Posted by Coy Fish's Den of Abandonment

Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-05-26 10:13:25

The Wastes Den

After a long journey, you have arrived at Coy Fish's pridelands. The earth is dry and cracked, only a small stream trickling through. There are many caves, most of them looking clean and flourishing with moss and small rivulets of water from underground rivers. In one cave you see primal lions tussle and wrestle each other playfully. Another makes your head spin as these lions are all piebald and patched variants and their stripes seem to almost swirl as they weave around each other. However, you notice that there is one den that is unkempt and filthy. Here, cubs cough and scatter at the sight of anyone else. They are all muddy and skinny. There is no denmother within this cave, only small cubs and adols just learning how to use their long legs.

If you ask one of the older cubs where their denmother is, they cry and mention someone called Moogly. A loving soul who they wish could have lived forever.

A cool breeze runs across your back and you catch a glimpse of an apparition. It looks like a battered lioness with hazy wings and glowing eyes. It seems to mouth something to you.

"Please, help me save them."


Some ground rules/expectations:

I prefer responses to be done in an RP form! If you have cubs you cannot care for, I will also take them, but I do prefer giving them away. Any cubs I receive will be available for adoption unless they are used for the enclave quests. Once a lion hits a year old, they will be killed if they haven't been claimed.

All cubs are named based upon the rarity of their base, their eye color, the mane type, mane color, and fertility.
So, for example, C|Green|Razor|Elysian|↖️ means Common base, green eyes, razor mane, Elysian mane color, and Good Fertility

To claim a cub, at the end of your response put their link like so (all you have to do is remove the asterisks);
<*a href="LINKHERE">words/name/adjective<*/a>
the words/name/adjective can be whatever you want!

Before sending over cubs, I will give them a random name so I am sure to send you the right ones! Please don't think you have to keep the names and change them however you see fit!

I don't reserve cubs/adols or take requests to send them when they hit a year old. Either send me a link to claim one now, or hope someone else gets them lmao

I only take cubs that are not 2 years old! The oldest I will take is 1 year and 10 months. Please wait for me to respond in the Forum before sending them over as well

Some Other Links:
RP Forum based on the interactions on this forum!

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Edited on 07/08/22 @ 19:49:48 by Mutated Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

Finny (HE/THEY) (#246812)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2022-06-03 11:00:06
Mal nervously swung his head around before stepping into the den. Today he brought his Heir who is named Cris. Smore

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Edited on 03/06/22 @ 11:01:31 by Apollo (HE/THEY) (#246812)

Finny (HE/THEY) (#246812)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2022-06-03 11:03:33
Idk why my replys glitching lol))

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-06-03 11:07:13
((You are totally fine lmao, happens to the best of us))

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Finny (HE/THEY) (#246812)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2022-06-03 11:19:20
Mal nervously looked around before stepping into the den, two adols in tow. One of the adols was his heir Who he named Cris. Another was one of the cubs he had gotten from Moogly in his previous visit, who was now named Smore. Smore and Cris bounded up to the lioness. Smore rubbed his face against Mooglys shoulder before smiling up at her.

"Hi!" Cris and Smore said at the same time causing them to look at each other before dissolving into giggles. Mal nuzzling Moogly. Both of adols sat down as Mal began to speak, "Hey Moogly! I've come back to collect a couple more cubs. I can't take any of the males with me as I have no space for them right now but I can take a couple of females for now." Mal looked down sad that he couldn't do anything to help the male cubs.

He looked around before settling for two cubs.
(The words tow and cub are both separate cubs lol)
He laid down in front of them, Cris and Smore following. "Hi there, I would like to take you home to my pride. DO you two want to come with me?"

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-06-03 11:31:36
Moogly, despite her injuries and her age, was wiggling with excitement. She had now seen two cubs return to take home more of their siblings. Both cubs were happy and healthy, bouncing with energy. Purrs rumbled up from within her chest and she painstakingly got to her feet, showering the cubs and Mal with affectionate licks and headbutts. Moogly looked over at the cubs, watching them scrutinize Mal. One of them got to their paws and bopped the king on his snout. Moogly chuckled under her breath.

"They are still learning that it is okay to speak their minds," Moogly spoke to Mal, "Coy Fish has been in here recently and, well, they are understandably nervous." The denmother creaked over to the cubs and bent down so she could look them in their eyes. "Do you wish to go home with Smore?" Moogly whispered. Both cubs looked first at each other, then Smore. Then they stared at Mal again before nodding and tumbling over to Mal and the two adols. Moogly chuffed, giving the cubs goodbye licks and nuzzles for bravery.

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Finny (HE/THEY) (#246812)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2022-06-03 12:14:58
Mal chuffed with amusement as the cub bopped him on the noise. He stood and rubbed his head underneath Mooglys chin. "Be careful Moogly." The king stated before laying down letting one of the cubs on his back. He stood up and picked the other cub up in his jaws. As they walked out Cris and Smore ran around them excitedly telling the cubs about the pride.

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-06-03 12:22:37
((That was a hella adorable interaction!! and thanks for linking Smore! It's nice to see him grow up ))

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Finny (HE/THEY) (#246812)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2022-06-03 12:26:47
I figured I would bring someone. At first I was only gonna bring Cris but I saw Smore had grown up so I went ahead and brung him too lol. I'm trying to build lore and this has helped a lot tbh))

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-06-03 12:30:48
((I am glad I could help! If you want some more RP opportunities, I have some linked in my den description!))

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Suspicious (#281750)

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Posted on
2022-06-04 15:26:54
A spotted golden lioness slipped into the den, casting a nervous glance behind her as she entered. She relaxed once she was safely in the den. Looking to the old lioness guarding the den she smiled, “Moogly, right?” She looked to the cubs, her gaze immediately landing on one. “Her, may I take her home with me?” The lioness mimicked a purr, smiling to the young cub who perked up, curious of the new lioness. Slowly she walked forward, growing smoother and steadier as she grew confident. Once the cub was at her paws she looked back to Moogly, unaware if she had already responded.

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HeartFlowerCat (#278174)

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Posted on
2022-06-04 15:49:30
A lioness with an overgrown tounge walked in. "Moogly this cubs fur is glorious l" She knelt down to lick the little one. The seemed irrated but the lioness didn't care. "May i take her home with me? " The lionesss asked. "I will protect the cub at all costs." Can't figure out the link thing sorry

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Edited on 04/06/22 @ 16:06:49 by Randomness (#278174)

Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-06-04 16:34:58
Moogly yawned, stretching slowly and getting to her feet with painstakingly slow movements. She padded first over to the spotted golden lioness, bowing her head in respect and smiling at the brave little cub.

"It seems she wishes to go with you as well." Moogly purred, nudging the cub and giving her a gentle nuzzle and a lick of farewell. As she was finishing her goodbyes, a mutated lioness entered the den and Moogly turned her attention to them. She watched them kneel and gush about the little cubs fur. The cub flinched at first, as they all did with newcomers, but then blushed and began purring as her pelt was complimented. The cub tried to look proud and tall, but the weakness in her bones and the sickness in her lungs made this a feeble attempt.

"All costs?" The cub whispered, thinking of how Moogly often took hits meant for her when Coy Fish was enraged. The worst had been after the Falcon had declared her free of any abnormalities.

"If she wishes, then of course." Moogly limped her way over, laying on the ground beside the cub to nuzzle her and try to get some warmth back into her small body.

"I want to go!" The cub chirruped and returned the affections to Moogly. The elderly lioness smiled softly as she looked up at the lioness with the overgrown tongue.

"Shade and Sweetwater to you, dear stranger." Moogly purred.

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Joey (#282744)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-06-04 17:46:29
A lion walks into the den eyes glistening with sorrow feeling so sad for such poor beautiful cubs
"I have room for a couple, may I take these ones to my den"

"I would take great care to make sure they live a fulfilling happy life"

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Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)

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Posted on
2022-06-04 18:50:43
Moogly chuffed at the newcomer, happy to have so many visitors today. She looked at the two cubs and slow-blinked. They seemed excited to leave and be chosen.

"I think they will live long and happy lives with you." Moogly hummed. The cubs scampered over to her to say goodbye before they turned to follow the new lion. "Shade and Sweetwater to you, kind stranger." Moogly called out as she watched them leave.

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HeartFlowerCat (#278174)

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Posted on
2022-06-05 08:17:19
Amor walks in. "Hello I was sent to find a cub to take care of from my king. He said that a good king needs to learn responsibility and be able to take care of cubs." Amor looks around. " He is a cute cub I suppose. Hi little guy!" He stares curiously at the cub. "Oh yeah I forgot to mention a lady with an overgrown tounge from my pride, Love I think her name is? Told me to come here. Thank you for taking care of these cubs Moogly"

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