I have 1000crbs and 100k sb to amp check! (As of 1/1/25)
Hello all! Iβm back for another round, last year I ended up doing 856 crbs in which resulted in no cool mutations, and I tracked it exactly how I will track this one, hereβs that forum :
I will label the litter count, male and female, possibly fertility and I will label every mutation Iβve gotten. But please note any βnormalβ mutation will be killed by me. The only time I will sell is to put profit back into the project. (Lions are strictly sold under fair prices only, if not killed.) Any mutations in bold below are mutations I will not kill and will sell/keep.
800/1000 CRBS DONE
Total list
(for people who donβt wanna look through it all)
UPDATED LAST:BATCH 6: excluding amps
β = Male β = Female
Total CRBS = 800
Total CRB-inflicted mutations = 123
Total king-inflicted mutations = 39
Total random rosettes = 5
Total cubs = 954
Total lioness bred - 700
Total Male cubs = 275
Total Female cubs = 826
Total 1 cub litters = 371
Total 2 cub litters = 262
Total 3 cub litters = 51
Total 4 cub litters = 14
Total very low fertility = 113
Total low fertility = 232
Total average fertility = 119
Total good fertility = 212
Total high fertility = 103
Total goddess fertility = 13
Achromia = 23 = (3β/19β)
Blind = 2 = (0β/2β)
Bobbed tail = 7 = (2β/5β)
Clawless = 1 = (1β/0β) Cleft Palate = 0 = (0β/0β) Conjoined cubs = 0 = (0β/0β) Cyclopia = 1 = (0β/1β) Dwarfism = 0 = (0β/0β) Deaf = 0 = (0β/0β) Eyeless = 1 = (0β/1β) Extra Limbs = 0 = (0β/0β)
Folded ears = 15 = (2β/13β) Harlequin Ichtyosis = 0 = (0β/0β) Lipomatosis = 0 = (0β/0β) Two heads = 0 = (0β/0β) Sirenomelia = 0 = (0β/0β)
Melanism = 4 = (1β/3β)
Maneless = 1 = (β)
Overgrown tongue = 0 = (0β/0β)
Overgrown teeth = 1 = (1β/0β)
Overgrown claws = 1 = (0β/1β)
Polycaudal = 4 = (1β/3β)
Tailless = 2 = (0β/2β)
Toothless = 1 = (1β/0β) First Generation Jaglion = 0 = (0β/0β) First Generation Leopon = 0 = (0β/0β) First Generation Tigon = 0 = (0β/0β) Double uterus = 0 = (β)
Mane feathery = 4 = (β)
Mane fluffy = 4 = (β)
Mane frizzy = 1 = (β)
Mane fuzzy = 3= (β)
Mane imperial = Cannot breed due to crested mane.
Mane noble = Cannot breed due to crested mane.
Mane Succubus = Cannot breed due to crested mane
Mane ruffled = 2 = (β)
Mane scruffy = 1 = (β)
Mane shaggy = 5 = (β)
Mane silky = 10 = (β)
Mane villous = 2 = (β)
Mane whiskered = 11 = (β)
Random rosettes: = 3 = (1β/2β) Total: 3
-ginger ros slot 1
- inverted soft ros saffron slot 10
- dark brown shaded ros slot 7
- onyx rosette slot 14
- seal shaded rosette
unlike last crb project I will not sell lower-tier mutations. I will track and kill these lions.
But, if you are interested in buying low-tier (or even high-tier) mutations from me (will all be g2) let me know as I can reserve you down and you will be the first person notified before the lion is put up on trade/killed for you to purchase. (funds directly to back into the project.)
If you wish to contribute/donate to the project please DM me. And we can work something out!
You are able to reserve (POSSIBLE) lions from this project. If I get the lion you are after I will send you a notification and name a price.
If two users reserve the same mutation both will be messaged at the same time. Then it will be to luck on who buys it first. Once a user has received a mut and they no longer want more they will be removed from this list.
1/1/25 - bred then crbed
4/1/25 - bred
7/1/25 - birthed
βββββββββββββ RESULTS: non-mutated king Total lioness bred: 100 Total Cub amount: 152
- Total female cubs: 119 Total male cubs: 33
- 1 cub litters: 56 2 cub litters: 38 3 cub litters: 4 4 cub litters: 2
- Goddess Fertility NCLS: 0 High Fertility NCLS: 12 Good Fertility NCLS 19 Average Fertility NCLS: 15 Low Fertility NCLS: 41 Very Low Fertility NCLS13
Trait ( crb number / Sex / mothers fert / litter size )
( VL = very low / L = low / A = average / G = good / H = high / GO = goddess )
- CRB related Mutations:
Achro ( 14 / M / L / 2 )
Mane fluffy ( 17 / F / VL / 1 )
Folded ears ( 21 / F / H / 1 )
Mane villious ( 24 / F / L / 1 )
Foldie ( 28 / F / A / 2 )
Mane silky ( 33 / F / VL / 2 )
Mane whiskered ( 34 / F / VL / 1 )
Blind ( 25 / F / G / 3 )
Mane villous ( 51 / F / VL / 2 )
Blind ( 51 / F / VL / 2 )
Melanism ( 67 / F / L / 2 )
Mane whiskered ( 71 / F / G / 2 )
Mane feathery ( 80 / F / L / 1 )
Mane shaggy ( 84 / F / L / 2 )
Achro ( 88 / F / A / 2 )
Achro ( 90 / F / A / 2 )
Mane whiskered ( 97 / F / VL / 2 )
Mane feathery ( 98 / F / H / 1 )
King related mutations
Primal ( 36 / F / L / 2 )
Primal fangs ( 75 / F / L / 2 )
Primal ( 82 / F / L / 2 )
Primal ( 91 / F / VL / 1 )
Primal ( 99 / F / L / 2 )
Random Rosettes: 2
Ginger rosette slot 1 ( 67 / F / L / 2 )
Inverted soft rosette saffron slot 10 ( 82 / F / L / 2 )
Dark brown shaded rosette slot 7 ( 88 / M / A / 2 )
Total cub count: 152
Total crb mutation count: 18
Total king mutation count: 5
Total random rosettes: 3
2/1/25 - bred then crbed
5/1/25 - bred
8/1/25 - birthed
βββββββββββββ RESULTS: non-mutated king Total lioness bred: 100 Total Cub amount: 155
- Total female cubs:115 Total male cubs: 40
- 1 cub litters: 56 2 cub litters: 35 3 cub litters: 7 4 cub litters: 2
- Goddess Fertility NCLS: 2 High Fertility NCLS: 14 Good Fertility NCLS:16 Average Fertility NCLS:23 Low Fertility NCLS:28 Very Low Fertility NCLS17
Trait ( crb number / Sex / mothers fert / litter size )
( VL = very low / L = low / A = average / G = good / H = high / GO = goddess )
- CRB related Mutations:
Foldie ( 110 / F / VL / 4 )
Bobbed tail ( 121 / F / H / 1 )
Foldie ( 128 / F / L / 1 )
Bobbed tail ( 130 / F / VL / 2 )
Foldie ( 133 / F / VL / 2 )
Mane feathery ( 137 / F / L / 3 )
Mane whiskered ( 139 / F / G / 1 )
Achromia ( 144 / F / VL / 2 )
Foldie ( 147 / M / L / 1 )
Mane whiskered ( 150 / F / A / 1 )
Overgrown claws ( 160 / F / L / 3 )
Achromia (164 / F / G / 2 )
Mane silky ( 177 / F / L / 2 )
Foldie ( 192 / F / A / 2 )
King related Traits
Primal ( 114 / M / G / 1 )
Felis ( 116 / M / L / 1 )
Primal ( 131 / M / A / 3 )
Primal fangs ( 145 / F / VL / 1 )
Primal ( 153 / M / L / 1 )
Random Rosettes:
Total cub count: 155
Total crb mutation count: 14
Total king mutation count: 5
Total random rosettes: 0
7/1/25 bred then crbed
10/1/25 - bred
13/1/25 - birthed
βββββββββββββ RESULTS: non-mutated king Total lioness bred: 100 Total Cub amount: 169
- Total female cubs:121 Total male cubs: 48
- 1 cub litters: 44 2 cub litters: 45 3 cub litters: 9 4 cub litters: 2
- Goddess Fertility NCLS: 3 High Fertility NCLS: 12 Good Fertility NCLS: 11 Average Fertility NCLS: 14 Low Fertility NCLS: 23 Very Low Fertility NCLS 7
Trait ( crb number / Sex / mothers fert / litter size )
( VL = very low / L = low / A = average / G = good / H = high / GO = goddess )
- CRB related Mutations:
Mane frizzy ( 209 / F / VL / 2 )
Mane fuzzy ( 218 / F / A / 2 )
Amp ( 222 / F / G / 2 )
Mane whiskered ( 223 / F / A / 1 )
Mane silky ( 224 / F / H / 3 )
Amp ( 226 / M / L / 1 )
Mane fuzzy ( 238 / F / H / 2 )
Mane ruffled ( 240 / F / H / 2 )
Amp ( 244 / F / A / 2 )
Mane silky ( 258 / F / L / 2 )
Achro ( 259/ M / A / 3 )
Toothless ( 260 / M / H / 2 )
Mane whiskered ( 273 / F / G / 1 )
Mane fuzzy ( 282 / F / L / 2 )
Bobbed tail (285 / F / L / 2 )
Maneless ( 294 / M / VL / 1 )
Mane fluffy ( 295 / F / L / 2 )
Mane silky ( 296 / F / L / 2 )
King related Traits
Primal fang ( 205 / M / G / 1 )
Primal ( 207 / M / VL / 2 )
Primal ( 215 / F / A / 2 )
Primal ( 235 / M / A / 2 )
Primal fangs ( 268 / F / VL / 2 )
Primal ( 270 / F / L / 1 )
Primal (272 / F / L / 1 )
Primal fangs ( 279 / M / A / 3 )
Primal ( 300 / F / H / 2 )
Random Rosettes:
Total cub count: 169
Total crb mutation count: 18
Total king mutation count: 9
8/1/25 - bred then crbed
11/1/25 - bred
14/1/25 - birthed
βββββββββββββ RESULTS: primal ennedi king Total lioness bred: 100 Total Cub amount: 155
- Total female cubs: 131 Total male cubs: 34
- 1 cub litters: 56 2 cub litters: 35 3 cub litters: 7 4 cub litters: 2:
- Goddess Fertility NCLS: 2 High Fertility NCLS: 13 Good Fertility NCLS: 16 Average Fertility NCLS: 19 Low Fertility NCLS: 28 Very Low Fertility NCLS 11
Trait ( crb number / Sex / mothers fert / litter size )
( VL = very low / L = low / A = average / G = good / H = high / GO = goddess )
- CRB related Mutations:
Achromia ( 304 / M / H / 2 )
Amp ( 309 / F / G / 1 ) - will forever be a mystery. (I let it die)
Bobbed tail ( 313 / M / A / 2 )
Mane whiskered ( 315 / F / A / 2 )
Mane shaggy ( 317 / F / H / 2 )
Achromia ( 324 / F / H / 2 )
Polycaudal ( 327 / F / H / 1 )
Mane feathery ( 336 / F / G / 2 )
Achro ( 343 / F / G / 2 )
Melanism (347 / M / L / 1 )
Folded ears ( 355 / F / G / 1 )
Tailless ( 558 / F / L / 1 )
Mane silky ( 362 / F / L / 2 )
Polycaudal ( 365 / F / G / 3 )
Mane silky ( 365 / F / G / 3 )
Mane fluffy ( 368 / F / L / 2 )
Clawless ( 384 / M / H / 1 )
Achromia ( 385 / F / H / 1 )
Mane whiskered ( 388 / F / A / 2 )
Mane shaggy ( 389 / F / L / 2 )
Foldie ( 389 / F / L / 2 )
Amp ( 390 / F / G / 1 )
Mane whiskered ( 393 / F / H / 2 )
King related Traits
Primal fang (302 / M / L / 1 )
Primal ( 333 / F / L / 1 )
Primal ( 352 / F / L / 1 )
Primal ( 394 / F / G / 2 )
Random Rosettes:
Ember bases:
Total cub count: 155
Total crb mutation count: 23
Total king trait count:4
Was this cute little mobola foldie who I will be keeping
This was a batch of 100 crbs. Resulting in..
152 Cubs
23 Mutations
3 Other Noteable cubs
3 random ros
This batch was a.. ( Fail )
The only lions im putting up for trade here is the primals, as they are selling fairly due to the ennedi. All other lions will be killed or will be given away to the users who sent me crbs during December. I will wait for amps to age before deciding what to do with them.
Hello All! Time for an update. For the last like 6 batches
Was a lethal! Our second ever.
Iβve done 600 crbs so far in jan! Best being a lethal. If you are interested in purchasing any fails (foldies, bobs, Achro etc) please message me!
The only lions im putting up for trade here is the primals, as they are selling fairly due to the ennedi. All other lions will be killed or will be given away to the users who sent me crbs during December. I will wait for amps to age before deciding what to do with them.
Thank you for following along! I still have 400 crbs to do and will likey try and do more after / during feb !