Posted by The Zodiac Saviors ~ Character Sheets

Shamelessly Insane (#115908)

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Posted on
2019-09-16 20:51:02

Main Roleplay Thread


Welcome to the Zodiac, and here is how you can actually get in!



~All LD rules apply here~
~We are LGBTQ+ friendly, if you do not support this, leave immediately~
~You may create up to THREE OR FOUR Saviors~
~Your Savior CANNOT DIE. It is stated in the prophecy that they are the only ones that are able to complete this job~
~Be nice! If you are rude to others consistently, you will be banned from the roleplay~
~Please refrain from speaking on the roleplay thread, there are OOCs for a good reason~
~Your character may only have ONE POWER~
~No godmodding, powerplaying, etc.~
~If you have read this list of rules, please type "Defeat Them" in Other~
~All other normal roleplay rules that I didn't place~



1. Avrik, played by Insanity


1. Neroli Hycanith, played by n4mi


1. Maren Abe, played by Mertsanie


1. James Collins, played by greenapple
2. Rhoma Grace, played by Insanity


1. Liam, played by Whisper
2. Axel King, played by greenapple


1. Fawn, played by Whisper
2. Victor, played by Bluestar Moon


1. Hysan Dax, played by Insanity
2. Sunny Wells, played by ❤Silly hyena


1. Ernestine Eunice Medea, played by Insanity
2. Anastasia, whom is up for grabs!


1. Archer Faux, played by MickeyRose


1. Demetri Rose, played by MickeyRose
2. Lucky Wells, played by ❤Silly hyena


1. Ari Collins, played by greenapple


1. Luna, played by Bluestar Moon
2. Kai Holiday, played by Venomous Flames


1. Eclipse, whom is up for grabs!
2. Dabi, played by Insanity

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Edited on 01/10/19 @ 15:56:59 by Insanity Bringer {#ChaoticEvil (#115908)

Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-09-17 16:24:09
Name: Luna
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Sexuality: heterosexual
House: Pisces
Appearance: 32305-F2-F-19-CF-4-C1-C-AC57-5-BF34-CFF0096.jpg”
Draw by Me ^^
Personality: Kind, sweet, lovable, brave
Power: Water Magic
Other: have a weapon that is a Trident.

Luna fists up with joy “let’s go and defeat them because together we are more powerful then them.” Luna smile.

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Edited on 30/09/19 @ 07:11:10 by Bluestar Moon (#156177)

FrootCake (#176680)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-09-17 16:26:38






Though loyal, kind, and hardworking, Fawn is sometimes shy and worries over the little things. He likes animals- especially deer- books, and the silence of the forest. He hates rudeness, asking others for help, and being the one people focus on.

(Terrain Manipulation)
Control, manipulate and alter/reshape the surrounding terrain and landscape at will.
Fawn can change any type of terrain to any other type, for example turn a mountain into a sea, desert to jungle, hill into a lake, etc. The bigger the change the longer the wait for results. Any living things that can't adapt to changes he makes will die.

"I'm... sure we can defeat them... just uh... yeah..." Fawn mutters to himself.

◦I had it so that he had fluff on his wrists and ankles, as well as little deer feet, but for this rp those are all gone.
Power description from SUPERPOWERwiki
◦More on the Virgo Zodiac

Artist: Bluestar Moon! Thank you SO much!

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Edited on 02/10/19 @ 08:44:44 by A Whisper in the Wind (#176680)

Shamelessly Insane (#115908)

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Posted on
2019-09-17 16:44:10

Name: Ernestine Eunice Medea {prefers Eunice}

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Sexuality: Bisexual polyamourus

House: Scorpio

Appearance: Ernest is very gorgeous, with her jet black hair reaching to her waist. Her eyes are a dark caramel color, with a ring of gold surrounding the iris. They're almond shaped, with naturally long, thick lashes. Her skin is a healthy pale base, with freckles scattered onto her arms and few on her face. She has a very sharp nose and jawline, her face quite defined for someone of her raw age. Her makeup consists of a dark purple lip gloss, and black eyeliner wings. She has amazing taste in clothes for her House, usually dressed in a tight leather crop top (showing a silver bellybutton piercing), and a dark denim cropped jacket, which has a stylish rip on the back, and sewed back together with sexy black lace. Her leggings are tight fitting (obviously), and are (obviously) jet black. Her body shape is the norm for Scorps, a tiny-waisted hourglass with large breasts and butt.

Personality: As all Scorps are, Ernestine is quite secretive and mysterious, carrying more on her shoulders than you could've ever suspect. Her nature is obviously very flirtatious and seductive, though when she isn't surrounded by adoring people, she is studying technology and all its variations, as she strives to be the best student of her high school. She will occasionally let her guard down at moments that seem to stressful for her, and all her anxiety and stored up tears will rush right into her, like a giant wave tumbling her over.

Power: As normal Scorps powers are, hers are within that category. They consist of being incredibly smart and attractive, luring anyone they desire towards them. As the Scorpion Savior, however, hers are much greater in power. She can control it well, and small subsets that she discovered on her own exploration are her true secrets. She mostly keeps to herself, and it is difficult to gain her trust, even more so her heart.

Other: "We must defeat them. We must defeat Ophiuchus." ~ Ernestine

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Edited on 17/09/19 @ 18:01:29 by Insanity Bringer {#ChaoticEvil (#115908)

Priz (#127393)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-09-17 16:51:31

Name: ☽Ari Collins☾

Gender: Female


Sexuality: Straight

House: Aquarius

Appearance: A very short girl who stands just under 5'4. Her skin is fairly pale, though she spends her days outside, she is normally shielded by the trees canopies. Her hair looks like blue ocean waves down her back falling just above her butt. Her eyes are what her mother used to say made her unique, they look like newly found emeralds but they have small freckles around them. Her clothing items consist of, a baggie band ts with black skinny jeans. She also always has a small flower crown on, normally it has different flowers each day, though it always has the same small blue flowers.

Personality: She's extremely distant, doesn't feel many emotions other than anger and sadness. She has a great dislike for the feeling of love and pity people who claim they had fallen in love. Being distant and not liking love makes her unsympathetic. She's a total sociopath, and a pyromaniac, which doesn't make sense because her house is water. She has a habit of rambling on about death and wonders how it would feel. She is rational, she puts logic before instinct or emotions, she's also extremely clever and witty and can get away with a lot of things. She has a hard time following rules or directions, though she hates to be a leader she does her own thing. The closest thing she has to a friendship is with her dog.

Power: Speaking/Seeing the dead, this can be helpful to find out the powers of the others, she can talk to the people they had killed and seen how they passed, though if she does happen to find out she doesn't say.

Others: She has a dog named Jax, he's a Newfoundland dog. His head reaches just below her brests, his eyes are a dull grey and his fur is as white as snow. He never leaves her side and is able to control small areas of water. He is kinda lazy but would kill for a good swim with Ari, he loves cheerios.Also we gotta defeat the

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Edited on 17/09/19 @ 18:35:36 by greenapple (#127393)

sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2019-09-17 17:04:41

Neroli Hycanith





Neroli is around average in terms of both height and weight, with soft, tanned skin that has slight freckling on his face and shoulders. His eyes are a dazzling emerald green, and luscious, dark brown hair reaches his waist and is often put up into a make-shift bun or ponytail. He often wears naturally-made sweaters or t-shirts depending on the season. On the bridge of his nose is a long scar, which can take someones eyes away from their otherwise soft features. He has the aroma of neroli and other types of flowers, thus came the name he was given when he grew.

Neroli is mute, and likes to communicate by using both a small book or sign language. However, even with this setback, he is a rather kind and loyal person. He enjoys gardening and cooking, and often does art as a hobby. Neroli can also sometimes be a bit stubborn and even over-protective of those who he cares about. He isn't much of a fan of change or criticism, but hides his discomfort, whether it be from said things or something else, from others, for the sake of not being a nuisance.

The ability to make golems from inanimate materials, such as rocks, wood, plants, magma, etc..

With bright, determined eyes, he jotted down "defeat them" on his small notebook for all to see

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Edited on 18/09/19 @ 17:26:42 by n4mi (#112820)

Snini9 [Semi-
Hiatus-stressed] (#154479)

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Posted on
2019-09-25 10:06:45
Name: Persephone Fires
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Sexuality: Bisexual
House: Aquarius
Appearance: kinda pale skin, blue dyed hair, bright blue eyes.
Personality: Persephone is rebellious in nature, and is eccentric, spontaneous and original. She is stubborn, playful, strong willed and can be cold. She is scientifically minded, logical, and confident.
Power: Aerokinesis (air manipulation)

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Scruffy Shattered
★彡 (#117374)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-09-25 14:00:39
Name: Anastasia Mikhailova Sokolova (Shortened to just Anastasia/Ana)
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Sexuality: Heteroromantic/heterosexual
House: Scorpio
Appearance: Anastasia is a tall, slightly plump girl standing at 6'2. Her body frame is slightly masculine from training herself, but still gives off a feminine aura. Usually, she'll wear a dark blue sweater and jeans, but may sometimes wear a white t-shirt striped over with blue and jeans. Her long, brown hair is tied up in a ponytail, and her intense maroon eyes are often cold and calculating.
Personality: Anastasia is VERY bold. Whatever comes to mind, she will say it with barely any filters. She tends to do whatever she wants to do, and is not afraid to say if she flat-out objects against something. She likes it when she offends someone. With friends, however? Anastasia will be very defensive over them. She'll help them out with anything physically or verbally with passion. She isn't the most clever or smart person, but knows what or what not to do. She's kind of street-smart. Oh yeah, she also shouts curse words in Russian.
Power: Anastasia has the ability to produce a scorpion tail from her back end. The venom in her tail is deadly, and even a scrape could prove to be fatal. There is an increase in her speed during this phase, but she's more likely to make mistakes.
Other: "We have to defeat them! Fuck, if they take over, what world could we live in then?"
-Anastasia is not completely homophobic for a Russian <3 While she is naturally heterosexual bc of being a Russian (irl, lgbt is not very accepted i think), she won't talk bad about anyone for their sexuality

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MickeyRose (#137635)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-09-26 17:12:01

[ Moderator Edit ]
Name: Demetri Rose (Prefers Deme)
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Sexuality: Bisexual
House: Capricorn
Appearance: Standing 6' 2" tall, this dark skinned woman has a curious feel about her, and she has a strange scar on her left arm which she got during a silly accident many years ago. She has a long face with a pointed chin, a small nose, small ears, and plump lips. Her green eyes are rounded, and she has thin eyebrows. Her hair is mid-length and maroon in color, which is soft to the touch. She also has piercings in two places: her nasal septum and her tongue. Her body shape is that of a dancer, thin but with curves in her sides and gentle hips. She has a floral tattoo on her left leg. She usually wears perfectly pressed, matching clothes that are mostly dark-colored and loose. The only piece of jewelry other than her piercings is a necklace given to her by her late father.
Personality: Demetri is a very driven young woman. She knows who she is and is quick to make decisions as long as they benefit her. Quite cold and cruel on occasion, she doesn't quite know when to put honesty away and sugar coat the occasional conversation to save someone some pain and grief. Loving deep down, Deme does have quite a bit of compassion, even when it doesn't seem like it. She is protective, sometimes more like a parent than a friend, but overall she is always there.
Power: Crystal Manipulation: The ability to call crystals to the surface of the earth and also be able to meld crystal into many weapons and other helpful items. However useful this is, depending upon the crystal size, it can exhaust her.
Other: [ Moderator Edit ]

"As painful as the truth is, all will be destroyed if they succeed. We must defeat them." Deme's eyes remain upon the ground as she ponders what Ophiuchus is truly capable of.

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Edited on 06/10/19 @ 14:08:04 by a Moderator

Scruffy Shattered
★彡 (#117374)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2019-09-26 17:36:59
Name: Eclipse (Nickname: Battlewinner)
Gender: Nonbinary, goes by female pronouns
Age: 22
Sexuality: Panromantic demisexual
House: Ophiuchus
Appearance: Eclipse is a sleek, almost unnervingly thin woman. Her pale, pale skin is contrasted by dark, bristling hair that grows down halfway down her back. Her striking purple eyes are always narrowed to slits, with her mouth twisted into a snarl. Eclipse wears a black undershirt with a deep purple overshirt, with both clothing tucked into jeans that were ripped by hand to reach her knees. The girl wears tall combat boots with small spikes on the bottom, and white socks that go to her knees. At an attempt of looking innocent, there is a large white bow that is literally adhered to her left eye and behaves much like an eyepatch.
Personality: Eclipse is a totally horrible person. She is a very easy person to piss off, and often solves her problems with violence. She rarely listens to people, and is easily pleased by compliments. She is snarky and talks back at people, and always seems to radiate danger.
Power: Eclipse can control dark matter out of nowhere. With this power, she can either hold down or launch people back, or create wings/horns for herself to use in battle. These wings are fully operational, but can only be used for so long before she runs out of energy. The horns, however, are just there, and can be used to slice at a person if she angles her head with these. However, the energy is limited— she tends to pull off her heavy, seriously damaging moves at the beginning of the battle. Should her opponent persist, Eclipse will grow weary and desperate. This is when the horns come in. Her magic also takes a long time to recover back, and often has to nap in order to regain her energy.
Other: Eclipse tapped her nails rhythmically on the wall, her malevolent gaze gliding over everything in front of her with a grin. "Defeat them, my cronies," she cooed, her usually aggressive voice eerily soft. "Defeat them before I do it myself and leave you all to die."
—Eclipse's name is Battlewinner because the massive blows she pulls off can easily win a battle.
—She doesn't have a last name for some reason.
—Is there a way for Eclipse to fall in love? I don't really know

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Edited on 28/09/19 @ 11:46:15 by Scruffy Shattered ★彡 (#117374)

Shamelessly Insane (#115908)

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Posted on
2019-09-26 18:02:44

Name: Avrik

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Sexuality: Heterosexual {supports LGBT through and through}

House: Aries

Appearance: Avrik is very muscular from years of training. His arms are just short from bursting, his legs fit from running track on his home planet. His torso sports an eight-pack, his skin a dark tan. He is very tall, standing at 6'4". His features are hardened, and most think he cannot smile for how stone-like they look. His teeth are a pearly white, and perfectly straight. His eyes are a dark red, the color of stale blood. He mostly wears a black or maroon tank top, alone with either sweatpants or basketball shorts.

Personality: Avrik is very competitive, obsessed to the point people don't think its fun anymore. In his vocabulary, 'giving up' isn't even mentioned. He is very flirtatious with pretty women, and, given the chance, will dominate a woman. He is very respectful of them, but can be harsher on men.

Power: Avrik was gifted with the power of absolute strength, and he is able to steal other's energy to boost himself with more power. This can come in handy, as he is able to steal an Ophiuchus' strength, as well.

Other: "C'mon, guys! We have to defeat them! Or else all of the Zodiac will fall!" ~ Avrik

Name: Hysan Dax

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Sexuality: Heterosexual {supports LGBT very well}

House: Libra

Appearance: Hysan has light golden skin, and pale gold curly locks flopping over his forehead. His eyes are a kind brown, with a golden star in his right. His features are soft but defined, with a sharp nose and high cheekbones. He can be usually found wearing something formal or battlefield-fitting, such as a suit or clothes that aren't expensive and can be replaced easily.

Personality: The Libran is very charming, his Libra heritage giving him many advantages. He is quite a sweet talker, able to convince anyone to do anything for him. If he likes you, it will be discreet, as he treats everyone equally, as do most Librans.

Power: Hysan's power is being able to start small winds and breezes, and if he is in a good mood that day, he will be able to conjure a small tornado or blow away a bothersome rainstorm. He is also able to create golden light from his palms, and occasionally it will radiate from his skin if he is very happy.

Other: "We will defeat them. We will bring justice to the world of the Zodiac." ~ Hysan Dax

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Edited on 26/09/19 @ 19:10:05 by Insanity Bringer {#ChaoticEvil (#115908)

MickeyRose (#137635)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-09-26 18:24:38

Name: Archer Faux
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Sexuality: Demisexual
House: Sagittarius
Appearance: Standing proud, Archer is about 6' on the mark. He is quite thin however in build, his muscles more in his torso and legs. His skin is gently tanned and he has two scars across his cheek from archery accidents. His face is more defined in shape, with a sharp jawline and very visible chin. He does have pointed ears, thin and wide eyes, a gentle nose, and two rose tattoos on either side of his neck. Archer also has quite a few piercings in his ears but that is the extent of them. For normal clothing, he can be found wearing a basic teeshirt and a loose sweatshirt, as well as a pair of jeans and boots. All these items are either black in color or have hues of red.
Personality: Archer is a very aggressive male, enjoying to shoot first and ask later, which often gets him into trouble. He is often found trying to prove his superiority in every way, whether it be proving his intelligence (which he often lacks in) or his strength and ability. The best way to get him to do anything is to tell him it is a competition, and like a charm, he is already doing it. On the flip side however, once his pride is put away, he is very gentle, often taking care of those who are weak and/or broken. He is a very good listener as well, often holding quite a few secrets that aren't to be shared.
Power: Fire manipulation: he often prefers to do small amounts of fire through his hands, but he more often prefers to ignite weapons to make them more deadly
Other: [ Moderator Edit ]
His bow, it has a black quiver to match.

"Defeat them? Ha! That is too easy! I honestly would prefer to humiliate them and leave them writhing." Archer scoffs.

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Edited on 06/10/19 @ 14:03:03 by a Moderator

Venomous Flames (#152150)

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Posted on
2019-09-26 21:48:38
Name: Kai Holiday

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Sexuality: Asexual Biromantic

House: Pisces

Appearance: At a mere 4’9 stature, Kai is a dark skinned girl with dark eyes of distant Asian decent. She has frizzy, braided black hair with dark red highlights, her face is rounded with her chin coming to a dull point. She’s quite thin, but always wearing a coat of some kind, light or thick, no matter the weather. She wears what she finds to be most comfortable to her, usually jeans and a t-shirt.

Personality: Kai is a kind and quiet girl, always preferring to let others come to her rather than seek them out herself. She believes in the saying, “If you want something done, do it yourself,” and follows that saying to a T, which often gets her into unfavorable situations. She is generous and tries to meet other people’s needs before she satisfies her own. She considers herself a friendly person overall. Make no mistake, though. As soon as you make her mad, she’s mad. Unless you somehow have a way to make her forgive you, there’s no going back afterwards. She is capable of forgiving, with time (and some begging) but never forgets.

Power: Ice Manipulation

Other: Kai nods firmly, looking each of her comrades in the eyes. “We will defeat them,” she said determinedly. “There’s no way that we can’t, not with you guys here.”

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-09-27 16:34:08
Name: Victor
Gender: male
Age: 19
House: Virgo
Appearance: victor is 6’1 feet high muscular as he a dark tan with a extremely long wingspan on his back. He wear just his pants and a diamond crystal necklace....And yes he’s topless. Victor eyes is navy blue and his hair is dark brown. His wings color is pure white with light brown spots and medium brown on the ends of his wing.
Personality: quietly, kind, and self independent sometimes
Power: Earth Magic and Wormhole Teleportation
Other: “defeat them.” he pfft “I can do that with my eyes close very easily.” he smiled.

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FrootCake (#176680)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-09-27 17:25:37



Acts Gay af but is actually Bisexual



Being ruled by the Sun, Leos often are able to bring warmth, light and life into the lives of those that surround them. They like to surround themselves with a large social circle that will adore and appreciate them. Their natural charisma and dignity will often draw other signs to them, falling under Leo’s magnetic pull. Like our Sun in the solar system, Leo zodiac signs love being the center of attention. Most of them will have an innocent quality to them, their happy and outgoing nature makes them a joy to be around.They often don't do well in situations where they have to take orders from other people.

The ability to change physical appearance
Liam is able to shift into many fire-related forms, including-but not limited to- Dragons, Hellhounds, and Phoenix. Others include Lampad, Cherufe, Ifrit, and (fire) Salamanders. His favorite form, however, is a blazing lion.

◦Snapping his fingers Jeffree Star style, Liam says, "Bish we got this. We will defeat them."

◦He's the third child of a very rich dude~ and one of the very, very few runts existing among Leos.

◦Sorry for lack of face- I can't really draw those ^ ^;;

◦More on the Leo Zodiac (description from there)

Base: Link

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Edited on 02/10/19 @ 09:56:35 by A Whisper in the Wind (#176680)

Mertsanie (#186664)

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Posted on
2019-09-27 19:30:06

Name: Maren Abe (He will honestly respond to anything)
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Sexuality: Bisexual
House: Gemini
Appearance: Maren has extremely pale skin, freckles scattered across her skin like dead leaves falling in autumn. Her strawberry blonde hair falls just below her chin, and she often pulls them back in pig-tails, ends looking spiked. Russet brown eyes seem to always be wide and sparkling. Maren stands at five feet and two inches, at a place that is not necessarily short, but not of average height either.
Personality: Maren is very outgoing, willing to try anything at least once, though this sometimes involves telling funny stories after the fact. This can sometimes lead her to be impulsive. Her adaptive nature makes it easy for her to fit in with most groups. Her conversations range from simple small talk to deep conversations to witty banter. As other Gemini's she loves to learn and is pretty intelligent, though she is often very indecisive due to over-analyzing the options.
Power: Electrokinesis -- Includes creating/manipulating electricity, absorbing small amounts of it. When she uses her ability, her hair rises due to static electricity, which is why she keeps it shorter.
Other: If she ever uses any weapons, they are her specially made metal daggers. They are able to store her electricity, releasing at the point of contact with the target.
"If we don't defeat them today, we will try again the next." ~Maren Abe

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Edited on 27/09/19 @ 19:53:19 by Mertsanie (#186664)

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