Posted by Name My Heir! Win 1gb

𝒱.𝑀. (#486067)

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Posted on
2024-10-22 18:36:16

Hello! I’m looking for a name for my heir! Here are some preferences + references to follow! Suggestions do NOT have to follow my preferred theme/formatting for me to consider or even like them, they’re just a tad more likely to win is all :)
It will end on the 31st so get all suggestions in before RO that day!

A ‘title/title-like’ feel
Anything to do with Ash, Smoke, Smog, Mist, etc
Anything to do with Night, Evening, or ‘Witching Hour’
Anything to do with Rot, Decay, Death, etc
Something creative!
Something that genuinely suits them!
MUST be a max of 30 characters (spaces included :( )

Höfling der Untoten (Courtier of the Undead)

The name will likely be translated into German, but don’t worry about doing it yourself lol, just comment in English and I’ll mark down both translated and not :)

Considering [No Particular Order]

The Prize
Winner will be messaged, and if they’re comfortable with it, will be posted on the thread! If not, it will just be announced that the game is over :)


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Edited on 28/10/24 @ 08:20:14 by Makarov’s…I can’t say that 🙃 (#486067)

Premonition [He/It] (#459663)

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Posted on
2024-10-27 14:46:00
I'm not completely sure if we're allowed to enter twice, so feel free to ignore this if we aren't, but I have more names!
- vita decedere (the de at the beginning can also be changed to ex and have the same meaning, this is a Latin phrase that refers to someone's departure from life)
- amatrix mortis (more latin, means "one who loves death" technically the female version, but I feel like this one is cooler then the male one, which would be amator mortis)
- cupio dissolvi (these are mainly latin so far, because I am a history nerd lol- this one means I wish to be dissolved/destroyed)
- fiell (you could add like, a mister or a bringer of at the end/beginning of this? it's an old English word, it can get translated to modern English a few ways, which would be ruin; destruction; death; slaughter)
- asce (another old english word, translates as (burnt) ash dust (of the ground), could also add a bringer of or mister to this if you don't like it as just a name)
- Father death/decay
- of the otherside (Reference to the sorcerer dude from princess and the frog, mainly referencing his "friends on the otherside" who are assumed to be demons)
- Acheron
- Cocytus
- Phlegethon
- Styx
- lethe (the four main rivers in hades, lethe is also in hades but it isn't counted as one of the main ones, Acheron is the river of woe or misery, Cocytus is the river of lamentation or wailing, Phlegethon is the river of fire, Styx is the river of unbreakable oath, and the boundary between the living and the dead, lethe is the river of forgetfulness, is greek myth the ferryman brought the dead souls of those who had received burial rites across the Styx and Acheron)

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Ty:) (DM me the word
pie) (#492520)

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Posted on
2024-10-27 18:52:31
Demon king of smog and fire

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wish.i.were.heather (#465674)

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Posted on
2024-10-27 19:01:22
Idk lol i'm too tired

The Phantom of Cocytus

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𝒱.𝑀. (#486067)

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Posted on
2024-10-27 19:02:49
Hello everyone! As of now all entries posted after this message will be invalid!

My considering lists will be removed from the post, and the winner will be announced in a few minutes if they are okay with it! If not, it will just be announced that the game has officially ended!

Thanks to all participants, you all had great ideas and suggestions! ^^

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