Posted by Land of Chance (GRAND OPENING EVENT)

Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2022-08-05 18:43:45
You have heard rumors about a strange place deep in the jungle, that could only be found by chance. a land with a strange creature that could harness an element now only open to becoming Companions with strong lions. Out of you own curiosity you head on an adventure to the the jungle in hopes of finding the Land of Chance.

It seemed like months have passed as you ask local lions what they know about this Land of Chance only coming up empty pawed. Tired and Thirsty you head on continuing determined to find this place, after stumbling upon a small puddle that seem clean enough to drink from after a few sips your startled by a Beautiful lioness. as you stare at her she lets out a soft chuckle causing you to shake yourself out of you thoughts as she speaks
"Im ellamarie (Ella-Mar-ee) and i hear your Looking for the Land of Chance" she smirks looking at you as you perk up. Does she know where it is? does she have actual useful information?
"Well your in luck love cause i live there amongst them and i can take you there for a price."



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Edited on 14/08/22 @ 08:37:00 by Missy|Gen 2 1k Kunzite Primal| (#191208)

Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2022-08-05 18:43:51
Exploring the land of Chance.

Each biome has a different chance of an element some more rare than others.

The Misty Jungle: 100 Silver Beetles

the Strange lioness leads you to different part of the jungle seemingly not far from where she found you. the sunlight barely filters through and a light mist curls around you paws if you look deeper into the jungle you can see flashes of movement but cant quite make out what moving.

Common Elements found here. 10% chance of a mutation

The Bleak Caverns: 150 sb

The Strange lioness lead you to a cave opening and without a word slips into the dark cave opening. Does she expect you to follow her in there? who knows what can be in there. you look around only hesitating a few more second before going after the lioness hoping she was waiting for you and not leaving you behind.

Uncommon elements found here. 25% chance of mutation

Silver Lake: 200 sb

the lioness deeming a more special place would be good for you to see leads you to a clearing with a lake sheltered from any sun but they lake gives of a silver glow, you can see movement in the water for a spilt second before its gone. you stand in shock of the beauty of the place not sure where to look first.

Rare Elements found here. 30% chance of mutation, 10 percent of Breed only mutation.

The Life Tree: 1 gb

The lioness look at you this is a special place to these creatures, who know what kind you will find only few travelers have seen it. i must know before i take you that you will cause no harm. after a few moments you nod you head agreeing to be careful and not aggressive. she leads you to a tree that has pure white bark and bright golden yellow leaves. at the breath taking view of the tree you shake yourself to look around and take your eyes of the tree where you can see many pairs of eyes looking around.

Any Element can be found here,60% chance at a mutation and 40% chance of a breed only mutation.

Abandoned Cabin 300 sb- The lioness leads you to a new place deep in the jungle a run down log cabin. Cobwebs cling to the beams and all but one of the windows is shattered the door is broken. she explains that not Tari's live hear but if you scavenge around you can find items.

chance of 1-3 items can be found but there is a chance that none to be found.

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Edited on 31/08/22 @ 13:24:44 by Missy|Gen 2 1k Kunzite Primal| (#191208)

Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2022-08-05 18:43:55

When breeding fill out this form


Male Tari:
Female Tari:
Items being used:
Payment Total!
Name and ID:

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Edited on 13/08/22 @ 17:38:13 by Missy|Gen 2 1k Kunzite Primal| (#191208)

Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2022-08-05 18:44:01

Common Nest- the most basic Nest Crafted but the nursery. Allows for 1-2 eggs 200sb

Uncommon nest- better quality and alot softer. Allows for 3-4 eggs 400sb

Insta hatch- allows for you eggs to hatch instantly

Blue potion- when given to a female.befor courtship all offspring will be male 100sb

Pink potion- when given to a female before courtship all offspring will be Female. 100sb

Mysterious Orb- when using this orb you can pick an element off the entire nest 1gb

Fermented fruit- when given to a female.will.cause something to happen. Ups the chance of mutation. 700sb

Dried fruit: will up the chance of a mutation passing 1gb

Rough opal- to make a custom tari.with a common element of your choice- 1gb

Rough topaz- allow you to make a custom tari with an uncommon element of your choice. 2gb

Rough jade- Allows you to make a custom tari with a rare element of your choice. 3gb

Black diamond: allows you to make a custom tari with a custom exclusive BO mutation. 4gb

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Edited on 31/08/22 @ 13:25:15 by Missy|Gen 2 1k Kunzite Primal| (#191208)

Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2022-08-05 18:44:32
Flat Sales and Auctions: Winners will be messaged a transparent version.

What Tari are you bidding on:


Starting Bid: 200sb
Minimal Increase: 50sb
Current Bid:
Ab: 3 gb (High to encourage biding)


Name: Earthly Tiger
Gender: Male
Element: Earth- Common
Mutation: Blind
Price: 400sb


Name: Fire Fly
Gender: Male
Element: Light- Uncommon
Mutation: Two Tails
Price: SOLD


Name: Snow Drop
Gender: Female
Element: Ice- Uncommon
Mutation: None
Price: 200sb

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Edited on 24/09/22 @ 13:03:39 by Missy|Gen 2 1k Kunzite Primal| (#191208)

felinenostalgic - g1
basalt (#139484)

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Posted on
2022-08-05 19:06:13
Lineart done by me, and permission was given for these users to use it!

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✨Leo✨ (#320282)

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Posted on
2022-08-10 13:10:14
Anything available

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Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2022-08-10 13:10:54
rn i dont have any flat sales but Explores are open! im working on a few flats sales rn!

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Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2022-08-10 13:53:30

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gecko (#306291)

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Posted on
2022-08-10 14:43:19
can i buy one from the misty jungle? ^^

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Edited on 10/08/22 @ 14:53:40 by gecko (#306291)

Yuna (#246912)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2022-08-10 14:43:48
could i do the sb on 1 and could i go to the life tree?

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Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2022-08-10 15:01:12
@ Gecko Send Payment and ill get to work

@yuna Send payment and ill get to work and noting down on auction!

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Ash (#294613)

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Posted on
2022-08-10 15:21:34
Could I do 200SB's on the misty jungle

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Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2022-08-10 15:32:22
@Ash Of course send paymetn and ill get to work!


Ellamarie gave you the go ahead to explore around the Misty Jungle, as you walk the mist seems to sink into you bones causing a chill to run up you spine ad your teeth to chatter as it seems the temp drops even more when a bright flash of movement catches flashes before your eyes and a warmth settles on you back not ready to leave you freezing form anytime soon Looks like you have a new friend.

Gender: Female
Element: Common - Fire
No Mutation

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Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2022-08-10 15:35:13
Feel free to name her i will also be making a data base here soon to help keep track!

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Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2022-08-10 15:48:48

EllaMarie was hesitant but granted you permission to head forward, with so many pairs of eyes on you it made you quite nervous like you didn't belong. you step up to the tree mesmerized as it seemed to glow when a golden leaf falls onto you maw to knock you out of your thought you cast you eyes up wards to see sea green color eyes staring back all of a sudden they fall out of the tree causing you to rear up on you hind paws to catch them the little Tari giggles before deciding to go home with you!

Gender: Female
Element: Common- Water
Mutation: Heavy Piebald- Breed Only

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