Posted by Umoya Forest Roleplay!

💙🩵 Rainstorm
(any pros) 🩵💙 (#293518)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-02-24 21:52:43

Welcome to Umoya Forest!

Umoya Forest is a fictional place. It is home to all creatures, with habitats for every creature. The soil is fertile, with jungle and oak and sequoia trees alike.


When everyone is ready, I will start the RP, everyone who joins needs to have made a character via the character sheet.

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Edited on 03/09/23 @ 13:13:53 by 🧡💛🤍🩷💖Rainstorm (Xhe/Xher) (#293518)

SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-01 12:15:26

She only shrunk back more as a huge orangeish paw stopped right in front of the rock she was hiding underneath. Her ears twitched as she heard her mother's calls. Her instincts told her to run towards the sound, but she couldn't move, her paws were rooted to the ground. She covered her face with her tail, as the creature bent down to look at her. A huge striped head appeared, and looked underneath with blazing amber eyes. The animal almost looked like Sayha, just more striped.. and bigger... and scarier.


Her head popped up as she heard Spice's warning calls. She wasn't too far away from the river, perched on a thick branch. She had been waiting for a bird to land, or something to appear below her branch. Her patched fur bristled, what was going on?

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴
[GIFT4GIFT] (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-01-01 12:43:48
Spice pinned her ears back to her skull, calling repeatedly and brushing leaves from her face firmly, quickening into a run. 'Auream?!' She hissed, her paws skidding over the dirt.

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-01 13:05:08

She shut her eyes tightly as the animal's eyes focused on her. She heard her mother's voice, and the animal must have too, because it looked up in the direction of the voice. The animal looked back towards Auream, and snatched her up with a paw. It put the small otter on the ground, and grabbed her again, this time in its maw. Auream squealed in fear. "Mama!" she yelped as she felt the animals huge canines against her side. The animal leaned up against a tree, and bounded up it. Its claws sent splinters flying in the air.


The jaguar stood, her eyes slitted as she heard the familiar voice of Auream. She jumped from tree to tree, following the small otter's yelps and cries.

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴
[GIFT4GIFT] (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-01-01 13:09:37
The otter's eyes glazed with panic and she dashed over to where she heard the sound. She reached the area, panting and looking around desperately. 'Auream?' She dug her claws into the ground, looking up into the trees. Spice pinned her ears flat against her skull, letting out a loud 'scream' sort of sound (google the otter scream thingies idk how to explain)

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-01 13:17:28

The animal still held her in her jaws. "Mama!" she cried, trying to wriggle out of the animals jaws. She saw her mother underneath her but the animal dropped her onto the branch and pinned her with a huge paw. Auream could barely breathe as the animals weight was placed upon her back.


She spotted a striped animal, with a wriggly little stick in its jaws. Oh, never mind that's Auream. Wait.. Auream?! She approached the tree the tiger was on. She curled her lip in a silent hiss. She leaped onto the top of the tigers tree, making every movement silent and light.

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴
[GIFT4GIFT] (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-01-01 13:21:37
Spice panicked, clawing at the trunk of the tree for a moment before managing to catch a foothold. She dug her claws into the bark, using her hind legs to push upwards. In normal circumstances, she'd be more careful. But this was her kit here. The otter gripped onto a branch, clutching the wood and letting out a low growl towards the tiger.

(Had to google if otters could climb trees)

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Edited on 01/01/24 @ 13:21:53 by Fancy fork (#427147)

SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-01 13:27:01

The tiger bared its teeth in a threatening hiss. Placing more weight upon the fragile Auream. She let out a fearful squeak, her body aching against the tigers paw. She looked down at her mother, hope glittering in her eyes.


She spotted Spice, and little Auream struggling. If she could drop down onto the tigers back... But what if the tiger knocked Auream off the branch? She shook her head. She needed to think of something. She stared at Spice, stopping herself from yelling at the otter to stop intimidating the tiger.

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴
[GIFT4GIFT] (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-01-01 13:32:47
Spice lowered her ears, her breaths hasty. She couldn't fight a river, she knew that. She looked at Auream, trying her best not to look as scared as she was. 'Its going to be okay dear, i promise..' she said firmly, spotting Sayha nearby. The otter backed off, resisting hissing at the tiger once more. What could a tiger want with a tiny otter kit? Surely it could find better prey?

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-01 13:41:33

She looked pleadingly at her mother, and reached out her paw towards her.


"Look at you, how brave. Trying to save your young one." the tiger hissed, its voice raspy and deep. "You otters are just so spoiled." the tiger lifted Auream by her tail, and she inhaled the air deeply. "I highly doubt you would know, but, the prey is short. Your territory is the only one with abundant prey." the tiger sat down, holding Auream by the tail, and over the branch. "Give me your territory and I'll debate giving her back." the tiger pretended to drop the otter kit, laughing at Spice.


She climbed lower down the tree, two branches above the tiger now. She listened to its words, looking at Spices reaction.

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴
[GIFT4GIFT] (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-01-01 13:45:50
Spice's eyes widened and she thought this over for a split second. Surely she could find another territory with enough fish in the water. She glared daggers at the tiger, biting back insults. 'And where would you suggest we go then?' She hissed, her fur bristled. There were a few shallow pools of water around here, but any actual rivers were quite a walk away.

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-01 13:50:11

"I suggest leaving, far from here." the tiger glared down at her with amber eyes. "Because if I see you around, I will not hesitate." the tiger growled.


She squirmed, her head was beginning to hurt as all the blood in her body was forced to her head. "Big fat meanie." she murmured to the tiger, trying to bite him as she swung.

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴
[GIFT4GIFT] (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-01-26 16:22:05
The otter hesitated, looking at her kit desperately. her claws gripped the wood and she tensed up, glaring hatefully at the tiger. Arrogant felines. 'Fine. Let her go.' She hissed, fully ready to spring at this dullheaded cat's eyes if it refused to do its part of the "deal".

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-26 16:29:21
om i forgot about this roleplay ))


The large striped cat smiled in satisfaction. "Very well." he released the otter's tail, and the kit squeaked in shock, clawing at the air. "Mama!" Auream squealed, barely catching the bark of the branch with a claw. The tiger stared down at the small otter. "Oops." he stared emotionlessly, barely flicking an ear as the noise of bark ripping slowly from the branch echoed in the forest.

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴
[GIFT4GIFT] (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-01-26 16:32:27
(me too )

Spice hissed at him, pulling herself quickly onto the branch and quickly going to grab her kit. her ears flattened onto her scruff and she took Auream in her jaws carefully. Now that she wasn't terrified for her kit's life, the reality of the situation dawned on her. there was going to be.. a lot of walking ahead.

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴
[GIFT4GIFT] (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-02-02 16:22:17
(tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk
we appear to have fainted)

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