Posted by Chance Companions Event

⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-02-28 21:06:12


Tempestatibus EventTempestatibus Event

➽At Dawn, a clang of bells rang out throughout the land. Creatures of all shapes and sizes and their owners crawled out of bed, groggy and confused. They stepped outside and were instantly mesmerized by the holographic image of the deities Bahati & Nasibu in the sky. Bahati was as stern-looking as ever with his strange curled beard and crooked snout while Nasibu upheld her grace with her slanted eyes and thin features. They must have an announcement! The holographic images begin to speak in a language that's unheard of for you but your companion has a basic knowledge of it.

“Karibu kwa tukio la kwanza! Chemchemi hii italeta mvua kubwa, upepo mkali, na mafuriko kupita ufahamu wako.Ili kukomesha dhoruba hizi za kutisha, lazima nyote mje pamoja na kutafuta vito. Watafichwa karibu na biomes fulani. Bahati njema!"

“Welcome to the first event. This spring will bring forth rains unheard of, winds too harsh to be real, and floods beyond your comprehension. In order to stop these horrible storms, you all must come together and find the gems. They will be hidden around in certain biomes. Good luck!”

Gems & How To Get Them➽This event will take place from March 1-April 30. It will be heavily focused on exploring. The total number of gems gathered by all companions must add up to 350 Gems (Can be lowered if not enough interest). Once the goal has been reached, all companions who have entered the event receive 5 Rare Kibble & 1 Zone Ticket. One lucky companion who gathers the most gems will receive a legendary item known as an Artifact.

There will be two special zones in Zone E for the event- The Wild Wetlands & The Fascinating Floodplains. The cost will be 2 GB for The Wild Wetlands while 3 GB for the Fascinating Floodplains. The Wild Wetlands will have 1-10 Gems while the Fascinating Floodplains will have 5-15 Gems. These biomes will BOTH have a chance at claiming a companion & at exploring the tower, though in the floodplains the chance is a bit more. Zones B-D will both have a chance for 1-5 Gems as well.


Event Exploration
-The Wild Wetlands- 2

A hilly expanse of marshy wilderness with few trees. The ground is muddy and has many pools of water sprinkled throughout.

-The Fascinating Floodplains- 3
An almost completely flat area of land that is almost submerged. Lily pads and moss cover what's left of ground.

Please fill out this form to explore!
Name of Companion:
Items: (Y/N?)
Payment: (sent Y/N?)

Current Event Explorers
-Valentine [May 30]

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Edited on 29/05/22 @ 12:56:51 by ⭐Vixkin⭐|G2 Subtle Cherry (#226385)

⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-03-10 18:19:58
@Celest, You notice the way Mono has looked the past few days so you try to cheer him up with an exploration. He softly smiles and heads out the door. You can't help butt worry...

Your companion decided to go explore The Wild Wetlands. Mono will be gone for 3 Days. Check back soon and he may return with goodies!

[Of course! I will add you to the inventories list. :D ]

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Angel (#185150)

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Posted on
2022-03-10 19:39:44
Name of Companion: Jasper
Biome: fascinating floodplains
Items: N
Payment: Y

Name of Companion: Paradox
Biome: fascinating floodplains
Items: N
Payment: Y

Edit: ok, I get it now lmao, I edited Jaspers explore form :)

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Edited on 10/03/22 @ 22:05:36 by Euphoria [G1 scoundrel/leonid] (#185150)

⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-03-10 19:45:35
^^ Zone tickets can only be used on regular explore zones, not event ones. They randomize zones A-D and event biomes are in zone E.

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tte/Ivory) (#191309)

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Posted on
2022-03-10 20:37:01
Aww my bean!
Name of Companion:Adira
Items: N
Payment: Y

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-03-11 05:48:06
@Euphoria, You are took by surprise as Jasper and Paradox come up and ask to go exploring. The storm had been especially bad today.. but their eyes were filled with determination. You reluctantly nod and they race out of the door.

Your companions decided to go explore The Fascinating Floodplains. Jasper will be gone for 4 days while Paradox will be gone for 3 days. Check back soon!

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-03-11 05:51:45
@MoonlightStar, You watch as Adira worryingly watches the harsh winds outside. The storm had only been getting worse once the winds had started. Her eyes flash as lightning struck nearby. With a sigh, you go over and ask her to explore, after all companions are the only ones that can stop this madness. She hesitates before nodding and heading out into the storm.

Your companion decided to go explore The Fascinating Floodplains. Adira will be gone for 2 days. Check back soon and she may return with goodies and possibly something to stop this horrible storm!

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Angel (#185150)

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Posted on
2022-03-11 20:47:15
Name of Companion: Laurel
Biome: fascinating floodplains
Items: N
Payment: Y

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Kitsune (#217102)

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Posted on
2022-03-12 00:00:43
Name of Companion: Mr.Mint Brownie & Velvet
Zone: Fascinating Floodplains & Fascinating Floodplains
Items: N & N
Payment: Y & Y

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-03-12 17:35:12
@Euphoria, You watch as Laurel solemnly watches out the window, awaiting her parents return. A strange idea strikes you as you walk up to her. She nervously agrees to your proposition about exploring and she rushes out the door to catch up to her parents. You can't help but sadly smile as she disappears into the storm.

Your companion decided to go explore The Fascinating Floodplains. Laurel will be gone for 4 days. Check back soon and she may return with goodies!

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-03-12 17:38:50
@Kitsune, Velvet comes racing up and desperately asks to go exploring. You hesitate before Mr. Mint Brownie appears and explains they'll both go. The two have become best friends and practically inseparable. You nod and they shoot out the door in an instant. Their figures disappear into the heavy sheets of rain.

Your companions decided to go explore The Fascinating Floodplains. Velvet & Mr. Mint Brownie will both be gone for 3 days. Check back soon!

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-03-13 21:30:14
@Celest, Mono comes barging through the door with a heavy sigh. He looks exhausted and soaked. He sets his items down and almost immediately goes to sleep. You sadly smile at him before looking at what he brought home.

Mono has gathered:
-3 Feathers
-2 Rare Kibble
-1 Medium Accessory
-3 Gems

✦Mono reached the hilly expanse with high hopes. He wanted to get things done and bring home a ton of items, so he got to work. However, his motivation lasted through the night as he began to stay up later and later, and eventually didn't sleep at all. Around him he heard the howls of companions and a strange tower off in the distance. He decided to ignore these happenings as he thought they were just side effects of his sleep deprivation. He gathered his items in a hurry and rushed home, eager to get some rest.

You have the option to choose between these four medium accessories: Bandana, Glasses, Collar, and Scarf. Which one will you choose? [If any except glasses are chosen, you can select a color!]

[Sorry this was late!!]

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-03-13 21:34:44
@Moonlightstar, You see Adira arrive over a hill, though its hard to tell since the rain was heavier than ever. Though the not-so-great conditions, her eyes had a glint of happiness in them. She grins as she reaches home and begins telling her stories. You cant help but smile when you examine her items.

Adira has gathered:
-5 Common Kibble
-11 Scraps
-2 Honey
-1 Rare Kibble
-1 Gem

✦Adira enters the floodplains when the rain had lighten to only a mist. As she examined her surroundings, there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring into her soul. A chill ran down her spine as her back bristled. She bared her teeth but to no avail. The eyes were still piercing through her. A lighting bolt struck nearby and when she turned her head back to the eyes... they were gone.

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Celest (#12785)

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Posted on
2022-03-13 21:37:35
Ooohh scarf please! Maybe green would fit him?

Also I'm terribly sorry Mono but off exploring you go after taking some well-deserved rest ;;
Name of Companion: Mono
Biome: Fascinating Floodplains
Items: N
Payment: Y

[also no worries about it being late! ;;w;;]

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-03-13 21:42:34
@Celest, You see Mono wake up in the morning with bright eyes. Something about the last exploration got him excited and he will not stop begging you to go out again. With one look into his eyes, all willpower was gone. You sigh and point to the door. Mono grins and rushes out with a determination in his eyes.

Your companion decided to go explore The Fascinating Floodplains. Mono will be gone for 4 days. Check back soon and he may return with something good!

[I will add his scarf when I can! <3]

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⭐Vixkin⭐| G2
Shreds Cherry (#226385)

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Posted on
2022-05-19 08:58:05
Hello all! Explores will be continuing! So sorry for the wait. Some personal things alongside my iPad having to be fixed made it hard to get to doing these. Expect your explores to go out some time today or tomorrow. Thank you so much for your patience!

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