Posted by coin for creatures!

Irus (#192447)

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Posted on
2022-06-21 23:47:05


hello everyone! welcome to my creature shop! here you can breed, and buy until your heart is content!

BUYING: self explanatory! Buy a creature, and you own it! Everything will be shown at 50% opacity, after buying it, you'll receive the image at full opacity. You are free to change this character as much as you like, but please leave credit to my original work if it is possible!


SELLING; still considering including this. If you don't like a creature you've purchased, dm me and I will see what I can do in terms of taking it back! (Items spent MAY be refunded if i still have them). You can also sell babies that you have bred, but you will not gain anything back for this.

BREEDING: as said by title, you can breed your creatures! You need a male x female to do this! Creatures can breed from outside of their species, so long as it isn't too wide ranged. I'll let you know what can breed with that upon asking. Similiar to Lioden logic, breeding two creatures together will combine colors, markings, and additionals such as horns or antlers! This may not always work, and it's possible to get a near copy of the parent. (something will ALWAYS be different though!) Mutations are also STACKABLE! (ex; a creature can have giant horns, have gigantism, and be albino! These are very rare instances.)

You can also breed with other player's creatures! Payment will be split unless one decides to pay fully. Babies' rightful owners are decided by player's choice. NO fighting whatsoever or you will be blacklisted from this page.


CO BREEDING: only bought one creature but you want to breed? No problem! You can advertise your creature publicly to breed (creatures will still be shown at 50/75% opacity so there isn't thieves)! You can request to breed with someone else's creature via pming the person who owns the creature, or by discussing it below! The offspring that comes from the creatures' ownership will be decided by the parents' owners. Both players with opposing characters will split the breed cost at 2gb and 500sb unless one covers the whole thing. PM me with the creature you would like to offer up for public breeding and I will add it!

MUTATIONS: acquired through breeding, or stumbling across one for sale here! Creatures have a 1 in 9 chance to be mutated. This can make for some freaky stuff! Possible mutations: gigantism, dwarfism, extraordinary horns/antlers (if creature has them), lack of horns/antlers, strange growths (only on creatures that do not have horns/antlers), polycaudal, extra limbs (not lethal), enlarged limbs, melanism, albinism, and so on! If a creature has a mut, it will show in the image as a symbol, or specially made base.

CUSTOMS: yes yes, you can order a custom! I can put ANYTHING you like on this custom! Crazy colors, insane mutation, a new mutation you want specifically for your creature, you name it! Please choose a creature you'd like, a possible mutation (if any), a design, pose (premade), color palette, and gender! You can give me artist's choice over any of this. Customs creatures can be bred freely after being made!

Droaks (DRK #): A form of wingless dragon, that appears almost snake like. They have four large canines that acid passes through; injecting into prey. These creatures stand at 4'11 ft, weight close to 400-600lbs. They can reach speeds of 40mph, and are excellent in terms of jumping and flexibility. They normally have 1-4 babies per litter.

Felingel (FLNGL #): A rare creature, believed to have been lost from heaven. They're quite small, and the 6 wings that they are equipped with are not large enough for them to fly, unless by some miracle a mutation makes them big enough to be of use. Being only around 2-3 ft at the back, they have a weight of 50-100lbs. Males are usually much bigger, and have a singular antler on the forehead. Felingels commonly have 1-2 babies per litter.

Affoat (AFT#): Wolf like, carnivorous creatures. Affoats sport a colorful tail that is often described as similar to a peacock's, as well as horns that only males will have. They are roughly the same size as a pony, or small horse, sizing to be around 5ft at the back with a weight of 300-400lbs. They will have 2-5 babies per litter!



(female pose is subject to change soon.)
(tip: melanistic/albino creatures have a secret pattern underneath that may come out in offspring!)

html layout by honey (#30473). do not remove credit.
mountains header by Mairu-Doggy on deviantart.


(for custom references, and to reference mutation) + (some mutations will not be shown here example being short/overgrown horns):<


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Edited on 14/08/22 @ 19:02:37 by Irus (#192447)

Silas [G1 Daedal] (#174257)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 00:12:19
I'd like to snag the current male :)

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Irus (#192447)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 00:13:04

alright!! all yourss, sending the link to him now!

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Silas [G1 Daedal] (#174257)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 00:14:03
Please they look so pretty :')
I'll be back soon for a custom & breeding :)

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Irus (#192447)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 00:14:49
alright awesome! i'll try and pop a few more out tonight, and there'll definitely be some more by tomorrow if not tonight

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Silas [G1 Daedal] (#174257)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 00:15:20
I'll keep an eye out for new ones as well then! :)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 19:46:14
Mind if I buy #3?
I'd love to hear more about their lore if you have it :)

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Mesozoic Malarkey (#248608)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 20:08:24
Hey! Could I get #5? These are all super cute

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Irus (#192447)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 21:20:27
absolutely to the both of you! sending the image right now!<3

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⚧️ (#277791)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 22:00:55
hello could i buy #1 for 3GB please ?^^ (if i don't respond i'm going to college i will be back in some hours and i really want n°1 ;w;)

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Irus (#192447)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 22:03:58
that's fine!! take all the time you need (THIS GOES TO ALL OF YOU!! IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE MONEY CURRENTLY IDM WAITING!!)

sending rn!!

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sleepingwampus (#231423)

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Posted on
2022-06-23 09:25:54
def gonna buy one soon they look so nice!!

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absinthe (#103009)

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Posted on
2022-06-23 13:23:00
Subbing for later

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Irus (#192447)

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Posted on
2022-06-24 16:31:39
attention peoplleeee!! i’ll be on hiatus for a little itty bitty bit due to some real life issues, but i’ll be working on creatures in the meantime! there should be an overhaul here by the time i get back!!

thank you all for understanding!!

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Irus (#192447)

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Posted on
2022-07-27 09:32:51
im back everyone!! overhaul will be posted in 1-2 days!!!!

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Father Crow<3 II (#255305)

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Posted on
2022-08-09 19:37:23
Could I reserve Felingel #3? I just needa sell some stuff and I'll have the money! Also, do you accept sb?

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