Posted by How Do You Fight The Bosses?

Snakies (DO NOT PM
ME) (#84842)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-07-01 10:51:05
I've been on this site for years and I still have no idea how I would approach battling the bosses consistently XD
I'm not sure if there is a way to be consistent. I know they're supposed to be hard to beat of course, but there has to be some way to increase your chances of winning right? Or am I just being silly?

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Angela |Skyward
Queen| (#77401)

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Posted on
2023-07-01 11:38:40
There's a battling guide on the wiki which covers what the best strategies are for all the explore encounters, including the boss dragons.

Essentially, it's only got what not to use for them, and the rest is down to luck from there.

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Edited on 01/07/23 @ 11:39:18 by Angela |Skyward Queen| (#77401)

November (#322877)

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Posted on
2023-07-04 12:23:20
Even with the guide its insanely difficult for me

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Chinook (#212440)

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Posted on
2023-07-04 16:14:12
It's just a matter of luck honestly, but I find pounding and kicking to be the most effective.

If you fail to grab first attempt, rest and charge again. Keep grabbing and pounding, hopefully you'll get some stuns in. (The non-stun pounds won't be doing a lot of damage, so exchange pounding and kicking)

Just pray that the boss misses a lot, and that you get some good hits in!

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Maj [G1 Scoundrel
9BO WIP] (#187065)

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Posted on
2023-07-04 17:59:50
I've found a strat that usually works for me, though I haven't tried incorporating Rest, so I'll try that in the future! :0

What I usually do first is Pounce. My goal is to grab as early as possible.

If Pounce doesn't grab the boss, I immediately Grab again. If this grab doesn't work, the victory is a toss-up, but if I've grabbed onto the boss by the third turn, I usually win (unless I'm unlucky, there is always a chance for that to happen :,) 100% consistency is unfortunately impossible.

Once the boss is clinched, I just Kick nonstop.

So, my order is POUNCE->KICK or POUNCE->GRAB (until clinch)-> KICK.

This is the most consistent strategy for me, and I've been experimenting a good bit with bosses, so hopefully it helps! If not, then sorry for sounding so confident about it lol

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LOLpy [G1 |7.9.21
NRLC] (#386310)

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Posted on
2023-07-05 02:52:53
If you're really struggling with bosses try using Human Livers! ^^

I usually first go for Charge since it does good damage and has the ability to stun.
After I Grab so many times until it works.
And the Last step is to Pound Since it has the chance to stun
Never Rest during a boss fight! The Boss will charge you and do a lot of damage

Together with a human liver (and 1000 Stats) This pretty much always works for me, Hope this works for you too! ^^

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Chinook (#212440)

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Posted on
2023-07-05 12:53:42
Bosses charge during rest? odd, I choose that option everytime and it's never happened to me

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LOLpy [G1 |7.9.21
NRLC] (#386310)

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Posted on
2023-07-05 13:08:26
They have always charged me when I rested idk why they dont for you

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Chinook (#212440)

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Posted on
2023-07-05 13:15:58

Here's a screenshot I took. You can see I rested and it didn't charge. Perhaps they're just being nice? (ignore my poorness I have my GB up for trade)

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Snakies (DO NOT PM
ME) (#84842)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-07-05 16:54:44
perhaps it depends on the boss whether or not they charge. For me, it hasn't happened either, but I also don't usually rest during these fights anyways, since they do too much damage to justify wasting turns. (especially since they charge sometimes making it nil?)

I have a semi-consistent strategy now. Charge (because it does the most damage and can stun if it crits) > grab (bec ause if i chose pounce and it didnt grab, it would've done minimal damage and doesn't have the chance to stun) > and pound until I win
If they break the clinch I usually just grab again, but normally that would mean that I'm dead, however I find that they miss more often when you grab & pound (lol). I think the main strat is to try and make them skip their turns with missing or being stunned. The less damage you take the more likely you win.

I fought 6 jellyfish bosses to open up the shop in total and only lost once using this strategy due to unlucky grab chances, so I think this works.

And above all else, pray to the RNG gods

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Jules (#184120)

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Posted on
2023-07-06 06:37:41
Just want to confirm, for the new shop. you need to fight the bosses in the Veil nebula, correct? I thought I beat a few but my counter hasn't gone up.

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Snakies (DO NOT PM
ME) (#84842)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-07-06 07:19:36
Yes that is correct ^^ if you’ve been fighting them in the Veil and it hasnt gone up it may be bugged for you.

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