Posted by Interest Check: Sphynx Adopts/Decor

Nihil (#33800)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 10:31:00

Sphynx Adopt/Lion Replacer

Custom Decor, And One-Off Character Adoptable Interest Check

Alrighty, Here I have a concept of a Sphynx replacer for your lion that doubles as an adopt.
There will be hq images of the Sphynx as an adopt, But also there will be versions for replacers for the Lions here on site!
These will be uploaded as Age Specific, And come with Cub, Adolescent, And Adult versions!
Adult can be set to preference of purchaser
Likely there could be addons purchased for Cub stages or for different poses, But not immediately included for designs, And each of these extra stages/poses will likely be custom done to the desire of the adopter. These extra poses can be added in the future.

These may likely be done in different series of 10, With 10 adopts/customs on one set of lines for Cub, Adolescent, And Adult. After the 10, A concept can be voted on for the next series for each stage. Concepts not picked for one voting round can always reappear in another voting round.
The series is limited to 10 for now, And I will be taking breaks between Series and likely only upload adopts and take customs in short bursts. This limit is so I don't hurt my already bad wrist and don't wear myself out, As well as allow in the future for people to addon a pose from a previously released series they liked before reaching the recolour limit.

Breeding might be used for Semi-Custom Series of Adopts. These would be open rarely, And priced between Premades and Customs. There will likely be no set gender to designs, And you'd be able to breed any sphynx with any sphynx. You may set up your own Sphynx for Studding however you'd like. Breeding price will cover ownership of 1 sphynx per parent, With first pick towards the Litter to the parent owners and the ability to purchase any of the litter before they go to public sales.
Breeding through me of course will only be for breeding more Sphynx adopts and custom decor. You're always allowed to breed any lion wearing the decor.

These will not be made to sell until I can see how my personal Sphynxes would work.
These would be the two finished examples above. They will likely be uploaded first as adult only, And then other stages/poses tested as time goes on. This will be so I can test how updating it will work, Before I can set in stone any features like aging or purchasing addons like cub stages!

Art Style Comparison Examples

These are to compare the art style to the basic Lioden style, As well as the differences between Sphynxes in a Series!
Note that finished products for uploads will have shadows
The heads of each Sphynx will likely be made to mirror the position and expression of a corresponding lion pose, Though expressions are easy to change

Series 1

Edited, Used to be Series 2, But as the first one was sitting it didn't show much on the Sphynx! The Blue Jay might be the first adopt, Though I will make the custom decor for it first to test growing and if this is a good possibility!

Series 2

The new series 2, Evil Pose replacer?

Concept for Growing

The order of these concepts are Cub, Adol Female, Adol Male! While the Sphynxes won't have determined genders for breeding or character development, This means I have a Series 1 and Series 2 set of lines!

What I need from those interested!

Yes, I need things from you all in order to make these! No, This isn't payment yet, Just information and opinions!
While I need this information, Don't be afraid to just stop in and leave a comment without doing this! It's just information I need from at least a few people before I can make these as adopts!

I need the following:
I'd like if you copy it, And just delete the part after the Colon ( : ) or type your opinion on a line under it!

Opinion on idea: What do you think of this?
Opinion on Growth Stages: Should they grow, Or just have lots of poses?
Opinion on Purchasable Addons: Do you want more stages/poses purchasable?
Opinion on Breeding: Do you want to be able to breed them for more adopts?
Opinion on Uploading: Should I upload the decor for a higher price, Or should the person who purchases it upload it?
Opinion on Price: What do you think the price should be? Should it be auctions, Or flatsales? I plan on doing GB or SB, Should I add a USD option?

Thank you for your time and/or interest!

Dragon replacers as well maybe?
Same basics as above, But dragons

Much like with the sphynxes, Almost all details will be done on an individual basis. Expect fluffy, Feathered, Leathery, Scaly, And even Plated dragons

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Edited on 26/06/22 @ 13:01:02 by UηDoηє (#66749)

Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 11:29:34
I would be very interested!

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Nihil (#33800)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 12:25:46
Fantastic! Do you have anything in particular you'd like to see?
Breeding the adopt/decor Sphynx, Thoughts on the different stages, Pricing ideas, Or just general themes you'd like to see for premades? Any imput helps!

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Sollara (#254198)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 12:54:05
I’d love to see this as well! A breeding feature would be amazing, but it would be a lot of work so I wouldn’t suggest it if you’re busy a lot ^^

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 12:57:58
I agree with Sollara, while breeding does sound cool, it'd be cooler to see more various new sphynxes instead!

BTW, remember - there is a limit of 20 uses per recolor for custom decors so each unique lineart could only be allowed to be re-used 20 times, after that the admins will reject them as custom decors!

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Nihil (#33800)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 13:04:13
Does that limit count if the base is only a sketch, With heavy variation between each version? If so, I might just make one more pose for this set and when the time comes make another set!

Here is an example of the ball jointed one in the same pose as the winged one above, To show how they will likely vary, To see if they qualify as Recolours still

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Edited on 22/06/22 @ 13:05:19 by Nihil (#33800)

Sollara (#254198)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 13:07:10
Looks amazing so far! <3 I really hope you do find a way to do this :D

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Nihil (#33800)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 13:11:15
Thank you, I am glad you like the idea! I'll probably make at least a few, Though they will probably need to wait until I can get my two examples done with poses that suit the growth stages, Mutations, And poses alright, And see if I can get them submitted as Custom Decor before I am going to set anything in stone!

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Sollara (#254198)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 13:13:56
That’s a lot of work, but I believe in you! <3

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 13:16:36
Admins in Modbox should be able to clarify all the questions once you submit a ticket!

Also for suggestion - it would be awesome if they could be done in a way so they can be placed instead of the lion, to be used with translucent jellyfish! That way, they'll be able to become full pride members!

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Nihil (#33800)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 13:20:11
I was thinking about that with the second one in my main post!
If I did replacers instead of companions they would honestly be much easier to do as well, Less figuring out poses to work around growth stages and mutations, So could possibly put that effort into growth stages instead, Or multiple bases for the future!

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Eden~ (#292960)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-06-22 19:02:14
woah so cool!!!!!

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Nihil (#33800)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 19:10:27
Thank you! I'm glad you think so! iui

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NorthBound (G2
Ennedi Moss) (#104248)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2022-06-23 16:10:53
Opinion on idea: This is absolutely incredible. I have a deep love for Egyptian mythology and feel that we needed more than just the sphynx morph items on the site. The way that you've portrayed the Sphynx is also unique and I feel it brings a refreshing feel to the overall concept you've created. I enjoy both stages but stage 2 is my favorite. It feels like you would see more of the design on the body and it looks very regal and elegant. Stage 1 is nice but doesn't feel like it fully reveals everything in the design.
Opinion on Growth Stages: I would be so hyped to see growth stages. Interactable adopts like this have always been very fun in my opinion and it adds an extra level of depth to the adopts. If you plan to do the breeding and have the kids grow, it feels like you're actually raising the adopt instead of simply letting it sit and look nice.
Opinion on Purchasable Addons: I wouldn't mind that. What you have right now seems amazing so don't push too hard to start crafting poses and extra stages. This is also assuming that a "pose" variant will be a separate cost to upload as a decor and will take even more time to recreate the specific sphynx in said pose.
Opinion on Breeding: I love the concept of breeding. I think, much like the growth states, that it would breathe life into these adopts and make it feel like you're caring for and raising the sphynx creatures.
Opinion on Uploading: I think you should be the one to upload the decor that way it has limits on distribution. You can always put who bought the specific pose or design within the description as well so people are aware of both artist and owner.
Opinion on Price: I would purchase in any capacity. USD is primarily easier for me at the moment but SB options and GB options are also good for those who don't have much USD or haven't ever purchased GB from Lioden before/save up all their sb to convert.

Overall amazing concept. I love this to pieces. I've subscribed and cannot wait to see how this takes off!

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Nihil (#33800)

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Posted on
2022-06-23 16:23:49
I'm so glad you like it, And thank you so much on the detailed information! That helps so very much~!

I have always loved being able to raise, Breed, And grow on sites and games so I really want to include that with the adopts as well, And with three stages as the basic version, I think that won't be too difficult to manage as long as I pace myself
As for the poses I have to agree, I like the second one better, And I think a better way to do it than the sitting pose is to instead make it so the head might align to the pose the lion's head might be in one of the poses, So that way you can always pose your king as 'female evil' to make the head show up in your lion's mugshot on the profile
In which case it would likely be the same image for male and the female pose the head lines up with

I plan on purchasing GB soon, So I can test out poses with a sphynx as replacers, As well as starting work on the first growth stages cleaner sketches!

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Sollara (#254198)

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Posted on
2022-06-27 13:23:43
Opinion on idea: Amazing! Especially the dragon one (I’m a dragon nerd so I definitely prefer that one-)
Opinion on Growth Stages: The growth stages are amazing! But a bunch of poses would be amazing as well :D
Opinion on Purchasable Addons: Maybe purchasable addons such as jewelry or different face expressions (To not overwhelm you with too many poses)?
Opinion on Breeding: Definitely, but it WILL be a lot of work for you, so beware if you decide to do this.
Opinion on Uploading: You should let the person who bought it upload it AS LONG as they give you credits <3
Opinion on Price: The price should, probably be somewhere around… 15gb-30gb(I’m bad with pricing), and you should definitely add a gb option!

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