Ramune's February Madness Tracker
I couldn't help myself and did a silly little doodle.
A little preface on this thread - I wanted to make a little journal to detail my February experience. I will log how much time I spend exploring per day, what items are used, and if I figure out something that absolutely works great or terribly. I'm starting with my own 'quick-start' guide on what has worked best for me for grinding events to give a peek into my daily routine for grinding events. :3
New for 2025:SIREN'S CALL DATA;
Before I actually get the data, my preface thought is this: There are a lot of factors that may boil down to personal value with these. Since I'm using boosts *anyways*, and have more than enough to outlast each call, it's no harm to use it. However, that GB could instead be used to buy HS or energy boosts. So it will boil down to *how much extra HS can you near safely expect* from Siren's Calls.
I am getting through 10 boosts at least of each type (with beans/butter and then with beans/butter/siren's) to get a fairly reasonable average of the excess HS gained from Siren's Calls.
Additional thought: Let's say you buy a siren's call at 20 GB. To make up for the cost *if* you're already using planned boosts, counting it as an "extra", it'd be worth it only if you can get an extra 60 HS at minimum. 60 HS now would fairly reasonably be 22-30 GB later. It definitely would be best suited for longer-term profit making, likely not for those looking to sell in season. However if it somehow wound up with an extra 90 HS? That's potentially 40-45 GB out of season. So a much larger margin of profit! Time will tell.
Data for 1st Siren's Call + Beans
Bar 1 with coffee beans and hyena butter: # HS
Bar 2 " " ": # HS
Bar 3 " " ": # HS
Bar 4 " " ": # HS
Bar 5 " " ": # HS
Bar 6 " " ": # HS
Bar 7 " " ": # HS
Bar 8 " " ": # HS
Bar 9 " " ": # HS
Bar 10 " " ": # HS
Bar 1 with coffee beans and hyena butter and SIREN'S CALL: # HS
Bar 2 " " ": # HS
Bar 3 " " ": # HS
Bar 4 " " ": # HS
Bar 5 " " ": # HS
Bar 6 " " ": # HS
Bar 7 " " ": # HS
Bar 8 " " ": # HS
Bar 9 " " ": # HS
Bar 10 " " ": # HS
Final Siren's Call personal thought: Is it worth it? (YAY/NAY HERE)
Additionally, please feel free to add your own logs here! :D I'd love to see what others do on the daily. *You are always doing an event right as long as you have fun with it!*
Lofty Feb Goals
Oh boy. This is either a lowball or an extreme highball for expectations. Whichever one it is, we will find out! Updated for 2025!
My inventory for Feb:
- 1,100 energy boosts
- 26 full-use Meat Pies!
- 200 Coffee Beans
- 7 Siren's Calls
- ???? Level-ups on side (51000%+ exp)
- 108 Roasted Lambs
- I have not personally used this for Feb yet, but the explore encounter quick-checks should REALLY help with maximizing your Feb grind! I will be using it this year to see how much better I do with it. :3
My Hopeful Breeding Items Goal:
- 300 Yohimbe Barks (9,000 HS) [0/300]
- 400 Buffalo Scrots (24,000 HS) [350/400]
- 100 Lion Scrots (8,000 HS) [5/100]
For a total of; 41,000 HS. I am hopeful I can surpass this (or even attain this!), but it is all down to RNG with event encounters and how much time I am actually able to spend grinding! I'm planning on compacting my exploring as much as I can to a 6 or so hour period a day, so we shall see if I'm able to even half-way meet it! If not, I'll have energy left over for other events. :3
Daily To-Do's and Reminders
Let me preface this with; this is what works for ME. These are my little "notes to self" for daily 'do's' and 'don'ts.' You may have methods that work MUCH better for you, and that is fabulous! I am not presenting this as a 'this is the best way to do Feb' but as a 'this is how I'm approaching the event for tracking. If any of it helps you, I'm happy!' I also prepared well ahead of time with a SILLY amount of energy boosts. I was able to make sales and invested it directly into energy boosts because I was ABLE to at the time. You can STILL have a wonderfully profitable Feb by just exploring once in a while casually. You can spend 0 GB and end up with 60 GB worth of buffalo scrots by just exploring an hour or so tops for a few days of the month. It adds up!
Encounter quick guide
- This info is also on the wiki! :3 It's just easier for me to sift through in this layout PERSONALLY.
- BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE, set alarm for every 15 mins to flirt (set backup alarm for every half hour or hour in case you get distracted - I am easily distracted, and this is a necessary step for me!) - ***LioModded gives timers with this as well! Granted, it automatically pings you when you're on Lioden to flirt again; but if you're tabbing out/doing other things while waiting on energy, this is a great help!
- DAILY: Gorilla Enclave: Choose ENERGY
- DAILY: bone marrow
- DAILY: keep word doc up with best yield of HS (when in doubt, CHECK IT OUT) - NOTE: The wiki already has this information laid out beautifully. It is just simpler for me to have a word document up with only the best option visible. It cuts down on my time as there's "less to look at" per encounter.
- Roasted Lamb or Red Bull every 8 hours (use at the TOP of each hour within the first 5 minutes - set timer once used for 8 hours).
- CANDID Personality - Candid personality gives you +3 energy return for every successful NCL claim. Battling does not tend to yield enough HS to worry about (if you have enough territory, you not only might get and complete the 50 lioness quest for a potential +100% energy, but you also tend to get WELL over 30 energy per day - better than the hyperactive daily boost!) Update with hyena butter; definitely exceeded the hyperactive boost on a few days, today included (day 1 Feb). I recommend if you have the territory!
- HYPERACTIVE Personality - If you do not have enough territory to cycle through ~10 NCLs an hour (claim & chase after their cooldown is up), Hyperactive will be your best bet! This number is only if you are not running through a LOT of energy at once! It's probably closer to 30? if you're using several boosts in a row. It will give you a +30% daily boost!
- Remember to check slap/flirt page every handful of minutes - I've missed notifications before!
- Level ups before energy boosts!
- NEW: Coffee Beans! - Give yourself a kick of espresso when you KNOW you have 15 minutes and a full energy bar at MINIMUM for exploring. This will guarantee you at least 50 steps in explore vs a guaranteed 34 if the maximum amount of energy is used per step! Best used if you have 2+ energy boosts.
[Note; I am planning to see how many energy boosts I can go through while REASONABLY farming the best options of HS with the coffee beans. Obviously speed clicking isn't the way to go as you have to select options, so it will take some math to figure out how many energy boosts is feasible and reasonable to burn through with coffee beans active.]
- NEW: Siren's Call: This lasts for 15 minutes and increases the likelihood of getting event encounters/battles. This was added in '24 and is a rare outcome from the last-of-the-year treasure hunting! It is also a potential bonus from the Black Friday bonus pool! This will be *best used* with hyena butter and coffee beans.
- Hyena Butter on occasion - DO NOT PERCEIVE ME, LIONESSES (if lioness encounters seem very frequent and it is getting in the way of event encounters - I usually save this after I've gotten well over the +30 energy a day!)
- Fermented Marula Fruits - Use at 0% energy, make sure your +20 isn't about to go off!
- Explore in Tropical Forest (6-10) or Dry Savannah (11-15) if you can. Both of these areas have the potential for +5 energy encounters. Every little bit adds up! There is also a GREAT option from the Waterhole (31+) that offers 35% energy, but not everyone makes it to that level which is fine!
- Do not forget to spend your HS. I set a calendar reminder for the 26th each February so I do not forget.
- Additional daily note: If you find yourself in need for emergency funds, don't forget to play Serengeti Shuffle and Reptile Roundup! The decors sell nicely from RR and if you score 3500+ on SS, you can win items worth 1-2 GB. HS is extremely cheap compared to the items' actual "values" as HS is rather easy to get. Playing for the long haul will earn you more GB!
- EXPERIENCE - Start early: Even though we're close to Feb as I'm editing this in, January is a FANTASTIC time to stock those level-ups. If you struggle with keeping/making GB or tons of battles, focus on Giant Torts in January! They're 20 LB a pop from the Boneyard. Dig 'em up and chomp 'em out! Hold those level ups for "free energy boosts" in Feb!
- Final Note: I will say this until y'all are tired of hearing it! Even if you grind super casually throughout the month, that's a minimum of 50 GB in later months. And that's WILDLY casual, like a handful of steps a day. So please, don't compare your grinds to others' and make sure you enjoy it! It can be lucrative, yes! But you haven't failed by not meeting certain goals or coming out with a certain amount of currency. If you're feeling burned out, don't push yourself! While it may be considered the most lucrative month as far as potential profit goes: it's not worth it if you're feeling miserable about it! Period! No ifs ands or buts.
I possess another question. Does anyone know which explore zone is the best? Or it doesn't matter if it has less "normal" encounters because the event encounters will override the probabilities?
SO I did the math for a handful of zones last year! It's almost negligible, the difference in number of encounters for the ones I did (up to dry savannah I believe!) Like, 1-2 difference.
I do recommend Tropical Forest/Dry Savannah! It's got +5 energy in both those zones on following the pangolin or rolling for the monkey. Waterhole is the VERY best, but it's really tough to get to!
I have about 100 HS difference between my Waterhole account and my Tropical Forest account, despite doing a coffee bean + butter run to get through 5 levelups of energy on my Tropical account It's only day 5, so I'll have to see how my daily gains go for the rest of the month via my spreadsheet.
I have only 593 hs right now, but I have no energy items lol and I'm not using my side... (I study and work so I don't really have much time to grind lol, but I'm trying! better have some amount of hs than nothing)
You’re doing FANTASTIC! Honestly I would probably have way less than that without items Even in Feb, without sitting down to grind for a while, energy ends up stacking up and going unused for sooooo so long!
Honestly, last Feb and this one were the only ones I really put effort into, and I just got lucky with sales/having GB to be able to mega prep. I didn’t bother trying to truly grind until this being my 9th and 10th years here! Playing at your own pace and enjoying it, and being proud of whatever you come up with, is most important!
And the event is still early and you’ve already nearly made ten whole buffies’ worth! Or a whole set of barks! That’s a lot of profit or saved money from having to buy later! Be proud!
Have you done any Siren's Calls yet? I average probably between 130-160 HS on a standard 15 minute Coffee + Hyena Butter boosting session, and got about 190 adding in the Siren's Call and Sanafica Gonna try once again myself as well as have my Professional Grinder™ friend give it a shot to see if it was a sad amount because of luck.
SO for my first run with siren's call (plus beans/butter), compared to the same amount of boosts/time with just beans/butter, I got: 207 without, and 338 HS with! The second run like that, it was 213 without and 396 with! It definitely depends on RNG and the amount of energy I can power through.
I spent so much time fumbling last year as I learned to get in a groove. I think I've managed to stay in a groove, but it can definitely be tough to get into it! Also fast internet + a shiny new computer that loads everything quite, quite fast was a help too.
If you sell those items you buy later in the year, Kiana, you can DEFINITELY get a lovely Gon for that!