Posted by Selling my pride! Little RP and sales!

Legolas lover) (#246866)

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Posted on
2022-02-24 08:29:27
Basically, I'll be looking at offers on my whole pride. Looking to shake off a couple of lions. This is a mini-RP thread. You don't have to RP, I just thought it would be more fun ^.^ I saw this on another thread and it looked so cool!

Tau shook out his mane, his small frame shaking in the cold. The little lion's sleek gray fur was drenched, and he sneezed as a large raindrop splashed on his face. He snatched a wooden sign from the floor and hung it on a tree next to his cave. It read, 'Selling my pride! Lions for sale!'. The sign was written in deep claw marks, showing the sharpness of his long claws. He tilted his head, admiring his work. Another raindrop landed in between his eyes. Time to go in. He ran back to the cave, and was greeted by three cubs, begging to hear a story. Tau purred. 'Of course, you can have a story. Come on now, go and tell your mother where you are.' Tau gave an apologetic blink at Euphoria, the cubs mother. They all snuggled down in the nest whilst Tau told them a story, waiting for offers on his pride.

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M o o n (#255607)

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Posted on
2022-02-24 14:09:05
Ponda stalked into the cave, currently pissed of by the rain. He shook out his mane, discreetly taking a glance at Tau, and a group of cubs. Drenched and salty, Ponda wandered about the den, full of lions. His eye immediately found it's way toward a gorgeous Ferus female by the name of Snappy. He made a mental note to ask about her later and kept walking. He nearly tripped over a gorgeous, shiny adolescent named Sunshine. He smiled awkwardly and hurried off in the direction of Tau. Ponda dipped his head respectfully to the young leader. "If they are for sale, I'd like to inquire about the price of Snappy, and Sunshine." Ponda shifted mid-sentence, revealing a small hoard of objects and beetles that had somehow appeared behind him, suggestively waggling his brows.

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Legolas lover) (#246866)

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Posted on
2022-02-24 14:29:09
Tau glanced up at the larger male. Then he shot a look at Euphoria to signal to take the cubs away. 'Hello! Snappy.. I do love her really, I think she would be maybe 12-15 GB? I'm not sure. Do haggle with me! And Sunshine.. She is gorgeous isn't she? I think I'd like at least 6 GB for her.' Do let me know if you have applicators, or HS/Hybrid heats you'd be willing to exchange', he added, with a knowing grin.

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M o o n (#255607)

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Posted on
2022-02-24 15:38:32
Ponda scuffled around in the dirt with his paw, mumbling something along the lines of: "I'm so broke." He looked turned his attention back to the small leader and sighed. "I'm afraid I don't have that much GB," he said, poking at 2 golden ones he had plucked from the pile,"but please do elaborate on hybrid and HS heats."

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Magpie (#116939)

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Posted on
2022-02-24 16:38:32
A young primal king walked calmly through the rain, the droplets bouncing off of the golden crown nestled among his colourful mane. Upon stepping into the cave he shook out his fur, quietly cussing out the wet season as he did so. "My fur is too thick for this shit." He grumbled, shaking out each paw individually. Thorin glanced around at the gathering of lions, spotting a few of a similar stature to himself, but it was the lionesses with a splattering of white across their pelts that truly caught his attention. Walking further into into the cave he spotted a silvery king stood beside a rather beautiful lioness who was tending to her cubs. He carefully eyed the hybrid, eager to make her acquaintance but knowing that even the falsehood of his gilded crown wouldn't be enough for him to even consider requesting her to join his own pride. As such, he returned his attention to the king. "Hello good king! I'm King Thorin, and I assume you are the wondrous Tau." Thorin smiled, sitting down before Tau, water still dripping from his whiskers. Even though he was talking to Tau, it was clear the young king was distracted by Euphoria. He sighed, shaking his head slightly. "I am perhaps asking too much of both you and my own hoard, but in terms of your dear Euphoria what interests you besides pure gold beetles?"

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Legolas lover) (#246866)

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Posted on
2022-02-25 00:42:34
@ Mara
'Well. I do love Heartshells, I'd be looking for 2 buffalo scrotums for my dear snappy, and one for sunshine. In terms of hybrid heats I'd be looking for one unbarked heat for snappy, and one for sunshine.' Tau Tilted his head. 'Do tell me if I'm asking too much' he mumbled.

Tau looked at the huge young Primal king. He saw the shifty glance he kept giving Euphoria and let out a knowing purr. 'Well, I would be looking for around 180-200 pure GB, and any items of HS to that value, hybrid/s, hybrid heats, applicators. I think that's it. He tilted his head, thinking. 'Yes. that's it,' he finished.

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Magpie (#116939)

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Posted on
2022-02-25 06:14:27
Thorin bobbed his head slightly as he pondered the offer, eyeing the leoponess. He purred gently and nodded. "I think this is something we could possibly discuss, yes." There was another long pause, as if the young king was deciding just what he could offer. "I have my beloved Tigon, Lyra, who would be up for breeding, I also have around 500 HS currently, though I can of course obtain many more before the end of this event, and do have other items that may perhaps interest you." Thorin cocked his head and watched the other king's reaction.

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Legolas lover) (#246866)

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Posted on
2022-02-25 06:45:25
'Would you be able to obtain 800 HS? I'd be interested in the heat of your Tigon, and the HS.' Tau replied. 'What other items were you talking about?'

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Magpie (#116939)

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Posted on
2022-02-25 06:50:52
Thorin dipped his head, flexing his claws in thought. "I think I can try, yes, with the time. And in terms of items, I have a MOD: Primal, a few lion scrotes, some roasted lambs and a few odds and ends as well." He offered up.

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Legolas lover) (#246866)

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Posted on
2022-02-25 09:25:18
'Ah yes! That would be wonderful! So It's the HS, heat and those items, yes?' Tau responded. He was sad to let Euphoria go, but he couldn't deny such an offer.

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Magpie (#116939)

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Posted on
2022-02-25 09:35:37
Thorin could see the hesitation and felt his own hesitation with parting with such a price. "I-" He shook out his mane, frowning. "The HS and heat I can do, yes, but perhaps the addition of the items may be spreading me a bit...thin. Perhaps substituting parts of the HS with those would suffice - if you wanted, of course."

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Legolas lover) (#246866)

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Posted on
2022-02-25 09:46:40
'Hm. I can drop the Lion scrotum and the roasted lambs if that helps? I'm happy to haggle!' Tau continued. He could see the small frown on Thorin's face and realised he would have to drop those items. It would be fine though. He took a sad glance at Euphoria, letting her know she might not be his much longer.

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Magpie (#116939)

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Posted on
2022-02-25 10:26:14
Thorin flicked his ear and nodded slowly. "If you could hold her until the end of the month, that would be very much appreciated. I will certainly try my best to obtain all of the HS, and if I find myself struggling I will speak to you on it again. So, 800HS, MOD: Primal and one of Lyra's heats?"

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Legolas lover) (#246866)

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Posted on
2022-02-25 10:29:32
Tau took a moment to respond. 'Yes. That would be fine. If you're aware she will be older by the end of the month as she's not frozen on my side. Would you like me to freeze her or let her continue cooldown?'

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Magpie (#116939)

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Posted on
2022-02-25 10:33:19
"If you are happy to freeze her that would be greatly appreciated." Thorin dipped his head and then extended a large paw towards Tau, a small smile returning to his fanged jaws.

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recreation project] (#260420)

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Posted on
2022-02-25 10:56:19
Stingingly cold raindrops slowly crept through Kagiso's sleek pelt. The rain had splat down his rosy brown mane, making the large beast of a lion look quite ridiculous. Don't let his appearance fool you though. As unimpressive as Kagiso may seem around other kings with rare markings and muscular builds, Kagiso was still a male to take seriously. Typically, Kagiso wouldn't be out in about in this horrid weather. However, the young king was in search for more felines to join his pride. He had just started his pride a few days ago after all. Not just any feline were welcomed in though, only those with little known heritage were allowed. So far, his pride was something he was very proud of but more additions were certainly welcomed.

Suddenly, the young king's nose instinctively began twitching. The familiar yet distinctive scent of lions filled his nostrils. Kagiso's cautious brown eyes scanned his surroundings cautiously as he crept forwards. The young king visibly relaxed however as his brown hues landed on the sign that read, "Selling my pride! Lions for sale!". With an intrigued huff, Kagiso entered the den. Perhaps this would be a good chance to expand his pride. As he walked in, his eyes landed on two males. A small Frostbitten male who looked like he had been snowed on. The other male had incredibly dense and thick fur and had blots similar to one of a hyena's.

Clearing his throat, Kagiso wasted no time in making his presence known. "Hello," The male began, making his way over to the two males. "I saw a sign out back that there were lions for sale ? I've been looking to expand my pride but only with lions of little heritage (G1, G2, G3, G4 lions)." He stated, shifting his gaze to the lions who were up for sell. There were a lot of them. ".. Are there any lions that fit that standard?" The newly crowned king asked, clearly impressed and a little overwhelmed with the amount of lions present in the cave.

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