~Welcome to the Rose Garden Friends!~
Here's the Lowdown:
Me and my GF are going to get our hands on a newborn pon. A newborn FIRST GEN PON at that. We'll remove everything besides the MR and proceed to add NINETEEN ROSETTES.
This pon will only ever have 2 full clones that will EVER leave their specified den within my account or my alts account. One of which will belong to my girlfriend and be kinged by her, and the other will be kinged by me.
The heat of this pon will be barked ONLY and crunchies, if they are EVER used, will have a fee depending on how many rosettes you want to keep on the clone as no full clones will EVER leave our den without being frozen or without having rosettes removed from it.
We'd love help with pricing for heats and studs!
Here, one day you will be able to find:
-A stunning first generation leopon with TWENTY rosettes.
-A gorgeous lethal collection.
-Two 20x rosette queens
-A very cute couple (UwU)
-And much more!
This is listed as a breeding project because it's going to take a while, it involves breeding, and it's a MASSIVE PROJECT.
If you have ANY questions, post them below! We'll be happy to answer!
PS: Currently we are also looking for gardeners!
You may wonder what gardeners do with us?
Well, here at the Rose Garden, we have MANY goals. Very EXPENSIVE goals. The Gardeners are the hard workers who spend a lot of their own time and money trying to fund and keep the Rose Garden up and running! Feel free to PM me, or one of the other gardeners!
Current Heat Price for 20x rosette leopon-
250 GB flat
50 GB fee for a crunchy used (Plus 5 GB per rosette kept. Only goes up to 8 rosettes kept unless a special deal is worked out in PMs or a very rare exception is made.)
10 GB fee for any other various breeding items
Required items-
Aging stones (Unless you want us to force you to watch us brutally murder or sell your valuable cubs.)
20 Yohimbe barks
Recommended Items (That have no extra GB fee)
Buffies, GOP's, Shamantic Stew, Roasted Vulture, and Great Tit.
We also accept-
Mukumbero: (2 full litters, removes fee from all items if you wish to use them.)
Event Currencies: (Using typical conversion rates.)
Breeding Items: (If it's higher quaity breeding items you may get discounts)
Lions: (We would ONLY be willing to take clean DU's, hybrids, dwarves, or certain pies. PM for specifications.)
Apps: (PM for details, run on lowest branch prices)
EXP and Impression Items: (Run on average branch prices)
Stud Prices:
20 GB in February.
30 GB in every other month.
All items MUST be provided by you.
If a request you send is cancelled and resent to troll us, you will be blacklisted and you may never purchase or associate yourself with The Rose Garden ever again.
BONUS***: First gens, and RL's breed without a fee here. If you want to use items, provide them and we'll use them without complaint.
All of these can be reserved! Give us a date that your lion will be in heat and make sure to pay in advance. If you are a First gen or a RL then even reserved studs will be pushed aside to allow you to breed. You guys are lucky as hell and deserve to be treated as queens and kings.
Another note:
It is unknown if we will EVER allow CRB's on our precious Rose. If we EVER, and I mean EVER allowed this, you would pay a massive extra fee and you would be required to provide enough yohimbe barks to let her get her cubs to you that same day. The reasoning behind this is that her heats are SO VALUABLE and even just ONE LITTER could have hundreads of GB worth of (potential) double pon litters, a dozen rosettes, and more.
Afterthebooks (#394044)
Cand (#394042)
Kam (#394071)
Jezter. (#129495)
Sage | G2 | 1k+ | Ticked Pie | (#383119)
Dorsal Fur Enthusiast (#373155)
🦎EliWazzhere~G1|3xRos|tobiano (#244875)
PS: HTML by Bayern (#385124)