Posted by | Clouded Pie RP Giveaway Raffle! |
![]() 🎄Snow Beau❄️[Side] (#144085) Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-05 18:18:05 |
It wasnt rare for members of Scorpius Nephthys’ pride to leave, she pushed for it, actually, calling over queen and kings alike to see if they’d be interested in taking in one of her lioness from across the waterhole. But this was, well, extreme. She trodded around, calling out for all attention to her as her few permanent pride members followed behind her, in a huddle and equally as excited. ![]() Edited on 16/07/22 @ 10:43:13 by Beau Side (She/They/He) (#144085) |
Dokutah ♡ (#199584)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-09 06:19:17 |
N’Kai was amazed when he heard of this new special cub that Harvest was talking about. he wandered about after speaking with Horizon’s broodmother. after a while he practically runs into the cub, she is trying to reach the rabbit pelt at the top. Horizon explained that if she brought the rabbit pelt back to her teacher she could have the rest of the day to do whatever she wanted. N’Kai was. little skeptical but he jumped in the tree on a branch near the pelt, he wasn’t going to retrieve it, he was just going to give tips and make sure she could get it. Horizon nodded as she realized she wasn’t going to get it for her, and began to climb up the tree really well, reaching the pelt in no time at all. N’Kai suspected she was waiting to actually do it until someone could watch how cool she was for climbing a huge tree. he left soon after, as he had a bunch of prey to catch for his pride. (smaller ticket for today, yesterday’s was a literal book to read i bet ;-;) [ also — we both have hibiscus rift patches ladies! thats so cool to me lol- ] ![]() Edited on 09/07/22 @ 06:22:28 by Nothing_Special :D (#199584) |
Turkey (#281281)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-09 06:19:20 |
Sir Floofypaws nodded at Harvest. “Well, tell her I said congrats on the new gifted cub!” He let out the closest thing to a purr and then slowly padded over to Horizon. “Hello again, Horizon!” he called up to the cub in the tree. The king sat down, twitching his whiskers as Horizon was trying to scramble up the tree. At one point, when it looked like she wasn’t making any process, Sir Floofypaws walked closer and got ready to pounce. He leapt onto the tree. “Horizon, watch me carefully,” he said, but spoke again before moving up. “Or keep trying! You were so close!” he praised, then began to push himself up and sink his claws into the bark to keep him stable. After a bit, they finally reached the top of the tree. “Now, watch this,” he purred, then gently grabbed the cub by the scruff where she would be secure, then leapt into the leaves and onto a thick branch. He placed Horizon down and sat down while being careful not to put too much weight on the branches. The view was breathtaking. A sunset staining the water. “The horizon. Just like you.” Sir Floofypaws placed his tail tip on her shoulder. “Not just the name. You are unique and beautiful. I hope whoever’s pride you go to, takes care of you forever. You deserve it, strong cub.” Quite a bit of time went by before the two went down, but Floofypaws had taught her how to go down quickly, so they only stumbled a few times. Sighing, he looked at Horizon. “I have to go back to my pride now. Have fun with the others, little one.” He padded away, and respectfully dipped his head at Harvest. ![]() |
TheBestSnek (side) (#269871)
Total Chad View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-09 08:29:11 |
blackstone had brought his current heir the catcher of dreams to mess around and meet some other rulers him being an adolescent he could give rides to the cub ![]() |
Sentient Being (#142426)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-09 10:05:19 |
Happy with the small amount of help she had managed to give Horizon last time, Mesa Red was the one pushing forward today, with Will striding to keep up with her. There was a certain shine to her eyes and talkativeness she hadn't had when she first came. Her belly was also stretched slightly, and it was apparent that she was expecting her own cubs in a few months. Perhaps that was why she was so cheerful. As the lions gathered around, looking curiously for Nephthys, Mesa wandered away from the crowd, flicking her ears as she searched for Horizon. There were already a few lions playing with her, and Mesa smiled, giving Horizon a little wave with her tail. Though she would have loved to prance with Horizon, she didn't feel that she had the energy to heave her big belly around, so she sat and watched the others playing instead, cheering on Horizon. Upon hearing that a new cub had come into the pride, the others seemed delighted. Will, who had stayed near the crowd to hear the announcement, gave his congratulations like everyone else. While others wandered off after Horizon, Will stayed near Harvest. He had never been very good with cubs - not that he was any good with adult lions, either. He shifted awkwardly, unsure where exactly he should be. "I've never heard these kinds of lions referred to as blessed," he said rather lamely, trying to make conversation to break the silence. Having no real direction to take the conversation now that he had started it, he switched tacts. "It, uh, it must be hard looking after so many hyperactive cubs. Energetic, I mean." He glanced at Mesa Red as though looking for help, but she had flopped onto her side and was chatting with Horizon, who was halfway down the tree. "I have two little daughters already," she said, rolling onto her back to be able to see Horizon better. "One of them is is almost a grown-up, and one of them is a little cub, like you. They both live in different prides, like you're going to. You have to be careful which pride you end up with," here she glanced at Harvest as though hoping she had heard. "But there are lots of sweet prides here, so you don't have anything to worry about." All the same, she had a slight furrow to her brow. She had seen the many colorful kings and queens frolicking with Horizon, and they had all been very sweet to her. But Mesa twisted her head to look at the nearest king, a wicked-looking black and mauve lion with great black wings. It was hardly a fair assumption, but Mesa certainly looked like she had her doubts about the kindness of every pride here as she looked at him. "You're going to have a wonderful home," she told Horizon, telling herself too in a way. She laid there for a bit longer as Will bumbled through an attempted conversation with Harvest, getting more and more flustered until he finally made up an excuse to leave and scooped Mesa up to go back to their pride. (Yes, I would love another cubbin! As long as you're certain you don't want them.) ![]() |
Magpie (#177134)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-09 12:28:51 |
Kulman's visitations were sadly interrupted today, but he was determined to keep in the loop for news. He instead sent his nephew princeling and 3 broodmothers in his stead, who were all shocked upon arriving to see the Queen was missing. "Norok", calling the eldest of the cub sitters, "dear, wait patiently by that tree. Don't run off just yet. Just wait while we get some information for your Uncle. We won't be long. " As the princeling, Norok, toddled off, he heard a roar from behind him echo with warning. " Not THAT tree, little knight." He arched his back and flattened his ears, careful not to show his pout as he had FULLY intended to try to clamber to the tree he saw the fun cute girl cub from yesterday...."Fine..." he muttered under his breath as he slunk to another group of foliage, shielding him from the dry season's beating sun, pawing at rocks idly and nipping at flies and other insects. The ladies approached the Queen's broodmother, nodding and discussing. " The poor dear's gone through another labor? And so soon? With all this commotion? " They gossiped like hens, smiling at times, laughing at others, but offering their most sincere condolences. After all, lionesses were the backbone of any pride that they've ever known of. It must have been hard to collaborate and plan for an event such as this while also tending to a new litter, especially if that litter included another very special cub, certainly bound for an exciting destiny. The cub-sitters offered to the Queen's broodmother, Harvest, if they could offer to bring her a carcass the next day. This would give her pride's huntresses a break as well. One could only imagine that these days of social gatherings have left them all exhausted, and they simply wanted to help out. "Surely Kulman wouldn't mind, and neither would our huntresses. They're incredibly skilled! And our King's brawn could certainly carry whatever they could find over", they explained. Meanwhile, Norok kept his eyes on the horizon...quite literally in fact. He stared as the cub practiced on a large tree, sometimes mimicking her moves, or trying to climb higher. He puffed out his chest when he caught her glance looking this way, trying his best to look...brave? fierce? handsome?....Something! His uncle always seemed to be surrounded by such pretty ladies. How did he do it? And...why was this cub making him feel like he wanted to be like his Uncle? He so badly wanted to play with her...but his father's words echoed in his mind..."Training never stops, Norok. Not for you, not for your siblings. Play comes LATER." He sighed, watching Horizon's graceful ( or what he thought was graceful ) attempts at climbing. That is until she flumped to the ground...he covered his mouth with his paws, sputtering and trying desperately not to laugh. He was still a young, mischievous cub after all! Soon, it was time to leave. Finally, Norok got to approach Horizon. He complimented her climbing skills, admitting to watching longer than he should have. He gave her a playful bite on the ear, something to remember him by! This is how you impress girls right? He purred and trotted away, following close behind his cub-sitters, who were talking about sharing something exciting with Uncle Kulman. ( I am truly loving this method of give-away, and am definitely for you doing this with the other cub too! ) ![]() |
🎄Snow Beau❄️[Side] (#144085) Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-09 21:06:15 |
Harvest seems annoyed by the lack of Nephthys’ of appearance, but let’s Keii pass. Horizon on the other hand, squeals, scaling her way down the tree and thanking him over and and over again, meerkats her favorite! She gobbles it up while talking to Keii, before thanking him one more time, suddenly she’s back up the tree and gone in the leaves! (@wanderer your ticket for the 9ths been counted!! And thanks for the vote! :D) The broodmother talks to him for a bit longer before he’s allowed to run off to the tree, Horizon peaking out from the leaves and waving with a paw- “I know! I got i-“ she squeaks, almost slipping off the branch and puffing up into a ball as she scrambles and grabs at the branch. “C-Claws and grip! G-got it!” (@Swampy4804 your ticket for the 8th has been counted!) After N’Kai helped her, Horizon trots off with a proud hop in her step, she was ABSOLUTELY waiting for someone to come watch her, how cute! (@Nothing_Speical, your tickets been counted! Also that is so neat, I love harvest so much ![]() Harvest refuses to let Horizon do such a dangerous thing, going on and on about “Not like yesterday!”. The cub hides behind her broodmother, but sends black stone a little wave, Harvest doesn’t seem to mind the extra cubs, and while Horizon doesn’t want to come out of the tree, she did play with the other cub by shaking branches and sending down leaves. (@Ushanma’s Pride your ticket for today has been counted!) The gift bundle is immediately accepted, and the broodmothers harsh features turning soft as she thanked him, gathering up the materials. When Horizon sees the king, she squeals, trying to scramble down to go talk to him, only to do exactly when he’d prepared for and lost her footing. She landed right on the nimble Feliz. Horizon is scared and out of breath, but thanks him anyways. (@Diamas your ticket for the 8th has been counted! Thanks for your vote as well!) Harvest doesn’t seem too pleased with Dustystar, but Horizon gives him a wave. She doesn’t come down for the tree and giggles as she disappears into the leaves, deciding to be a rat today, it seems. (@SalO22 your ticket for today has been counted! Thank you for the vote as well!) A sound resembling a purr rumbles from Harvests chest, she thanks them both dearly for the gifts, talking to Tide for a short while. Horizon seemed over the moon, showing her own fur off to Nightmare making an off handed comment about it, “my mama says it’s like my coat can’t pick what base it is… I dunno what that means but it’s pretty cool!” Looks like her tune has changed from the last time! (@Dragon Painter, your tickets been counted!) By the end of her experience with the king, Horizon is in tears, not bad tears, not at all. Harvest looks ready to kill until horizon flops against her, sniffling about all the kind words, going on and on about how pretty her own fur is. It’s the most confidence the cub has shown in a while, harvest seems incredibly surprised. After a while, she gives the king a gentle head butt and a thank you for his help. A stark contrast to her headstrong behavior before. (@Turkey your ticket has been counted! I love this reply!!’ Horizon seems incredibly proud of her win in the tree, but after her moment of celebration, drops down to see if she can help her friend climb just as fast as her! And as the two leave, Harvest shoots Oil a gentle, and light hearted jab of “don’t run too fast,”. Horizon promptly flopping against the broodmother for a well needed nap, though she does complain about it. A lot. (@Zhāng, your tickets been counted for today, n thank you for your vote!!) “Oh it’s… definitely tiring.” Harvest mutters, staying mostly quiet, she seems to be enjoying the company of him by her side, still being able to watch the cubs as they spoke. The cub seems very excited about the idea of a new pride, making an off handed comment about hoping the pride will be a nice one, just like will and Mesa Reds! (@Sentiant Being your ticket has been counted for today!) In that moment Harvest let out the loudest huff ever “Oh I WISH she had! She’s never carried a litter of cubs in her life, the lucky-“ she catches herself, muttering, “no, thankfully, Nephthys is the sire of all these cubs.” She says, but then smiles “as strange as she can be, I wouldn’t have any other queen in my life.” They continue to chatter for a while, about this and that. Horizon seemed to enjoy the other cubs company, calling him funny names as they attempted to race the tree and such, the nip on the ear leave her stuttering, but she tries to tell him she hopes she’ll see him again soon! (@magpie your ticket has been counted! Thanks for your vote and I love Norok omg ![]() That concludes is for day 4! The new starter is posted! And due to popular vote (AND MY LUCK WITH A THIRD CLOUDED PIE BEAN.) I’ll be updating the prizes!) ![]() Edited on 09/07/22 @ 21:22:22 by Beau Side (She/They/He) (#144085) |
Daimas~G1 Ice QuadRos~ (#103430) ![]() View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-09 21:24:20 |
Feliz Chuckles and bows to Nephthys- "You seem thrilled my good Queen! Blessed tidings and many more blessed cubs your way!" He pads over and Bows to Harvest giving her a gift of flowers that his lionesses had picked, before wading into the water to play with Horizon. When the water washes the dust off his fur a new shining marking can be seen on his back, and when asked about it he blushes and laughs. - "I was having a dream that little mice were playing in my fur, tickling me and having a great time. When I woke up due to the itch it was causing, I had a new marking on my fur! Strange isn't it.... But enough about me. How are you doing? I heard you say yesterday that Meerkat is your favorite, so I brought you one today. I left it with your brood mother for you to enjoy after your swim.... don't want to swim on a full tummy!" ![]() |
Dragon painter(He/They)< 3 (#264208) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-10 06:32:03 |
A small blur shot between the legs of kings and Queens before stoping in front of Queen Nephthys and giving a bow,“ G-Good m-morning your highness My name is Nightmare..“ the small primal cub greeted her shyly. Nightmare looked over their shoulder only to get Tackled by Horizon,“ Ah! Y-you scared me Horizon... your training must be well..and good morning Mrs.Harvest you look really pretty in the light ..“ They said softly as Horizon started to hop up and down ready to play,“ Okay okay I’m coming!“ Nightmare giggled. chasing horizon around playing tag and wrestling in the mud and water. Nephthys and Harvest looked at the ge cub happy to have another friend for horizon but confused as to why Nightmare was alone and asked once the Two cubs stopped playing to take a breather in the shade of the trees. Nightmare looked at the two adults nervous to respond,“ W-Well I snuck away from Mother This morning because I didn’t want to wait to come visit Horizon and harvest again... “, Horizon looked worried for her friend and asked what would happen if they get found by their pride,“Im probably going to get introuble for leaving without adult supervision and will be grounded...“ they mumbled,“ Nightmare! “ a familiar voice called out their name sounding distressed,“ Their you are you had Everyone worried about you! Why did you leave your mother was worried sick!“. The figure of the Queen of Nightmares pride Vortex had come down to get them accompanied by Pink corruption and Echo two warriors that were known for their speed and quick battle reflexes. The Queen looked upset looking at the primal cub,“ What if you had gotten hurt or killed your mother would have been devastated....“. Nightmare looked down at her paws ashamed for their actions,“ I didn’t mean to make anyone worry I just wanted to play with horizon again..“ Vortex sighed softly,“ I understand you wanted to come out to play with Princess Horizon and Mrs.Harvest..however you are not supposed to leave the kingdom of our pride without supervision from a brood mother and company of a guard or warrior....we wouldn’t have been able to retrieve you if Elder Tide and Zodiac hadn’t told me of were they have been going to for the past few days.. Forgive my Intrusion and interruption Queen Nephthys but i will be taking this cub home now..“ Nightmare tackle horizon into a hug and quickly hugged harvest before she was picked up by the Queen who gave a bow of respect to the other leader before taking their leave back to their own kingdom. ( Congrats on the new mutie arrivals in your pride! ) ![]() Edited on 10/07/22 @ 19:11:04 by Dragon painter (#264208) |
Turkey (#281281)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-10 06:38:31 |
Sir Floofypaws purred and greeted Nephthys joyfully. “That’s great! Hopefully many, many more gifted cubs will come.” He dipped his head respectfully to Nephthys and then padded over to Horizon once again. “Hello, Horizon. Good morning!” he purred at the wonderful cub who was swimming. Floofypaws waddled in and watched Horizon swim. “Try moving your paws back in a way they scoop up water a bit and push it backwards, then push it forwards, like this!” The king demonstrated for the lioness cub. “You can also take down hooved prey in the water, since often their hooves aren’t quite the best for swimming compared to our slightly webbed paws. You can try it on me!” Sir Floofypaws began making mooing sounds, making Horizon giggle a bit at it, but when she leapt onto Floofypaws’s back and sunk her needle-sharp cub claws and cub teeth into his neck area, he pretended to be startled prey and started slowly sinking on purpose. “Raaa! Oh no! Strong huntress! Have mercy on meeee!!” After a bit, both were tired out from swimming, so Sir Floofypaws let Horizon climb on his shoulders as he swam to the watering hole’s shore. When they had reached it, he laid down to let her climb off his back. Floofypaws stretched and yawned. “Alright, kiddo. It’s time for me to go back to my pride again. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He sat down, looked at Horizon. “Just remember, every time you feel doubt in yourself or whatever you can do..” Floofypaws smiled and gave the cub a lick behind the ear. “That you have overcome many obstacles. Of your doubt and of others. And that you, should never change for others. You are perfect.” After he spoke, he smiled warmly and said goodbye to her and good luck on the other prides. Padding up to Nephthys, he said a goodbye and a ‘see you tomorrow!’. ![]() |
TheBestSnek (side) (#269871)
Total Chad View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-10 09:01:42 |
blackstone stepped forward praising the special cubs an was looking quite pleased that there would be more prizes ![]() |
Wanderer (#277096)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-10 09:06:32 |
Keii stays a far distance from Horizon, as he's not too fond of water however he waves at her, grinning as he does so. "Hey! So you've got a few half-siblings I've heard. Are they as good as you at swimming and climbing?" While he waits for the cub to respond, he dips his head to the broodmother. "And you're in an awfully cheery mood. Whats the occasion?" He laughs, jokingly. (Congrats on the third cub!) ![]() |
Turkey (#281281)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-10 09:13:07 |
(Reply two for today, ik it doesnt count as a second ticket but thought i left some stuff unfinished in my ticket) “Thank you for this giveaway, Nephthys. Hopefully the cubs will go to amazing homes.” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “And I have a feeling that Horizon will go to a great home. I bet she’ll become a queen or a lead huntress, or maybe a lead broodmother. Whatever makes her happy, I’m sure she’ll be skilled no matter what her job is. A scout, huntress, broodmother, queen, or anything, she is special and unique. I’d just ask that while she is in this pride, you treat her like the amazing cub she is, and, when she goes to her new pride, that you tell her that although many kings, queens, monarchs, had come, but she didn’t go to their prides, that means something. They loved her, for her. Many would’ve came, mutation or not, for her wonderful personality and the way she deals with her problems.” He trailed off, realizing he probably shoould’ve just said that to Horizon. ![]() |
Magpie (#177134)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-10 09:22:54 |
In the distance, a young cub balanced himself on the back of some horrifying creature! Wait...wait that...is that a lion? Some of the passersby in the crowd may have mistook them as some sort of abomination if the sun was in their eyes. Upon the horizon, Kulman briskly trotted with a wildebeest on his back, accompanied by the "driver" for the day, Norok. Kulman would laugh and tease the cub for weighing him down, or insist that he stop gnawing on the kill's horns. "But Uncle Kulman, I'm BORED.", he'd push against the scruff and fluff of his Uncle's mane, clawing and biting at the fur and twisting himself up into it. "When are we going to get there, I wanna see Horizon again!" Kulman raised an eyebrow, and with a teasing look, he spoke back to his nephew, " Oh? So you do like her, little Knight. Haha!" This caused Norok to blush and retreat from his Uncle's back, deciding he was much too old and cool to be riding on the back of his elders by now..." I see them!", he looked back, practically bouncing on his paws, a look of questioning in his eyes. Before he could even ask, Kulman smiled and nodded. The cub instantly darted towards the pond where he saw the little princess practicing again. Kulman's eyes widened for just a moment, rather impressed with the little heir's speed. Kulman would bring the offering of a large meal towards the Queen and her broodmother, again striking up a casual conversation, and praising Nephthys for her new litter's astounding characteristics. For now, he avoided asking to see the newborns, out of respect for the mother and babies to heal. Birth was no easy job, and he didn't want to intrude. Instead, he asked for small details, pondering how they might look and excited to meet them. As the adults spoke, Norok went straight towards the other cubs, particularly Horizon. Oh boy! It was his chance to show off! As Horizon pawed at the water, likely trying to splash other cubs, he climbed to the highest place he could find, standing proudly and boldly. He let out a tiny cub-roar, and dove in, making a huge splash. He paddled to the surface, laughing and kicking his paws. It was clear this little cub was a skilled swimmer! He paddled towards Horizon and some other female cubs, explaining that his pride and his Uncle's pride lived very close to watering holes, so his kin are taught at an early age to be great swimmers. "You know...we're supposed to be good at swimming because sometimes it's all we have. Dad says that crocs think cubs are tasty snacks, so we have to swim, and if we can, we try to swim by prey...they panic, and the crocs get them, and not us!", he shared some of his life lessons, hoping to impress the other cubs with his knowledge, even if he didn't fully understand it himself yet. Soon, he was mimicking a crocodile in the water, swimming with his mouth open and making chomping noises and motions, making the other cubs laugh. After some time passed, he offered to help Horizon with her swimming lessons. He'd explain to "claw and kick" in the water, like you were chasing a juicy mouse snack. "First you claw, then you kick!", he panted as he spoke and thought that maybe swimming was actually a little hard. He had never tried to talk much while swimming, and it certainly took a lot of focus to keep his head above water while explaining his method! Eventually, his voice became garbled, and he had to spit out water, shaking his head. Norok felt a little embarrassed...he really did know what he was talking about, but he felt that getting water in his mouth looked like he wasn't skilled. Blushing, he tried his best to ignore his hurt pride, and hopped up on the bank beside Horizon, daring to get a little closer today as he leaned against her, cooling off and letting his fur dry before it was time to go. He would share stories with her as he rested, talking about the new cubs born in his Uncle's pride, discussing his favorite beetle, and telling a tall tale of a strange, short legged lion that asked his father to do tasks and gather meteors for him...whatever that was! ![]() |
Sentient Being (#142426)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-10 10:43:39 |
This time when Mesa Red came, though she was still shining with excitement, she moved much more heavily, in an unwieldy way, each step heavy. She was accompanied this time not by Will, but by a pink lioness who bore the same cloud-white pattern as Horizon. The lioness fussed over her irritably, telling her to slow down and not get too excited. She wore a large daisy behind her ear and a scowl on her face. Mesa contrasted her with a big smile, immediately looking around for Horizon. But as she saw Nephthys approaching, she turned her attention instead to her. Her expression was a bit more shy, but as the lioness beside her immediately drew back, Mesa had little choice but to be the one to interact here. "Good morning, Nephthys!" she greeted her, lurching forward a bit unsteadily, which caused the other lioness to pull her back. "Oh, that's wonderful news! I'm so glad for you." Behind her, the other lioness rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath, "Ts, 'blessed.'" Mesa gave Nephthys an apologetic look and said to her, "This is So Sweet, our herbalist. She's here to look after me. William was busy, he couldn't make it. Sweet, this is Nephthys." "Mm," said So Sweet noncommittally. As Nephthys went on and on, Mesa Red stuck around, nodding politely. So Sweet wandered a bit, but didn't seem interested in playing with Horizon, nor did she seem to want to interact with any of the kings and queens here. She seemed more focused on the plant life of the area, showing perhaps a bit more interest than was necessary to keep other lions from trying to talk to her. Finally Nephthys wrapped it up and Mesa Red said goodbye and went over to where Horizon was playing. If she had been too pregnant to play the other day, she certainly was now, but she seemed eager to get her paws wet nonetheless. So Sweet came speeding after her to stop her from exerting herself too much, but Mesa had already waded waist-deep into the water. A few lions were already splashing around in there, while others hung back from the water. Mesa, living so close to water, was used to getting wet, and in fact she enjoyed it. Almost as soon as getting in, she received a splash to the face. She sputtered and laughed, and raised her paw to splash Horizon back, though her splash was rather small and pathetic. One of the kings gave an almighty splash that just about cleared out the waterhole and So Sweet jumped away, muttering under her breath. Eventually Mesa got out, shaking herself off rather ineffectually. "One day you should come to my home," she told Horizon. "Even if you don't join my pride, perhaps your ruler wouldn't mind. We're from the Ikogosi Hot and Cold Springs. That's where the hot and cold water comes together. It's so much fun to play in." So Sweet came over, telling Mesa that was quite enough activity for her today. Mesa sighed with a smile and shouted goodbye to Horizon, who was back to splashing around. She turned and headed back to their territory. ![]() |
Dokutah ♡ (#199584)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-10 10:54:28 |
today, it was only The Grumpy Cherrywood who decided to return to this event in the o palace of her leader. she disappointedly told Nephthys that her king wasn’t well today, he was worn out from all his lionesses’s heats recently that he couldn’t make the trip. The Grumpy Cherrywood winked a couple times (omg, so much cringe, im really sorry-) before turning to find Horizon. it didnt take long to find Horizon, as the cub ended up dousing the older lioness in freezing cold water! Horizon snickered for a little bit, before realizing it wasn’t N’Kai she has doused! she climbed down from the tree, that she had placed water traps in, and quickly apologized to The Grumpy Cherrywood. the older lioness (FOR ONCE) didnt mind getting pranked, she thought it was quite hilarious. the rest of the afternoon was filled with planking other kings/queens together, and telling stories of the hilarious pranks The Grumpy Cherrywood would pull at events like these. she soon left after giving the cub a quick nuzzle goodbye, and bowing to Nephthys. ![]() |