Posted by Please Rename the Ra Base

Fuego (#41825)

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Posted on
2023-06-09 11:36:10
On April 7th the Friday community update was posted and at the bottom there were 3 versions of the "Ra" base to vote on for the June combo base set. The winner was v3. So, it's a very pretty base and all, but the name Ra does not match the base at all. He is the Sun God after all. You could argue "sky" but the winning base is more like a night sky. It just... doesn't fit Ra in my opinion. v1 absolutely could've worked but this (lovely) blue base does not vibe as Ra.

Some suggested alternatives for this base could be: Osiris, the god of the underworld commonly depicted as green, Nut, the goddess of the sky and heavens, or even Nile for the river that flows through Egypt. Ptah could also work.

This also wouldn't be the first time that a base has been renamed. Back in the day there were several versions of Golden (1, 2, 3 etc) that all got new names like Medium Golden. So I don't think it's too farfetched of a suggestion.

If you don't support please let me know why. I love Ancient Egypt and the pantheon and if there is information that you think counters my suggestion that supports the base named Ra I'd be interested to hear it!

Additional name suggestions:
Sobek was a crocodile god, so perhaps that as a possibility? The Nile crocodile was highly revered and of course lives in the Nile river.

Thoth could work as well since he was a moon god and this base looks like an early night or twilight theme.
suggested by Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

The other two bases; Ogdoad and Ennead mean "set of eight" and "set of nine" upon a quick google search. But Ennead also refers to a group of Egyptian gods, as does Ogdoad.

But, I think the name needs to be changed to something that more closely aligns with 'Ogdoad' and 'Ennead'. I'm not a huge Egyptian mythology buff, as much as I would like to be! So is there a 3rd name for a third group of egyptian deities?
suggested by ddyyuu (#280)

Heka (sourced link) suggested by ddyyuu (#280)

Amun or Hehu

I think Neith could also be a fitting name, since she's associated with water and the cosmos. The base has a very "primordial waters" feel to me. And in some traditions she's believed to be the goddess who created the universe, as well as the mother of Ra (and Apep!) suggested by Selkie🐚 (#227754)

This suggestion has 149 supports and 10 NO supports.

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Edited on 14/06/23 @ 12:02:14 by ShakiraFuego(G2 Tobi5DawnRos) (#41825)

Aura/Samuel (#208852)

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Posted on
2023-06-12 22:07:53 me the sun god needs a yellow or orange colored base the sparkles can stay though

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