preach of his youth, but his eyes whisper of his wisdom, a trait ingrained in him from a colt. He's broad and no small beast, standing at 15.3 hands. His coat is a tame, gentle bay, with a bold white star and snip residing on his face. Black stockings trace their way up his powerful legs, outlining muscle and bone with stark ease. He is not a horse to catch the eye, but he is one to earn the heart. His mane and tail are loose and messy, falling across his topline and between his ears like water over rocks, and dangling just above his fetlocks. Said hair is a rich, ebony black, but constant sun has bleached the ends to a muted amber color.

Both hind fetlocks are splashed with white, two small socks on his otherwise unmarred legs. His coat bears no scars, a testament to his gentle nature. He is not one to start fights. Perhaps the most striking thing about Dulcis are his eyes. They are soft and kind, but tired. The exhaustion borne not of a long run, but of a long life. The leaching of energy the old feel when they have lived and loved for years and years. When they know they have learned, and now much teach others. His body language echoes this feeling, ink lined ears often flopped to the side, snow splashed hind legs cocked with hips angled more often than not.

Dulcis is the very embodiment of an old soul. He's mellow and laid back, kind and genuine. A wisdom beyond his years very often finds it way out, like ichor leaking from a wound. His wisdom grants him stability, his stability makes him staid. He's stubborn, but very rarely outright. He often struggles seeing past what he knows for sure, and believing in what he can't see. He has faith in the stories of old, however, as he knows them so well, and has heard them so often, that they are truth to him. Though he has a hard time placing faith in the unknown, he is always sowing trust in friends. A helping hand is never far from reach when Dulcis is around, and neither are encouraging words of advice. He has taken it upon himself to be the father he never had, the one he always wanted.

Though his history may be rocky, Dulcis found a safety net in his friends. He strives to be that type of friend to everyone in his life, and frequently, he begins to call his friends family. He sees no use in having enemies, and kindness is always first and foremost in his mind. He's a soft creature, with a heart of gold. There is absolutely no fight in him, very little toughness, and no desire to kill. He's placid, but not complacent. Amicable, but individual. He will hesitate to fight for what he loves, offering instead his precious words of wisdom as a way to ease the tension. He takes it upon himself not to break down the walls traumatized individuals build, but to convince them to take those walls down, piece by piece. He feels there is no greater gift than trust, and he treats it with care and devotion. He stokes the fires of kindness daily, offering words of wisdom and encouragement at every opportunity, soft eyes a constant reminder of his love.

Dulcis is loyal to a fault, and struggles to realize that some don't want, or need, his help. He also finds giving up on a friend, or a self declared enemy, abhorrent. That stubborn streak makes itself glaringly obvious here. He continually offers help, companionship, and unselfish love to anyone he is privileged enough to call his friend. He has difficulty letting friends go, and the loss of a loved one weighs heavily upon his shoulders. Perhaps that is why his eyes look so tired, so old. His wisdom is from experience, some of which was painful and nearly impossible to endure. But Dulcis wouldn't change a thing. He feels everything in life happens for a reason, that an ultimate goal will eventually be met. The choices one makes affects how they reach that goal, but eventually, they reach it.

Possibly one of the six?
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Edited on 02/07/19 @ 06:39:32 by Polopony (#96942)

msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-07-01 14:55:52

Name: Kara

Gender: Female

Species: Bear

Description: A huge, velvety furred polar-grizzly bear hybrid, AKA a grolar bear. Her fur, stead of being any solid color, is a mottle brown-white

Personality: Very shy and jumpy, acting more like a mouse than a huge bear

Other: The Ursine member of the Six, her mother being a polar bear and her father being the grizzly. Her mother is very strong willed and that ended with Kara being raised up North, far from Father, only seeing him for short visits. She lives a very isolated life in the snowy wastes. Her mother worries about her finding a mate, with her mottled brown splotches.

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Edited on 14/07/19 @ 12:23:38 by β˜† Bright β˜† (#174627)

Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-07-01 19:27:41
Name: Meghan
Gender: Female
Desc: pale skin, freckles, brown hair
Personality:Shy but sarcastic and kind of jerky
Other:The mankind member of the six

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msiai|g1 3xros ice (#174627)

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Posted on
2019-07-02 20:15:40

Name: Jagger

Gender: Male

Species: Jaguarundi

Description: Thin, lithe and small, Jagger is one to be feared for all reptiles he comes across, with lean, needle fangs and dagger-like claws

Personality: Sharp, on point, speaks what he wants, does what he wants, lives how he wants, he don't take no shit from nobody. He's very particular about friends. He's a little nasty spitfire, but he likes the big shy kind of animal that's very quiet.

Other: Companion to Kara, the great Grolar Bear, the Feline member of the six.

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Edited on 14/07/19 @ 12:23:59 by β˜† Bright β˜† (#174627)

venefica [ g2
slender pie ] (#78103)

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Posted on
2019-07-06 19:27:58



Arctic Wolf
canis lupus arctos

Cecily is rather small for her species, standing 2.2ft at her shoulder and having a length of 4.5ft. She possesses a narrow, lithe build with slender limbs masked by feathery white fur that makes her seem larger than normal. Cecily carries herself with pride and grace, evident in the way she walks and the fur which she keeps meticulously free of dirt. Deep mahogany eyes hold a twinkle of mischief, and a wan smile can typically be seen upon this canine's visage.

Cecily's personality is best described as air, sometimes turbulent but ever-flowing. She has a tendency for impulsive decisions and often finds herself in trouble, though a quick mind and smooth talking typically gets her out of it. Cecily lives for adventure, and there are no ends to which she'd pursue it. She loves to laugh, and is a tad mischievous, though her pranks are never harmful.

She is rather defiant of authority, and enjoys doing things her way. Cecily is quick to jump into arguments, though leaves them just as easily. Similarly, she is quick to anger, but her temper cools, leaving her more or less (usually less) remorseful. Cecily lives by the phrase: "let bygones be bygones"; she doesn't hold grudges easily, and prides herself on being rather easy-going.

Canine member of the Six

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