Posted by Üñråvēlêd
Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-10-02 19:37:47
The incident had happened at school. Not that you remembered it, everything just went fuzzy around there. That stupid (______) punched you and that's when it went black. And the next thing you knew, you were in handcuffs and they were on a stretcher.

It only went downhill from there. You remember the police stuffing you into their car. You also remember a rag over your nose and mouth. Everything goes fuzzy again. And then you woke up here, in an... Office chair? You looked up, snapping to reality. A man stared down at you. "Hello. I brought you here to discuss your 'abilities'. " He stops only for a moment, letting his words sink in.

He stuck out his hand, helping you up. He pulled you out into the hallway, revealing you were in some sort of mansion. He showed you around, stopping in front of a room. "Your guardians have been notified. This is where you will be staying. Training starts soon. Names Nigel. " When he walked away, you realized there was a key in your hand. You unlocked the door to reveal a room, full of your stuff. What the hell was going on???

(Please note, this does not have to be followed. It's just a bit of info. Does not apply to villians or (wip))


This is a roleplay about a bunch of teenage superheros who suck at their jobs.
They all live and train in a massive mansion.
They are not allowed to see anyone from their past life.
There are traitors amongst them.
They like REALLY suck at their jobs.

Nothing 18+ unless it fades to black or goes to pm
Swearing is aloud
Please ask before killing or seriously injuring
Please try to limit powers
Hate the character, not the player
Have fun!

Neutral: (Can be good or bad, but don't work with or towards the same goal as the hero's/villians)

- Shakarri
- Damien/Daemon
- Azazel



Operation Zero (See character sheets for more info)


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Edited on 29/11/19 @ 14:37:33 by °Spider° (Online) (#179190)

ixraccoon 🪶 G1
11BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-12-08 15:58:49
Kazier was back in his room. His phone suddenly beeped, and he checked the text message. It was a file of someone, and he stood up, looking over the profile. 18...power nullifying... He walked towards the training room. He entered the training room, and shouted, “We’ve got a mission, who wants to go?” He held up his phone, which displayed a picture of Azazel.

Aza had told Kaiden to stay in his room and rest, and he left the manor.

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Ama (#183150)

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Posted on
2019-12-08 16:03:40
Wraith hopped down, removing her earbuds. "Sure," she muttered "just let me get changed." She made her way to her room, emerging a full minute later. She put her hood up, and lifted her mask.

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2019-12-08 16:04:07
John goes to his room as he changed into his workout clothes and goes to the workout room while he use the treadmill quietly. After his little start up, he want and change again as he goes to HQ main hall.

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Edited on 08/12/19 @ 16:05:48 by Bluestar Moon (#156177)

ixraccoon 🪶 G1
11BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-12-08 16:06:43
“I’m going too, just going to watch from a distance in case things get messy.” Kazier said before changing into his black cloak and clothes and put on his mask.

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Ama (#183150)

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Posted on
2019-12-08 16:07:28
Wraith strung her weapons on her belt, grabbing her bow and quiver. She fell into step with Kaizer, reading some info on her phone.

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
11BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-12-08 16:16:24
“His power is power nullification, and he could be armed.” Kazier muttered through his mask. They walked out of HQ.

Aza was dawdling around on the street before turning into a small alley. He had told Kaiden he’ll be back in some minutes.

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Ama (#183150)

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Posted on
2019-12-08 16:18:38
She'd tilt her head. "Think you can distract him? I may be able to turn his ability back on himself." She'd sling her bow over her shoulder, fixing her mask.

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
11BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-12-08 16:26:35
“I could do whatever, just keep whatever you’re doing quiet.” Kazier replied. “He should be over—“ Kazier gestured towards the direction the villains’ manor and the alleys near it, “—there somewhere.”

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Ama (#183150)

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Posted on
2019-12-08 16:27:59
She nodded once, slipping into the shadows. She climbed the fire escape of the building next to the manor, keeping her eyes trained on the door.

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
11BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-12-08 16:31:27
Kazier followed Wraith up.

Aza, however, was not in the manor. He had walked out onto a street, and was dawdling there.

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Ama (#183150)

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Posted on
2019-12-08 16:42:21
Wraith closed her eyes, the familiar invisible hands she always pictured in her mind unfurling, searching for their prey. It was a handy trick she'd been taught. Giving a mental image to her gift. To help focus her ability on a specific person, lead it to do what she wanted. To grab onto their energy, taking what she needed, never letting go. Relentless, unwavering. The hands snaked out, making their way to Aza.

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
11BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-12-08 16:43:34
Aza was still on the street, then he suddenly turned into an alley.

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Ama (#183150)

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Posted on
2019-12-08 16:49:15
The hands grabbed hold of Aza, silently leeching some of his energy. She was careful not to take too much, to avoid raising his suspicion. She'd miss the strength she'd acquired on her last mission, but a job was a job. Plus, nullifying other's gifts could come in handy. She sat up, flexing her fingers as she tried to get a handle on her new ability.

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
11BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-12-08 17:21:09
“We should go.” Kazier whispered as he jumped down nimbly and started towards the alley Aza had went into.

Aza hadn’t noticed his power being absorbed away a little.

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Ama (#183150)

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Posted on
2019-12-08 17:46:25
Wraith followed Kazier down, moving off to the side to remain out of sight. She notched an arrow, her gazing flicking back and forth between Kazier and Aza.

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