Posted by Lioden Pet Peeves: Agree or Disagree

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2022-06-16 06:35:36
Pretty simple, and a nice way to vent I'd say! :) All you need to do is state a pet peeve you have about lioden as well as whether or not you agree with the peeve of the person above you. Pet peeves can pertain to just about anything on the site, such as gameplay mechanics, forums, lion appearances, etc.


Comment 1 - I hate when people breed dirty lions with my king!

Comment 2 - I disagree, inbreeding doesn't matter to me. I don't like when someone's studding is private

Comment 3 - Agree, it is hard to find a good stud sometimes! I don't like (blah blah blah)

You are free to include a reason for your pet peeve as well as why you agree or disagree, but it's not required!

I will start:

I dislike den CSS as it makes it hard to see font sometimes!

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CookieDaddy (#215480)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2024-04-30 12:45:42
Agree, they are usually fishing for compliments in exchange for the lion.

I hate how people try to police what you can do with a lion you own just because you either bought the lion from them, or got them from studding to their king. Once you sell a lion, you can't and shouldn't be allowed to tell people they can't use that lion as karma fodder, give to the gorilla, etc. And you can't control what people do with any cubs they get from studding to their king, you can't demand that they send any cubs you don't want back to them. And also giveaway lions, some people pad their giveaways with lions and someone may win a lion and not want it so decide to sell it, and the person who ran the giveaway gets mad that someone is selling the lion they won and demand it back.

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UtsubyoYona (#210720)

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Posted on
2024-04-30 12:50:53
I somewhat agree- If i say please dont fodder them, then dont buy it for fodder, if you are *able* to have other fodders with the traits... Listed AS fodder. But usually, if I dont want it to be fodder, I dont sell it in fodder price. Also, if someone doesnt have a giveaway rule that says dont kill/chase, then dont ask for it. IF you know that the person had it as a rule... You are just an a-hole Human kindness is real, you dont need to buy something "just because you can".

I guess my pet peeve would be when people change their (most likely already stunning) lion’s bases/mutation/etc to a new base just because it’s popular. A lot of times it doesn’t look good overall, and they just wasted whatever they spend on it. This also ties in to just popular bases that don’t look good with markings (or at all). It just ruins a perfectly fine lion. The only exception to this is when it looks good.

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is that
💜 (#457052)

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Posted on
2024-05-09 04:39:39

Getting a potato from tree

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𝐲™ (#454315)

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Posted on
2024-05-09 06:55:51
Partial agree. Yeah, it sucks getting a potato but it shouldn’t be something to whine about, it’s a free lion at the end of the day.

People in main chat blatantly disrespect and ignoring mod messages. I get if you wanna continue your convo, but please do it in PMs.

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Twinkle toes 😍 (#328311)

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Posted on
2024-05-20 21:11:28
I 100% agree I hate it when people do that.

I hate it when someone is trading a lion and they just overall overprice for a fodder

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zZz (#220577)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2024-05-20 23:16:08
Agree, when I go looking for a fodder I want them cheap

I dislike it when someone pulls their stud request because I was offline for a little, like sometimes it gets SUPER annoying bc usually I'm too busy to get on Lioden.

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Mariposa (#476642)

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Posted on
2024-05-23 23:53:21
Agree, I can sorta see the urgency if it's a hybird heat and you don't want to risk missing a day because you want to get every possible heat in. But give the person more than a few hours. Timezones are a thing.

I hate when you enter a raffle and the person running it cancels it at the very last minute. If you only planned to run the raffle if you were getting enough currency or items from ticket sales just sell or trade the thing in the first place instead of wasting people's time.

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𝐲™ (#454315)

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Posted on
2024-05-24 04:23:45
Disagree, raffles are supposed to be so that the person makes equal or more than their lion or item. Item selling can be hard sometimes.

I hate when people in main chat claim to have been “scammed” because they mispriced a trade or did a traveling Lioness. Yes it sucks when your traveler gets taken or when you miss out on profits but that doesn’t make the buyer a bad person or a scammer. These things are inherently risky and you should always check your trades, check who you’re giving a traveler to, all of that.

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Traveler (#470651)

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Posted on
2024-05-24 05:17:51
I cant say i disagree or agree since i have the main chat box minimized 😅 but i saw the traveling lioness thing a bit ago and thought "other than a moral or honor code, there is nothing stopping the person from keeping that lioness... that seems very risky if you want them back." 😬

My pet peeves with this site, oh boy, where to begin.
1) why is Feed all play all only 30 days?! As a newbie and a adult with a full time job+ fapa would be so helpful if it was a free access or a one time account buy. Like the cub growth stages. Having to individually feed n play with my lioness is irritating. Especially if you have over 40! And Fapa is expensive for newbies who dont have GB worthy items or lions! 🙃 so having to spend X amount a month on fapa!? I didnt realize i had to have a subscription service on an online game. 😡 ill still play the game, it just irritates me i cant have fapa.

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Legolas lover) (#246866)

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Posted on
2024-05-24 11:37:20
I agree! I wish you could at least buy it for a year or so.

I personally dislike when people are rude for no reason in chat, especially to newbies
They’ll get mad at them for asking a basic question and tell them to ‘look it up’ or ‘go to wiki’. Yes I understand it’s easy to go to the wiki but sometimes newbies might wanna have a conversation about it and get advice from older players.

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Link (#304090)

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Posted on
2024-05-24 17:27:58
Agree, it took me a long while to find the wiki. Its not like its a neon green sign.

I dont like having the cooldown on protecting new cubs for broodmothers. I accidentally kept clicking “protect cub” instead of remove protection or something.
Now I have to wait so much longer just to give away my lioness.

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Twinkle toes 😍 (#328311)

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Posted on
2024-05-24 19:49:57
I agree I hate that too. It's so annoying, there shouldn't be a cool down for that.

I hate it when someone says their GIVING AWAY really nice lions but all of them are for sale.

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Basil (#424178)

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Posted on
2024-06-20 14:57:47
I agree! Like don't put it in the giveaway chat unless it is 100% free

Now, this is slightly related, and may be unpopular, but when people put links to dens in the giveaway chat (that part is fine), I don't like when you have to do a BUNCH of complicated things like code words, etc. because it just takes a lot of time and like idk I will read the rules sometimes, but also like.. rules? I feel like it's pretty simple like just 1. don't chase the cub, and 2. if you don't want the cub, send them back?? Like why does there need to be complicated stuff.
I get the need for like emoji/icon keys showing who's dirty, male/female, available, etc. but idk maybe it's just me

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Ghost Of Anubis (#146574)

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Posted on
2024-06-20 16:02:46
Yeah I agree, I think some people are a bit over the top when they put tons and tons of rules and code words and such, as some of it is totally unnecessary to be honest. Like no chase rules make sense but sometimes there are just too many nit-picky rules.

So idk if people will agree with this or not but I hate it when I see stud requests for 1GB AND something like 100SB. When I'm saying this I'm not talking about a GB and a high amount of SB, I'm meaning when someone combines a GB with a low SB amount, e.g. 0-300 SB. It just feels like they are trying to catch people off guard who may not realise it says 'AND' who may think it is just 100SB. Also it is annoying when I'm trying to find a cheaper stud for a lioness and all I see is these kind of listings.

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𝔱 (#379818)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2024-06-24 11:28:58

I hate when people borderline beg in main chat

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