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Dead (#179190)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-02 19:37:47 |
Main Roleplay ThreadPLEASE DO NOT TALK ABOUT ANYTHING HERE, THIS IS FOR CHARACTER SHEETS ONLY, EVERY REPLY WILL NOTIFY A MODERATOR. IF YOU WILL REPLY WITH A NON CHARACTER SHEET, THIS WILL BE TREATED AS SPAM.Form: Name: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Powers: Personality: Appearance: Role : Other: Operation Zero-CHARACTER REQUIREMENTS AND ROLE EXPLANATION: Requirements- -MUST wear uniform consisting of weapons belt, black pants, black shirt, black cloak and black gloves during deployment. When not working, may wear whatever is liked. -MUST wear mask, designed uniquely for your character, during deployment. Not required when not working. -MUST have code name. -MUST have powers -MAY give character a serial number. (Not required, but recommended.) The Basics: Operation Zero is a government operation that has one goal: end all power users. Coincidentally, they use power users to perform this task as trained assassins. ![]() Edited on 16/11/19 @ 22:00:28 by °Spider° (Online) (#179190) |
Dead (#179190)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-02 20:10:41 |
Name: Charli Age: 18 Gender: Female Sexuality: Bi, leans towards males Personality: She is a strange, somewhat extroverted person. Her oddness often gets in the way of making friends. She never fears a challenge, often pushing herself to far and getting hurt. She is quick to close up whenever her eye is mentioned, often shutting herself in her room and not speaking to the person for quite a while. Powers: Shape shifting and Appearance: She has blonde hair that falls just below her shoulders, slowly transferring from straight to curly. It's dyed blue fading into purple on the ends. She has a single green eye, the other covered by a bandage. She wears oversized hoodies and short shorts. She has pale skin spotted with freckles. Traitor or no? : No Other: She's looking for a guy ![]() Edited on 30/09/21 @ 14:43:11 by °Spider° (#179190) |
Snini9 [Semi- Hiatus-stressed] (#154479) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-02 22:01:59 |
Name: Katherine (Katie) Fires Age: 18 Gender: Female Sexuality: Bi sexual Powers: elemental control Personality: kind, playful, stubborn as a mule, smart ass, sarcastic, protective, flirtatious, strong willed Appearance: short shoulder length curly hair, blue eyes, pretty normal body shape, not supermodel thin, but not over weight. She's 5'3 and weighs about 165 lbs. she has a large tattoo of an orca pod on her back. Traitor or no? : traitor Other: looking for a guy ![]() Edited on 29/11/19 @ 20:34:47 by Snini9 [demiurge frontal] (#154479) |
Snini9 [Semi- Hiatus-stressed] (#154479) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-02 22:05:01 |
Name: Julian Wolfe Age: 18 Gender: Male Sexuality: Bi Powers: Shapeshifting and telepathy Personality: stubborn, kind, protective, strong willed, kind of shy Appearance: black hair that's always messy, bright, electric blue eyes, muscled body, tan skin. Traitor or no? : nope Other: is looking for a girl ![]() Edited on 26/10/19 @ 09:01:15 by Snini9 [demiurge frontal]L/on (#154479) |
Fernhawk (#172889)
Remarkable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-03 03:32:43 |
Name: Elliot Martin Age: 18 Gender: Male Sexuality: Bi Powers: Pyrogensis (fire creation) Personality: despite him having the ability to create fire he’s almost always cool headed. He defuses fights easily and can typically talk people out of doing stupid stuff. He’s friendly and always wanting to make new friends but that often pushes his true friends away. He doesn’t mind a good challenge ever once in a while Appearance: Elliot is a tall lanky teen. He doesn’t have much muscle but you can’t really tell that due to him always wearing baggy clothes. His skin is a light tan and he has bright blue eyes. His hair is a light brown and is always tangled Traitor or no? : no Other: he is dating Alyx ![]() Edited on 27/10/19 @ 11:44:47 by Fernhawk (#172889) |
Fernhawk (#172889)
Remarkable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-03 03:43:48 |
Name: Alyx Johnson Age: 19 Gender: male Sexuality: homosexual Powers: can take energy from things around him to create objects Personality: He’s extremely shy. He tries to be like Elliot but he just can’t. He’s pretty much pessimistic and never believes he does anything right. He gets easily jealous when Elliot starts talking to people because he’s afraid he’ll be left again. Appearance: He’s about the same build as Elliot. His hair is a light blond that matches his pale skin. He’s pretty scarred up and has a large scar over his left eye and mouth. Traitor or no? : Yes!! Other: him and Elliot are dating but no one really knows ![]() Edited on 04/11/19 @ 14:30:22 by Fernhawk (#172889) |
ixraccoon 🪶 G1 11BO Iris (#162801) View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-03 06:06:56 |
Name: Kaiden Age: 17 Gender: male Sexuality: bisexual Powers: Gravity Manipulation. This link leads to the Gravity Manipulation page in the Superpower Wiki. The spoiler below is for a detailed description of his power. He can manipulate and make gravitational force-fields, as well as change the gravity of anything he touches. [for example, he can make the enemy heavier so that they can't stand up by touching them; he can also stand upside down on the ceiling if he wants to; he is also able to take pieces of the ground and kick them at the enemy, and he can also make himself extra light, so that he can sort of fly up in the air] But using too much of his power can drain his strength, and he would need time to recover. There is also a stage of his power where he can increase his own density, and also being able to create balls of compressed gravity that act as black holes that swallow anything in this stage, red and black streaks will appear on his arms and face. Additionally, be loses completely loses control over himself in this stage of his power, and he won't stop rampaging until he dies of exhaustion or his power is nullified by Aza’s power. Whenever he is using his power, a red glow will outline the object he is changing the gravity of and himself. The more strength he is using, the brighter the red glow will be. In short, he can control gravity to make himself able to jump higher/walk vertically/stand upside down etc., and by touching other people or objects, he can change the gravity they're feeling (crush them to the ground, float them up in the air, etc) He can also create a gravitational force-field to make objects fly towards him/or to repel things to protect himself. Personality: He is hot-headed and appears arrogant and somewhat temperamental, but sometimes when there is a threat, he will stand up for and protect people who he cares about (which is very few atm). Kaiden hides his weaknesses and if he is sick or hurt, he tries to hide it. Appearance: He is Traitor or no? : traitor Other: Currently he thinks that he's too good for anyone, but that can change ;) [please lmk if his power is OP or not allowed!] ![]() Edited on 07/12/19 @ 03:26:45 by Dark Moon {daedal demi} (#162801) |
Lavendar/Lavvie (95/3600 SB) (#119398) ![]() Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-26 06:17:00 |
Name: Brianwyn Theodora Carnelian Fujiwara Age: 16 Gender: Female Sexuality: Pansexual Powers: Primal Ice Manipulation https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Primordial_Ice_Manipulation Personality: Very bold, tends to overwork herself, rather haughty and cold. She has a very tender heart, and doesn't want it to be broken or hurt, because when she becomes upset her powers become uncontrolled. Appearance: Little Japanese girl, long waist length black hair, large dark-brown eyes and pale skin. She is pretty, but if you tell her that she will actually fight you. She likes to say she's 5 foot, but she's more 4'11. She wears your typical skater kid outfits, with a checkered long-sleeved undershirt, thrasher shirt, rainbow Vans, and ripped jeans with fishnets. Traitor or no? : Nah fam, she's loyal af Other: She has some experience with fighting, due to her experiences of being bullied for being LGBT ![]() Edited on 02/11/19 @ 12:35:05 by Dragon Girl (#119398) |
FrootCake (#176680)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-10-26 07:52:45 |
![]() Edited on 24/12/19 @ 19:15:10 by A Whisper in the Wind (#176680) |
LegacyG|[Clean Withered Augur] (#187371) Prince of Terror View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-11-01 17:13:32 |
Name: Lina Age:16 Gender: F Sexuality: Heterosexual Powers: The ability to to create vibrations in anything: air, ground, etc (earthquakes)- powers can get out of hand if emotional. (If you have seen Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I’m talking about powers like Sky/Daisy) Personality: She is very shy when you are a stranger but will talk your ear off if you are a friend. She is very stubborn and strong willed (which can cause trouble at times). She is afraid of hurting people’s feeling so she often says yes to doing things she doesn’t want to do if it means the person will be happy. She can be cautious at times though making it hard for her to trust people. Appearance: A little taller than average around 5’6”. Very Blonde with hazel eyes, not fat but has a bigger build (bigger boned). Very lanky and awkward (which makes her pretty clumsy at times). Traitor or no: Not at the moment, because of her cautious personality she does not trust the people she is working with just yet but at the same time she wants to. Other: Looking for a guy ![]() Edited on 17/11/19 @ 15:48:31 by a Moderator |
Lavendar/Lavvie (95/3600 SB) (#119398) ![]() Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-11-02 11:47:03 |
Hey, was looking to take a villain spot with this lass below, she is an arab deity, with the powers of Nergal. Name: Pandora Amherst Gender: Female Attraction: Pansexual Personality : A devious trickster, she is wholly against any form of magic that usurps her power. Lying and scheming are her favorite pursuits, but she loves to read and drink coffee as well. If you look hot, are powerful, or are funny she will LOVE you, but otherwise you will actually die. Looks: Blonde curly ringlets,(she's got that epic beach hair that everyone used to want) and large hazel eyes make her look like a nice girl, a bit tomboyish with a skinny figure and lanky limbs. About 5'0, she wants to be taller. Has overdeveloped canines due to her shifting. Role: Lead Villain. Other: Bow and scrape if you want to live, or just be a funny bloke. (She's an Aussie.) Her feline form goes by Ishtar, but don't presume to be on a name basis with her, unless she feels like humouring you. ![]() Edited on 09/11/19 @ 17:14:05 by Dragon Girl (#119398) |
Fernhawk (#172889)
Remarkable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-11-02 11:59:58 |
Name: Damien/Daemon Peterson Age: 20 Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual Powers: He is a necromancer and can shapeshift between 2 different personalities Personality: Damien is the calmer more rational thinker and isn’t very social. He’s anxious and typically stutters when spoken to; Daemon is the cheerful ‘kill first ask later’ type. He seems nice at first but really is sadistic. He’s flirty with everyone and does not care if you don’t want to talk to him. Appearance: Damien has dark black hair and light green eyes. He always wears darker clothes; Daemon has pink hair with a blue stripe through it. His eyes are a darker green and his pale skin is freckled. His clothes are bright and pastel Other: He’s a villain ![]() Edited on 02/11/19 @ 12:25:02 by Fernhawk (#172889) |
Dead (#179190)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-11-02 12:44:49 |
Name: Shakarri Age: 21 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Powers: Hyena physiology: Able to transform into a spotted hyena and use the abilities of one, including darkness adaption (such as nocturnal vision), enhanced bite, durability, speed, endurance, and senses, feral mind (only when in hyena form), and predator instinct. Personality: She is a psychopath and a total suck up. She hopes to one day take over the lead role, but doesn't make it clear. She is over protective of those close to her. She is insane to the point where... Well, in simplest words she acts just like a hyena. Appearance: She has brown hair, with hyena spots died into it. It is straight, but somewhat ratty hair, that is cut right at her shoulders. She had bright yellow eyes, and canine like teeth. She has short claws on her knuckles, usually surrounded by blood. She has a scar over the bridge of her nose and two from the corner of her mouth to her ear, forming a sort of smile. Her hands are scarred horribly, along with her arms and torso. She wears a black one sleeved crop top and black pants. Update: She now has hooved legs, a reptilian like tail, somewhat short tusks, and all of these follow her into her hyena form, turning her into sort of a crocotta Traitor or no? : Villian Other: Looking for a guy ![]() Edited on 02/11/19 @ 20:29:29 by °Spider° (Online) (#179190) |
Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-11-02 16:59:30 |
Name: Nia Cooper Age: 18 Gender:female Sexuality:straight Powers: fire and turning into a Phoenix Personality: kind, stubborn,ssassy,flirty Appearance: Standung at 5'4 let's welcome Nia Cooper , Nia has dark brown skin with dark brown gold eyes. She has long sliky curly's that run down her lower back,her hair is extremely dark with amber highlights. Her usual clothes consent of a white crop top with black ripped Jean's and white shoes. Her eyes and hair will turn into flames when she uses her power Traitor or no? : nope Other: looking for a mans Has a dog named Baloo A double doodle with black grey curly fur with dark brown eyes. ![]() Edited on 02/11/19 @ 20:50:17 by Silly hyena ❤ (#128112) |
Ama (#183150)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-11-02 18:08:26 |
![]() Edited on 07/11/20 @ 15:42:26 by ~Arya Stark💜Primal Lover~ (#183150) |
Korvin☾|Pie hoarder (#184208) Buzzkill View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-11-02 18:49:54 |
Name- Drew Alister Smith Age- 19 Gender- Male Sexuality- Pansexual Powers- Shapeshifter + Fire manipulation Personality- Snarky but caring. He doesn't deal with people who don't listen, he is a tad bit psychotic and is not afraid to go to prison . Appearance:- Traitor or no? - No. He's a Villian that goes by 'Undead'. Other- He has a Shepsky named Jupiter that he loves a ton. Jupiter ![]() Edited on 05/11/19 @ 18:04:31 by King Loser (#184208) |