This is an EXTREMELY long post! It is so long that I had to continue it on the second post :3
February Event Advice
Alrighty! A lot of you know the next month/event is a VERY big one! February is easily the best event of the year! In the following post, I am going to give you the best way to make/spend event currency and advice for the event!
Table of Contents
Introduction/What Is February
February Items, Event Currency and Event Encounters
Energy Usage and Schedule
What To Do After You Gain Currency
-)What To Do If You Aren't Prepared AND/OR Don't Want To Breed
-)What To Do If You Are Prepared AND/OR Want To Breed
--)Dwarf Breeding
--)Double Uterus Breeding
--)Raffle Lioness Breeding
--)Hybrid Breeding
---)Other Hybrid Breeding
Final Notes
Introduction/What Is February
If you ask any lioden player, who has been through all the events of the year, which event is the best, they will always say February! February is the month of love in lioden! The event February has to offer is the best time to breed pricy and valuable lions such as hybrids, RCL's and dwarves! Even if you aren't interested in breeding, this month's event still offers extremely valuable items which can make you rich in the future! So whether you are doing the event to breed, or doing the event to gain riches, February is an event you should always put time into! Now, the real question is, How do I spend my time for the event AND what do I do with the event currency I gain?
Please note that all of these are simply suggestions! Feel free to spend February how ever you like! I am simply suggesting the best ways to making and to use your event currency!
February Items, Event Currency and Event Encounters
February Currency
The event currency for February is Heart Shells [HS]! These are what you will use to buy items from the event shop. There are multiple different conversion rates that people use for HS and ! The two most common rates you will find are 10 HS = 1 and 6 HS = 1 ! Which rate should you try to use? Well that all depends on if you are buying or selling! If you are buying HS, then it would be best to try and use the 10 HS = 1 ratio! If you are selling HS, it would be best to use the 6 HS = 1 ratio! I will say though, once February finally comes [and especially when tier 3 opens], it may be extremely difficult use the 10 HS = 1 ratio due to others offering more!
Th reason February is such a good month for breeding valuable lions is because of the items you can get from the shop! There are tons of items February has to offer, but I am only going to go over the major ones! [If you would like to see all the items, then click here: CLICKY]
There are 2 different shops in the February event. The flirt shop and slap shop. Between both of these shops, you can get:
This Item Guarantees At Least 2 Cubs In A Litter! This Item Reduces The Breeding Cooldown Of A Lion By 1 Day Per Use! This Item Guarantees At Least 3 Cubs In A Litter! This Item Gives A 25% Chance [5% For Double Uterus] To Pass Down A Mutation From The Mother [Does Not Work On Hybrids]!
Each of these items is extremely important for lioden gameplay, especially for hybrids! All of these items allow the best possible results of a litter! More on how to use these items as well as which items to get later!
Event Encounters/Activities
Of course in order to buy stuff from the event shop, you need to get the currency first! This is mainly done through exploring! As you explore, you will come across February exclusive encounters that will give you heart shells! Now some things to note about exploring...
1.Do NOT Battle at all! Battling is a huge waste of energy! Even if battling gives you heart shells, you are more likely to come across more encounters with the 10 energy you could waste on a battle!
2. Make sure to use the wiki! This wiki has all the explore encounters as well as the options that give you the most HS! CLICKY
3. Don't rush! A common mistake I make a lot is trying to rush the explore! Often when I do this I end up skipping over some encounters or accidentally choosing the wrong options :3
4. Use both your accounts!
While exploring is the best way to gain HS, there are a number of ways to earn HS otherwise!
In the event, there is a special area called "Aphrodisia" where you can attempt to flirt with other players lions! You can do this every 15 minutes to potentially gain HS! Doing this can get you between 0-3 HS! Now while that doesn't seem like much, it adds up over time! If perhaps another lion tries to flirt with your ladies, you can slap them to win HS as well!
A lot of players (including myself) choose to also buy other peoples currency for other items such as /apps/MoD's/etc.! This may cost a lot of initial investment, but to me it is entirely worth it! Buffalo Scrotums [for example] are only 10 during the event, but later in the year they are worth 30 ! By buying a bunch of HS now, you can potentially triple what you spent later on!
It is also important to note, you can NOT trade the currency directly. If someone buys currency from you, you will have to buy whatever items they want with that currency from the shop and then trade those items!
Energy Usage and Schedule
In this event, it is important to spend your energy and time wisely! Now, please note that I know a lot of people can't do what I am about to suggest. If you are one of these people, just do what you can! If you can't do certain parts then don't! If you can then do it! I am only suggesting the best possible way to spend your energy as well as some schedules and items you can use to maximize your yield!
Items to help you gain energy
Bone marrow boost your energy by 20%! You can only use it once a day per account! [can be bought in money business]
This item gives you 1 full energy bar! [can be bought in oasis]
This item gives you the chance to gain/lose 10% energy! Make sure to only use if you have no energy left! [can be bought on branches. Prices may change]
This item gives 5 full energy bars! [can be bought on branches. Prices may change]
This item allows you to gain twice as much energy for 8 hours! So instead of your bar taking 2 hours and 30 minutes to fill, it only takes 1 hour and 15 minutes! [can be bought on branches. Prices may change]
This item allows you to gain twice as much energy for 8 hours! So instead of your bar taking 2 hours and 30 minutes to fill, it only takes 1 hour and 15 minutes! [can be bought on branches. Prices may change]
All of these items give experience! Once you get enough experience to level up, you can gain 1 full energy bar! Make sure all your energy is used before leveling up! [Can be bought on branches. Prices may change]
This item changes your personality to anything of your choosing! Use this to change your personality to hyperactive to get a free 30% energy boost daily!
This item reduces the energy it takes to explore from 1-3% to 1-2%.
Submitting a Cub to gorilla enclave also gives you a 60% energy boost!
Energy Schedule [for the maximum possible gain]
I strongly suggest setting up a schedule for February! You can always create you own schedule, but for the best possible gain, I would follow the schedule below:
1. Log in as early as possible to both your accounts!
2. Flirt with a lion and slap whatever lions you can! Do the same with your alt [I suggest setting a timer for every 15 minutes to come back online!]
3. Use a full energy bar to explore. Do the same with your alt.
4. Use a roasted lamb/red bull for each of you accounts
5. Use your daily energy boost on both accounts to explore
6. Use your daily hyperactive boost on both accounts to explore
7. Use a bone marrow on each account to explore.
8. Submit a cub to Gorilla Enclave and Use that 60% Energy
9. Come back every 1 hour and 15 minutes [or 2 hours and 30 minutes if not using lambs/bulls] and use all your energy!
Other energy Usages I suggest using all of the below after tier 3 opens, as more encounters will be available then!
1. Use your fermented marula fruits! Make sure you have no energy when using them, and if you use 1 and get energy, use it before continuing to the next marula fruit.
2. Use all of your energy boost and meat pies to explore!
3. Use your giant tortoises, broken drones and coconuts to get experience. Then use that experience to level up and get more energy! [make sure all your energy is used before leveling up!]
4.Use your coffee beans when using your extra energy items to increase the amount of encounters you get!
5. Use hyena butter to remove NCL encounters. NCL encounters take up event encounters, so removing them can allow more event encounters to come up.
What To Do After You Gain Currency
Spending all this time grinding is pointless unless you use what you get! There are 2 main ways to use your heart shells. For breeding, or for investing!
What To Do If You Aren't Prepared AND/OR Don't Want To Breed
If you don't plan to breed any hybrids/RCL's/Dwarves/Etc, then you can use your currency in other ways!
Selling/Auctioning/Raffling Your Heart Shells!
If you really want up front and riches, and don't care about using your heart shells, you can always sell them to others before/during February! There are plenty of people [including me... shameless plug: CLICKY] that are willing to buy heart shells for tons of and items!
Another way to get rid of your heart shells, is auctioning them! Let me tell you, this is super successful! Or at least it was last year for me! I auctioned 6k heart shells for a quad rosette pon [worth about 2.5k ]! With this, I strongly suggest not putting any auto buy! If someone wants to auto buy then they can offer, but do not put a set auto buy! You only limit what you can get by doing that!
You can also try raffling your heart shells, but if I am being honest this is a bit iffy. You can either make more, or you can make less...
The other thing you can do, is invest! If you don't care to breed, would like to get and are super patient, this is the option for you!
After grinding all your currency, spend most of it on Buffalo scrotums [and a bit on lion scrotums as well]! After you get them, just burry them in your hoard and wait! Once you wait enough, Buffalo Scrotums will sell for 30 and Lion Scrotums will sell for up to 65 ! Now the reason I say to get more Buffalo Scrotums than Lion Scrotums is cause they are easier to sell and more desired. If you don't mind hassling to sell, then lion scrotums wouldn't be such a bad idea!
If we do some math here.... Lets say you get 3k heart shells this February and buy solely Buffalo Scrotums.. Buffy scrots are 10 [or 60 HS] during February. So if you use all your 3k HS to buy buffalo scrotums, you will get 50 Buffy scrots [500 during February]. If you wait till Buffalo Scrotums cost 30 , your 50 Buffy Scrots will go from 500 to 1,500 !
In doing the same with lion scrots [worth 15 in February], you can get 37 lion scrotums from 3k HS. This will be worth 555 in February. If you wait till they become 65 a piece, you will go from 555 to 2,405 !
Another method is to buy Yohimbe barks with HS and sell them. I do not recommend this method, as once barks become worthy to sell (they sell for 5 in February but sell for 15+ once September rolls around), they become hard to sell. Barks are often only valued in bulk during the month of February. So you may find them extremely difficult to sell when they are at their highest.
What To Do If You Are Prepared AND/OR Want To Breed
If you have prepared well, or are interested in breeding hybrids, RCL's and/or dwarves, then I got a guide for you! Now with any heat or breeding you do in February, there are going to be some universal requirements!
Universal Requirements/Information
Type of Heat
There are 2 different types of heats that are given out in February! Split heat or Full heat.
Split heats mean that once the litter is born, the cubs are shared between you and whoever is selling/buying the heat! For the most part, the 1st pick usually always go to the buyer, but there are some exceptions. I personally would not recommend buying any split heat if you do not get 1st pick!
Now I want to address something that I see a lot concerning split heats. When should you do split heats? Well, as a buyer, as long as you have 1st pick, it is much more beneficial to do a split heat since it is cheaper than a full heat! As long as you don't mind sharing in case there are 2 valuable cubs that is :3 But as a seller, it is different! If you are selling a split heat with no extra fee, it should be to a lion that is super likely to get multiple great cubs. The best example of this is 1st gen hybrids! Instead of the regular 5% chance of passing the hybrid mutation, 1st gens have a 10% chance! This means you are quite likely to get twin hybrids! In this case I would recommend selling no-fee split heats! Now in the case where you do require a fee, it is more okay to do split heats! In this case it is much more beneficial for you to do split heats. Since split heats are cheaper than full heats, more people will buy them and since you still require a fee, you don't lose anything!
Full heats on the other hand mean the ENTIRE litter goes to the buyer, no matter what is in it! Full heats tend to be more expensive than split heats, but they also let you keep the entire litter!
Items for all heats
No matter the type of heat, almost all heats in February will need the same items!
All barked heats need 20 Yohimbe Barks! This will allow a lion to breed instantly after giving birth! [20 barks for 20 days of breeding cooldown]
Instant Cub delivery's are vital to ensuring no one has to wait for the lion to give birth! These can be found in the oasis
Aging stones are used to wean the cubs early so they are ready to send! You shouldn't have to send the aging stones over until the cubs are born! These are usually only required for the cubs you want to keep!
Black stallions may or may not be required! If the lion has angelic blessing, then the black stallion will not be required! If they don't have it, then the black stallion ensures the lion can be bred quickly and doesn't take up valuable energy!
Buffalo Scrotums may or may not be required! For split litters a buffy scrot will likely be required to ensure more than 1 cub is born!
Lion scrotums will be required for Dwarf breeding as well as Double Uterus Breeding!
Two other things that will be required is the breeding fee and the stud fee! The breeding fee is just the fee that you need in order to breed to that lion! If you aren't using your own stud, you may also have to provide / to cover whatever stud you want to use! A lot of sellers also provide their own stud for free!
Dwarves Let me start out by saying, personally, I do NOT recommend breeding dwarves for profit! They are the least profitable lion to breed! They are expensive to breed and do not sell for much!
Dwarves are one of the only passable mutations that needs an item to assist them! In order to breed a dwarf, you need a lion scrotum! This gives your female dwarf a 25% chance to pass her mutation down to each of her offspring! When breeding dwarves, I also strongly suggest using a buffalo scrotum! This means the 25% chance to pass the mutation on is garenteed to roll 3 times [once per each cub]!
Double Uterus's
Double Uterus's are a super unique lion! The are born as amps, and once they grow up, they have 2 uterus's! This means they can have double the amount of cubs as a normal lion! So they can have up to 8 cubs per litter!
Now, it is important to know how the breeding for double uterus's work! It is much more complex than other breeding's. You can breed a DU 2 different times, and use 2 different studs! If you breed using 1 stud, you should only have to breed once. If you breed with 2 studs, you breed once with 1 and another time with another. This will allow 2 different sets of cubs to be born! One set of cubs will have the genetics of the first stud, and the other set of cubs will have the genetics of the 2nd stud.
Do NOT use reverse breeding for DU's! It doesn't work the way it should!
There are 2 different routes/goals you can go for when breeding Double Uterus's [also known as DU's]. You can breed them to get another DU, or you can breed them to attempt to get a 1st gen hyrbid (or other)!
Breeding for another DU
When breeding for another double uterus, you will want to use a buffalo scrotum and a lion scrotum. Do know that for DU's, lion scrotums only presents a 5% chance to pass the mutation down rather than the original 25%! Using the lion scrotum and the Buffalo scrotum gives you the best chances to reproduce another DU! You may also want to use a great tit to ensure all cubs are females!
Breeding for a 1st gen hybrid
Unlike other lions and hybrids, 1st gen hybrids are not gotten through passing down mutations! A 1st gen hybrid is gotten randomly through any breeding! Even if you don't use any items, you have a chance to get a 1st gen hybrid [EXTREMELY low chance!]! The DU method of getting a 1st gen hybrid is quite expensive, but maximizes your chances at getting one
IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW: The chance to get a 1st gen hybrid from this method is still EXTREMELY low! Even with this method, you are still highly unlikely to get one!
This method requires:
x1 Double Uterus
x1 GMO cow [greatly increases the chances for a mutation]OR Lion Meat [slightly increases the chances for a mutation]
x1 Buffalo Scrotum
x1 Red Cock [optional]
The GMO cow [or lion meat] increases the chance to get a mutation on the litter. Do know that this increases the general mutation chance! Not the chance to get any specific type of mutie! Using a GMO Cow [or lion meat] means that your cubs are more likely to be mutated rather than not mutated. The buffalo scrotum makes it so 3 cubs are in the litter minimum (6 for DU's)! You only need 1 buffy scrot! The red cock makes all cubs in the litter males! There are much less male mutations than female mutations, so limiting the cubs to males will help increase your chances of a hybrid!
Raffle Lioness Clones
Raffle Lionesses are unique lions! The are raffled off from the site and are one of a kind! They often feature new markings/traits that have never been on the site before! If you don't know what I am talking about, a raffle lioness is the lion from here: CLICKY. These lions change weekly!
These lions often sell for a lot and are quite cool to have! They are often cloned and sold to others! During February, tons of people sell heats to these girls, giving you a chance to clone one of your own!
In order to clone these lads, you will need something called a crunchy worm! This items gives your lioness a 25% chance to pass a clone of herself to one of the cubs in her litter. This being said, these items are vital to cloning one of your own!
Hybrids are the main event for February! This is when most hybrids are born, and when most hybrids come out! For most of the year, tons of hybrids are frozen on an alt account to ensure they don't age! [Please note that freezing in this case does not mean using a Jellyfish! It simply means putting the lions on an alt account and not rolling over on that account!] It is only During February that they come out to breed!
With that being said, there are super valuable hybrids that are available for breeding now, than there might have been previously! You should definitely take a look in chatter to see all the hybrids that are up for breeding!
Now... breeding hybrids is actually quite simple! Much more simple than double uterus's XD. In order to have the best chance possible to breed a hybrid, you need x1 Buffalo Scrotum, and potentially a red cock! The Buffalo Scrotum guarantees 3 cubs in a litter, allowing the hybrid chance to roll 3 times. The red cock makes all the cubs males! If you don't know, there are far less male mutations than females. This means that when a mutation rolls, you are more likely to get a 1st gen hybrid than if the cubs were females! Please note red cocks do NOT help with passing hybrids from a mother hybrid.
Against common belief, GMO cows and Lion Meats don't really help. These items increase the chance for a mutation in general, but even with these items, the chance for a hybrid to pass is still only 5%. It is also worth noting that lion scrotums do NOTwork on hybrids! I also highly suggest avoiding cotton root barks [CRB's]! Crb's cause you to replace the original litter with another litter. If you had a hybrid in that first litter and use a crb, then that hybrid will disappear!
Outside of items, 1st gen hybrids also give a boost to passing their mutation! 1st gen hybrids are hybrid where their mutation wasn't passed. Them being a 1st gen hybrid doesn't necessarily mean they are 1st gen though... Most 1st gen hybrids are actually 2nd gen total! In fact, the only TRUE first gen hybrids are the raffle lionesses raffle off every Christmas! In order to tell if a hybrid is a 1st gen hybrid you need to look under the appearance category and look at mutation:
1st gen hybrids give an extra boost to passing the mutation when compared to regular hybrids. Regular hybrids give a 5% chance to pass their mutation, while 1st gen hybrids give a 10% chance to pass mutations!
Other Guides:
Final Notes
If anyone has ANY questions please just let me know! I don't mind helping and I will answer the best I can :3
Question, I'm so twisted around about red bulls/roasted lambs, does the text mean the king needs to be at 59% or more? Or that he can't be below 59% on the hunger bar?
thankyou so much for this!!
I didnt even think about using a red cock when trying to breed hybrids but in saying that, just to double check, the cub sex changer can still be used on male leopon/tigons right?