Posted by Interest Check: Sphynx Adopts/Decor

Nihil (#33800)

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Posted on
2022-06-22 10:31:00

Sphynx Adopt/Lion Replacer

Custom Decor, And One-Off Character Adoptable Interest Check

Alrighty, Here I have a concept of a Sphynx replacer for your lion that doubles as an adopt.
There will be hq images of the Sphynx as an adopt, But also there will be versions for replacers for the Lions here on site!
These will be uploaded as Age Specific, And come with Cub, Adolescent, And Adult versions!
Adult can be set to preference of purchaser
Likely there could be addons purchased for Cub stages or for different poses, But not immediately included for designs, And each of these extra stages/poses will likely be custom done to the desire of the adopter. These extra poses can be added in the future.

These may likely be done in different series of 10, With 10 adopts/customs on one set of lines for Cub, Adolescent, And Adult. After the 10, A concept can be voted on for the next series for each stage. Concepts not picked for one voting round can always reappear in another voting round.
The series is limited to 10 for now, And I will be taking breaks between Series and likely only upload adopts and take customs in short bursts. This limit is so I don't hurt my already bad wrist and don't wear myself out, As well as allow in the future for people to addon a pose from a previously released series they liked before reaching the recolour limit.

Breeding might be used for Semi-Custom Series of Adopts. These would be open rarely, And priced between Premades and Customs. There will likely be no set gender to designs, And you'd be able to breed any sphynx with any sphynx. You may set up your own Sphynx for Studding however you'd like. Breeding price will cover ownership of 1 sphynx per parent, With first pick towards the Litter to the parent owners and the ability to purchase any of the litter before they go to public sales.
Breeding through me of course will only be for breeding more Sphynx adopts and custom decor. You're always allowed to breed any lion wearing the decor.

These will not be made to sell until I can see how my personal Sphynxes would work.
These would be the two finished examples above. They will likely be uploaded first as adult only, And then other stages/poses tested as time goes on. This will be so I can test how updating it will work, Before I can set in stone any features like aging or purchasing addons like cub stages!

Art Style Comparison Examples

These are to compare the art style to the basic Lioden style, As well as the differences between Sphynxes in a Series!
Note that finished products for uploads will have shadows
The heads of each Sphynx will likely be made to mirror the position and expression of a corresponding lion pose, Though expressions are easy to change

Series 1

Edited, Used to be Series 2, But as the first one was sitting it didn't show much on the Sphynx! The Blue Jay might be the first adopt, Though I will make the custom decor for it first to test growing and if this is a good possibility!

Series 2

The new series 2, Evil Pose replacer?

Concept for Growing

The order of these concepts are Cub, Adol Female, Adol Male! While the Sphynxes won't have determined genders for breeding or character development, This means I have a Series 1 and Series 2 set of lines!

What I need from those interested!

Yes, I need things from you all in order to make these! No, This isn't payment yet, Just information and opinions!
While I need this information, Don't be afraid to just stop in and leave a comment without doing this! It's just information I need from at least a few people before I can make these as adopts!

I need the following:
I'd like if you copy it, And just delete the part after the Colon ( : ) or type your opinion on a line under it!

Opinion on idea: What do you think of this?
Opinion on Growth Stages: Should they grow, Or just have lots of poses?
Opinion on Purchasable Addons: Do you want more stages/poses purchasable?
Opinion on Breeding: Do you want to be able to breed them for more adopts?
Opinion on Uploading: Should I upload the decor for a higher price, Or should the person who purchases it upload it?
Opinion on Price: What do you think the price should be? Should it be auctions, Or flatsales? I plan on doing GB or SB, Should I add a USD option?

Thank you for your time and/or interest!

Dragon replacers as well maybe?
Same basics as above, But dragons

Much like with the sphynxes, Almost all details will be done on an individual basis. Expect fluffy, Feathered, Leathery, Scaly, And even Plated dragons

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Edited on 26/06/22 @ 13:01:02 by UηDoηє (#66749)

Nihil (#33800)

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Posted on
2022-06-27 14:23:00
Thank you for filling out the survey thing I guess I could call it? XD

Dragons are my favourite mythical creature so I would love to do those too, Also a lot more room for variation from dragon to dragon!
I think now and then I might allow purchasing some bigger addons like multiple poses, So for now I will stick to growing
Breeding I will probably have 'Breeding Seasons' so that will only happen when I am up to it, Just to be sure I don't overwhelm myself
If the person uploads it themself, That would make it so I wouldn't have to spend 10gb per adopt to make the original decor, But then if they ever trade the character off to someone else, They would be the only one able to buy copies of the decor, Not the new owner, So I am a tad torn there!
But I am really hoping I can get the Sphynx Decor I submitted approved or rejected so I can see how to refine it or start from there!

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2022-06-28 04:30:53
About who makes the custom decor, I will also say its best to leave the adopter to make it! Trading characters is one thing, but there's always a matter of life stepping in the way of playing. What if you get too busy and go on hiatus? Then how would the person who paid for the character get more copies of their sphynx? And if you quit - there's never telling how life turns out, Ive seen many times how people very set on being online got too busy with work/family/life and quit - then nobody who got their sphynxes would be able to buy them anymore?

Letting the owner of the adopted sphynx upload it themselves is the best option, to make sure nobody is cut off from getting more custom decor copies of their adopted critters in future. Perhaps make a rule that a character cannot be traded once a custom decor of them is made?

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UηDoηє (#66749)

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Posted on
2022-06-28 04:39:13
Unfortunately then someone is stuck with a character that they might no longer be interested in, And be forced to either keep or simply delete, Regardless of if they stay on this site or quit
Not only that, But there are plenty of other websites where they could potentially trade off their character while still keeping and using it here, Though I suppose that is a very real possibility even if I upload the decor, With the only upside being they might only have 10 uses rather than unlimited
But there is still plenty of time before this starts, So any and all imput is absolutely important! The hiatus/quit is very important to bring up too, It isn't something I thought of
Maybe I can modbox and ask about potential transfer of ownership on Custom Decor to change who can purchase it, Or a private purchase option like private trades?

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