Posted by Skyclan Roleplay (OPEN!)

(He/She/They) (#223433)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-07-06 16:11:13
Far away in the gorge that is Skyclan territory, the clan faces the future alone. Their creativity is what drives these cats to grow, and they continue having resilience against all odds. But how long can this go on? Will Skyclan live on forever?



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Edited on 06/07/22 @ 16:35:26 by SpottedBread (He/She/They) (#223433)

(He/She/They) (#223433)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-07-06 16:28:23
As light shone into the gorge, cats started emerging from their dens. Poolstar had been waiting for the first ray of sun to hit into the clearing. She puffed out her chest. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Tallrock for a Clan meeting!"

Two kits stumbled out excitedly, their snowy white father following them. "Today's the day!!"

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Elliot {G2 Mossy
Patches} (#172769)

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Posted on
2022-07-06 17:25:40
Wasp'fang ran from the warriors den, her happiness and excitement showing with her smile as she tumbled and fell right in front of the tall rock. She had always been clumsy when too excited but she was a proven warrior nonetheless, even if she did find trouble even as an adult in the clan.

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(He/She/They) (#223433)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-07-06 17:36:49
Poolstar looked down at the kits. "Today is the day that Otterkit and Talonkit are to be apprenticed. Please step forward, you two."

Talonkit bounded up to the Tallrock, her long tail lashing excitedly. Otterkit followed behind slowly, a wide smile on her face. However it couldn't compare to Talonkit's toothy grin that she had shown.

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Elliot {G2 Mossy
Patches} (#172769)

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Posted on
2022-07-06 17:40:40
Wasp'fang sat up, blowing her frontal fur out of her face, as she got up her mother-who was now an elder took her up beside her to hold her from bounding around too much. Wasp'fang watched as the two kits stood and walked forward, her toothy smile on the two as they awaited their apprentice names.

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(He/She/They) (#223433)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-07-06 17:44:50
Poolstar looked down at the two kits, her blue eyes shining bright with pride. "Otterkit, from this day forward, you will be known as Otterpaw. You've been noted to work best with cats familiar and close to you, so I'm pulling Quietshine from his duties in the nursery to mentor you. Quietshine, I'm sure you're as proud of these kits as I am, and I trust you to teach everything you know to your daughter and guide her well."

Quietshine nodded. "Of course, Poolstar." Otterpaw padded over to her father, the two touching noses as is custom for apprentices and mentors to do.

Talonkit was growing even more eager by the second, almost leaping up and down with excitement.

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Elliot {G2 Mossy
Patches} (#172769)

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Posted on
2022-07-06 17:47:22
Wasp'fang gave a tooth grin as she watched the now apprentice go up to Quiet'shine and touch noses, she knew they would work well together, she trusted poolstar as much as she was able to.

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(He/She/They) (#223433)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-07-06 17:54:25
Poolstar's eyes drifted to Waspfang, then back to Talonkit. "Talonkit, from this moment forward until you have earned your warrior name, you will be named Talonpaw."

Her eyes met Waspfang again. "Waspfang, you were always an excitable cat just as Talonpaw. I trust that you can nurture this young she-cat into a fine warrior."

Talonpaw turned on her heels to bound towards her new mentor. "Hi! When are we starting training? What will we be doing?" She was bustling with questions right out of the gate.

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Elliot {G2 Mossy
Patches} (#172769)

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Posted on
2022-07-06 17:56:52

"OH MY! HI! We can train tomorrow at dawn! We will start with a survey of the entire territory until of course you get tired" Wasp'fang touched noses after her excited speech, which she of course calmed down from easily as her mother hushed her "kit".

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(He/She/They) (#223433)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-07-06 18:01:47

"Otterpaw! Talonpaw!" Quietshine cheered for his kits.

"Tch! I have enough energy to run the entire territory three times over! You'll see!" Talonpaw smirked.

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Elliot {G2 Mossy
Patches} (#172769)

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Posted on
2022-07-06 18:02:56
The she cat rolled her eyes, pawing her new apprentice playfully. Goose'blossom looked up to the leader, her face showing paw fulls of concern.

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(He/She/They) (#223433)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-07-06 18:10:02
Poolstar gave Gooseblossom a reassuring glance, then turned her head back to the rest of the cats. "Clan dismissed!" She leapt down from the rock.

Talonpaw was bustling with excitement. She swiped at her mentor's paw, but stopped when her sister and father approached. "Would you want to show them around together tomorrow? I figured these two would want to see it all together."

Otterpaw looked away shyly, and Talonpaw's long tail lifted. "OOh!! Can we? Can we??" Hope held in her eyes, staring at Waspfang.

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Elliot {G2 Mossy
Patches} (#172769)

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Posted on
2022-07-06 18:13:14
"I don't see a problem with it, though..I see that look in my queen's eye.."

Wasp'fang watched as her mother followed poolstar, seemingly distressed about something.

(Playing Goose, blossom)

"Are you crazy? With all due respect while that apprentice is under "leadership" from my kit she won't survive and you know that! Wasp'fang, I love her, my only surviving kin is no fit for it! I see that look, what have you been planning?!" Goose'blossom paced after the leader, her ears flat with concern but also fear.

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(He/She/They) (#223433)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-07-06 18:17:39
Talonpaw tilted her head. "What's up with her, do you think?" She whispered the words to Waspfang. "Isn't she your mom? Why isn't she happy for you?"

Poolstar looked at Gooseblossom. "And weren't you so much like her when you were young? We're the same age, we trained together, in case you forgot. You managed to grow up. People doubted you when you got your first apprentice just as you're doubting your daughter now, Gooseblossom." The she-cat kept a calm demeanor. "I think she can grow from this experience just as you did. Have a little faith in her, would you?"

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Edited on 06/07/22 @ 18:18:01 by SpottedBread (He/She/They) (#223433)

Elliot {G2 Mossy
Patches} (#172769)

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Posted on
2022-07-06 18:27:41
Goose'blossom looked down before speaking "I may have grown from it, but I grew from it after the death of Rose'paw." She looked up, seeing her daughter and the others staring at her before she watched as wasp'fang ran away from the sheer embarrassment.

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Edited on 06/07/22 @ 18:29:32 by Elliot {He/him} (#172769)

(He/She/They) (#223433)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-07-06 18:32:26
Poolstar sighed. "I just think it could help her out, is all. I know I grew from having a little responsibility for once, so maybe she will as well." She laid her tail on her friend's shoulder. "Be faithful. This is your kit we're talking about, she can be just as great a warrior as you were."

Talonpaw followed her mentor. "Wait! What's she talking about?"

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