Posted by Üñråvēlêd
Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-10-02 19:37:47

Main Roleplay Thread



Role :


-MUST wear uniform consisting of weapons belt, black pants, black shirt, black cloak and black gloves during deployment. When not working, may wear whatever is liked.
-MUST wear mask, designed uniquely for your character, during deployment. Not required when not working.
-MUST have code name.
-MUST have powers
-MAY give character a serial number. (Not required, but recommended.)

The Basics:

Operation Zero is a government operation that has one goal: end all power users. Coincidentally, they use power users to perform this task as trained assassins.

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Edited on 16/11/19 @ 22:00:28 by °Spider° (Online) (#179190)

(95/3600 SB) (#119398)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-12-01 14:21:06
Name: Enigma
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Personality: Brash, Feisty, Loud, and Confident.
Powers: Plant-Manipulation and Healing.
Appearance: Enigma is a post-punk gal, with snakebites, small gauges in her earlobes, and green hair. She stands around 5'3, but she wears chunky combat boots that bring her up to 5'6. Usually rocking band shirts and black ripped jeans that accentuate her curvy figure. She has big brown eyes, long eyelashes, and delicate features.
Traitor or no: Can be influenced either way, but is a villain currently.
Other: Open for romance, but definitely needs some story behind it, so if you're interested, start rping with her.

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Edited on 01/12/19 @ 16:38:34 by Dragon Girl Gift/Poop me! (#119398)

hoarder (#184208)

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Posted on
2019-12-01 19:20:13
Lucien A. Eikier





Outgoing, Quirky, Caring, A Flirt and Goofy

VVV handsome, he has half-blonde half-black hair and has a lot of piercings. He always wears hoodies and shorts. he has light blue eyes and has a yin and yang necklace always on. He stands at 5'4 making him short but he never lets that get the best of him.



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Beetle (#179394)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-12-01 22:29:19
Name: Nova
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Energetic, extroverted, always tries to make people laugh, hates flirting but loves people who flirt.
Power: Invisibility, reality warping
Appearance: 5’3 long curly brown hair, green eyes, a lip piercing. Always wears tie dye shirts with black sweatpants
Role: Villian
Other: has a pet chameleon named Steve, close friends with Paisley.

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Lost (#63441)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-12-02 20:17:07
Name: Ygritte Blackwood

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality:  Asexual 

Powers:  Shape-Shifting and Primordial Force Manipulation (changed it since s/o else also holds Primordial Ice Manipulation xd)

[Ill elaborate more on powers on a later time Im tired xD ]

Personality:  Ygritte's experiences in the underworld have shaped her to become the woman she is today. In the government's Secret Agency, she holds a reputation of being a "psychopath " during events of murder or torture. In reality, she's devoted to pursuits of intelligence that she needs to annihilate those responsible for the death of her family- the Traitors among the heroes- despite the governments' aim. Thus, she tries to push her emotions aside to reach her intended goals. Quiet, stoic, and mysterious are the very first observations made by those who meet her for the first time. When those who try to approach her and form a conversation from the agency, she would stay and listen until the speaker finishes before speaking. If she holds no interest, she would walk away without declaring her leave. Despite her lack of social aspects and trust; during times of vulnerability, she willingly shares the delicate portions of her life that led her to work for the government and later accept the Operation offered by the leaders in government.

Appearance: Bronze-skinned, black water wavy hair, and an athletic form, she isn't the type to follow the latest trends. Standing at a height of 5"4, her strength and agility take over her lack of speed. Her dark, hazel-green eyes hold a fierce glint when observing the training of fellow assassins. During duty, she wears a black raven mask that covers the entire front of her features; her eyes are the only aspects visible. On the left side of her mask, she has a few black feathers, in honor of her family's sigil. Her hair is tied into a high ponytail. When off-duty she wears a warm sweater made of black fur, light denim jeans, and white wedge sneakers and her loose which falls past her shoulders, leaving a wave of soft fluff. 

Role: Operation Zero- Assassin


Code Name: Raven

Serial Number: 27 054 002

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Edited on 03/12/19 @ 17:37:57 by Shitting Santa [Void] (#63441)

Beetle (#179394)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-12-02 21:01:04
Name: Zuri
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Powers: astral projection and shapeshifting
Personality: Very much not fit for the job, slacks off a lot, goofs around, is Nova’s cousin but hates her because she would take all the spotlight, greedy, attention seeking
Appearance: Has blonde curly hair and hazel eyes, 5’3, when out of uniform she wears a black t-shirt and black leggings. Her mask is a hockey mask, but with a really trippy design painted on.
Role: Operation Zero
Other: Code name is Trip, serial number is 74 103 760

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Dead (#179190)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-12-11 16:10:38
Name: ∅ (Zero) Codename: Fallen

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Hetero



Persuasion/Mind Control/Illusions

She is able to influence the thoughts of or place images in the minds of those that hear her sing, but not completely control them.

Voice mimicry

She is able to use other people's voices after hearing them just once.

Bad Luck

Though it may sound odd, she has the power of constant bad luck. Everything around her becomes at risk, sometimes including herself. She does not have control over this.

Psychic Vision

Is able to see the thoughts of others. Also uses this to see her surroundings, as she's blind.

Personality: Shy and anxious, but shows a completely different side if you piss her off. She feels the need to help everyone, often resulting in her own loss. She can take a lot of shit from people without breaking, but certain topics will upset her. She is very nervous about getting close to people, making it hard for her to get into relationships.

Appearance: Somewhat young look to her, with a somewhat round-oval face. She has shortish brown hair, with short, soft sideswept bangs. It's died black on the ends. She has slight freckles, and several scars on her face. She has a small, somewhat thin build, and pale skin. She has the wings of a crow instead of arms, as well as the legs and feet of one. She leaves her wings draped on the floor when not using them.

Role : Operation Zero, but hates it. Usually acts as sort of a maid when not on a mission.

Other: She is completely blind,

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Edited on 12/12/19 @ 19:03:21 by °Spider° (Online) (#179190)

Mint [Velvet
Patches] (#176119)

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Posted on
2019-12-17 08:18:10
Name: Corrine Frost

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Hetero

Powers: Telekinesis, can manipulate shadows

Personality: Laid back, very nonchalant, sarcastic, a bit of a flirt, and occasionally snarky on the surface, she'd do pretty much anything to protect someone that means something to her.

Appearance: Pale skin tone, thick, mid-length, black hair, soft purple eyes. Usually wearing a hoodie and black pants of some sort (leggings, ripped jeans, sweatpants, shorts). Multiple piercings on each ear and a silver stud on her nose. Usually wears light makeup.

Role : Neutral

Other: N/A

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