Posted by Coy Fish's Den of Abandonment

Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-05-26 10:13:25

The Wastes Den

After a long journey, you have arrived at Coy Fish's pridelands. The earth is dry and cracked, only a small stream trickling through. There are many caves, most of them looking clean and flourishing with moss and small rivulets of water from underground rivers. In one cave you see primal lions tussle and wrestle each other playfully. Another makes your head spin as these lions are all piebald and patched variants and their stripes seem to almost swirl as they weave around each other. However, you notice that there is one den that is unkempt and filthy. Here, cubs cough and scatter at the sight of anyone else. They are all muddy and skinny. There is no denmother within this cave, only small cubs and adols just learning how to use their long legs.

If you ask one of the older cubs where their denmother is, they cry and mention someone called Moogly. A loving soul who they wish could have lived forever.

A cool breeze runs across your back and you catch a glimpse of an apparition. It looks like a battered lioness with hazy wings and glowing eyes. It seems to mouth something to you.

"Please, help me save them."


Some ground rules/expectations:

I prefer responses to be done in an RP form! If you have cubs you cannot care for, I will also take them, but I do prefer giving them away. Any cubs I receive will be available for adoption unless they are used for the enclave quests. Once a lion hits a year old, they will be killed if they haven't been claimed.

All cubs are named based upon the rarity of their base, their eye color, the mane type, mane color, and fertility.
So, for example, C|Green|Razor|Elysian|↖️ means Common base, green eyes, razor mane, Elysian mane color, and Good Fertility

To claim a cub, at the end of your response put their link like so (all you have to do is remove the asterisks);
<*a href="LINKHERE">words/name/adjective<*/a>
the words/name/adjective can be whatever you want!

Before sending over cubs, I will give them a random name so I am sure to send you the right ones! Please don't think you have to keep the names and change them however you see fit!

I don't reserve cubs/adols or take requests to send them when they hit a year old. Either send me a link to claim one now, or hope someone else gets them lmao

I only take cubs that are not 2 years old! The oldest I will take is 1 year and 10 months. Please wait for me to respond in the Forum before sending them over as well

Some Other Links:
RP Forum based on the interactions on this forum!

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Edited on 07/08/22 @ 19:49:48 by Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

Turkey (#281281)

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Posted on
2022-06-07 15:32:42
Banana felt odd coming back so much, but he still came back. “Hello, Moogly. I’m deeply sorry that there’s adolescent males here, but I noticed something earlier. Apple and Blueberry seemed to be a bit down over something, and I realized they had a sister left behind! Is there any way I could take her?”

Just then, Banana caught a glimpse of the little 10 month old cub and he gently padded over to her, making sure not to scare the little girl. “Hello, sweetie,” he let out the closest thing he could to a purr before carefully beginning to clean her matted fur. “Are you up for coming home to my pride where your sisters are?”


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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-06-07 15:44:31
Moogly yawned, toe beans spreading as she stretched. She purred at Banana, happy to see a familiar face, then gazed at the cub he spoke of. She was desperately in need of a bath, but no tongue would be able to actually clean the poor cub. The cub mewled and rubbed up against Banana, loving the sensation of being groomed.

"Looks like she's already smitten." Moogly chuffed happily. Slow-blinking at the pair.

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Turkey (#281281)

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Posted on
2022-06-07 15:51:39
Banana smiled warmly at Moogly, and as he started to stand up, the scrawny cub scrambled up to his shoulders. “It seems this lil cubber has a lot in common with her sister Blueberry.” Banana let out a big chuckle as he slowly walked to the cave’s mouth. “Thank you so much Moogly. Good luck with all the other cubs!”

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Joey (#282744)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-06-07 18:28:30
Starstruck walks in
"Hello yet again moogly this time I'm looking for a male cub to be in my pride"
Starstruck carefully looks around before seeing a gorgeous young male
"That one ill take him"

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Edited on 07/06/22 @ 19:12:02 by Joey (#282744)

Els (#276449)

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Posted on
2022-06-07 18:42:17
SweetNoSideOfPshyco walks in the cave entrance trying to keep out of coy fishes gaze

Hi Moogly, you dont know me my predecessor was FlowingRiver, may he rest in peace. One of my adols, Avery the fiercest of kits(lol thats her title), has told me of this place and i have decided to look around myself. Actually she asked me to come. She would like a new friend for the den.

She would like this one.

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-06-07 18:49:49
Moogly glanced at SweetNoSideOfPsycho, catching the faint scent of FlowingRiver on his fur. She could almost remember his predecessor. She glanced at the cub he motioned to and smiled. She could remember Avery the Fiercest of Kits and this one tussling together. The cub, eyes wide in happy surprise, sprinted over to Moogly to say goodbye and snuggled against her.

"Goodbye, my darling." Moogly purred, "You will be well cared for." She then looked at the king in her den, "I am sorry for your loss, I wish you only Shade and Sweetwater in your future." Moogly bowed her head to the male.

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True King
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Posted on
2022-06-08 09:30:01
Kin-seeker strode purposly toward the cave where he knew his friend was. Despite the situation she was in Moogly had become a good friend and his thoughts often stray to her, wondering how she is doing with her cubs. Knowing Coy was probably watching him he only turned and nodded at the other male once he reached the enterance to the den, not wanting to deal with the lion who could cause so much heartbreak.

"Moogly, my friend, are you awake? One of my adols, Mantricker, has asked for a shadow." he says chuckling, thinking of the adol bouncing around and all but begging for a little brother to train up as den guard. Cutter sees Moogly seated som ways away with a number of adols around her, it seems like they are all male. He smiles sadly at the sight knowing for them to be so protective of their denmother that something must have happened recently to get their hackles up. He walks up to the small cluster and gently buts his head against the side of Mooglys. Seeing the adols around her bristle, he backs up a step and lays down a pace from the lioness, hoping to set them at ease.

He looks each adol i the eyes for a moment befoer he speaks. "I know some of you have seen me here before, taking some of your littermates or friends to my home. In all the trips ive made i believe ive brought home 6 cubs from this den, all have names and a purpose in our pride. Many of the cubs are training to be hunters, and few of them will become Denmothers in their own right when they reach maturity. But it is ALWAYS their choice on what they want to do. I have never forced a single lion in my pride to do something they themselves do not want ot do." Cutter the young males perk up at the discription of his pridelands but one young lion catched attention more then the rest, a spotted Fawn coat and piercing Amber eyes.


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Edited on 08/06/22 @ 09:35:33 by LadyLavellan (#144250)

Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-06-08 09:35:46
Moogly looked up, blinking the sleep from her eyes. A purr began to rumble through her as she reached out to gently tap his snout with her paw. The adols seemed to realize that Cutter was a friend, not a foe, and relaxed. They laid down around, slightly spacing out to offer protection to some of the other cubs as well.

"Long time no see, gracious friend." Moogly teased softly. She slow-blinked at the primal, glad that the cubs now had a different view of primal variants thanks to lions like Kin-Seeker. "We have plenty shadows here." She smirked, looking at a few of the cubs who were, quite literally, hiding within their fellows' shadows.

"Tell me, how are the cubs doing?" She seemed eager to hear about their stories and new lives, wanting to hear just how dramatic the change was from here to there. She caught Kin-Seeker sneaking glances at one of the other adols and grinned. A fine choice.

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Ace (#289174)

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Posted on
2022-06-08 09:36:04
The lion looks around and notices a small female cub. He gestures vaguely with his tail at her before purring gently.

"I can take that one. I have plenty of space to care for a few extra cubs." He gently crouches and tilts his head at her. "I can protect you, little one. He won't hurt you."

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-06-08 09:41:07
Moogly looks first to the newest stranger, then to the cub. At the promise of protection, the cub very nearly cries. She sprints over to Moogly, as fast as her sickly body can handle, and rubs against her denmother. Her voice shakes with unshed tears as she says her goodbyes. Moogly smiles, wishing the cub luck.

"Shade and Sweetwater to you, stranger. Thank you for saving her." Moogly inclines her head politely to this king.

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Turkey (#281281)

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Posted on
2022-06-08 09:46:02
An unknown lioness enters the cave, smelling like Banana. As she looks up and around, the odd thing about her is shown. She has gray spots on her and has long fangs. “I am Ivory Fang. I am going to be out of Banana’s pride soon, so he has given me the honor of being able to choose a young one to thrive in our pack.”

After Ivory just finished talking, she noticed a gray cub that was sort of like her in color. “Hello, younging, would you like to come home with me?


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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-06-08 09:57:00
Moogly tilts her head at the scent of Banana and then nods when the lioness explains. She yawned, leaning against Kin-Seeker in an exhausted manner.

"Me?" The cub squeaked, "Y-yeah!" She got to her feet, dancing between her paws excitedly, "Will, will I have big fangs too?" The cub was enamored with the fangs of the lioness. Moogly looked almost depressed at the cub's question- knowing that if she had been born with fangs, the cub wouldn't be here now. She would be flourishing with the other primal variants of the pride. The goodbye was bittersweet for Moogly, but all excitement for the cub.

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Turkey (#281281)

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Posted on
2022-06-08 10:02:15
Ivory Fang playfully swung the cub onto her shoulders, whilst making sure not to injure the skinny thing. “Probably not, but I’m sure you’ll have the spirit stronger than any primal fanged!” She let out the closest thing to a purr she could before speaking again. “These ol’ fangs get in my way sometimes, you will be strong and swift. And, who knows, Banana might pick you to have mutated cubs when you’re a big strong adult!” She smiled warmly and before she headed out of the cave she twisted her head back towards Moogly.

“Thank you so much. I will not let you down, I will try my best to care for this cub the same as my own children being born tomorrow,” the young lioness eagerly carried the cub out of the cave, chattering to her like mad.

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-06-08 10:03:09
((Sobbing. Too cute ))

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True King
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Posted on
2022-06-08 10:04:13
Cutter chuckles at the glentle sway Moogly gives to his snout. "The cubs are doing well, despite their hard start. Mantrucker was one of your cubs once, i think thats why he was so eager for me to come back. Hes being trained my my two other males as a den guard. Zhantee, Yurek, and Eyes-High are in training to become hunters. Once they are adults im thinking i will make them their own hunting party as they seem to take a great deal of joy in taking down their prey. And Sunstream is the name of the little one i adopted most recently. shes doing fine witht the other cubs at their training, she shows great promise as a denmother herself. Shes always trying to mother the other cubs, despite being so young. She, more than the rest remembers being hungry, so shes always making sure the younger cubs eat first when little treats are brought home by the border partol. But they are slowly forgetting the pain of being here, tho they wont ever forget you. I had to have Lutei and Rayek take Mantricker on a patrol to stop him from coming along this time. I was afraid his boundless energy would upset some of the other cubs, and hes pretty hug happy at times he really should restrain himself," Cutter chuckles, "One day when hes calmed down a bit and matured a smidge more ill bring him around, i just dont want him spooking anyone."

He looks around at the other lions entering the den and taking cubs to their own pridelands, making himself comfortable so moogly wont have to lean to hard on her wounds. He looks back at the adol that caught his eye before, the young lion seems to be watching him from the corner of his eye, trying to appear uninterested and failing. "Im hoping one of the adols you have here would be interested in coming to my pride, though noone seems to be all that interested quite yet. He smiles at Moogly and subtly nods in the direction of the 'uninterested' adol.

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