I have 1000crbs and 100k sb to amp check! (As of 1/1/25)
Hello all! Iβm back for another round, last year I ended up doing 856 crbs in which resulted in no cool mutations, and I tracked it exactly how I will track this one, hereβs that forum :
I will label the litter count, male and female, possibly fertility and I will label every mutation Iβve gotten. But please note any βnormalβ mutation will be killed by me. The only time I will sell is to put profit back into the project. (Lions are strictly sold under fair prices only, if not killed.) Any mutations in bold below are mutations I will not kill and will sell/keep.
800/1000 CRBS DONE
Total list
(for people who donβt wanna look through it all)
UPDATED LAST:BATCH 6: excluding amps
β = Male β = Female
Total CRBS = 800
Total CRB-inflicted mutations = 123
Total king-inflicted mutations = 39
Total random rosettes = 5
Total cubs = 954
Total lioness bred - 700
Total Male cubs = 275
Total Female cubs = 826
Total 1 cub litters = 371
Total 2 cub litters = 262
Total 3 cub litters = 51
Total 4 cub litters = 14
Total very low fertility = 113
Total low fertility = 232
Total average fertility = 119
Total good fertility = 212
Total high fertility = 103
Total goddess fertility = 13
Achromia = 23 = (3β/19β)
Blind = 2 = (0β/2β)
Bobbed tail = 7 = (2β/5β)
Clawless = 1 = (1β/0β) Cleft Palate = 0 = (0β/0β) Conjoined cubs = 0 = (0β/0β) Cyclopia = 1 = (0β/1β) Dwarfism = 0 = (0β/0β) Deaf = 0 = (0β/0β) Eyeless = 1 = (0β/1β) Extra Limbs = 0 = (0β/0β)
Folded ears = 15 = (2β/13β) Harlequin Ichtyosis = 0 = (0β/0β) Lipomatosis = 0 = (0β/0β) Two heads = 0 = (0β/0β) Sirenomelia = 0 = (0β/0β)
Melanism = 4 = (1β/3β)
Maneless = 1 = (β)
Overgrown tongue = 0 = (0β/0β)
Overgrown teeth = 1 = (1β/0β)
Overgrown claws = 1 = (0β/1β)
Polycaudal = 4 = (1β/3β)
Tailless = 2 = (0β/2β)
Toothless = 1 = (1β/0β) First Generation Jaglion = 0 = (0β/0β) First Generation Leopon = 0 = (0β/0β) First Generation Tigon = 0 = (0β/0β) Double uterus = 0 = (β)
Mane feathery = 4 = (β)
Mane fluffy = 4 = (β)
Mane frizzy = 1 = (β)
Mane fuzzy = 3= (β)
Mane imperial = Cannot breed due to crested mane.
Mane noble = Cannot breed due to crested mane.
Mane Succubus = Cannot breed due to crested mane
Mane ruffled = 2 = (β)
Mane scruffy = 1 = (β)
Mane shaggy = 5 = (β)
Mane silky = 10 = (β)
Mane villous = 2 = (β)
Mane whiskered = 11 = (β)
Random rosettes: = 3 = (1β/2β) Total: 3
-ginger ros slot 1
- inverted soft ros saffron slot 10
- dark brown shaded ros slot 7
- onyx rosette slot 14
- seal shaded rosette
unlike last crb project I will not sell lower-tier mutations. I will track and kill these lions.
But, if you are interested in buying low-tier (or even high-tier) mutations from me (will all be g2) let me know as I can reserve you down and you will be the first person notified before the lion is put up on trade/killed for you to purchase. (funds directly to back into the project.)
If you wish to contribute/donate to the project please DM me. And we can work something out!
You are able to reserve (POSSIBLE) lions from this project. If I get the lion you are after I will send you a notification and name a price.
If two users reserve the same mutation both will be messaged at the same time. Then it will be to luck on who buys it first. Once a user has received a mut and they no longer want more they will be removed from this list.
1/1/25 - bred then crbed
4/1/25 - bred
7/1/25 - birthed
βββββββββββββ RESULTS: non-mutated king Total lioness bred: 100 Total Cub amount: 152
- Total female cubs: 119 Total male cubs: 33
- 1 cub litters: 56 2 cub litters: 38 3 cub litters: 4 4 cub litters: 2
- Goddess Fertility NCLS: 0 High Fertility NCLS: 12 Good Fertility NCLS 19 Average Fertility NCLS: 15 Low Fertility NCLS: 41 Very Low Fertility NCLS13
Trait ( crb number / Sex / mothers fert / litter size )
( VL = very low / L = low / A = average / G = good / H = high / GO = goddess )
- CRB related Mutations:
Achro ( 14 / M / L / 2 )
Mane fluffy ( 17 / F / VL / 1 )
Folded ears ( 21 / F / H / 1 )
Mane villious ( 24 / F / L / 1 )
Foldie ( 28 / F / A / 2 )
Mane silky ( 33 / F / VL / 2 )
Mane whiskered ( 34 / F / VL / 1 )
Blind ( 25 / F / G / 3 )
Mane villous ( 51 / F / VL / 2 )
Blind ( 51 / F / VL / 2 )
Melanism ( 67 / F / L / 2 )
Mane whiskered ( 71 / F / G / 2 )
Mane feathery ( 80 / F / L / 1 )
Mane shaggy ( 84 / F / L / 2 )
Achro ( 88 / F / A / 2 )
Achro ( 90 / F / A / 2 )
Mane whiskered ( 97 / F / VL / 2 )
Mane feathery ( 98 / F / H / 1 )
King related mutations
Primal ( 36 / F / L / 2 )
Primal fangs ( 75 / F / L / 2 )
Primal ( 82 / F / L / 2 )
Primal ( 91 / F / VL / 1 )
Primal ( 99 / F / L / 2 )
Random Rosettes: 2
Ginger rosette slot 1 ( 67 / F / L / 2 )
Inverted soft rosette saffron slot 10 ( 82 / F / L / 2 )
Dark brown shaded rosette slot 7 ( 88 / M / A / 2 )
Total cub count: 152
Total crb mutation count: 18
Total king mutation count: 5
Total random rosettes: 3
2/1/25 - bred then crbed
5/1/25 - bred
8/1/25 - birthed
βββββββββββββ RESULTS: non-mutated king Total lioness bred: 100 Total Cub amount: 155
- Total female cubs:115 Total male cubs: 40
- 1 cub litters: 56 2 cub litters: 35 3 cub litters: 7 4 cub litters: 2
- Goddess Fertility NCLS: 2 High Fertility NCLS: 14 Good Fertility NCLS:16 Average Fertility NCLS:23 Low Fertility NCLS:28 Very Low Fertility NCLS17
Trait ( crb number / Sex / mothers fert / litter size )
( VL = very low / L = low / A = average / G = good / H = high / GO = goddess )
- CRB related Mutations:
Foldie ( 110 / F / VL / 4 )
Bobbed tail ( 121 / F / H / 1 )
Foldie ( 128 / F / L / 1 )
Bobbed tail ( 130 / F / VL / 2 )
Foldie ( 133 / F / VL / 2 )
Mane feathery ( 137 / F / L / 3 )
Mane whiskered ( 139 / F / G / 1 )
Achromia ( 144 / F / VL / 2 )
Foldie ( 147 / M / L / 1 )
Mane whiskered ( 150 / F / A / 1 )
Overgrown claws ( 160 / F / L / 3 )
Achromia (164 / F / G / 2 )
Mane silky ( 177 / F / L / 2 )
Foldie ( 192 / F / A / 2 )
King related Traits
Primal ( 114 / M / G / 1 )
Felis ( 116 / M / L / 1 )
Primal ( 131 / M / A / 3 )
Primal fangs ( 145 / F / VL / 1 )
Primal ( 153 / M / L / 1 )
Random Rosettes:
Total cub count: 155
Total crb mutation count: 14
Total king mutation count: 5
Total random rosettes: 0
7/1/25 bred then crbed
10/1/25 - bred
13/1/25 - birthed
βββββββββββββ RESULTS: non-mutated king Total lioness bred: 100 Total Cub amount: 169
- Total female cubs:121 Total male cubs: 48
- 1 cub litters: 44 2 cub litters: 45 3 cub litters: 9 4 cub litters: 2
- Goddess Fertility NCLS: 3 High Fertility NCLS: 12 Good Fertility NCLS: 11 Average Fertility NCLS: 14 Low Fertility NCLS: 23 Very Low Fertility NCLS 7
Trait ( crb number / Sex / mothers fert / litter size )
( VL = very low / L = low / A = average / G = good / H = high / GO = goddess )
- CRB related Mutations:
Mane frizzy ( 209 / F / VL / 2 )
Mane fuzzy ( 218 / F / A / 2 )
Amp ( 222 / F / G / 2 )
Mane whiskered ( 223 / F / A / 1 )
Mane silky ( 224 / F / H / 3 )
Amp ( 226 / M / L / 1 )
Mane fuzzy ( 238 / F / H / 2 )
Mane ruffled ( 240 / F / H / 2 )
Amp ( 244 / F / A / 2 )
Mane silky ( 258 / F / L / 2 )
Achro ( 259/ M / A / 3 )
Toothless ( 260 / M / H / 2 )
Mane whiskered ( 273 / F / G / 1 )
Mane fuzzy ( 282 / F / L / 2 )
Bobbed tail (285 / F / L / 2 )
Maneless ( 294 / M / VL / 1 )
Mane fluffy ( 295 / F / L / 2 )
Mane silky ( 296 / F / L / 2 )
King related Traits
Primal fang ( 205 / M / G / 1 )
Primal ( 207 / M / VL / 2 )
Primal ( 215 / F / A / 2 )
Primal ( 235 / M / A / 2 )
Primal fangs ( 268 / F / VL / 2 )
Primal ( 270 / F / L / 1 )
Primal (272 / F / L / 1 )
Primal fangs ( 279 / M / A / 3 )
Primal ( 300 / F / H / 2 )
Random Rosettes:
Total cub count: 169
Total crb mutation count: 18
Total king mutation count: 9
8/1/25 - bred then crbed
11/1/25 - bred
14/1/25 - birthed
βββββββββββββ RESULTS: primal ennedi king Total lioness bred: 100 Total Cub amount: 155
- Total female cubs: 131 Total male cubs: 34
- 1 cub litters: 56 2 cub litters: 35 3 cub litters: 7 4 cub litters: 2:
- Goddess Fertility NCLS: 2 High Fertility NCLS: 13 Good Fertility NCLS: 16 Average Fertility NCLS: 19 Low Fertility NCLS: 28 Very Low Fertility NCLS 11
Trait ( crb number / Sex / mothers fert / litter size )
( VL = very low / L = low / A = average / G = good / H = high / GO = goddess )
- CRB related Mutations:
Achromia ( 304 / M / H / 2 )
Amp ( 309 / F / G / 1 ) - will forever be a mystery. (I let it die)
Bobbed tail ( 313 / M / A / 2 )
Mane whiskered ( 315 / F / A / 2 )
Mane shaggy ( 317 / F / H / 2 )
Achromia ( 324 / F / H / 2 )
Polycaudal ( 327 / F / H / 1 )
Mane feathery ( 336 / F / G / 2 )
Achro ( 343 / F / G / 2 )
Melanism (347 / M / L / 1 )
Folded ears ( 355 / F / G / 1 )
Tailless ( 558 / F / L / 1 )
Mane silky ( 362 / F / L / 2 )
Polycaudal ( 365 / F / G / 3 )
Mane silky ( 365 / F / G / 3 )
Mane fluffy ( 368 / F / L / 2 )
Clawless ( 384 / M / H / 1 )
Achromia ( 385 / F / H / 1 )
Mane whiskered ( 388 / F / A / 2 )
Mane shaggy ( 389 / F / L / 2 )
Foldie ( 389 / F / L / 2 )
Amp ( 390 / F / G / 1 )
Mane whiskered ( 393 / F / H / 2 )
King related Traits
Primal fang (302 / M / L / 1 )
Primal ( 333 / F / L / 1 )
Primal ( 352 / F / L / 1 )
Primal ( 394 / F / G / 2 )
Random Rosettes:
Ember bases:
Total cub count: 155
Total crb mutation count: 23
Total king trait count:4
CRBs were SO disappointing Iβve decided not to even track them (200) I may continue CRBs but I wonβt be using this thread. Thank you everyone for following along!