Posted by Offers for Hybrids and Lethal's

ecco (#275125)

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Posted on
2022-11-05 10:29:22

Hybrids and Lethal's

hi all!! welcome to my forum post! please ignore the previous comments, they were from before this board was updated

so this board has been made due to my influx of hybrids, and, more recently, a lethal! because of this, i want to see the kinds of offers i can get for them! in the two boxes below, you will be provided with the items i do accept; they'll be split between breeding items and applicators (general term, will encompass marking apps, mods, etc)

without further ado, hybrids and lethals!


none at the moment (may be changed in ~5 days)


G3 Harlequin Ichtyosis

(image is clickable!!)
minimum offer values must be at least 200 to be considered!!! the maximum value of offers ill accept is 500 !

upon ro, when she dies, she will be brought back to life via a canopic jellyfish! currently you can view her how she is with her stats and everything before that!

please be aware i will be price checking based on average tc prices!

you are also free to offer muties and other lions of the sort, but please note i do not accept other frozen lions (with the exception of other lethals)
(offers with pure gb will be considered the most!)
Accepted Breeding Items

Buffalo Scrotum - 45
Lion Scrotum - 70
Grain of Paradise - 25
Cotton Root Bark - 1
Lion Meat - 10
Red Cock - 1
Angelic Blessing - 10
MODs (please inquire! theres too many mods to list so if you have any, ill give you an estimated price for it!)
Fuchsia Nectar - 35
Random Marking Applicator - 1
Marking Removal - 1
Total Shuffle - 10
Current Event Applicators - (please inquire!)
Windfall Markings - 70
Hyena Spots Scarce - 6
Hyena Stripes Heavy - 15
Other Apps - (please inquire! too lazy to list everything now loll--)
html layout by honey (#30473). do not remove credit.
mountains header by Mairu-Doggy on deviantart.

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Edited on 06/12/22 @ 14:03:31 by ecco (#275125)

Allie /G1 8x Strat
3x Rosette/ (#356565)

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Posted on
2022-11-25 13:41:55
Alright! Sorry you had to do all of that price checking
I can do 1 mod (whichever you'd like), plus 1 Scrotum, 1 gnawrock, and 60 GB.

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ecco (#275125)

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Posted on
2022-11-25 13:42:43
@Im_IDK123 you could get a good portion of muties! dwarves would likely be your best bet BUT id say tread lightly because dwarves fall into the category of lions that cannot pass their mutation, and have to be assisted with items like buffalo scrotums and lion scrotums in order to properly pass their mutation.

if you want something that can pass their mutation, you could likely use one to afford a ferus, as ferus', male or female, can both pass their mutations (though bear in mind the rest of the primal squad can only pass their mutations if theyre male, with primal smilus being a male exclusive.)

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(Serruria) (#179077)

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Posted on
2022-11-25 13:48:59
I can, but it sounds like you're being offered much better and I'm not that attached to offer more. Thanks for considering and congratulations on the double pon!

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Haleigh (#330261)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-11-25 13:55:48
Haha I did not realize those MoD’s were still worth that much, would you take 100 pure GB and your choice of one of the MoD’s? :) I think that comes out to like 342 GB :)

I am very interested though, so I’d be willing to go higher to guarantee my offer hehe

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ecco (#275125)

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Posted on
2022-11-25 13:57:13
@Allie no worries! comes with the deal regarding leopon cubs! you gotta do a lot of price checking in order to figure out what's worth it and what isn't in terms of offers!

so all in all, that offer (mod + scrotum + gnawrock + 60 ) is worth about 382 !

@haleigh as for your offer, you'd be correct! 342 gb total!

i'll advertise this post around some more but if you two are free to wait ill definitely get back to either of you on whether or not i accept the offer!

@Watermel0nBob that's completely okay! i wish you luck on getting a hybrid! ill be updating this post some more and can 100% notify you if i do get another hybrid if you still hold any interest in purchasing a hybrid from me <33

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Edited on 25/11/22 @ 13:57:47 by ecco (#275125)

Haleigh (#330261)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-11-25 14:10:37
I’m definitely willing to go higher if needed, I think she’s really beautiful :)

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ecco (#275125)

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Posted on
2022-11-25 14:17:29
@haleigh you're definitely allowed to go higher! for the sake of this i will say the highest you can go is 450 due to that being the highest ive been told leopon prices can go, but you are free to surpass that if you feel the need to!

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VivianTheFirst :3: (#361841)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-11-25 14:19:36
Could I offer my Leopon? She’s clean last I checked!

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Haleigh (#330261)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-11-25 14:25:28
Hmm how about 200 + a MoD, which would be 442 :)

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ecco (#275125)

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Posted on
2022-11-25 14:36:00
@haleigh! ill definitely consider!!

@DrearyLily hihi! so upon looking over tc, it appears as though leopons that are roughly anywhere from 2-4 only go for about roughly 250-280 gb, but for yours, id like to put her at the higher end (280) because she's very pretty! however it is a bit under the minimum price value (300 ), so you may need to add something else to meet it! no worries if you cant though!

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VivianTheFirst :3: (#361841)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-11-25 14:45:31
Alr, that’s fine!

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VivianTheFirst :3: (#361841)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-11-25 14:46:49
I’ve also got her I could offer? (Not both of them in one trade lol)

When I got her, I bought her for exactly 500 GB :)

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ecco (#275125)

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Posted on
2022-11-25 14:52:28
@DrearyLily hey hey, could you provide a link lol-- i cant see the lion youre talking about haha

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VivianTheFirst :3: (#361841)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-11-25 14:53:51
Oh sorry xD my bad, tri rosette pon coming up:

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ecco (#275125)

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Posted on
2022-11-25 15:30:18
@DrearyLily so! unfortunately i would only actually count the frozen pon as an add on to your original offer of the first pon, as frozen pons are specifically meant to be trophys, they aren't breedable and are only really there for the purpose of showing them off. because of their inability to be bred, they don't hold as much worth sadly :(( frozen leopons on tc have an average price of 45-60 gb on trade center, but because yours is very pretty, id bump her up to the high 70s-80s, with 90s being something to push for, which meant if you offered both, your offer would be a total of 360 gb at the max and 350 at the min, and a total of 370 at the highest

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Edited on 25/11/22 @ 15:31:08 by ecco (#275125)

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