Posted by Land of Chance (GRAND OPENING EVENT)

Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2022-08-05 18:43:45
You have heard rumors about a strange place deep in the jungle, that could only be found by chance. a land with a strange creature that could harness an element now only open to becoming Companions with strong lions. Out of you own curiosity you head on an adventure to the the jungle in hopes of finding the Land of Chance.

It seemed like months have passed as you ask local lions what they know about this Land of Chance only coming up empty pawed. Tired and Thirsty you head on continuing determined to find this place, after stumbling upon a small puddle that seem clean enough to drink from after a few sips your startled by a Beautiful lioness. as you stare at her she lets out a soft chuckle causing you to shake yourself out of you thoughts as she speaks
"Im ellamarie (Ella-Mar-ee) and i hear your Looking for the Land of Chance" she smirks looking at you as you perk up. Does she know where it is? does she have actual useful information?
"Well your in luck love cause i live there amongst them and i can take you there for a price."



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Edited on 14/08/22 @ 08:37:00 by Missy|Gen 2 1k Kunzite Primal| (#191208)

Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2022-08-13 08:00:16
Of course send payment and I'll get to work

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Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2022-08-13 13:25:11

after a while the lioness leads you to the Silver lake, it takes a while before she lets you move to the waters. could she see something you couldn't? you shrug it off as soon as she give you the go ahead, you take a look at the waters after seeing nothing of interest a bright flash of lightning strike the top of the shimmering water and in it wake floats a tari. you bling the blindness out of you eyes and when you sight clears the tari is in front of you with a apologetic look. you give a smile forgive the little creature. asking if it would like to come home with you i eagerly agrees.

Gender: Female
Element: Lightning-Rare
Mutation: None

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Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2022-08-13 16:28:08

Ellamarie came up to you in you pride lands a small freind following behind her, she explains she made a mistake and said said a tari agreed to join you and you other companion, but something seems off about them, there Tiny, half the size of a normal tari. Ellamrie explains they have a mutaition called Dwarfisim and most of the other tari bully them.

Gender: Female
Element: Life- Rare
Mutation: Dwarfisim (BO)

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Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2022-08-13 16:40:32

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Khaili (#132665)

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Posted on
2022-08-13 16:46:46
Can I explore The Life Tree? I love these : D

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Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2022-08-13 16:49:51
Send payment and ill get to work! i love doing these!

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Khaili (#132665)

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Posted on
2022-08-13 16:53:09
Sent!! <3

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Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2022-08-13 17:30:46

it took a while for the strange lioness to let you near the life tree, but after some gentle coaxing from you and reassurance you wont hurt the tree, she nods letting you go forward deciding to stay away from the tree, you look around seeing a small group of tari's surrounding another tari with what sound like snickering, you move towards the group looming over them making the taris scatter excepts for on who sits on the ground tears in its eyes something drastically different it has no wings, like most of the other taris. you give he upset and frightened tari a smile before bending down to allow the tari to clamber onto you back after its settled you head out away from the tree with a now happy friend on you back..

Gender: Male
Element: Death-Rare
Mutation: Wingless

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Khaili (#132665)

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Posted on
2022-08-13 17:49:19
He's so cute?!? Thank you so much!

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Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2022-08-13 17:51:38
np if you would like to name him let me know and ill update the data Base

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Khaili (#132665)

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Posted on
2022-08-13 17:57:23
Yeah!! I'd love to name him Wither^

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Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2022-08-13 17:58:05
thank you for enjoying these i was worried no one would be intrested in them

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Yuna (#246912)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2022-08-13 17:58:55
could i get walking with death and go to the misty jungle

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Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2022-08-13 17:59:26
Of course send the payment and ill get started!

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Missy|Gen 4 angelic
base (#191208)

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Posted on
2022-08-13 18:23:18
The lioness bring you a friend tellng you that you better take care of them as there special to her and her maker. leting the tari move past her and to you side.

Name: Walking with Death
Element: Death- Rare
Mutation: None

If you wnat to change there name let me know so i can update data base as well as name you other tari's

The lioness lead you to a fmailar place trusting you more she lets you head right in, you explore a little deeper and out of sight you hear the lioness calling faintly to be careful you think? you a little to far to hear now when you stumble over something that lets out a surpris grunt before you both catch yourself. a little tari was digging in the dirt to what looks like plant a seed you offer you help and after planting the sed it desiced to come home with you

Gender: Female
Element: Earth-Common
Mutation: None

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