Posted by Üñråvēlêd
Dead (#179190)

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Posted on
2019-10-02 19:37:47
The incident had happened at school. Not that you remembered it, everything just went fuzzy around there. That stupid (______) punched you and that's when it went black. And the next thing you knew, you were in handcuffs and they were on a stretcher.

It only went downhill from there. You remember the police stuffing you into their car. You also remember a rag over your nose and mouth. Everything goes fuzzy again. And then you woke up here, in an... Office chair? You looked up, snapping to reality. A man stared down at you. "Hello. I brought you here to discuss your 'abilities'. " He stops only for a moment, letting his words sink in.

He stuck out his hand, helping you up. He pulled you out into the hallway, revealing you were in some sort of mansion. He showed you around, stopping in front of a room. "Your guardians have been notified. This is where you will be staying. Training starts soon. Names Nigel. " When he walked away, you realized there was a key in your hand. You unlocked the door to reveal a room, full of your stuff. What the hell was going on???

(Please note, this does not have to be followed. It's just a bit of info. Does not apply to villians or (wip))


This is a roleplay about a bunch of teenage superheros who suck at their jobs.
They all live and train in a massive mansion.
They are not allowed to see anyone from their past life.
There are traitors amongst them.
They like REALLY suck at their jobs.

Nothing 18+ unless it fades to black or goes to pm
Swearing is aloud
Please ask before killing or seriously injuring
Please try to limit powers
Hate the character, not the player
Have fun!

Neutral: (Can be good or bad, but don't work with or towards the same goal as the hero's/villians)

- Shakarri
- Damien/Daemon
- Azazel



Operation Zero (See character sheets for more info)


Character Sheets

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Edited on 29/11/19 @ 14:37:33 by °Spider° (Online) (#179190)

Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-11-02 21:46:43
(Alright, I'll probably be heading to bed soon here though. D:)

Shakarri walked into the hotel lobby, hoping Aza would get there fast. She continued to walk, as if she were nothing more than a guest. She looked down the hallway and saw Aza coming. She barely gestured behind her to Kaiden.

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hoarder (#184208)

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Posted on
2019-11-02 21:49:39
I'm just on a call with my girlfriend so-//

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
13BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-11-02 21:59:57
(back! :D)

Azazel (Aza)|Villain

Aza grinned wickedly and joined Shakarri, though keeping a little distance from her. "To the alley?" He whispered quietly out of the corner of his mouth.

Kaiden|Hero (for now)

Kaiden followed Shakarri into the hotel lobby, quickening his pace so he could catch up with her and confront her about the rock.

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Dead (#179190)

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Posted on
2019-11-02 22:07:40
Shakarri nodded, heading out another door and down the street. Soon enough, she turned into the alley. She decided to wait to draw her knife until Aza was blocking the kid into the alley.

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
13BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-11-02 22:09:55
Azazel (Aza)|Villain

Aza went out another door, making sure that the kid was following Shakarri before circling around to the other end of the alley. He held his gun tight in his hand under his coat.

Kaiden|Hero (for now)

Kaiden trailed Shakarri, and went into the alley after her. He started to glow red with his power.

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Dead (#179190)

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Posted on
2019-11-02 22:15:10
Shakarri didn't hesitate when he was cornered. In a single unhumanly fast motion, she grabbed the knife and threw it with amazing precision at Kaiden. She then grabbed her pistol, just in case, and aimed at him.

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
13BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-11-02 22:19:39
Kaiden yelled out in surprise and managed to duck the knife, but it grazed against his shoulder. He immediately flared red with his power and formed a protective gravitational field around him to repel anything that came near to him, including bullets. He ran towards Shakarri, reaching for his switchblade.

Aza smiled in an evil way, and advanced towards Kaiden with his gun out and aimed at Kaiden. Kaiden was running towards Shakarri, and Aza was in the opposite direction of Shakarri, so Kaiden didn't see Aza, yet.

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Dead (#179190)

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Posted on
2019-11-02 22:23:20
Shakarri shifted, leaping over Kaiden with her now even further enhanced strength. She started laughing again, turning around and returning to human form. She grabbed a ledge from a fire escape, firing down at Kaiden.

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
13BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-11-02 22:31:12
Kaiden was able to block the bullets from hitting him, and glared up at Shakarri, cracks forming beneath his feet. Aza noticed this, and realized that Kaiden's ability was gravity manipulation, most likely. He advanced towards Kaiden, and Kaiden saw him, and tried to repel him, but it didn't work on Aza, for he can't be affected by powers. Aza brushed his hand swiftly over Kaiden's shoulder, and Kaiden's red glow vanished immediately. He held his gun to Kaiden's abdomen, smiling wickedly. He glanced up at Shakarri, "Do we kill him? Or would it be more fun to take him back?"

Kaiden felt the gun against his abdomen, and he tried to use his power, but couldn't. He still had his switchblade, though. He squirmed and stabbed Aza in the arm, but Aza barely reacted. Aza moved his hand so that he covered Kaiden's mouth to prevent him from calling out.

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Dead (#179190)

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Posted on
2019-11-02 22:35:46
Shakarri laughed again. "A little torture never hurt anyone. This'll be fun. " She hopped down from the fire escape. "Isn't that right darlin? " She poked Kaiden in the shoulder, laughing a bit. She picked up her knife, brushing it off. "Let's go. "

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
13BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-11-02 22:40:49
Kaiden's eyes widened in fear and he struggled to get out of Aza's grip, and Aza moved the gun up to Kaiden's arm and shot Kaiden in the shoulder. The bang sounded, and Aza grinned as Kaiden slumped against him, passing out from pain. "Let's go." He agreed with Shakarri as he called his subordinates with his phone. Soon, a car was at the end of the alley, ready to go.

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Dead (#179190)

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Posted on
2019-11-02 22:43:58
Shakarri hopped in the backseat, pulling Kaiden's limp body in after her. She started laughing hysterically. "Well isn't this just sweet! We already got one! " She started fidgeting with her knife, blood slipping out of her fingers. "Let's go, chop chop. We need to get a move on! " She laughed again.

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
13BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-11-02 22:46:06
"Your laughing makes me sick." Aza muttered as he joined Shakarri in the backseat, with Kaiden in the middle. The black car drove off as he closed the car door.

Soon, the car arrived at the manor and Aza opened the car door again, stepping out and dragging Kaiden out as well.

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Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-11-02 22:50:33
Shakarri fake pouted. "Oh I'm sowwy. " She chuckled, following them. "So, where do we keep him? " She glanced around. As far as she was aware, they didn't have any "torture chambers" Or whatever you must call them.

(I'mma head to bed, gn)

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ixraccoon 🪶 G1
13BO Iris (#162801)

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Posted on
2019-11-02 22:54:44

"The basement should work." Aza answered as he dragged Kaiden into the manor, leaving a small trail of blood. His left sleeve also had blood on it from the stab he got from Kaiden's switchblade. It was painful, but Aza ignored it. "Also tell Pandora about the capture." He opened a door and walked down the stairs to the basement, and threw the unconscious Kaiden inside.

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