Posted by Üñråvēlêd
Dead (#179190)

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Posted on
2019-10-02 19:37:47
The incident had happened at school. Not that you remembered it, everything just went fuzzy around there. That stupid (______) punched you and that's when it went black. And the next thing you knew, you were in handcuffs and they were on a stretcher.

It only went downhill from there. You remember the police stuffing you into their car. You also remember a rag over your nose and mouth. Everything goes fuzzy again. And then you woke up here, in an... Office chair? You looked up, snapping to reality. A man stared down at you. "Hello. I brought you here to discuss your 'abilities'. " He stops only for a moment, letting his words sink in.

He stuck out his hand, helping you up. He pulled you out into the hallway, revealing you were in some sort of mansion. He showed you around, stopping in front of a room. "Your guardians have been notified. This is where you will be staying. Training starts soon. Names Nigel. " When he walked away, you realized there was a key in your hand. You unlocked the door to reveal a room, full of your stuff. What the hell was going on???

(Please note, this does not have to be followed. It's just a bit of info. Does not apply to villians or (wip))


This is a roleplay about a bunch of teenage superheros who suck at their jobs.
They all live and train in a massive mansion.
They are not allowed to see anyone from their past life.
There are traitors amongst them.
They like REALLY suck at their jobs.

Nothing 18+ unless it fades to black or goes to pm
Swearing is aloud
Please ask before killing or seriously injuring
Please try to limit powers
Hate the character, not the player
Have fun!

Neutral: (Can be good or bad, but don't work with or towards the same goal as the hero's/villians)

- Shakarri
- Damien/Daemon
- Azazel



Operation Zero (See character sheets for more info)


Character Sheets

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Edited on 29/11/19 @ 14:37:33 by °Spider° (Online) (#179190)

Dead (#179190)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 16:58:58
Piper shook her head and kept driving, past the villians mansion. She pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, hopping out of the truck. She looked back at Jay for a second, waiting for him to get out.

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hoarder (#184208)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 17:01:28
Drew snickered, "Dumb boy-"

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Beetle (#179394)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 17:15:15
Jay set Tojo down on the floor. “Stay.” They hopped out of the truck. “Let’s get some Mickey d’ssss!”

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 17:35:04
Scarlet was a bit distracted with the roses “hmm” and then looks at Oscar “oh” she runs and sat next to him. She looks at the sky and her Stomach started to growl. She blushed as she Heard her stomach and then got up as she goes back to the mansion to grabs some snacks. She came back with the snacks and again sat next to Oscar while giving some snacks to him. She happily eats her snack.

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Beetle (#179394)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 17:37:18
Oscar put his arm around Scarlet. He grabbed one of the snacks and started eating.

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Dead (#179190)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 17:49:05
Piper pushed open the door, walking up the the counter. She looked at Jay, raising an eyebrow. "So... What are you getting? " She cleared her throat, whispering. "And what exactly do you find so appealing about this restaurant? "

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Beetle (#179394)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 17:57:24
Jay followed. “I’m getting some McNuggets.” Jay looked around. “Look at the menu! Filled with delicious food items, for your enjoyment. Even the employees sacrifice their happiness for yours! What is there not to love?”

Caleb grabbed some food from the kitchen, still traumatized. He exited the kitchen and headed back to his room. He held Raffles close, still thinking about what he saw in the kitchen

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hoarder (#184208)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 18:00:13
Drew poked Caleb, "Sup."

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Beetle (#179394)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 18:01:34
Caleb looked up at drew. “Hi...” Raffles licked his nose.

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hoarder (#184208)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 18:04:08
Drew groaned, "Sorry bout my lover, he's goofy but he's my baby" he chirped.

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Dead (#179190)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 18:05:21
Piper raised her eyebrow again, opening her mouth but not saying anything. She turned to the counter, placing and order and paying quickly. She then took a seat in a booth, propping her feet up on the table.

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Beetle (#179394)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 18:09:35
Caleb looked confused, until he realized who drew was talking about. “Oh, heheh... no it’s... it’s fine...” he was visibly stressed.

Jay sat down and basically inhaled their McNuggets.

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hoarder (#184208)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 18:14:48
Drew whined, "Everything hurts-"

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Dead (#179190)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 18:15:46
Piper took the buns off her burger, just eating the meat. She threw the rest of it away, sipping her iced tea. "I still have no idea why you like this so much. " She brushed her hair out of her face, chuckling a little.

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 18:19:29
Scarlet sighed happily and leans on Oscar while eating her snack. She looks at the garden. “I wonder...when we can go back.” she said with a sigh.

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