Posted by Item worth????

S4WY3R_101 (#231591)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-01-12 06:11:53
Hello all!
I was wondering when is the best time (event wise) to sell carcasses and such, as well as the worth estimation.

I have a bunch of GMO chickens that are about to rot because it's easy to get them in this event so no one is really buying from trades, as well as I'm not sure about the worth of them.

What I normally do is I look in the trades first and see how many people are charging for theirs, but sometimes they either over price their items, or under price their items and I don't want to sell myself short.

Any tips would be appreciated.
Thanks! <3

I believe I have made a mistake regarding selling to the monkey business. I believe my carcasses didn't sell as much as they should have, so I am very confused. I watched someone else sell their carcasses on you tube in a tips to get SB tutorial, and they seemed to have gained a lot more SB than I did.

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Edited on 12/01/24 @ 06:15:12 by S4WY3R_101 (#231591)

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πŸŽƒ Jen
O'Lantern πŸŽƒ (#177530)

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Posted on
2024-01-12 07:28:51
On a day by day basis Ive found most food bundles sell best towards evening times in the US as thats when the biggest chunk of the player base does their normal chores before sleeping. just before rollover is also a decent time to bump these trades as it makes them findable for people scrambling for food after forgetting to do so earlier.
As a general rule, any item's worth equal to or a bit less than the lowest current trade. That's based on the logic that nobody would choose to pay more than necessary for an identical item. That being said, if you don't want to sell an expiring item for that amount you need to be prepared to either use it or let it expire. Its not worth not rolling your account to preserve expireables as you'd miss out on more food from hunting and of course the chance to er event currency.
Gmo chickens are pretty useful in specific cases. They fully fill hunger which is handy in general but they also fully replenish spent hunts for a lioness who eats it which is extra handy for people who sell meat or just enjoy stat training their lionesses! Right now the January event means people don't need to worry about feeding their lions whatsoever since you can pretty much fully fill the hunger bar with little to no effort or cost so the demand and subsequent value of them is lower than usual.
As for the monkey business bit, I believe the value of a food item is dependent on the time till they expire as well as number of uses it has, so selling something there the day before it expires will make you less sb than selling it as soon as you get it. As a general rule though, 100 uses of any food will sell for better on tc than what you'd get from the monkeys.

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