Posted by [Jun] Storyline Update!

Archangel (#136725)

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Posted on
2020-06-14 04:44:06

As most people have discovered, the June event doesn't exactly have the most interactive storyline. You do Daily Quests for 20ish days and then fight Apophis. No expansion, nothing new. So I've made an expansion on the current questline!

Note: The “Day” is what day of the month the event unlocks, but if you don’t finish the previous unlock, you’ll wait another day for the next “day” to unlock. Ex. if you don’t finish Day 1 until the 14th of June, you’ll have to do Day 2 on the 15th, Day 3 on the 16th, Day 10 on the 17th, etc.

Day One
The story progresses as it normally does, with your king collecting the essences.
Receive 50xLevel EXP, +5 Khepri Beetles

Day Two

Day Three

The store opens now and you begin doing the “daily quests” (see below).

Day Ten

Day Eleven

Day Fourteen

Day 20
The finale of the June storyline continues as it’s already written.

Once the finale is completed, the Origin quests will become available. You can only do one at a time but you may do both.

Origin Quests
When you visit your god, they’re standing in front of the Sun Altar. They turn to you and tell you about their past with others like you - and their desire to relive it. You’re given two choices - “Tell me more” and “I don’t know…” If you say the former, you’ll be taken directly to the Path of the Ancients and will get one more chance to back out. If you say the latter, they’ll tell you that they have another task for you to take.

You don’t have to do an Origin Quest and can just continue with Daily Quests!

Path of the Ancients

Into the Abyss

Daily Quests
- Defeat 10 Slithering Minions
- Defeat 20 Enemies

- Claim 20 lionesses
- Gain 50 karma
- Reserve 20 lions
- Defeat 10 Large or Small Felines

- Give 50 uses of food
- Give 25 uses of amusement items
- Kill 20 lions
- Defeat 10 Canids

- Fight 20 lions
- Lose 50 karma
- Chase 20 lions
- Defeat 10 Hyenas

This suggestion has 85 supports and 4 NO supports.

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Edited on 08/07/21 @ 04:12:18 by a Moderator


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Posted on
2020-06-26 01:35:06
*Smashes that supoport button so hard it bonks Satan's head in hell*

Literally ANYTHING to improve twis awful event please. I'm so tired of a whole month of kill quests. There's literally nothing more than some additional enemies and stupid killing quests now.

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Trollsy[side] G3
SplashCinbomb (#126953)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2020-09-23 06:29:37
nvm/wrong topic
(but bumping anyway)

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Edited on 23/09/20 @ 06:31:33 by Trollsy/[PFM] 2GCinnaShreds (#126953)

AsmodeusFangs (#142550)

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Posted on
2020-10-23 12:45:09
can we lower the collecting materials part? i wasn't even able to participate in the hargringers event this year because i couldn't get enough large rocks or leaves and it would suck to be unable to participate in another one of my favorite events!

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la leyenda (#226412)

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Posted on
2021-01-18 10:59:27
good idea, but the collection numbers should be changed for the feathers/skulls and some other items.

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The Crow (#112292)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2021-06-01 09:13:06
Additionally, I’d like to see this event get worked on beyond just adding new crafting/shop decors. Even adding some explore encounters would help make it more engaging and immersive. You could see a messenger that allied with a different god, or encounters specific to either Anubis Bast or Seth. Since Anubis and Bast were former lovers and Seth is the father of Anubis perhaps they could interact at the end. All you ever get are various snakes to battle for chaos scales, while other events have more going on in explore than that.

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Edited on 01/06/21 @ 09:13:27 by Mysterious Stranger's Cousin (#112292)


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Posted on
2021-06-01 10:22:26
Okay, new shops are added, but the even is still all about killing Snakes and nothing else - no new missions and no new ecounters. It's really boring.

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miso (#167275)

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Posted on
2021-06-05 06:25:35
Support. This event is so boring and meh as it currently stands. And the daily quests are just battling enemies. If you don't have a powerhouse stat lion, it's going to be harder. I battle the enemies in the Temperate Savannah and still lose most of the time. It's frustrating. The snakes CLAIM my king is stronger, but yeah right. I always look forward to when this event is over, to be honest. I wish it had more to do. Or bring back whatever event it replaced.

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Fooxie (#228221)

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Posted on
2021-06-07 03:31:33
Now I might be getting some stuff wrong here so uh please tell me if you do

I support- but the Day Ten quest will be way too hard. People price these rocks and leaves at 200sb each, and to get a full cave you need 1-5GB, depending on your luck. Now, imagine wanting to proceed with the quest but you have to get those materials.
Most people go to the TC, but here’s the problem. The people who have those items are most likely to change these explore items from the usual 200SB each all the way till 400SB each- and getting one full set cave will probably be about 1-10GB, and those 1GB caves will probably be bought out fast.
10GB for one quest, if you find a full cave set, then double that. Probably around 10-20GB, for two caves. if your willing to pay 100-400 SB for each leaf and stone, plus find leaves/stones that are priced at 100SB, you still need to pay about 2000SB for 20 leaves/stones and they’re probably not gonna be priced at 100SB, probably 400SB, as I said.
So in order to get 20 leaves, you need to pay around 2000-8000SB, and you’ll end up paying 16000SB for all the leaves+stones
And we’re not even counting feathers.

So uh my suggestion: change the numbers a bit? Maybe some herbs, those are easy to get, and find. But maybe like,
30 Herbs (20SB per herb I think, in the beetle house thing, so only 600sb!)
20 Feathers

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Slade (#36600)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2021-06-13 10:12:54
Id change the "Daily" quests to reflect a more realistic daily explore. A large number of players are casual, with jobs and other responsibilities that make exploring for quest NPCs very difficult. It took me a good long time today to get my 10 slithering minions, and Im off work today. It took 2 explore bars, an hyperactive boost and a gorilla boost to get 8, let alone the last 2 which I had to wait for energy to get.

I propose:

Daily Quests
- Defeat 10 Slithering Minions
- Defeat 10 Enemies

- Claim 10 lionesses
- Gain 50 karma
- Reserve 10 lions
- Defeat 10 enemies

- Give 20 uses of food
- Give 15 uses of amusement items
- Kill 20 lions
- Defeat 10 enemies

- Fight 10 lions
- Lose 50 karma
- Chase 20 lions
- Defeat 10 enemies

This would make it more realistic for a "daily" quest. Otherwise people will end up taking 2-3 days to complete one quest, which isnt any fun and would not be a "daily" if it takes more than a day.

Also take in mind, not all players have large amounts of food, toys or energy (due to breeding and such) so making a daily require items or food would hurt some players and effectively inhibit their progression as well as enjoyment. Events should be a fun thing, not a chore or painful.

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Edited on 13/06/21 @ 10:16:15 by Slade (#36600)

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