Posted by -LOCKED - [Jul] Don't turn Celestial/etc marks into apps

Agryo [Quitting] (#70050)

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Posted on
2019-07-05 15:15:13
[EDIT: I bump this accidentally sometimes while looking at it again, this is SOLVED let's PLEASE not necro the post, Celestial Raffle marks are safe all's okay we can rest easy gjknktnkrgn]

Please, just don't.

Celestial, Skyward and Sidereal have been breed-only since their conception and users have greatly enjoyed working around the slots they are common in or finding new ones. They're well loved, especially Celestial Speckles, in the same vein as Feline 8 or a pretty Vitiligo or Margay.

People have spent years breeding these and priding themselves on breeding full Skyward/Celestial/Sidereal kings, or mixing and matching. Hell, we've had new slots introduced via Groupies and July Raffle girls to keep things fresh.

Don't make breed-only markings applicable, it removes all joy users get from working on breeding quads. Imagine the outcry if the white Vitiligo marks could be applied- months, years of projects and studs and careful breeding now no more valuable than a king with a pile of applicators slapped on in any order desired.

A) Leave them as-is, but perhaps popping up more rarely on July raffle lions (they're already common and appear on groupies anyways)

B) Retire them from the July spawn pool, so we work with the slots we have.

C) Introduce new markings in those colors as breed-onlys (Celestial Feline? Skyward Lace?) to revive interest but conserve their value and challenge. Imagine people trying for octa Skywards or something, rad.

D) Introduce new markings in the colors as applicator marks. I don't like this because then the definition of a quad X could just be one full of applicator marks (like 'octa vits' with three colored vits), but. Eh. Better than the original markings being apps.

If people want one of the marks? Buy a cub for cheap and breed it into their projects, like we all have done, or settle for an applicatior that creates a similar effect.

Don't mistake the love people have for these markings for a desire to have then handed to us. Please don't set this precident for turning Raffle markings into applicable ones <3


We cool we cool, Celestial and co won't be made into apps! Still a thread to look at for... I guess historical purposes?


This suggestion has 370 supports and 98 NO supports.

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Edited on 04/04/20 @ 10:08:55 by Agryo [Project] (#70050)

Robin (BLM) - Gen4
Cinnabar (#171993)

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Posted on
2020-01-29 18:17:06
I think I get it now, but my mind hasn't been changed. I've been in situations where there's an easy "pay to win" type of situation, and I never give in and it still brings the same satisfaction, regardless of whether or not I could've gotten there easier or others did do it the easy way. If anything, at least to me, it makes the reward even sweeter, knowing that I didn't give in and stuck through to the end goal even when tough. That's probably why I like the idea of having an easy way out, it gives me a choice: do I go the hard way and feel more accomplished for doing it on my own/with very little help OR do I just shell out some currency and move on. It wouldn't minimize my experience at all to see people take the easy route if I chose to take the hard route, and I'm guilty as hell for taking the easy route a large majority of the time.

I'm now aware that this subject isn't really up for debate anymore, staff have made the decision, but I still think the idea is at least moderately okay. There's pros and cons and we all see things differently. I, for one, like options and multiple ways to approach a goal and don't mind how others reach the same goal. I can see how it could probably feel bad to spend time and energy trying to achieve something that became easily obtainable later on, but it's still an accomplishment and something to be proud of to say that you didn't need the easy way out to get to your goal.

Given the circumstances, let's just agree to disagree.

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Saff - Kimanjano (#137237)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-01-29 18:24:13
But there will no longer be any hard mode because the once BO marks available in only select slots and not always easily attainable will then become prolific In every slot.

So your choices to take the easy way out forces it on us also. There will always need to be a separation between applicators and breed only to be fair.

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Dalton 🖤 ORCHID
RIME MACHINE (#149529)

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Posted on
2020-01-29 19:55:45

Well I'm dumb I was totally under the impression that it was about transitioning BO July Raffle Marks to applicators! Releasing felines in July Raffle colors as applicators would be okay... Though I would much prefer more BO, I definitely don't feel as passionate about preventing future applicators.

As for the resurrection of this thread it got linked in a discussion and the original recent poster did not notice the age

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CALA (#105146)

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Posted on
2020-01-29 19:59:52
Lmao same as Dalton above, and tbh forgot about there being a news post. Rip.
Still some good points in here, though xD

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yeehaw country man (#122541)

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Posted on
2020-01-29 20:32:35
To be fair, that news post didn’t really clarify anything. “Probably” isn’t a guarantee, so it’s not like it was a set-in-stone “we won’t do it”. But either way, I’m extremely glad that staff is no longer considering the idea!

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