Posted by Üñråvēlêd
Dead (#179190)

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Posted on
2019-10-02 19:37:47
The incident had happened at school. Not that you remembered it, everything just went fuzzy around there. That stupid (______) punched you and that's when it went black. And the next thing you knew, you were in handcuffs and they were on a stretcher.

It only went downhill from there. You remember the police stuffing you into their car. You also remember a rag over your nose and mouth. Everything goes fuzzy again. And then you woke up here, in an... Office chair? You looked up, snapping to reality. A man stared down at you. "Hello. I brought you here to discuss your 'abilities'. " He stops only for a moment, letting his words sink in.

He stuck out his hand, helping you up. He pulled you out into the hallway, revealing you were in some sort of mansion. He showed you around, stopping in front of a room. "Your guardians have been notified. This is where you will be staying. Training starts soon. Names Nigel. " When he walked away, you realized there was a key in your hand. You unlocked the door to reveal a room, full of your stuff. What the hell was going on???

(Please note, this does not have to be followed. It's just a bit of info. Does not apply to villians or (wip))


This is a roleplay about a bunch of teenage superheros who suck at their jobs.
They all live and train in a massive mansion.
They are not allowed to see anyone from their past life.
There are traitors amongst them.
They like REALLY suck at their jobs.

Nothing 18+ unless it fades to black or goes to pm
Swearing is aloud
Please ask before killing or seriously injuring
Please try to limit powers
Hate the character, not the player
Have fun!

Neutral: (Can be good or bad, but don't work with or towards the same goal as the hero's/villians)

- Shakarri
- Damien/Daemon
- Azazel



Operation Zero (See character sheets for more info)


Character Sheets

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Edited on 29/11/19 @ 14:37:33 by °Spider° (Online) (#179190)

Dead (#179190)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 21:06:49
Skoll barely seemed fazed, clapping slowly. "Humans." She rolled her eyes. "Sometimes I wish I was still chasing the sun. " Hati nodded, standing up. "Agreed. The moon though... I mean... Yeah we can't both-" Skoll glared at him. "Congrats you've ruined it. " Hati shrugged and nodded a little. Skoll waved a hand at Wraith. "Never mind, you can go back to your... Stupid... Whatever that was. "

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Ama (#183150)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 21:10:26
Wraith tilted her head at the two of them, eyebrow raised and a small smirk playing at her lips, as she examined them. Her attention wasn't caught easily, but they interested her. Far more than many of her other "Co-workers", at least.

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Dead (#179190)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 21:19:29
Skoll shifted into wolf form, grumbling something about "insignificant human" As she limped down the hallway, attempting to escape from the annoyance. As she passed, tiny streams of light whipped at Wraith, burning everything they touched.

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 21:23:18
Scarlet sigh as she yawn quietly and nuzzles him as she took a small nap on top of him.

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Ama (#183150)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 21:23:58
Wraith lept out of the lights reach, ignoring the sting on her arm and the smell of burning hair. She went to resume her training, deciding to study the two more later.

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Dead (#179190)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 21:34:46
Skoll walled out side, looking up at the sun. She tilted her head, ears perked up as she sat down. "One day. One day I'll get you you son of a bitch. " She padded back inside, hoping the human was done... Whatever she was doing. Showing off? She looked at Hati from the hallway. "Is she gone? " He nodded. She let out a sigh and sat back down next to him.

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Ama (#183150)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 21:48:13
(Like these three's "friendship" already, lmao)
Wraith tugged off her gloves, grabbed a bow and quiver, and began shooting arrows into the target. She huffed. Not even archery was enjoyable at the moment. It really was no fun going against inanimate objects; there wasn't any challenge.

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Beetle (#179394)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 21:52:03
Paisley was just walking around, until she saw Lucien, who at this time was a lion. “Hey, look at that Thor. We either got a random ass lion walking through, or a shapeshifter.” Thor just simply mewed.

Jay grabbed the rhino’s things. They ran to the train car Rome was held in. They propped up a branch full of leaves and fruit at his level. “Now don’t try to kill me.” They started to put on the armor, with surprisingly zero fighting. Jay started to put on the saddle, which had a few issues here and there, but the bridal was by far the hardest part. “Come on I just need to get this around your face, and then we’re done.” They eventually got it on. They opened the train car, and immediately jumped on Rome. “Alright buddy. Let’s do this.” They gently squeezes his sides, and he exited the train car. “Me and Rome, against the world!”

Oscar smiled at Scarlet. He eventually ended up falling asleep with her.

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hoarder (#184208)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 21:54:28
The lion shifted into a...liger? What was this? He purred.

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Beetle (#179394)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 21:58:37
Paisley crossed her arms. “Yeah. Shapeshifter.” Thor fell back off of Paisley’s shoulders at the sudden change. Paisley looked at Thor, on the ground, then at the liger. “You can turn into a human now. Maybe get an introduction or something out of the way?”

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Dead (#179190)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 21:59:46
Piper smiled, steering the elephant towards him. The lion and tiger followed from a distance, not wanting to get stepped on. "Oi, don't forget me. " She turned the elephant back around. "Onward! I guess! " She kicked the elephant, sending it running.

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Beetle (#179394)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 22:06:25
Rome ran after the Elephant. Jay picked up Tojo and out him in a pocket on the saddle. “Huh.” They grabbed The reins, steering Rome towards the elephant. “Have you named your animals yet?”

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 22:10:01
Scarlet wake with a groan and noticed Oscar sleeping as she slightly blush with a smile. She softly kiss his cheek and slowly got up not trying to wake him up.

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Beetle (#179394)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 22:11:49
Oscar had woke up anyways, he looked at Scarlet. “Uh... good morning? I think.”

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 22:23:34
Scarlet laughs and hugs him “i don’t care what day it is” she smiled and pulls away as she goes back running towards the mansion laughing.

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