-LOCKED - Rumble Marking Clarification
Posted on 2020-05-05 15:40:51

Rumble Markings

As per our last news post, we would like to give you an update on the status of the rumble markings.

We have had a small number of threads over the past few days pop up discussing this marking with comments ranging from dislike of the marking, to the marking making them feel uncomfortable, to the marking having the potential to cause a seizure. We take comments like this very seriously and went further to investigate this.

Today, we sought legal clarification over the marking. We have been advised that we are compliant and meet all legal requirements and there is no reason that the marking should be removed from the game or that any additional warning notice needs to be given out. Additionally, the marking itself was not flagged as a typical risk.

However, we have decided to go above and beyond the requirements and have added a warning to our Terms of Service. This also concerns user submitted content. Users can display content of their choice (within reason, and assuming it complies with our Terms and Code of Conduct) on their den pages, in their avatars, lion bios, topic posts, etc. Most of these are not moderated in advance, and only when they are reported to us, so we feel it is now prudent to include this warning in our terms regardless.

We must ask that if you have noticed any adverse effects while accessing Lioden at any point, to discontinue use of the site immediately and seek medical help from a physician.

Rumble markings are now back on the site and the applicator has returned to Vashkartzen’s reputation shop. We will be keeping them in the second, revised version that was posted recently.

Rather than discuss this ad nauseum, we have made a final decision, and we will not be accepting any new suggestion threads, petitions or campaigns for the marking to be removed or adjusted. The marking can be discussed, but when the discussion descends into fighting, disrespect or bashing of the site and staff, you will be asked to stop discussing it. Failure to comply will result in action taken against your account. This is the same as any other topic discussed on Lioden.

Due to some of the conduct on the site from a small minority of players recently, we feel that we need to remind users of the Terms of Service point 6.2.b:
“You also agree that you will not in connection with the Game:
publish or send any Content (including links or references to other content), or otherwise behave in a manner, which:
is defamatory, threatening, harassing, invasive of privacy, offensive, vulgar, racist, hateful, discriminatory, obscene, pornographic, sexually suggestive, misleading, abusive or deceptive or which attacks sexual orientation, promotes self-harm or eating disorders, involves murder, rape, suicide, terrorism, excessive gore or hacking;”


In light of recent events, we've implemented a filter in the chat room. Certain words and/or phrases are now blocked, and attempting to use them will result in you being timed out from posting in chat for 60 seconds. Intentionally attempting to get around this filter will result in actions being taken against your account, as the filter itself contains very serious words and phrases that we have never allowed to be used.

Staff members are now able to timeout players for 60 seconds as well, to assist with anyone that is intentionally causing issues in chat. Please continue to flag and report inappropriate messages as you see them, however.

Along with this chat update, we have also implemented a way for players to disable the visual ping effects. You can find this toggle under the gear settings in chat. This toggle is stored to your account and carries over through devices. You can turn on and turn off ping effects as necessary.

Admin Edit: Main Chat will remain paused for the rest of the day. We will look into unpausing Main Chat during EU morning hours. Thank you for your patience.

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Edited on 05/05/20 @ 16:32:02 by Katze (#3)

Anamani (#77716)

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Posted on
2020-05-05 15:56:13
Thanks for the update!

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Cas (#67347)

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Posted on
2020-05-05 15:56:14
Shoutout to Swyfte for saying what I was thinking but having trouble putting into words.

Y i k e s.

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Vis {#Liolocke2020} (#13103)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-05-05 15:56:24
Thank you for all the hard work, LD staff! Though the polls clearly showed majority vote, it's impossible to please everyone. I've always had a lot of respect for how you run this site and handle player issues. I know it can't be easy fielding all of the different reactions to new markings/mutations/etc. Y'all do a great job. <3

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filly (#198698)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2020-05-05 15:56:30
MapleStone has a good point too, you're effectively telling players to just stop playing, as no one can know what lion has it and what lion doesn't. there is no "you don't have to look at it" about it. You're alienating and endangering your users.

Admin Response:
We understand the concerns. We do not ask to just stop playing, but to stop playing immediately when a person is experiencing the symptoms, which is the best practice found in all epilepsy guidelines. That is why we have issued a Health & Safety Disclaimer Notice addressed to everyone who is at potential risk. We hope that everyone finds the notice informative, and we recommend seeking additional clarification with their doctor.

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myukke (#105647)

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Posted on
2020-05-05 15:56:54
god it would've been so easy to just remove the mark but i guess it was more important than the health and safety of your players. stay classy

Admin Response:
Please let us clarify that adding the recommendation to immediately stop playing when a person feels symptomatic, as advised in all epilepsy best practices and guidelines, had our players' health and safety in mind.

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Ciris (#147468)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2020-05-05 15:57:15
Thanks for solving this debacle.

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Fire 🔥 🇵🇸 (#35734)

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Posted on
2020-05-05 15:57:17
disappointed by this decision.

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TheMorgueDonator (#83658)

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Posted on
2020-05-05 15:57:17
Also people angry that they aren't removing something people like is funny

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Moose of Nature (#110955)

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Posted on
2020-05-05 15:57:18
Im glad that the admins acted responsibly during this. So many people we becoming straight up hostile to others on other sites (because they couldnt do it here) over this marking. Im just glad that the mods and admins actually did what they needed to do with it.

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PoseidonsTrdt G1
Clean Primal (#190067)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-05-05 15:57:19
I'm so confused about what even happened but thank you for updating us!

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BAILE¥ (#98008)

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Posted on
2020-05-05 15:57:28
a bit disheartened to see that the marking was kept in despite ppl raising health concerns... i understand that removing it would mean the time and effort that went into its development is going to waste, as well as having to disappoint some users, but i'd hope that even a small minority of people on the site having the potential to be adversely affected would mean it gets pulled for their sake.
this has left a bad feeling in my stomach.

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Edited on 05/05/20 @ 15:58:56 by BAILE¥ (#98008)

🐎 Cowboy ✨ (#62584)

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Posted on
2020-05-05 15:57:31
Y'all are so pissy when ALMOST EVERY GAME just has a warning, just because a small percentage can get hurt doesn't mean we stop, that is unfair to everyone

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Sennen hallows (#188258)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-05-05 15:57:36
What about those who suffer from health issues that this marking may make worse but still want to enjoy the game? Don’t you want everyone to be able to play and enjoy your game? What happens if someone gets hurt because of this?

Saying this as a concerned player no disrespect to you admins.

Admin Response:
We have our players health and well being in mind, which is why, according to the epilepsy best practices and guidelines, we highly recommend to stop playing immediately when they feel symptomatic, and limiting the exposure to a potential trigger.

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kade (#27276)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-05-05 15:57:39
The revised version is so watered down, it’s very underwhelming.

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Kuro (#20670)

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Posted on
2020-05-05 15:57:47
I also applaud the way this is handled. There is relying on the game and there is taking personal responsibility (something we should be doing anyway as adults).

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