Posted by Chance Companions Event

⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-28 21:06:12


Tempestatibus EventTempestatibus Event

➽At Dawn, a clang of bells rang out throughout the land. Creatures of all shapes and sizes and their owners crawled out of bed, groggy and confused. They stepped outside and were instantly mesmerized by the holographic image of the deities Bahati & Nasibu in the sky. Bahati was as stern-looking as ever with his strange curled beard and crooked snout while Nasibu upheld her grace with her slanted eyes and thin features. They must have an announcement! The holographic images begin to speak in a language that's unheard of for you but your companion has a basic knowledge of it.

“Karibu kwa tukio la kwanza! Chemchemi hii italeta mvua kubwa, upepo mkali, na mafuriko kupita ufahamu wako.Ili kukomesha dhoruba hizi za kutisha, lazima nyote mje pamoja na kutafuta vito. Watafichwa karibu na biomes fulani. Bahati njema!"

“Welcome to the first event. This spring will bring forth rains unheard of, winds too harsh to be real, and floods beyond your comprehension. In order to stop these horrible storms, you all must come together and find the gems. They will be hidden around in certain biomes. Good luck!”

Gems & How To Get Them➽This event will take place from March 1-April 30. It will be heavily focused on exploring. The total number of gems gathered by all companions must add up to 350 Gems (Can be lowered if not enough interest). Once the goal has been reached, all companions who have entered the event receive 5 Rare Kibble & 1 Zone Ticket. One lucky companion who gathers the most gems will receive a legendary item known as an Artifact.

There will be two special zones in Zone E for the event- The Wild Wetlands & The Fascinating Floodplains. The cost will be 2 GB for The Wild Wetlands while 3 GB for the Fascinating Floodplains. The Wild Wetlands will have 1-10 Gems while the Fascinating Floodplains will have 5-15 Gems. These biomes will BOTH have a chance at claiming a companion & at exploring the tower, though in the floodplains the chance is a bit more. Zones B-D will both have a chance for 1-5 Gems as well.


Event Exploration
-The Wild Wetlands- 2

A hilly expanse of marshy wilderness with few trees. The ground is muddy and has many pools of water sprinkled throughout.

-The Fascinating Floodplains- 3
An almost completely flat area of land that is almost submerged. Lily pads and moss cover what's left of ground.

Please fill out this form to explore!
Name of Companion:
Items: (Y/N?)
Payment: (sent Y/N?)

Current Event Explorers
-Valentine [May 30]

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Edited on 29/05/22 @ 12:56:51 by ⭐Vixkin⭐|G2 Subtle Cherry (#226385)

Kitsune (#217102)

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Posted on
2022-05-25 13:26:57
Name of Companion: Velvet
Zone: Fascinating Floodplains
Items: Incense
Payment: Y

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-05-25 14:21:31
@Kitsune, You see Velvet watch you from afar with a.. strange look in her eye. After this goes on for most of the day, you can't take it anymore! You ask her what she wants. With a cheeky grin, she explains her need to go out into the floodplains. With a heavy sigh, you motion to the door. She exclaims a thank you before grabbing her incense and heading out the door. You smile as you see her disappear into the rain.

Your companion decided to go explore The Fascinating Floodplains. Velvet will be gone for 3 days. Check back soon!

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Falkenstern25 (#224312)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-05-26 08:32:35
Name of Companion: Awan
Biome: Wild Wetlands
Items: N
Payment: Y

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-05-26 09:09:42
@Falkenstern25, Awan seems a bit.. on edge the past few days. After a bit of prodding, he reveals his nervousness about the storm, and the possibility it will never go away. With a sigh, you reassure him it will as long as companions explore. His eyes lighten a bit as he asks to go out exploring. You sigh once more and nod. You just hope he comes back safely.

Your companion decided to go explore The Wild Wetlands. Awan will be gone for 3 days. Check back soon!!

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Celest (#12785)

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Posted on
2022-05-26 09:21:55
Name of Companion: Valentine
Biome: Fascinating Floodplains
Items: Y
Payment: Y

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-05-26 09:50:58
@Celest, You bring Valentine home and can't help but explain what is going on with the weather. A gasp comes from Valentine who is now begging you to let her explore. With Mono's recent ventures, you are a bit hesitant... but you agree anyhow. You see her fly out the door like a rocket. You softly smile as you watch her silhouette fade into the rain..

Your companion decided to go explore The Fascinating Floodplains. Valentine will be gone for 4 days. Check back soon!!

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Kitsune (#217102)

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Posted on
2022-05-26 09:53:14
Name of Companion: Mr.Mint Brownie
Zone: Fascinating Floodplains
Items: Satchel
Payment: Y

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-05-26 09:58:05
@Kitsune, Mr. Mint Brownie seems to want to go out exploring more and more! Maybe he is a tad jealous of Velvet's success story with Diamond... With a huge and overdramatic sigh, he comes up to you and asks to go out again. You nod and he darts out of the door with satchel in hand!

Your companion decided to go explore The Fascinating Floodplains. Mr. Mint Brownie will be gone for 3 days. Check back soon!

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-05-27 11:21:26
Hello all! After everyone's companion has come back, this event will be concluding, and with that it means this thread will be deleted! A new event will appear hopefully Mid-June! Feel free to adopt more companions when slots open up, breed your companions, and even explore even more with the regular zones! Thank you all for supporting this event and Chance Companions in general. It truly means the world to me <3

Also since the runnings for the lead companion are.. not super close. I would already like to announce the winner of the event with the most gems! That would be Kitsune's Companion Mr. Mint Brownie! Congrats! I will send you your artifact once the event has concluded.

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-05-29 12:56:43
@Falkenstern25, You see a wet Awan practically crash into the door. He looks excited and... soaking wet. You ask him about his explore as he sets down his items. You listen to him ramble and look at his items.

Awan has gathered:
-5 Feathers
-2 Uncommon Kibble
-1 Honey
-11 Gems

✦Awan explores the wetlands with vigor. He was so happy to get out of the house! Awan was skipping through the lands and splashing in any puddle he saw, He was too distracted by his emotions that he completely missed the white tower off in the distance.. Maybe he would have to pay more attention next time! He headed on home with his items and a grin.

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