Posted by Decay | RP Thread | Closed

Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

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Posted on
2021-08-13 23:23:55

This RP is closed and has been remade here: LINK

OOC | Sign-Ups

This is a remake of an old RP that I'm incredibly fond of. You can find the original here.

Click image for it's source.

A feminine, monotone voice echoes through the halls of a suburban family home, "An estimated 250 dogs live at the plant itself, 225 in the city of Chernobyl, and hundreds more roam around, for a total of more than 1,000, according to SPCA International. Wolves and the need for food have driven the dogs from wooded areas surrounding the plant into the Exclusion Zone." Suddenly, a sharper female voice cuts in. "Don't watch something so depressing, sweetie. The puppies are fine." The screen goes black.

setting music
The city is picturesque from the television screen. Though living amongst the crumbling, overgrown, radioactive buildings is another hell entirely. Dogs whose ancestors were abandoned by their masters in order to escape the explosion generations ago still remain here to this day, too far into the Exclusion Zone to be saved by any humans residing outside of Chernobyl. Many have been born with birth defects, sometimes visible but more often affecting their minds, organs and lifespans. Two major packs have risen out of the dust, Abolition and Insurgent. The packs have always been at odds but due to the encroachment of wolves and low resources, space is low and tempers are at an all time high. Can they come together to overcome the odds or will their own greed tear them down?


Current season: Early Winter. [Frigid temperatures. Long nights, short and dark days.]
Current major events:
Time Skip!! 9/5

Two Abolition dogs have been killed by Insurgent pack members. This has caused unrest in both packs.

A massive snow storm has swept over Chernobyl, bringing an early winter and a shortage of supplies.

Packs and Characters:

Image Sources: 1, 2

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Edited on 17/11/21 @ 17:42:16 by Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

Ham (#89903)

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Posted on
2021-08-20 15:02:20
Name: Saint|Location: Insurgent Territory outskirts|Mentions: Ryker

Her teeth had been sunk into the tin, broken ears straightening as she raised her head up, moving one paw protectively over her meal. At first, she flashed her large canines defensively, ears pinning back. But once she realized it was a tiny pup, she flashed a crooked smile. "Oh? Giant? I think you're just a shrimp," she cackled, moving around the young pup in a circular motion, slowly.

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OClean] (#196088)

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Posted on
2021-08-20 15:03:04
Name: Mavy |Location: Abolition camp| Mentions: noone
:Mavy went to stand up but yelped loudly when a wave of pain coursed through her body, her legs buckled and she fell to the ground, oh no:

Name: Ranger | Location: abolition camp | Mentions: Tyulen
:ranger followed and moved curling aroound her:

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hoarder (#184208)

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Posted on
2021-08-20 15:10:55
Name: Ryker|Location: Insurgent's camp|Mentions: Saint

Her tail wagged happily as she watched Saint walked around her, she tilted her head. "I'm not a shrimp! My mommy said i'm a perfectly sized puppy and that I weigh a good amount for a pup for my age" she said with a proud smile as she stood up.

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Skippy Brambles Bon
VaunenπŸŽ€ (#188943)

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Posted on
2021-08-20 15:13:02
Aramis | Insurgent Scout | Location: Insurgent Camp
Mentions: Dogs located in Camp

Dark hued eyes fluttered open, squinting against the sunlightΒ as the sounds of small rat claws scurrying against stoneΒ reached Aramis's ears, her chin lifting from her head quickly as a watchful, but tired,Β gaze swept through her camp. Parting her jaws in a yawn, the spotted dame pushed herself to her paws, back legs reaching behind her in a stretch. The air was crisp and chilly, especially in the shade she was previously resting in, and with a small sniff the dame stepped out into theΒ morning sun, washing her pelt in a warm, yellow glow.
Seems like a late day. Aramis thought as her gaze switched between the familiar faces just getting up; Quillon, Shadow, Ryker, Fang, Jet, and most importantly, Isa. As expected, the pale furred leader looked unhappy about it, barking out orders with a little more edge than normal. The sight of her looming over Ryker's much smaller frame made Ara's pelt prick with unease, but she turned her gaze away, at least somewhat sure that Isa wouldn't do anything to harm the little thing, especially if she was just saying hello.Β 
Finally her eyes landed on Quillon, Shadow at his heels and Fang not too far behind. With how much Aramis paid attention to her surroundings, its hard for anything to get past her, so she easily tookΒ notice on how keen Shadow had gotten on accompanying Quillon lately, and she had a small inkling on what could have caused that.

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Ham (#89903)

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Posted on
2021-08-20 15:14:52
Name: Saint|Location: Insurgent Territory outskirts|Mentions: Ryker

She chuckled again, nose wrinkling. "Oh? You sure? You sure are tiny." She took a few steps closer to the pup, standing over her with a sneering smile. "And a bit lost. Didn't your parents tell you it's dangerous to go and wander, alllll by your lonesome~?" Her raspy voice lilted, smile almost snarl-like as she watched for a reaction, certainly not above attempting to spook a pup.

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hoarder (#184208)

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Posted on
2021-08-20 15:18:21
Name: Ryker|Location: Insurgent's camp|Mentions: Saint, Shadow

She shrugged, "My parents were attacked by a bear and are deceased butttt if you're referring to my adoptive mother, no. She doesn't know but i'll return soon," she said with a small yawn before turning to head back to camp. "Bye-bye giant!" she said with a small smile before slowly heading back to camp and walking up to Shadow.

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Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

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Posted on
2021-08-20 15:19:24
Ferrer | Abolition Healer | Location: Abolition Camp
Mentions: Mavy.

Ferrer nodded his head as the beta excused herself and went to take a break. I guess the checkup will have to wait. He returned to Mavy, waving his tail slightly. "I'll see to it that you're given breakfast-" He replied, just in time for the three-legged female to collapse on the ground in front of him. "Are you alright?" He said in a frantic tone, dipping his massive head under hers to keep her steady on her feet. "Let's get you inside at least-"

Quillon | Insurgent Warrior | Location: Insurgent Territory
Mentions: Shadow, Fang.

He slowly came to a stop as Shadow blocked his path, almost stumbling backwards out of surprise. "-But I have a duty to the pack." He replies, confusion plastered on his face. No, that could wait for a moment. He needed to calm down and give his attention to the beta standing in front of him. "I'm sorry. What are you needing to speak to me about?" He finally answers, letting a long sigh escape. His scarred face finally untensing as he cleared his head and awaited yet another order, or inquiry, or- something. He glances over, the pale coat of the pack's scout pulling his attention away for a moment. He tilts his head a bit, as if asking Fang why he was lingering around so far away.

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OClean] (#196088)

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Posted on
2021-08-20 15:21:35
Name: Mavy |Location: Abolition camp| Mentions: Ferrer
:she panted and gritted her teeth slightly trying to get up:
"t-the pups,"

Name: Jet | Location: Insurgent camp |Mentions: noone
:jet moved and sniffed around trying to find any scrap of food:

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Ham (#89903)

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Posted on
2021-08-20 15:22:18
Name: Saint|Location: Insurgent Territory outskirts|Mentions: Ryker

She let out a huff, shifting her ears backwards as her nose wrinkled. "...Foolish pup..." she rumbled to herself, before picking up her 'meal' in her mouth and moving away, sliding into a decrepit building to continue trying to pry open her metal goody bag of a meal, using her large teeth to pry the metal open.

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E (#237195)

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Posted on
2021-08-20 16:10:54
Name: Shadow | Location: Insurgent's Camp | Mentions: Ryker, Quillion
Shadows ears drop back to rest against their skull as they take in his deference, "Quillion, I'm not...." They sigh softly. "I'm not talking to as a beta right now, ok..? Just.. as your friend." They take another step towards him, leaning in to poke his cheek with their nose. "We are friends right...?"

Shadow had noted when Ryker left the camp, and now notes when she returns. It wasn't long, and she doesn't appear hurt, so Shadow decides to let it slide this time, but talk to her about it later.

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Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

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Posted on
2021-08-20 16:29:55
Ferrer | Abolition Healer | Location: Abolition Camp
Mentions: Mavy, pups.

After a moment of initial panic, Ferrer calmed himself by taking a deep breath. He had been doing this for how many years now? Nevertheless, it didn't get easier over time. "Okay, let's get you over on the grass instead then." He replied, helping the smaller canine struggle over to a shady patch next to the building. As time passed he would leave to retrieve pelts to lie around Mavy and bring her water in an old, rusted tin. He was mostly relieved that Abolition's camp was calm today. -

Two. Only two had made it. A small litter, he had to admit, but they seemed healthy. "Congratulations." He said quietly, pushing the squirming pups towards Mavy, nestling them under her chin. He then gave her a soft smile in return and stepped away to clean up the area and drag the pelts away that had been sullied. She needed a moment of privacy with her pups, anyway. This was no longer a place for a healer to linger. He was only here to make sure they were doing well, after all.

Isa | Insurgent Leader | Location: Insurgent Camp
Mentions: Aramis, Jet.

She had all but cleared camp in the matter of minutes. Sending subordinates out to busy themselves, to keep the pack running. She had a duty to get to as well. Food was short, and she could feel the teeth of winter nipping at her heels. She turned away quickly and headed back towards the hospital. The first face to catch her attention was that of her spotted-coat daughter, "Aramis." She spoke, a stern appearance washing over her face. "I must be cursed today. Quillon is late, and now you as well? Did you conspire against me?" The last part was intended to be a joke, but was spoken with the same temper as everything else. The sudden urge to lash out at her with her teeth flashed across her mind, but she quickly shoved it away.

"If this becomes a habit-" She stops, biting her tongue. "No. It won't become a habit. This is your first and last warning." She growled towards the younger canine, scraping her claws through the dirt as she stepped away. "Make yourself useful and see to it that your brother eats," She motions towards Jet, "It would break my heart to see him starve." A tinge of sarcasm crept into her voice as she skulked away, the tension still apparent in the stiff way she moved.

Quillon | Insurgent Warrior| Location: Insurgent Territory
Mentions: Shadow, Ryker.

Friends.. "Of course we are." He answered after a moment, his gaze softening. He dipped his head slightly out of regret and embarrassment. It was a force of habit, he had been trained from a young age to only act as an asset to the pack, and that's what he saw himself as. "I'm listening now." He adds, slowly sitting down on his haunches and giving his full attention to Shadow. He thumps his tail lightly on the ground as Ryker reappears, though he did note the unfamiliar scent that the pup carried and it made his jaw clench from worry.

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Edited on 20/08/21 @ 16:32:50 by Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

hoarder (#184208)

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Posted on
2021-08-20 16:30:03
Name: Ryker|Location: Insurgent's camp|Mentions: Shadow

Ryker curled up next to Shadow, looking up at them. "Mommy! I met this really big giant dog, I think she was trying to scare me but i'm a big girl so I wasn't scared!"

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OClean] (#196088)

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Posted on
2021-08-20 16:36:13
Name: Mavy |Location: Abolition camp| Mentions: ferrer, and pups
:mavy was exhausted, panting softly but smiling as he gazed at her pups, softly licking and grooming them, one was a light cream wwitha splash of color ont heir face (slip):

Name: Jet | Location: Insurgent camp |Mentions: isa
:he growled having heard his mothers sarcastic remarks. he pulled himself forward nose out as he searched for the edge of camp:

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E (#237195)

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Posted on
2021-08-20 16:39:17
Name: Shadow | Location: Insurgent Camp | Mentions: Quillion, Ryker, Fang
Shadow smiles slightly at Quillion before turning to Ryker for a moment. "Oh really? Sweetheart, mommy's busy right now, why don't you go see if Fang will play with you?"

They turn back to Quillion. "Could we go somewhere....more private?"

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hoarder (#184208)

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Posted on
2021-08-20 16:47:11
Name: Ryker|Location: Insurgent's camp|Mentions: Shadow, Fang

"Oh.. okay.." Ryker whimpered before wandering over to Fang. She pawed at the other dog, "My mommy said I should play with you since she's busy" she said with a small whimper. Her ears perked up at Fang, her head tilting slowly.

Name: Dyse|Location: Abolition's camp|Mentions: Mavy, Ferrer

He slowly wriggled around, bumping into Slip his brother before slowly making his way over to his mother's belly so he could get his first meal ever. He whimpered softly, his tail wagging slowly.

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