Posted by Complete February Guide!

Corruptedhyena (#243378)

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Posted on
2023-01-31 16:04:30

This is an EXTREMELY long post! It is so long that I had to continue it on the second post :3

February Event Advice

Alrighty! A lot of you know the next month/event is a VERY big one! February is easily the best event of the year! In the following post, I am going to give you the best way to make/spend event currency and advice for the event!

Table of Contents

Introduction/What Is February
February Items, Event Currency and Event Encounters
Energy Usage and Schedule
What To Do After You Gain Currency
-)What To Do If You Aren't Prepared AND/OR Don't Want To Breed
-)What To Do If You Are Prepared AND/OR Want To Breed
--)Dwarf Breeding
--)Double Uterus Breeding
--)Raffle Lioness Breeding
--)Hybrid Breeding
---)Other Hybrid Breeding
Final Notes

Introduction/What Is February
If you ask any lioden player, who has been through all the events of the year, which event is the best, they will always say February! February is the month of love in lioden! The event February has to offer is the best time to breed pricy and valuable lions such as hybrids, RCL's and dwarves! Even if you aren't interested in breeding, this month's event still offers extremely valuable items which can make you rich in the future! So whether you are doing the event to breed, or doing the event to gain riches, February is an event you should always put time into! Now, the real question is, How do I spend my time for the event AND what do I do with the event currency I gain?

Please note that all of these are simply suggestions! Feel free to spend February how ever you like! I am simply suggesting the best ways to making and to use your event currency!

February Items, Event Currency and Event Encounters

Energy Usage and Schedule

What To Do After You Gain Currency
Spending all this time grinding is pointless unless you use what you get! There are 2 main ways to use your heart shells. For breeding, or for investing!

What To Do If You Aren't Prepared AND/OR Don't Want To Breed

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Edited on 30/01/24 @ 09:05:52 by Corruptedhyena (#243378)

Corruptedhyena (#243378)

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Posted on
2024-01-01 20:54:10
@looney yes! But i would only use red cocks if you are going for a 1st gen. they do NOT affect the passing rate of hybrids. just the chance to get 1st gens

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Nahemii (#43434)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2024-01-02 04:50:35
My I put in a recommendation: Try buying Barks instead. They'll triple in value after february and last thw whole year. Scrotums will lose value when they're sold in other events.

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Edited on 02/01/24 @ 04:51:51 by Nahemii (#43434)

Corruptedhyena (#243378)

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Posted on
2024-01-02 09:35:21
Unfortunately barks are extremely hard to sell after February. I steognyk advise against getting barks for that reason. The likelihood of yoy actually selling them all is low especially compared to buffies. Plus buffies almost quadriplegic in price. They are like 35 gb now rather than the 10 gb they are duekng through event. And buffies are garenteed to sell since they are so valued

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Edited on 02/01/24 @ 09:36:08 by Corruptedhyena (#243378)

πŸŒ™ Morrígra
πŸŒ™ [G1 Mazi RLC] (#33027)

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Posted on
2024-01-02 11:02:10
For me, I prefer barks (and scrotes for later use, but they've been so cheap the last year I can't really get behind buying solely them for selling purposes in Feb) because they're very easy to trade, even if they aren't selling easily, because of their near constant pricing.

Meanwhile both scrotes have other months where you can buy them (albeit more expensive for the amount of effort put into collecting currency for the other months), and both have very inconsistent pricing throughout the year (especially this last year, I think the top pricepoint i sold my buffies at was 29 GB).

Personally, I suggest about 30-50 buffies and whatever else you make should be barks (depending on how big your pride is and if you have/what your breeding projects are). It supplies you with enough buffies to last you for a long while (unless youve got lots of breeding projects that use up buffies), some to sell if the prices get high enough, and plenty of trading value (barks)

TL;DR - if you want pure GB profit, go for more buffies. If you're looking for consistent trading value to then turn into pure profit, go heavier on the barks.

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Edited on 02/01/24 @ 11:03:35 by πŸŒ™ Morrígra πŸŒ™ (#33027)

Corruptedhyena (#243378)

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Posted on
2024-01-02 13:22:55
Ultimately the difference revolves around who is willing to buy them and how long your willing to wait. Buffies have ranged from 27 gb to 35 fb at times. I have sold over 15 buffies this year for 35 gb. People simply don't really look for barks as much as they look for buffies which is why I recommend cuffed over barks almost all the time. You are more likely to sell byffies rather than barks.

Of course the entirely of the market is screwed the past 1-2 years, but I still recommend buying buffies rather than barks for profit

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πŸŒ™ Morrígra
πŸŒ™ [G1 Mazi RLC] (#33027)

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Posted on
2024-01-02 13:26:38
The good old days when people sold buffies in november-december for 55 GB :')

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Corruptedhyena (#243378)

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Posted on
2024-01-02 13:28:29
Yeah but unfortunately those days are gone xD. We can only wish the market testes itself.

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πŸŒ™ Morrígra
πŸŒ™ [G1 Mazi RLC] (#33027)

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Posted on
2024-01-02 13:34:15
Yep. Way too many market failures/crashes since :')

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Nahemii (#43434)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2024-01-03 05:02:15
I dont know for which prices you guys trying to sell Barks, but at lowest branch price I sold them pretty fast. Of course they wont sell at highest price.

Plus you can trade them in a lot of trades. They're like the better GBs xD

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Edited on 03/01/24 @ 05:03:32 by Nahemii (#43434)

⁑ SiRah (#159527)

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Posted on
2024-01-03 05:13:09
The line "Do NOT use reverse breeding for DU's! It doesn't work the way it should!" - would you please elaborate/explain?

I've used reverse breeding for DU's both as seller & buyer without issues.
Lion Scrotum have been successful & also failed to pass, as normal.

The only mild annoyance was that AMP's who are checked at birth while in the 'nowhere land' do not have their status updated, even after joining their pride, which can be overcome through amp checking after aging up (which would be standard if buying barked heats in Feb).

& Perhaps the "Breed" button appearing again after bred the 1st time can be confusing for some, but I believe that's standard for a DU.

Very curious, not sure which aspect is problematic- thank you! <3

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Corruptedhyena (#243378)

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Posted on
2024-01-03 06:17:57
Reverse breeding for dus is broken! If yoy try to use it it only works for 1 king for some reason and yoy cant use 2 kings!. Not sure why but as far as I know they haven't fixed it yet!

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⁑ SiRah (#159527)

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Posted on
2024-01-03 06:52:05
Ahh I see- I think it's to prevent the single-litter-effect items (such as: Lion Scrotum, Gnaws, Opal Saltlick & Rock Salt, etc.) used in the 1st breeding from getting overridden by the 2nd, since the 2nd studding literally overrides half the cubs...
Only the initial cub count determined by the Buffy would still be in effect for the 2nd round of cubs-
It would be nice if the option was available after the fact, though, for players doing so on purpose. :'D

I greatly appreciate the response. <3

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Edited on 03/01/24 @ 06:52:26 by β‰Ώ SiRah (#159527)

πŸŒ™ Morrígra
πŸŒ™ [G1 Mazi RLC] (#33027)

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Posted on
2024-01-03 06:54:47
I will say, I don't really understand the point of breeding to two different kings, it's a cool idea but you have to use double the items to do so, and it doesn't make mutations any more likely, etc ^^'. Could you give me a good example of where and why double breeding would be used?

And I mean @Nahemii If you were selling barks at 14-16 GB or something yes they would sell quite well, but in that case it'd be better to trade them when people usually value them at 18-20 GB per. Barks are one of the very few items in this game that whether it was 2015 or now (at least from what I've been here for) they've always been an extremely steady 18-20 GB in trading value, some people trade them at 15 but afaik usually higher. I could absolutely be wrong and if that's the case then I apologize, or if there was a mass yoh bark crash in 2020-2022 I wasn't around for it, but I do personally believe yohs are an extremely steady, safe and highly predictable asset

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Corruptedhyena (#243378)

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Posted on
2024-01-03 07:42:15
Yrah! For whateverr reason i just put it there cause it's important for some people! I personally would only use one stud but lots of others use 2!

@morrigra you only need to use items once! If you use double items thr second set of items will be wasted. Some people just wnat to try 2 different kings. Each person probably has their own use. I personally don't see a logical point but I also don't breed for things like bases, etc. I breed for muties so I never really looked into it.

Also if barks work for you then that's great! But generally speaking I have had 0 luck with barks unless I trade for items. I found it FAR more effective to get buffies and sell them for pure gb. Every year I was able tk sell mine for 35 gb, sometimes 40 gb! You just have to wait till ybr right time to sell them! Plus only a few people are looking for bark outside of February which is why they are harder to sell. Buffies are needed in all seasons and are highly valued.

Of course all of this is changing as we get more members and thr market changes!

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Nahemii (#43434)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2024-01-03 10:17:41

Actually I was quite happy with the barks being sold at 10 GB each xD
With 900 barks, thats plenty enough :D

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