Posted by Economy Crash & How Players Are Coping

[♰] Yharnam (#112370)

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2024-01-29 03:02:36
This is half a vent topic and half me seeking advice. Over the years, I've been self-sufficient, surviving largely on breeding item and applicator sales. And I've managed to pack away hundreds of GB in savings.

However, lion market is crashing, non-hybrid / special mutie market has crashed, breeding item market is faltering, applicator market is crashing, and worse yet, the Patches market I spent upwards of 200 GB on apps for crashed not even a month after I bought them. My entire savings are drained due to this. I never made back the costs.

That was over a year ago. Things are getting worse.

There's simply no end in sight, and things keep being made worse and worse. I've almost never had to seek advice in the last few years, but there's a first for everything. What are you selling, and how are you and your projects surviving this?

Hybrids aren't an option for me, and I'm not looking to replace either of my kings.

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Edited on 29/01/24 @ 03:53:17 by [♰] Yharnam (#112370)

Astrid (#77238)

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2024-01-29 04:44:27
Wish I had an answer for you, but I'm in the same boat. :c I don't even try to sell lions anymore, even muts and special bases I either give away or chase. There's not a market for anything. I'm not even sure I plan on grinding this feb because of how bad the market is. The only way I know how to make GB anymore is just through art, and that can be a pretty unreliable market in itself. Really hoping we can find our way out of the broken economy of lioden. </3

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k8 [G3 Jag 8xRos
Vaga] (#138867)

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2024-01-30 00:41:37
IMHO breeding lions has never been particularly profitable-- at least as someone who has played frequently since 2018-- and should be regarded as a net loss unless you're very strategic about what and how you breed. But I don't think you're wrong at all about the stagnation in lion markets being especially brutal in the past couple of years.

Regardless, speculating on the lion market isn't necessary because where you're really going to make money is flipping popular breeding items. I don't think it's particularly difficult per se, but it takes a lot of patience and isn't everyone's playstyle-- which I'm more than willing to acknowledge even though I've always found it to be the center of my gameplay-- so of course it's not a path worth going down if you feel as though you'll be sacrificing your enjoyment in Lioden.

Profit margins are slowly narrowing but I don't think buying and reselling breeding items out of season will ever not be profitable. It's relatively predictable and doesn't meddle with RNG. You just have to be pinching with your money for a while until you make ~1-2k; afterwards you're pretty cushioned and making GB takes little effort given you don't tend to any exorbitant spending habits. Only then would I set aside money for a breeding project. It would likely be more enjoyable without having to worry about total financial loss and I'd wager finding success with them would be easier with a good accumulation of money.

I say all of this at risk of sounding pretentious, I hope I don't come off that way because I've had some hard times with the Lioden market and I don't make the most fabulous decisions sometimes (invested a good sum of GB into black friday MoDs and now splash mods are at like 60 kek). But if you are genuinely asking for advice on how to stay afloat on Lioden I'm more than willing to share, I would like to think I've accumulated a good amount of knowledge on it and have the savings to corroborate on that.

As for lions I'm unfortunately of no help, I haven't bred in years and the only project I've looked at is CRBing for gen1s to sell.

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[♰] Yharnam (#112370)

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2024-01-30 01:03:01
Once upon a time, I made a pretty penny selling Madagascars for 20 - 30 GB a pop back in the days where dirty didn't matter. I'm pretty convinced clean overtaking contributed to lions losing profitability.

Flipping will be super difficult right now since I'm genuinely flat broke for the first time in about 4 years. Gotta have money to make money in the flipping market - done it before but not with breeding items, I admit.

My big concern about sinking the cash into flipping right now is that we're only on year 1 of population boom (pretty sure at least, I've lost some time this year). I'm worried what it'll look like later this year, and if this is the very same tactic everyone will be employing.

Is CRBing even valuable? It seems like a waste. I've bred hundreds of NCLs and never seen a naturally occuring Leopon or Tigon G1

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k8 [G3 Jag 8xRos
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2024-01-30 01:20:04
oo that's a good point to bring up. I never bred clean either and I stopped just before I think clean breeding really took off, so I can definitely see that as a possibility. Would be interested if you would want to elaborate more on it cus you've piqued my interest lmao

Flipping items is for sure more popular than ever (have you seen all of those heartshell threads already up? It's January dude. There used to be like 5 of them by mid-february) but I'm 99.99% certain that returns will never be lower than what you're buying at for February items. It's just impossible. I don't think buying them will be too tricky either.

If you're low on funds I would maybe suggest buying GoPs. They're the only t2 breeding item and since players are antsy to cash in on their February items they can sell for 2-3, with resale value at 14-16*. They've never been to hard for me to sell either and I usually buy ~100 a year.

my very spotty item spreadsheet:
keep in mind the weeks following t3 february always have really high prices but are largely negligable because nobody buys at that time lol. same goes for a lot of the extreme highs for breeding items (i.e. 65gb for a gmo).

The population boom didn't seem to affect October sales too much; crunchies are doing relatively well and I sold something over 1,000 SoDs with little issue (although my friend Tycoon has had trouble getting them off of his hands and says it's been more difficult than last year). Still, though, we bought for 6 and resold for 9 and never had to dip below that. Something could be said about September because both gnaws and GMOs are doing pretty poorly right now (usually it's one or the other) so there's some oversaturation but not enough to make it any less profitable. A resale value of 2x is still good even if it isn't 2.5-3x.

If I were to do a breeding project, it would be mass CRBs. Like anything RNG in lioden it varies, I've seen people get a g1 leopon from a g1 tigon litter, and other people who have done 1000+ roots and haven't come up with anything. But if I had to wager I think the average is something around 600-1000 CRBs before a hybrid pops up. Tharkenta's thread is especially good and what I would consider a model CRB project done well; not to toot anyone's horn or anything. They're doing exactly what I would do by using a king with a bunch of rosettes increasing the likelihood of them passing and is getting as much profit as possible from the gon they bred.

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Edited on 02/02/24 @ 04:11:06 by pge0 (#138867)

k8 [G3 Jag 8xRos
Vaga] (#138867)

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2024-01-30 01:26:24
I stopped breeding, though, because I spent an ungodly amount of money during July around four years ago (I want to say ~1-2kGB) trying to get a triple rosette stratosphere. We got the first strat girl but even with an insane amount of barked heats came up with nothing, and the flame wars revolving around July used to be pretty gnarly. So traumatized I just stick to buying lethals now if I want the little dopamine rush
So I'm definitely not the most unbiased opinion. I know there's some really good breeders out there who can carve out a niche and profit from breeding, I just couldn't get back into it for the life of me.

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Edited on 30/01/24 @ 01:27:27 by pge0 (#138867)

Astrid (#77238)

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2024-01-30 01:31:53
CRBing is the long game. While I personally have not recuperated the money I have sunk into it, that is due to keeping the lions that would be valuable instead of selling them.

Over time would have generated a decent profit if I were to sell the assets acquired from it. Not including the lesser value mutations that I giveaway rather than selling, I would have, if I sold all the profitable lions, about 5,000 gold beetles (7 lethals @ 150gb each and 2 hybrids @ 2k gb each). I have spent, valuing 1gb at 800sb, 205gb on amp checking, 140gb on nesting material, and 1,842 on the CRBs themselves.

That means I have spent a total of (rounding up) 2,200gb spent on CRBing, not including food and the lionesses themselves. With the amount made from sales of 5,000gb, I would have made a profit of 3,800gb. But this is my own personal results from cotton root barks, and someone could easily make way more or way less than I could have. Also, like I said in the beginning, this is an absolute investment if you are in it to make profit. Without the hybrids being born, I would have actually lost approximately 1,200gb.

If I were in this for the profit, I would personally not recommend it at all. It is extremely risky gambling and not at all a surefire investment.

Sorry for the long rambly post!!! I really love my little CRBs and am very proud of my achievements and data collection of them and absolutely love sharing the information I have gathered!! ♥

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k8 [G3 Jag 8xRos
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2024-01-30 01:35:54
That's not rambly at all, thank you for sharing!! And thank you for correcting me-- like I said, I'm definitely out of my field with lions

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[♰] Yharnam (#112370)

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2024-01-30 01:39:14
I think you both are also batting at an average the normie LD player can only dream of, also. As much as I appreciate the info - and I do, truly, thank you for your time - I'm a standard LD player who's never seen thousands in my GB bundles. These kinds of numbers simply aren't achievable for me, let alone the 'entry fee' to starting.

But I appreciate that you were willing to share.

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Astrid (#77238)

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2024-01-30 01:47:36
Oh, don't worry, this is definitely coming from a so called normie LOL
I have never seen more than 400gb in my account at any given time. All of my CRBing is over the course of 2 years!

A good start is flipping items through grinding event currency rather than buying from other players. Crunchies, ochre gnawrocks, buffies, lion scrotums, all good items to flip. I've never invested in buying low and selling high (too impulsive with my GB), and have always just gotten items from grinding the event currency! That is mostly what funds my CRB project, and if I were to actually put it back into items and investing in that, it would make for a wonderful profit.

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k8 [G3 Jag 8xRos
Vaga] (#138867)

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2024-01-30 01:55:47
I understand, I apologize for getting ahead of myself, I just like to nerd out about Lioden ":D

I wouldn't entirely knock flipping items, especially if you're already doing so with apps, I would just redirect those funds into buffie/lion scrots, barks and the like. Maybe just keep it in your peripheral if you ever do want to get into item flipping; it's a bit grueling at first, yes, but it definitely pays off. Even on a smaller scale it can serve as a good trickle of GB over time. I know it isn't everyone's playstyle but I definitely don't want to give the impression that you have to flip hundreds of items, far from it.

What Elk said too is true, I've been too lazy to really grind for a while but you can make bank off of february/september by holding onto the items you got on your own terms versus buying from others.

Regardless I hope next month is good for you and the lion market figures itself out-- maybe through jaglions, who knows >_>. I think a lot of it is growing pains from the recent traction LD has seen.

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[♰] Yharnam (#112370)

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2024-01-30 02:24:00
No worries and no hard feelings. I get you.

I wasn't actually flipping apps (buying and reselling), I just built up a substantial hoard and would sell off some when I needed cash.

But the problem is I just went through every app I own and base and marking apps that used to go for 15+ out of season are now barely cresting 7 and most are actually closer to 1 or 2 gb. It's a nightmare. I have all of these basically useless apps I bought to sell (i dont decorate lions cept my king and queen).

I'm worried that my GMO cow and crunchy worm won't actually reach their former 60+ GB prices. I couldn't grind much last year so they're all I've got.

Is it selfish of me to hope they drop jaglions in February so the market goes nuts? >_>;

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Astrid (#77238)

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2024-01-30 02:40:07
Felt the app problem. I was super excited getting a divine app for Christmas seeing as they used to go for 15-20gb out of season, went to sell it and they were 2gb each. Horrible.

Not selfish at all! Hoping that they release right after feb so everyone is buying up and driving up the buffy/yohimbe/crunchy prices.

edit; i just realised that made me sound ungrateful for it 😭i am super grateful and really appreciated it, i was just startled by the price drop!!

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Edited on 30/01/24 @ 02:43:49 by Elk 💔 (#77238)

[♰] Yharnam (#112370)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 02:59:48
On the one hand, app price drop will mean that it'll be easier for my soul project
on the other, my souls already arent selling for shit cuz nobody's got any damn money.

so i have a 2 year long project that's risking dead in the water. and part of it is over-saturation, and part of it is this nonsense. I spotted users doing this on several apps. I don't think they realize that undercutting his harshly causes users to price beneath them and then it harms the whole market. I have very mixed feelings on total player control of the market...

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k8 [G3 Jag 8xRos
Vaga] (#138867)

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2024-01-30 03:09:14
omg, divine apps are at 2gb?
wtf. i never realized how bad the app market got

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[♰] Yharnam (#112370)

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2024-01-30 03:29:46
Yeah, almost every app in my hoard is almost worthless. i listed the ones that werent but its drops in the bucket. i have no idea how the app market will recover coz i think its mostly just oversaturation. and given that lions with the bases dont sell, well. no point buying cept for kings/personal projects/combos

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