Posted by Lioden Pet Peeves: Agree or Disagree

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2022-06-16 06:35:36
Pretty simple, and a nice way to vent I'd say! :) All you need to do is state a pet peeve you have about lioden as well as whether or not you agree with the peeve of the person above you. Pet peeves can pertain to just about anything on the site, such as gameplay mechanics, forums, lion appearances, etc.


Comment 1 - I hate when people breed dirty lions with my king!

Comment 2 - I disagree, inbreeding doesn't matter to me. I don't like when someone's studding is private

Comment 3 - Agree, it is hard to find a good stud sometimes! I don't like (blah blah blah)

You are free to include a reason for your pet peeve as well as why you agree or disagree, but it's not required!

I will start:

I dislike den CSS as it makes it hard to see font sometimes!

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UtsubyoYona (#210720)

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Posted on
2023-07-08 15:14:44
Agree. Everyone says beauty is subjective, but be honest, most players who does this just use a clickbait title.

i hate it when people dont like lions cause theyre dirty, i sorta understand it but it makes no difference and send back a free lion because they didnt see its dirty...

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Ratsss (#252006)

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Posted on
2023-07-08 15:24:32
Agreed. I am a clean breeder but I could never turn down a pretty lioness

I think that there needs to be less special base and more rare/uncommon bases. Idk I just feel like every month we get a new special but the last Time we got a uncommon base was like a year ago :/

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Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2023-07-09 06:00:13
Agree. I like my rare bases like my Flaxen girl and the handful of others I have.

Sorry if this has been mentioned already ^^; But one of my (many) pet peeves is finding the perfect stud for your combo base breeding project, but they're private use under x price. Like for the player's friends, clans, etc. Sort of irritating because I'm looking to get a certain combo with nice markings, and can't do it. I understand that they want to be nice to their friends, but sort of also unfair to those who want certain rosettes. (If you disagree that's fine, just be nice about it please)

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UtsubyoYona (#210720)

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Posted on
2023-07-09 07:15:48
Disagree, my friends are in prior in this game. My mentality is I will help my friend get the perfect lion, than accepting a strangers stud (but mostly i say why i declined).

I hate when I see a raffle named "XXX for junk only!!" but its actually just event items or currency, no junk.

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~Anxiety~ (#327621)

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Posted on
2023-07-09 18:06:23
Agree. Like we all know it’s not really junk.

My personal pet peeve is when someone says they don’t like a lion because it’s too natural or when they say kings are only good if they have rosettes and mutations. Lions can be very valuable regardless of a mutation or rosette(s). It just kind of annoys me personally.

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peepy (#48100)

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Posted on
2023-07-09 18:24:20
Agreed! I find that a nice natural looking lion is so much harder to achieve than one of the million eye-melting colourbombs.

My pet peeve is necroposters. That is, when people reply to a thread that hasn't seen any activity for years (barring OP, if they wanted to boost their own thread again).

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BlueDragon (#260307)

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Posted on
2023-07-09 22:13:20
Yes, absolutely. 100000% agree. There’s a thread I was subscribed to where the OP hadn’t been active since November of last year and people STILL comment on the thread even tho I—and several others—have put messages up saying the thread is inactive.

My pet peeve is that you have to bump all your trades individually. I wish there was a ‘bump all’ button, it’s SOOO annoying having to go into 5-10+ different trades and bump each one. And I don’t even think a ‘bump all’ button would be all that difficult to add to the game, tbh. At least, it would be easier than adding a million new bases each month.

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ellu | g1 10xbo noc (#139157)

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Posted on
2023-07-09 22:19:51
disagree people would bump 40 trades at once and there would be no variety in the first page. even if it was only allowed once a day everyone would do it and it would become problematic.

i dont like trades that just say "offer" and the trade maker just lets your offer sit for 2 weeks

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~Anxiety~ (#327621)

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Posted on
2023-07-10 09:03:20
I agree! It’s so annoying! Like if your still thinking on it message the player.

I personally get annoyed when people try to argue about your pricing. I have gotten so many messages saying I’m overpricing my breed only heavy lion just because there isn’t a rosette or super special base. It’s annoying cause I already price them kinda low.

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UtsubyoYona (#210720)

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Posted on
2023-07-10 13:00:17
Agree. Sometimes i got a stud req saying can the player got -50-60% off my stuf fee, because my King is ugly and they only want the stud because of the combo... Like bruhh if you dont like him, search for an another King, Arctic base is not that rare.

My pet peeve is the above, people in gifting threads putting only expensive items on their list, especially when the thread rules state that you have to have easy items as well. Even worse when the people with only expensive items on their list are themselves giving the person above them the cheapest thing on their list, and then you gift them and they got angry because they only get one or not that expensive item.

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peepy (#48100)

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Posted on
2023-07-10 13:07:52
AGREED 100%!!!! It's so annoying! Sometimes I just go on gifting threads to ask for fancy mice or guinea pigs (I just think they're neat.jpg) and the person above me will have shit like "HYBRIDS! MUTIES UNDER 5 YEARS OLD!!! FEMALE ONLY!!!! NO FOLDIES/MANES/OTHER COMMON MUTIES" and it's like........did we read the same rules? And then *everyone* else has the same variation of expensive ass gifts they want to receive but are not willing to return.

My pet peeve is new players comparing Wolvden to Lioden. It's like they don't even realize that LD is over a decade old, and WD is only a few years old with *much* more polish for that very reason. If you wanted so many features added over from WD, just go play WD 🙄

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Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2023-07-12 02:51:57
Hmm, I kind of disagree, depending on what comparisons you refer to specifically. I'd be stoked if some things were able to be modernized(?) or structured more like Wolvden - mostly QoL updates such as raffles allowing multiple item tickets, or stuff like that. (Why am I unable to remember anything else from that game lmao). I would NOT want any actual mechanics from that game merging over here, like diseases or the hunting system.

Annoyingly, as of late I've been getting a few unsolicited messages from users asking for stuff. Things like "I really need GB do you have any I can have" or "I'll take any of your unwanted decor". It's frustrating, for obvious reasons, but for me it's mainly because it takes up an additional space in my limited inbox :x

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Mandrill 🥭 (#102505)

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Posted on
2023-07-12 04:35:05
I hear you! I've had to turn of messaging now because the begging/entitlement has gotten bad so 100000% agreed. And I'm very easy to guilt trip too lmao

My pet peeve? "You have comment boxes disabled." If there's no box to type in the it's obvious it is disabled. I don't need a constant visual reminder on my page and others that this comment box feature exists and I have it disabled.

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Hok-Z |
| G1 Ennedi (#170947)

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Posted on
2023-07-18 19:21:53
TRUEEEE. I'm in the mind to write a small css code snippet to just remove it entirely.

People who advertise their PRIVATE kings/queens in their name. If your king is private, stop advertising them in your name! It just depresses me that I can't stud to them :')

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Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2023-07-19 05:13:08
Hmm, if you are referring to peoples' names saying "G1 5x ros" or whatever without any indication that they are a private stud, I agree! I wish those people would put [Private Stud] or something to that effect. Then that's one less link to click on in my search. It disappoints me so much when I'm browsing through studs and stumble across one that's private, because of course they're perfect ;o; (Plus they always are super strict about non-friends requesting, like blocking them because of it. Chill, mistakes happen - unless it's several occurrences over time.)

I hate when people No Support a suggestion SOLELY because they feel other aspects of the game need attention more. Of course, I understand that certain things going unaddressed for so long is frustrating - but I think suggestions should be considered "in a bubble", separately from whatever other unsatisfactory features they feel should be focused on.

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Edited on 19/07/23 @ 05:16:31 by Terrinthia [G1 Jellyfish] (#97101)

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