Posted by 2023/2024 G1 Hybrid Heat Giveaway [Closed]

Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

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Posted on
2023-02-28 22:58:30


[Closed]Guess the CRB Mutations:

[Winners Here]

Good luck!

Changes were made this year. Page prizes are now not a thing but I will give away random stuff to users talking here. There is now no longer a page requirement for a user to get a hybrid instead of a heat the winner can just choose. New rules were added to hopfully help this thread.

[Tigon Team Clan Discord]

This is a free Raffle for the full litter heat of either [My Quad Rosette Gen 1 Leopon] She is a Gen 1 Leopon who is clean lined (Gen 2 clean lined to be exact). Her mother is named. My pon will not have her Base, Skin, or marking slots 1, and 6 removed or changed.


[My Double Rosette Gen 1 Tigon] She has Gen 2 Clean Heritage just like my Leopon. My gon will not have her Base, Eyes, Mane Color(Possibly), or marking slot 8 removed or changed. She will be RMAed for 1-2 Rosettes. This would make her the 2nd Single Rosette Gen 1 Tigon She Obtained her 1st Rosette on 5-7-21, and if I can get it she will be the First Double rosette Gen 1 Tigon as of this post. Second Rosette obtained 10-1-21

The Tigon Team Clan

Rosette Clan Link

Upon winning this givaway you will have the option to breed My Side King. He is a Sexta Rosette(6xRosette) who base is Cherry blossom for Citrine Base Chance if bred to my Pon. He currently has around 3k Stats and is heritagless.

The Raffle Will End around Febuary 20th 2024(Heat/Breedings will take place at a later date if teir is not unlocked).

If You can Choose a Heat with full litter rights and items provided or a G3 Rosetted Hybrid:

°Winner will have the option to choose From a Gen 1 Heat Leopon or Tigon Heat to having the option to choose a Clean Gen 2 Leopon/Tigon Cub. The Leopon Cub/Tigon Cub will have at least Double Rosettes. It is your pick as the winner on what you want.

°This change is optional to the winner if they wish to risk breeding her themslves in the hopes of twin pons/gons or greater they may(The option of a 2x Rosetted pon/gon cub is for a winner who would not rather risk the heat in the chance it fails)

°Heat will have 20 Barks, 1 Buffy, 1 Lion Meat, 1 Opal Saltlick, & 2 Gnaws provided other items must be sent, Stud will be my own unless you would rather use a different lion. Crunchy Worms not allowed!


Please read all rules before commenting. Thank you!


This Givaway was created to help support The Tigon Team Clan.

***Feel free to join for another exclusive Full heat for Clan members. That may happen, as well as other cool raffles.***



If you have questions feel free to ask

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Edited on 18/02/24 @ 15:46:24 by Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

Also Medusa (#10331)

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Posted on
2023-03-21 04:35:27
I'm trying to decide if I have the patience for that XD I may have to, I don't plan on spending a hundred gb on a ten year old heir.

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Winter (Proj Stud!) (#265714)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-03-21 05:03:34
It costs 80 gb for a g2 1000+ pie

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PTP Queen Hanji [G2
Mosaic] (#176683)

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Posted on
2023-03-21 05:10:51
Ehhhhhhh You can breed a NCL to a G1 piebald stud for cheaper, of course stats but 1k isn't worth that much, at least to me,

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TrueShadow (#283533)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-03-21 05:12:43
I had a 1800+ Stat primal as my king a bit back. I just patrolled the heck outta him once I bought him at like 300 stats so

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Winter (Proj Stud!) (#265714)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-03-21 05:14:57
Me with my 3k+ g2 pie king

Just patrol

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TrueShadow (#283533)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-03-21 05:15:44
Patrolling is what I did. I was to lazy to patrol my mut rep this time

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Sunset Valley💞|
g1 11bo🌑 (#350308)

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Posted on
2023-03-21 07:47:49
some1 offered an old briar heavy rosette girl on my trade looking for a tri ros ;-; im not paying 3 lion scrotes for that thing

Also, anytime someone stays up to do homework because its due the next day, our ela teacher says its not due that day

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Edited on 21/03/23 @ 08:11:25 by Sunset Valley💞|G1 smog (#350308)

Also Medusa (#10331)

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Posted on
2023-03-21 08:36:58
I thought 1.8K was pretty high when I kinged my boy.. but my heir I'm thinkig about using only has like 200, also. I guess I'll just try breeding to high stat studs for a while. Even high stat pied lionesses seem expensive. It'll be fun to try to make one anyway, I'm just impatient

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Sunset Valley💞|
g1 11bo🌑 (#350308)

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Posted on
2023-03-21 08:38:35
Eh, worry about looks more unless you wanna be a stat monster like ydaar(think thats his name?) i mean its not bad having around 1k stats, but i'd worry about looks unless you got money to spend on it

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Winter (Proj Stud!) (#265714)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-03-21 08:49:58
I mean having good stats is a nice bonus :P

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Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

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Posted on
2023-03-21 09:09:20


First of the 16 people enter and the user randomly pulled to win the Gnawrock was entry number 15 - Medusa #10331

Now to the Winners of the Random guessing is:

°Hanji[Fuchsia Light Pup] #176683 | Clawless, & Tailess

°Winter #265714 | Achromia

°Jillian #413803 | Folded Ears

°chork #232269 | Clawless

°Liz da Lizzard #133606 | Clawless, Bobbed Tail, & Tailless

°AimPyre #98461 | Clawless, & OG tongue

°Tofuu #251249 | Achromia

°Medusa #10331 | Bobbed Tail

The users above will get one of these: 1 Ivory Carvings Marking Applicator & 1 GB, 1 Grain of Paradise, or 5GB pure it is users choice please pm me.

The user with the Most correct guesses:

With 3 correct is °Liz da Lizzard #133606 and on top of the above they will get any 3 non AMP Mutations that I Bred (Check my CRB den all mutations labled with mutation & marking number) orthe choice of a Lion meat.


°Clan Raffle Will hopfully be posted before the day is over with.

°Votes would like a AMP version of this and I will be using Google docs instead of survey monkey to make it easier on everyone.

°I have noted possible future prizes and hope to hold more activities soon.

Thank you all for entering please get back to me when you can if a winner has not responded to me by the end of the day I will reach out with a pm. Thank you all

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Edited on 21/03/23 @ 09:15:36 by Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

PTP Queen Hanji [G2
Mosaic] (#176683)

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Posted on
2023-03-21 09:11:39
Yay! c: And congrats everyone ^^ I'll PM you winter x3

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Also Medusa (#10331)

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Posted on
2023-03-21 09:12:12
That's why I was asking what's considered high stats to most people. Cause like- 5k+ is just gonna be impossible for me, and if anything lower than that isn't considered high- I might now bother or I'll just breed a mutie.

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Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

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Posted on
2023-03-21 09:16:24
Updated to be a bit less confusing I hope my bad to you all I confused X'D

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Sunset Valley💞|
g1 11bo🌑 (#350308)

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Posted on
2023-03-21 09:27:19
ooh congrats :D

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