Posted by | Clouded Pie RP Giveaway Raffle! |
![]() 🎄Snow Beau❄️[Side] (#144085) Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-05 18:18:05 |
It wasnt rare for members of Scorpius Nephthys’ pride to leave, she pushed for it, actually, calling over queen and kings alike to see if they’d be interested in taking in one of her lioness from across the waterhole. But this was, well, extreme. She trodded around, calling out for all attention to her as her few permanent pride members followed behind her, in a huddle and equally as excited. ![]() Edited on 16/07/22 @ 10:43:13 by Beau Side (She/They/He) (#144085) |
Dragon painter(He/They)< 3 (#264208) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-14 21:57:47 |
“ Ah! dont worry to much about it Young one!“ said Tide as she rested on her side,“ I understand your nervous but trust me it will be okay I had to make the same choice you did when I was younger it was difficult but once I made my choice it was easy to continue on with life!“. Nightmare nodded,“ I bet if you asked you can still keep in touch with us and afriends that you have made.“ Tide nodded in agreement with the cubs statement,“ Try not to stress’s to much about it How bout we go dig and find gems!“Nightmare grinned as horizon nodded and ran to their hole. Tide watched the too run off to gem hunt,“ I wish I was young again I’m afraid I dont have a lot of time left till I join my friends..“ she hummed thoughtfully,“ I suppose I could try for my last litter of cubs...“tide mumbled to herself before shaking her head to clear her thoughts as she started up a friendly conversation with Harvest and Nephthys about the prey and hyena problems. A few hours later...... “ Rouges have been the worst around the northern territory’s poor Zodiac has been on duty fighting them off with our king and Merlin..“ She spoke as they finished up their conversation. Nightmare and horizon came bounding over,“ Oh well I do suppose it’s late come on nightmare..“Tide and nightmare both gave everyone a hug before they made their way back home quickly before it was too dark. ![]() Edited on 15/07/22 @ 11:42:35 by Dragon painter (#264208) |
Turkey (#281281)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-15 06:57:13 |
Sir Floofypaws nodded. “Of course.” Looking around, he thought what might be fun for the two of them. “Let’s go practice hunting. After all, no matter who’s pride you go to, you’ll probably need to hunt eventually.” The king leads Horizon to an area nearby with extremely tall grass. “You’re nearly big enough to start hunting prey, so why don’t you try on me? I can test your skills,” he purred. After Floofy explained how it works, they began. Sir Floofypaws ran into the tall grass and stood up, knowing the cub would have to stalk through the grass without a sound. When he heard a slight crack of dry grass, he pretended to be extremely startled like a gazelle. He ran out with a slow pace, with Horizon close behind him. Floofy leapt out with claws outstretched towards a tree trunk, sinking his claws into the bark. He kept climbing and climbing until he was at the top, then he lunged for a thick branch and hung onto it, then climbed on top of it. “Phew..” Floofy began to catch his breath when he realized Horizon was right behind him, on the top of the tree! Sir Floofypaws quickly leapt from to branch to the other side of the tree, climbing down quickly. A minute later, Horizon ran towards him again, so he ran towards the water hole and leapt in, making a large splash. He swam further into the water, but then Horizon let out a giant leap, landing on his back. “Oh noo! You got me!!” He cried out, swimming to shore. As he walked towards Harvest and Nephthys, Horizon stayed on his back. “Well, kiddo. I have to go. That was some AMAZING skill you showed. Whoevers pride you go to, you will be very, very loved.” He laid down to let her off his back, then sort of sadly said goodbye to the three. ![]() |
Magpie (#177134)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-15 07:38:36 |
Norok returns today with Kulman at his side, who appears a bit paler than before...how strange. He seems to hide a hint of embarrassment over his bleached fur, but soon, he returns to his boisterous nature, bragging about recent hunts, and expressing chivalry to the ladies. Norok padded over to Horizon and bumped his head against hers briefly. He smiled half of a smile, eyes glazed over just a bit. His uncle had told him that time was approaching soon in which Horizon must go home with another pride. Norok knew that was the purpose of these meetings, but he hadn't really considered what that may have meant for him as well. He had grown to care about Horizon as a friend, and worried he'd never see her again. His uncle had warned him that it was very possible, but Norok just wasn't ready to accept that just yet. " Um...Horizon?", he asked timidly, putting a paw next to hers. " I brought you something because...I'm....because..." he couldn't seem to finish the words. He desperately did not want to show any tears to her...he wanted to be brave and strong and sturdy. He felt that was important. In truth, Norok had brought a token of their pride...a lily flower tied with vines and a lilypad underneath. The pink bright flower adorned the lilypad like the prettiest jewel...It was something he felt represented his pride and his Uncle's, living so close to the beautiful flora-rich lakes and ponds...He laid it on top of her paws, quivering, doing his best to hold himself together. Finally, he spoke in a shakey voice, sniffing a bit. " N-no matter where you go...I won't forget you. Please don't forget me?" He forced a smile and shook his head, blinking his eyes forcefully to get rid of any remnants of tears. He knew it was very possible Horizon would be taken away never to be seen again. He asked his Uncle and father both if he'd be able to visit the other prides...but the reality of it was that it wasn't going to be possible in all scenarios. He comforted Horizon, straightened himself up, and gave a bigger, toothier smile, laughing nervously before offering to play and wrestle and swim harder than ever before! After all, they may not have much longer with each other, and he wanted to make memories out of their visit. Kulman stayed back in the distance, explaining his rather embarrassing fur bleaching as of recently, while also monitoring the cubs at play, smiling softly. He spoke to the queen with a soft, caring voice..." Madame...you have raised a beautiful daughter with a kind heart. I know wherever she ends up, she will be safe. It has been an honor to meet with you and your pride.", he offered a bow, then plopped down, grooming himself for just a while longer, letting the cubs enjoy themselves for possibly one of the last few times. ![]() |
Dokutah ♡ (#199584)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-15 08:37:21 |
Queen N’Kai was thrilled to see Horizon was greeting lions today, that meant she was getting older! almost brought a tear to this queen’s eye. but never mind that, it was time to find something for them to do! she thought hunting was a really good idea, so that it would be easier on the king or queen she would choose to go to their pride. Queen N’Kai lead Horizon away from all the kings/queens that were in the waterhole, and into a jungle area that was in between Queen N’Kai’s territory and Queen Nephthys‘ territory. a place that nothing but wildlife inhabited. Queen N’Kai showed Horizon the basic few hunting moves, like how to find a mouse or rabbit in its’ underground burrow, and how to find some fish in the water. Horizon quickly got he hang of the basics and decided to try it out. Queen N’Kai beamed happily when Horizon caught fish after fish after fish. Horizon was nervous to try and get an underground hare or mouse, so she didnt try for the first hour they were out. after a couple more fish the two of them picked a couple they could eat so that they may hunt longer. Horizon decided to finally try catching a mouse or a hare for a snack a couple huge fish later. she was now energized from all her fishing successes (and the good meal they ate before). took her a couple of tries before she had found a rabbit underground, she could hear it sniffing around the small dirt tunnel. Queen N’Kai went to the nearest hole in the ground and stuck her whole paw in, grazing her claws on the fluffy tail of a young hare. the har sprinted out of the tunnel exactly opposite of Queen N’Kai’s paw, and straight into the jaws of Horizon, who was waiting for the hare to emerge. the pair had hunted for a short couple of hours, before sitting down next to their successful catches. Queen N’Kai had only just remembered that this would most likely be their last time together before Horizon would go off to choose her own pride. Queen N’Kai got a little teary eyed when she looked at the beautiful cub, knowing she would forever remember Horizon’s beautiful features. Horizon noticed Queen N’Kai’s teary eyes, and asked her what’s wrong. “ Nothing Horizon, I just wish you good luck in your new pride, and a memorable time with your birth pride to remember for ages. I know you will be treated the best in any pride you pick, and i know my pride’s first king, Arryn, will watch over you no matter where you go. “ she finished her statement with a meaningful nod, she wiped her eyes, and then suggested “ why don’t we bring all this prey back to Nephthys, i bet she would be glad to know that you are such a good hunter already! “ Horizon nodded and grabbed as much as her jaws could fit, while Queen N’Kai asked for a little help from the ghost she knew that was watching them, the wind helped carry the smaller bits while Queen N’Kai collected the bones from their meal, and the rest of the prey. back at the water hole, Queen N’Kai left her bit of the prey in the pile for Queen Nephthys’ pride to enjoy. she then went and sought out Queen Nephthys, to give her the best wishes if they were to leave and not to talk to eachother again. “ you have raised some amazing cubs, so kind and polite, and i bless you with more cubs to come! “ Queen N’Kai nodded, and started the journey back to her own territory, so that she could come back tomorrow and hear about which pride Horizon has chosen. (i loved this giveaway—enjoy my probably last long roleplay blurb in this thread! i will be back tomorrow to hear the news!) ![]() |
<☆Itty Bitty Titties☆> (#266237) Total Chad View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-15 09:58:57 |
Jagan luckily, brought one of the prides adols to come see Horizon, he watched as the two introduced themselves then went right on to playing, Jagan was a bit too old now for cub stuff like that, so he laid down to have a long quiet nap.. well, somewhat quiet, cubs are LOUD. ![]() |
soup [G2 haruspex uneven] (#271800) Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-15 10:00:40 |
Kaula was happily surprised to see Horizon greeting lions today. She was back to being her fun, bubbly self. "Hi!" Horizon greeted "Well, hello there, little one," Kaula purred "Ya know what? Lets not sit and talk today. Lets go do something fun!" "Hey, I was going to say the same thing!" Giggled Horizon. "Where do ya wanna go? Ooh! Lets go swimming!" "Sure, that sounds fun!" Without warning, he scooped up Horizon in his paw, and hobbled over to the watering hole. She squealed with delight, as Kaula threw her into the water. Moments later, he, too was launching himself into the air and dropping into the water. "Hey!" Horizon called. "You splashed me!" She let out a giggle and started thrashing her paws in Kaula's direction. He swam over and dissapeared under the water. In seconds, he came up, Horizon directly on top of his head. Harvest's cubs were prancing along the water's edge, clearly wanting to join in the fun, but their mother said no, and they trodded back to their spot, tails drooping. "Hey, Kaula!" Horizon called from on top of his head. "Watch, I can swim to the bottom!" She leaped into the air and dove into the water, bubbles rising from where she dissapeared. She soon resurfaced, with something clamped in her jaws. "Look what I found!" She said through gritted teeth. She swam to the shore and dropped her treasure on the shore, and shook herself dry. "It's a crystal!" She announced. She instantly grasped her crystal in her mouth and carried it over to where her mother was sitting. "Look, Mom!" "It's beautiful." Purred Nephthys. She gave Kaula a grateful look and continued conversing with Horizon. What a fun day ![]() |
Ryoka (#280716)
Toxic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-15 10:02:32 |
Kali had come back. She had so much fun with Horizon that she wanted to see her new friend again. “Sure! We can play all day if you want!?!” Giggling the little lioness crouched and her tail swayed. “I’m excited to see who you choose!! I mean whoever you go to is going to be your new home. But let’s not think about that today. Too much pressure.” Kali purrs and smiles happily at the other cub. ![]() |
Sentient Being (#142426)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-15 18:39:54 |
Mesa and Will were back early again, and again Mesa's cubs were with her. As they approached, Mesa smiled at Horizon, but there was a little bit of sadness in her eyes as she looked at Horizon's fur, growing so much fuller and sleeker now. "Good morning, Horizon!" she greeted, and Will echoed her words. "I hope you're feeling alright?" She didn't want to pry, but the last time she'd seen Horizon she'd been rather restless. As Horizon mentioned picking her new pride, Mesa nodded, figuring that must have been what was bothering her. "Of course, you don't have to decide anything now," she told her. "This decision requires a lot of deliberation, but just know that whatever pride you choose will be right for you, and there's never any pressure to pick one you don't love. If you choose not to join ours, we won't hold it against you." Will looked at Horizon. "I think I have something we all do together later on. If Harvest is alright with it. I can ask her." "I'll join you on whatever all of you are doing," Mesa said, smiling. "With my cubs. Come along, girls." She splashed with the other lions, knocking water into one king's face and proceeding to hide with her cubs behind Nephthys until he coaxed her out. Her friends, finding cubs around their own age, giggled and blurted out the words they knew well. Mesa followed along as the others taught Horizon to hunt, stumbling over her paws as she tried to figure out what they were doing. She saw Horizon giving some tearful goodbyes and looked away, busying herself with licking her cub's head. She seemed to have relaxed around these kings and queens, having seen them day after day even if she hadn't really spoken to any of them. She even let one of them watch her cubs while she tried tried fishing a rabbit out of its burrow. Will, meanwhile, had gone over to Harvest again. "They're looking more like you every day," he said, referring to her cubs. "Better. I mean, they look better and also more like you. I mean, you look good and they look like you." He chuckled anxiously and sat down next to her. "I just wanted to ask you something about Horizon. All of you, really, if you want to. But you don't have to. I just thought, since this is the last . . . well, maybe it would be easier for her to decide if she saw our home. It's not very far, it's just down where the springs converge. You could come too. And Nephthys, if she wanted. Just for a little bit, to have a look around. Our king's not there, so there's no need to get permission. This evening, if you like. You can just think about it." Will and Mesa had less time this time around: Mesa explained that they were performing a ritual of sorts and the entire pride needed to be there. While she had seemed animated earlier, Mesa'a face was stony now and she seemed to hold some weariness in her bones as she looked over the gathered prides who she would soon never see again. But before they left, Will turned to Harvest. "So, if you want, I can come around and take you down to our pridelands later. The flowers are beautiful this time of year. If you have time, and if you want. Just tell me." (I left this one kind of open, sorry about that. But I didn't want to assume anything about your lions' decisions, so if it's no we'll assume that was the end for that day and if it's yes we can assume they had a lovely evening :) ![]() |
<☆Itty Bitty Titties☆> (#266237) Total Chad View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-15 20:09:57 |
ignore this lil blurb lol, i accidentally unsubscribed to ALL my forums (NOT COUNTING THIS AS A TICKET FOR TODAY! I ALREADY RP'D!) ![]() |
🎄Snow Beau❄️[Side] (#144085) Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-15 20:53:23 |
Politely letting everyone know it’s taking me longer to type the responses out cuz I keep getting choked up, I’ve gotten invested in your lions! ![]() ![]() |
🎄Snow Beau❄️[Side] (#144085) Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-15 21:57:02 |
Horizon seemed to enjoy digging for gems again, and it took her a bit, but she did get used to the hunting crouch. (@Lilpeep you’ve been counted for today!) Horizon just seemed excited for Alyr to be there, offering him food, herbs, anything she could to possibly reduce his pain. She was gentle with her words, seemingly trying to carry herself more “adult” like, though the facade soon broke as she ran off with the other cubs. Harvest quietly joined Venus, talking to the other about broodmother things for a majority of the time. (@Zephyr , your ticket has been counted for today!) She squeals, equally as excited to see Iris, she hops on her paws, gently tapping them and smiling. “I’m excited! I’ve never been hunting before, I hope I’m good at it.” She chirps, though, she spends a good chunk of the session distracted. Nephthys thanks Oil, appreciating the time he took to spend time with her cub, and that she’d assure that Horizon would pick the absolute best pride for her cub. (@Zhāng your ticket has been counted for today!) Nephthys and Horizon greet him properly, and Horizon, smiling all the same, agrees to a swim. It seems she’s gotten much better then the last time, when she was just tapping her paws in the water! By the end of their time together Horizon is giggling and over the moon! (@wanderer, you come first! Be careful and drink water, your ticket has been counted, friend!) Horizon was then happy to go swimming, after all, she never knew if she’d be back at the waterhole again! She was careful not to get too rowdy, but did enjoy being able to go into the deeper water, even with her attempts to be so grown up, she eventually ends up taking a running dive off of one of the rocks. “Thank you.” She chirps, smiling, “please have a safe journey home.” (@Daimas, your ticket has been counted for today!) Horizon takes their words to heart, her chest puffs with pride as they speak, they’re right! At the mention of gem hunting, she gasps “yes! Absolutely!” She squeals, running off with Nightmare to go dig up the savanna… again. Nephthys decides to sit and and listen to Tide, enjoying the company while Harvest is busy with the cubs. She nods along, humming and tapping her paws gently as she listened, so that’s where Horizon got it from. “I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts,” she tells the lioness, giving them a gentle head bump each, Horizon (now covered in dirt and dust) doing the same. (@Dragon Painter, your ticket for today has been counted!) The cub seemed a bit worried to practice on Floofy, but agrees. Clearly fumbling some of her steps, she seems weary, especially after the king began to start to run. That was until he made one mistake- climbing that tree. If there was anything Horizon knew how to do, it was the climbing. After that, her confidence seemed to boost, and she spent the rest of the time giggling. Before the lions part, she bumps his shoulder gently. (@Turkey your ticket has been counted for today!) Horizon is quick to greet them both, bounding over, but slows to a stop when she sees the look on Kulman’s face. She takes a moment to compliment this fur before her attention is promptly turned to Norok whom she bumps her own head back against, it’s clear she’s aware of the situation, but she’s gentle with her words not wanting to worry him. When they had a moment, she tried to talk to him, ask him how he was, but when he spoke she quickly realized that he had something much more important to say. She teared up as he passed her the gift, breaking into soft stutterings and holding it with her paws, clearly afraid to break it. It takes her a moment to responded, but finally, she does. “I promise. Okay?” Scorpius Nephthys watches from afar, nodding as Kulman gets close, she nods at him, making room. It isn’t until he speaks that she breaks her gaze off her daughter, meeting him with a smile. “Thank you.” She chirps. “I do my best, I wouldn’t raise a cub I wouldn’t want in my own pride.” She pauses, tail flicking, “I just hope she’ll be okay.” (@Magpie GOT ME IN TEARS, your ticket has been counted for today! RNG is gonna break my heart I stg ![]() The cub takes time to greet the queen gently, happy to seem them, and Nephthys does the same (eventually) with a smile. “Fishing? You can do that?” She asks softly, turning to her mother with a shocked look, and Nephthys looks just as surprised. Horizon is eager to try, rushing to the waters edge with excitement, she takes to it well, better then any other hunt she’d attempted with other leaders. Her confidence is boosted considerably, and the rabbit hunt helps even more. Nephthys greets her, proud of her daughter, and mentions “damn fluff balls, and that stupid mask (?)” while congratulating them on the hunts well done! As they leave, Nephthys gives her own thanks, parroting the sentiment with a smile. (@Nothing_special, your ticket has been counted!) Horizon enjoy some time with Jagan, then let’s him rest while trying to keep the cubs quiet. (@altalune_skie your ticket has been counted!) The cubs rough and tumble play in the water gets them all soaked, Horizon a giggling and laughing mess in the end! (@soup your ticket has been counted!) There’s a moment of pause before Horizon agrees “I excited too! Hopefully today will be fun!” She chirps, then turns to start to play, they enjoy their time! (@Ryoka, your ticket has been counted for today!) Harvest and Horizon greet the two happily, each with a gentle bump on the head, while Will and Harvest diverge to go talk, Horizon chats with Mesa Red, enjoying the company of the cubs. “I’ll be taking a few days to pick” she squeaks, “I’m not just picking for myself after all, but my siblings as well.” It’s sudden, since Nephthys had been very clear that she’d be picking, but Horizon doesn’t seem to mind too much, “I’ll be back.” She hums, thanking her for her moment. Nephthys doesn’t seem to mind the cubs, rather, she’s enjoying their presence, mentioning that she had quite a few of her own coming any day now, well, her own in the sense she’d sired them. It comes off as some what cold, seeing as she seems so willing to hand her own cubs over, Harvest, chatting with will, seems to enjoy the idea very much, she looks excited, nodding along to the idea, she’s quick to agree. When Nephthys approaches, the queen listens, then agrees herself. Harvest raises herself on unsteady paws, gently nudging his shoulder, much like Nephthys and Horizon have done to others. “I’ll definitely have to see those flowers one day, you should show me.” Harvest seems devastated that they have to go so soon, but eventually agrees, sighing and wishing them nothing but the best, she seems conflicted to let them go, Nephthys and Harvest do as well, only hoping for the best for their friends. (@Sentient Being THIS ONE TOOK ME SO LONG CUZ I COULDNT STOP GETTING EMOTIONAL ABOUT MESA RED) well, that’s it. That’s the last day of the raffle. I’ll be rolling and contacting the winners privately to get their choices on what they’d like to do with their cubs and the app they’d like used, and then after RO, I’ll do a little closing bit, thank you, everyone. Please take care of yourself! And if you enjoyed this keep an eye out, I’ll definitely be doing more and have been bouncing the idea of a little role play thread in chatter for those that got as invested as I did, lol. ![]() |
Magpie (#177134)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-15 22:01:18 |
@Beau Side (She/They/He) (#144085) LOL I'm so sorry! ;; I have really enjoyed building a little brief story. I know my chances are slim but it was such a pleasure to do this with you and I will forever be a fan of this type of give-away <3 I also was bummed out I accidentally ruined my king LMFAO So i tried to slip that in there subtley. I'm doing my best to build him back up though! Good luck everyone <3 And thank you Beau for this chance and awesome, fun time! ![]() |
Turkey (#281281)
Sapphic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-15 22:03:02 |
Good luck everyone! Thank you so much for hosting this, Beau! Also I got super emotionally attached to Horizon, so pls whoever gets her, pls take really good care of her 😭 ![]() |
Val (#285937)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-15 22:06:59 |
Good look everyone and thank you so much for hosting this, Beau! I've really enjoyed being part of this and I absolutely love seeing Horizon interact with everyone ![]() |
Zhāng🧧G2 Overo🧧 (#256417) Toxic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-07-15 22:14:46 |
Good luck to everyone, this rp raffle was very fun and it was nice interacting with you all! Thank you Beau! Your responses are amazing and I loved them all, take care of yourself and have a wonderful day everyone ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |