Posted by Offers for Hybrids and Lethal's

ecco (#275125)

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Posted on
2022-11-05 10:29:22

Hybrids and Lethal's

hi all!! welcome to my forum post! please ignore the previous comments, they were from before this board was updated

so this board has been made due to my influx of hybrids, and, more recently, a lethal! because of this, i want to see the kinds of offers i can get for them! in the two boxes below, you will be provided with the items i do accept; they'll be split between breeding items and applicators (general term, will encompass marking apps, mods, etc)

without further ado, hybrids and lethals!


none at the moment (may be changed in ~5 days)


G3 Harlequin Ichtyosis

(image is clickable!!)
minimum offer values must be at least 200 to be considered!!! the maximum value of offers ill accept is 500 !

upon ro, when she dies, she will be brought back to life via a canopic jellyfish! currently you can view her how she is with her stats and everything before that!

please be aware i will be price checking based on average tc prices!

you are also free to offer muties and other lions of the sort, but please note i do not accept other frozen lions (with the exception of other lethals)
(offers with pure gb will be considered the most!)
Accepted Breeding Items

Buffalo Scrotum - 45
Lion Scrotum - 70
Grain of Paradise - 25
Cotton Root Bark - 1
Lion Meat - 10
Red Cock - 1
Angelic Blessing - 10
MODs (please inquire! theres too many mods to list so if you have any, ill give you an estimated price for it!)
Fuchsia Nectar - 35
Random Marking Applicator - 1
Marking Removal - 1
Total Shuffle - 10
Current Event Applicators - (please inquire!)
Windfall Markings - 70
Hyena Spots Scarce - 6
Hyena Stripes Heavy - 15
Other Apps - (please inquire! too lazy to list everything now loll--)
html layout by honey (#30473). do not remove credit.
mountains header by Mairu-Doggy on deviantart.

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Edited on 06/12/22 @ 14:03:31 by ecco (#275125)

ecco (#275125)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-11-25 12:40:58
@Watermel0nBob hihi!! that's a really tempting offer! ill definitely consider it!! currently just waiting for more offers to roll through if possible so i can sift through some options! <3

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(Serruria) (#179077)

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Posted on
2022-11-25 12:43:22
@ecco Sure! Just lmk either way

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Im_IDK123 (#367241)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-11-25 12:47:33

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Allie /G1 8x Strat
3x Rosette/ (#356565)

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Posted on
2022-11-25 12:49:11
I've got these new mods:
Cross, Panda, Plumage, Overo, Tobiano.

I could do 1 plus filler? Not sure what would be fair to add
I have some breeding items and such as well.

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ecco (#275125)

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Posted on
2022-11-25 12:49:31
@Im_IDK123 they are!!

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ecco (#275125)

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Posted on
2022-11-25 12:51:19
@Allie hihi! could you list the breeding items you have that youre willing to provide as well? :0

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Im_IDK123 (#367241)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-11-25 12:52:02
you are soo lucky tho getting 2 pons at the same timeee

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Allie /G1 8x Strat
3x Rosette/ (#356565)

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Posted on
2022-11-25 12:54:22
Sure! I have:
Lion Scrotums
Ochre Gnawrocks
Crunchy Worms

I can add GB otherwise if those don't interest you.

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Edited on 25/11/22 @ 12:59:02 by Allie /G2 3x Rosette Felis/ (#356565)

ecco (#275125)

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Posted on
2022-11-25 12:54:26
@Im IDK123 the first one was actually a while ago! about 20 ish days ago (so a little under 3 weeks ago), i screenshared me breeding my pon to my friend and this current one was a pleasant surprise!

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Im_IDK123 (#367241)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-11-25 12:54:57
oooh still nice tho!

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Haleigh (#330261)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-11-25 12:55:14
May I offer 225 gb and a MoD patches (cross) and MoD piebald (Tobiano)?

I am very interested, she is gorgeous

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Edited on 25/11/22 @ 13:05:28 by Haleigh (#330261)

(Serruria) (#179077)

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Posted on
2022-11-25 12:58:15
I can offer a yohimbe bark I can add, along with some new decor?

I have a lucky koi
Dragon whiskers - Aqua, black, fiery, golden
Japanese Camelia

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ecco (#275125)

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Posted on
2022-11-25 13:35:28
hwoah okay lol-- gimme a sec to crunch numbers!

@Allie okay! so im doin some price calcs right now

so currently, im only seeing one plumage mod on tc, which is goin for about 200 ish , but for the sake of this, im going to give every one of the newer mods the same price in terms of the gb youd get from the highest (100$) tier, which is about 242 , for the sake of the fact that they are newer mods, and dont have actual set prices right now that i can properly refer to from tc!

which means that if you include any one of the newer mods, you'd have a base offer of about 242 right there

lion scrotums have about an average price of 60 , meaning youd meet the bare minimum price of a newborn leopon cub (at about 302 bare minimum) with just 1, the highest ive been told leopon cubs can go for is about 450 , but it all depends on if you (or anyone for that matters) want to try to reach for that price (which i don't care if you do or don't!)

as well as this, ochre gnawrocks have about a 30-45 price currently after looking at tc, which means if you choose to use those, you'd need to likely add at least 2 + one of the mods in order to meet the bare minimum 300 price

crunchy worms appear to have the cheapest price in terms of tc standards, being averaged at about 20-25 each, meaning you would need to add likely at least 3 + one of the mods in order to meet the bare minimum 300 price

that's for your offer! you can also do a combo of the mod + gb + items if you wanna too lol-- up to you on how youd like to formulate your offer!


@Watermel0nBob okay! for your offer

you offered a tobiano MOD, which, like i put for allies offer, i will give a price of 242 due to not have any prices to refer to from tc! meaning you have a base offer of 242 with the mod alone!

1 yohimbe bark goes for about 30 according to tc, and for the new decor, ill give them each about a 10-20 gb price in accordance to the gb that you can get at one of the lower tiers (as the lower tiers will give you the new decors!) this means that you can add at least 2 or 3 decors + the y bark and the mod to meet the bare minimum 300 price that is assigned to most newborn leopon cubs!


@haleigh hihi!!

as stated before each of the mods will have a 242 gb price assigned to them from my end due to not having a proper place to reference pricing from!

your offer in total, because of that, would come to about 709 together, and while it is a very tempting, id also feel very bad if i accepted an offer that high as, the highest ive been told a leopon cub can go for is about 450 , so at the end of the day, it is 100% yours to offer all of that together! you are 100% free to remove anything as you see fit if you feel like it, because at the end of the day, you absolutely have the choice to remove as much as you need to to either match the 450 gb pricing (highest) or go higher.

if you ARE comfortable offering that much, i can definitely put her on hold (or get her an aging stone to set up a trade today) because i would accept this offer in that case, but if you want to remove anything, once more, that is your choice to make!

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Edited on 25/11/22 @ 13:39:40 by ecco (#275125)

Im_IDK123 (#367241)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-11-25 13:37:09
One question do you know what mutie i could get for 2 crunchies

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Haleigh (#330261)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-11-25 13:41:18
ignore hehe

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Edited on 25/11/22 @ 13:54:51 by Haleigh (#330261)

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